This Could Send Crypto Soaring To New All Time Highs! This Token Could Make Millionaires!

Now the cryptocurrency world may be Pulling back a little bit over the last Couple of days but a lot of Traders and A lot of analysts are expecting a very Nice bounce coming up soon and we have Guys there's there's really nothing but Bullish news on the horizon right now Which means that this dip could be an Amazing dip buying opportunity I'm Talking meme coins altcoins Bitcoin Itself could move up nicely higher over The coming days weeks and months we're Going to talk a little bit of why about In this video we're also going to go Over the play Doge pre-sale because Despite the market pullback these guys Have already raised $4.8 Million if this was any other month that We've seen recently uh play do would Probably be well above a $10 million Raise at this point but because of Course the Market's been pulling back uh Sales have been slowing down a little Bit as well therefore things could Explode on a market rebound let's Discuss it if it sounds like something You're interested in let's get started What's up everybody I'm clay bro and as You can see we get playd Doge on the Screen now at any time during this video You find yourself interested in buying Please use that link down in the Description below pull up the correct Website and we'll go all over playd Doge

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In a second here but I want to focus on The news for a minute let's take a look At this says Donald Trump promises to End Joe Biden's war on crypto now you I'm going to skip a little bit of this Article but it says Biden stated in his EO that we must support technological Advances and promote responsible Development and use of digital assets And further he outlined six key Priorities okay sounds so far so good Consumer and investor protection Promoting Financial stability countering Elicit Finance us leadership and the Global Financial system and economic Competitiveness Financial inclusion and Responsible Innovation now just like this says says Although the EO is vague his regulatory Proposals show what he means by Responsible development and use the Biden Administration advocated a third 30% tax on cryptocurrency mining guys That's not a 30% tax on money made that Was a 30% tax on energy consumption even If they used clean Energy it's a it's a it's a fee it's a It's a prohibitive tax it's a punishment For mining Cryptocurrency they are charging you not Only for the energy consumption but an Additional 30% tax if of course that Energy is used to mine Bitcoin or any Other cryptocurrency for that matter so

This article does do a very good job of Making that well known these regulations However highlight a stark contrast Between the current Administration and Trump's vision for crypto Trump accused Biden of wanting to see the crypto Industry die a slow and painful death With such stringent regulation much of The cryptocurrency industry believes That Biden's interventions will push Crypto overseas and stifle America's Role in financial Innovation Trump However pledges to foster a digital Asset Revolution and protect it against Anti- crypto figures he promised he's Going to keep Elizabeth Elizabeth Warner Goons away from your Bitcoin and and There truly is like look at the actions And not the words and the actions right Now speak louder than any words ever Will so we could be on the verge of a Major of the largest bull market rally That the crypto space has ever seen Depending on how the elections go later This year now I'll let you guys Determine that however you want to Determine that whatever but we need to Take a look at playd do real quick Because this one could be launching at The time that a bull market Peak or a Bull market I guess explosion is Occurring and therefore playd Doge could Be incredible in the months ahead so if You're interested in buying You're

Simply going to click on connect wallet And then from there determine how much You want to buy if you want to grab five Ethereum worth you're walking away with 3.4 million playd Doge you could also Buy with usdt and BNB now BNB is Interesting you're going to be for 10 BNB you're going to be walking away with 1.1 million playd Doge but you're also Going to be able to stake and right now Staking rewards are at 80% annualized Interest guys you're not going to have To worry about the the launch day Volatility now I have bought into play Doge I'm not staking my my play Doge I'm A little bit more interested in being Liquid but if you guys are interested in The 80% returns you absolutely have Those by locking up and staking your Play Doge uh at least seven days after The claim right so if you click here uh They could be withdrawn seven days after Token claiming goes live so please be Aware of that but they're building a Tamagachi style appp guys this is a lot Of people are really going to like this App when it hits It's a tamagachi Style App where you can feed entertain train And ensure your Doge gets enough sleep You're going to D dive into the 8 bit Sid scrolling adventures and relive The '90s Nostalgia and earn crypto along the Way way guys on top of the '90s uh on Top of the tamagachi Style app they've

Got these little these mini games here Where you've got the left to right Scroll games you've got the arcade the Retro arcade style games like uh Space Invaders here and all of this stuff is Going to be launched in the fourth phase Of their road map so it's not going to Be available on the launch day it's Something to look forward to as they Develop it out and finally get it Launched there if you want to break down To the tokenomics it is as follows 9.4 Billion total tokens 50% going to the Pre-sale 62% to community rewards 11 and A2 to liquidity 10 to marketing 10 to Project funds and 12% to those 80% Staking rewards if you're still unsure How to buy scroll through their tutorial Down here it is very easy uh but if you Want it written out you could follow Those step by steps but right here pay Attention to this okay get all of your Questions answered right but this one I See most often when can you claim you're Going to be able to claim once the Pre-sale concludes we'll talk about that In a second here all buyers are going to Be able to claim their play tokens using The same wallet that they contributed With token claiming is going to take Place on the BNB blockchain there are 40 Stages to this pre-sale they've already Gone through roughly 10 of them which Means that we are a quarter of the way

Done a quarter of the way done and They've already raised $4.8 million the Price is going to increase in 19 hours And therefore another stage is completed Or of course the price could increase If They raise another $5 $1,000 to hit this Threshold right here guys I I truly Believe that if this was a month or two Ago or if the market picks back up the Sales are going to pick back up this Token should be selling way more than it Is but the overall market conditions Have stifled growth not just in Pre-sales but all cryptocurrencies for That matter and once people begin to buy Back in once the market goes back from The neutral territory back to the greedy Territory this is really going to ramp Up so you're going to be here for every Single price increase along the way and Once it launches you're going to be able To take advantage of what hopefully Turns into massive gains in play Doge I Am invested in it I want to know down in The comments below if you guys are Invested in it I'm looking forward to Everything that this bull market has to Bring and until the next time hope to Each and every one of you have an Awesome day

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