hey guys red pen whing here hope you're doing well having a really great day I got probably a very long video here it's just going to be like the state of alium mining so I'm going to go through talking about just the DraStic climb in the network hash rate for leum over the past month as well as going through my yields now on the gold shell Al box the first you know alifia minor out from gold shell about five months ago so now this thing is you know yielding about 1.2 alium a day something like that and as well as you know the profitability before with this Al box was about uh when I first started mining with this thing around April 15th is about $107 a day okay so it was drastically dropping you know as we went on a couple weeks to $51 a day and then it slowly kept decreasing or declining here and now here we are about $2 48 a day on this Al box okay gold shell Al box which back then this thing when I first received it I I did do a video on this thing uh back back in April 18th and this thing was priced at $1,799 on crypto Miner Bros and I think well gold shell was selling them for about uh 10 or 11,000 on their website as well on their you know gold shell shop website which now they don't even sell those anymore because they've come out with different iterations of these miners which I do want to go through in terms of you know they're just the same efficiency basically but we've got some new players in the game that have come out with alfian Miners and uh you know gold shell again has newer miners here I want to go through against ice River and of course the big dog bit M okay so talk about a lot of things I'm going to go through pricing of you know alium and I did kind of to compare against kadana I was just looking at the chart and like it looks pretty interesting and I don't know if it's going to be the same but I thought it we bring this up uh later on in this video so hopefully you guys enjoy thank you to today's video sponsor crypto Miner Bros if you guys are looking for any types of Asic miners or maybe even an al0 they have them on their website for $849 if you use coupon code red panda you get $70 off so all in pricing including the PSU is $779 okay so anyways thank you Captain Miner Bros let's begin my friends okay so alifia mining the first Asic to come about for leum was back in beginning of April I guess for when gold shell announced the AL box but since then there has been a lot of newer uh alifia miners that have been announced and been coming out like the gold shell Al Box 2 albox 2 plus uh albox 2 Pro even and uh yeah there's the let's see gold shell al1 M now uh which does about 3 Tash which is on LPM and then they have the normal mode at 4.4 terahash and then 1,00 Watts here versus 1100 Watts okay but the efficiency of this thing 0.36 so it's still not as good as the ice server al0 okay the ice server Al Z is still the better buy because of the efficiency and as well as the dollar per gigahash let's just see here okay so looking at the pricing of this thing it's actually you know if you use my coupon code which you know you don't have to but it's about A1 uh 95 per gigahash so the lower the number the faster your Roi is essentially but depends on your electrical cost so you can see here the efficiency of the gold shell is just it's not as good as the AL Z okay so looks like the gold is better dollar per gigahash but equating the efficiency here here I still think the ice rer is going to be a better value long term just because of the efficiency okay so looking at here uh you can generally see the efficiency of these units so gold shell is basically lagging behind here in terms of all these uh their models that they've been coming out over the past 5 months I mean albox albox 2 albox 2 plus there's really no difference in efficiency and yeah and then their their new one here the echo al1 M it's it's a tad more efficient a little bit more but again not as efficient as the AL Zer or of course the big dog bit main al1 Pro but let's be real who has $330,000 to spend on this minor so with that okay with all those announcements and I totally forgot to talk about Dragon Ball uh dragon ball did announce their A40 but I think this is a wash I wouldn't even bother looking at this one for uh buying a leafia minor okay I wouldn't even wouldn't even look at it I wouldn't even try all right don't even bother buying this it's probably not worth it and I don't have a crystal ball I don't know if leum is going to go up I don't know if it's going to be profitable in the future that's the thing you know there's not the aggressive emission schedule like Caden but the tokenomics for alium is kind of iffy H there's a lot of there's a lot of risks involved but anyways besides the point aliums Network hash rate has been climbing drastically so it's about 10.62 pah hash now and just over the past like let's say 11 days all right from September 1st up until uh September 11th as of recording the hash rate for alium has climbed almost another five petahash so I'm going to equate that to probably the release of the bitmain al1 all right which does 15.6 Tash or 16.6 terahash these are quite Heavy Hitters on the market and so we were predicting at about maybe you know a couple hundred of these were manufactured and shipped out to people who decided to pay this amount and so right now the profitability of these a1s and al1 Pros is over $100 a day but like just you know just to compare maybe a couple days ago you know uh or even a week ago you know the al2 was making over $200 a day okay so I mean even when this thing was I know being shipped out by the end of August okay it was realistically like $200 a day but even when it was announced right when this thing was announced September uh no I think this announced it was released 2024 but it was announced like you know further back in like uh I think July you know this thing at one point was making like $1,100 a day you know but obviously no one had one and so the shipment date of these were end of August uh so pretty much now September so that's why the profitability you can see has tanked all the way down to about $130 a day now on this thing but attributing to that is aum's uh price which has generally been going down okay um did have a little bit of uh price action up but whether or not that's uh going to sustain I don't know okay but anyways showing you now my Al box okay the gold shell Al box which I got back in uh April 15th or April 14th is when I got April 15th is when I uh started mining with it you know this thing at the time when I started mining it was worth yeah this thing was like a $12,000 Asic minor right and just attributing to that is because the profitability of the gold shell Al box at that time okay was over uh $100 a day okay April 15th is when I started mining with it and it was it was literally earning over1 $107 a day okay happened it maybe it only was only good for like a good like 5 days 6 days it was over $100 and then April 22nd came down the profitability started going down because uh gold shell also shipped out a bunch of their Al boxes okay and yeah it's just the rest is history I mean you can see the price the the profitability has been dwindling because more and more of these machines have been you know selling you know to whoever is buying these and the the $99,000 batch so a $6,000 batch you know albox 2 Al Box 2 plus now um I actually just got in one of these albox 2 plus I'll have a video about that but you know it's it's been kind of tiring uh just looking at what gold shell has been releasing and it's just it's just not efficient okay the these are not good miners compared to ice River ice River has been beating gold shell in terms of efficiency right out the gate and of course bitmain I mean like no one's beating bitm even when even when it comes against like Caspa you know Caspa the bitm miners are always the best you know Bitcoin miners they're always the best Litecoin miners they're always the everything you know I'm expecting for radiant you know bitmain's going to come out with a radiant minor like it's probably going to come out so just yeah all these gold shell miners this Al box has it paid itself back well ever since April 15th okay and I'm going to show you here uh when I started mining with this thing April 15th right here when I started mining with this thing yeah like I said it was making earning about almost yeah a lot like 10 to 15 alium a day it's now earning you know less than two alium a day okay so but if I I'm been doing the whole Mining and huddle method okay so I'm now holding about 1609 alium since I've started this thing so how much is that worth okay well let's put it in the calculator okay I got 69.8 alium right now that's worth $ 2656 okay 2656 USD have I gotten its initial investment of $112,000 back yet hell no hell no after 5 months no after doing the whole Mining and Har method ever since these came out you know April 15th and of course the The Entity also came out I think at the 24th and you know that minor was earning like that that single entity was I think it was Dragon Ball uh dragon ball was mining like $50,000 a day in a leum or something crazy so whether or not they were the reason for this downward cell pressure here I don't know but it's looking now that the network hash rate for leum is is quite high so Dragon Ball's now in the game as well as gold shell ice River and bitm okay so these are really all the efficient models for mining I forgot the a11 does dual mining as well but not worth it not definitely not worth it not efficient okay so just now I wanted to compare real quick the aliums price versus kadana it kind of looks similar to me okay in a way as I'm just looking here to see if there is some type of resemblance in terms of aum's price Caden's price so alium had a pretty pretty high multiplier um I'm going to say this is a good 15 20x okay from like 18 cents to $380 this is like a like a 20x is um raise in price here kadana um kadana had about roughly a 20 X2 I'd say from like a do or 80 to you know to 238 $20 or something like that I'm going to say that's a good 20x or something too right so is I'm not saying I'm just I'm just correlating here this is I'm not saying saying this is true or not but just in theory like looking at the charts here is kadana now you know looking or this the leum chart look going to be looking like kadana here shortly you know it's been the price has been going down and down and down you know is is aium going to have this dip here you know there's a bit a few different pumps here uh but is this going to be like the final the final candle green candle here and then we're just going to you know are we going to go down I don't know it just kind of looks similar to me ever since you know as6 started coming off for Caden it's just been massive cell pressure so that's one thing I'm just I'm just worried about regarding Alum with the hash rate climbing so so high is there going to be um cell pressure and is it going to be able to sustain with all of these miners on the network that are up up and coming or maybe are we on the precipice of the bull run I I don't know I don't have a crystal ball but this is all things these are all risks that uh if you are going to buy one of these things you should understand and realize the risks involved okay gold shell like I said I think gold shell is just they just don't fit the Mark here they're they're just underperforming and also their pricing sucks these things are just too expensive and they shouldn't be uh this price that it is now okay so one final thing I wanted to touch on is just the the technicals I was looking at the trading view on alium and like Caden for instance alium according I'm not saying this is this is right or not but trading view all the oscillators uh the moving averages show that alium is a strong cell the moving averages show that alium is a is a strong cell so that is kind of concerning if that is going to go in the way of kadana here uh if the if the kad's price is going to just drop down here so that's a that's a bit concerning I guess in the short term but the long-term Vision like for me I've explained this before like if you believe in crypto in the long term that's why um I think you know correlating to my bag that I've mined here with this gold shell Al box you know how much more does alium have to pump in order for me to get my initial investment the in theory a theoretical investment of $122,000 back on the first gen uh first batch Al box okay so if I have about you know 2600 bucks worth of aium right now how much more does alium have to pump probably I'm guessing a good five or 6X you know the market cap you know has to go at least a billion dollars I'm going to say until I can actually realize that $112,000 break even price which is insanity and I really I I don't have a my gut feeling on people who bought the al1 and the al1 pro you know sure it's making like aund and something right now $1 you know $30 a day right now but man just you know like I like I showed you here you know at one point this thing was making like $1,100 right it's just been dwindling down and down and down and so will the will the Saving Grace be uh for people that invested in the al1 pros or L hell even any gold shell or any uh alifia Miner are they going to get their initial investment back are they going to break even on this in a span of a year maybe 2 years when is alium going to have price appreciation right so these are all things that I am obviously keeping track of okay I haven't been I haven't sold any alium I'm still mining it uh to the singular address here you guys can all look this up if you want it's all publicly available I'm yeah so it this is going to be quite interesting okay so anyways yeah that's really I just that's really all I wanted to talk about regarding um I guess the state of Alia mining it's been interesting to say the least I'm just I'm kind of getting tired of it and I know you guys are as well and this is this is something where yeah I I probably don't even need to make videos on this you guys already know what's happening you can compare all this but I mean if for those that if this has helped you in any way let me know down below if not if I'm wasting my time making these videos on this kind of stuff I I won't do it anymore just let me know down below I I feel like I kind of feel like it's a I'm a broken record at this point and you know every week there's always a new model and ISC Miner comes out and uh Things fall through the cracks and uh you know people don't know certain models that come out the efficiencies the price of them you know all these things do matter um especially in this you know very crazy uh crypto mining world that we in we are in so um it's it's yeah I hope everyone's you know Horizon time Horizon here their long-term grow goal is longterm right everything that we look at you know talking about with crypto mining it's a long-term game it's not a get-rich quick scheme so just be mindful of you know if you're getting into this now just understand that it's a risk there's a lot of risks involved uh please do your own research when you're getting into you know all this type of stuff but anyways my friends that's I think that's all I wanted to talk about let me know your thoughts regarding alifia mining now and I'll see you all in the next video have a good one peace out peace out
The State of Alephium Mining September 2024