Here are the top three mem coin products To buy now that has 50x to upwards of 100x potential especially with the Crypto Market looking a bit shaky right Now now is your time to load up on Opportunities just like this welcome Back to the 99b YouTube channel I am Your host Umar Khan and today we're Taking a deep dive on three pre-sale Gems that have crazy upside potential And doing some massive things in the Space uh before we start we're seeing The crypto Market is a bit shaky 37 in Terms of fear and green index however a Swift recovery is looking like it's Inbound we're seeing a little bit of Green across the boards overall Market Is up 2.25% today so anticipating to buy Some meme coins that are going to make Us some solid gains and ride us through This wave in July here are my top three Project I'm looking at the first one to Kick off this list is wiener AI it is Part dog part sausage part AI trading Bot in 14 hours are going to have their Next price hike and here's the kicker Guys they've already raised four $7.2 Million on the pre-sale loan and the Project hasn't even launched yet when This project gets close to lunch I Anticipate they're going to raise Anywhere from10 to $15 million in the Pre-sale load so if you want to buy now The Absol lowest price now is your time

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To strike I bought to wiener AI I think It's a solid project I got him pretty Early and I think there's still Opportunity for you to buy in as well as Well you buy with eat usct card BMB uh This is a solid project we can see They're doing solid on X they've been Mentioned and featur on ton of different Articles and respectable places but what Is Wier AI despite hilarious ex sausy Exterior wiener AI is a pinnacle of AI Trading technology with girthy Predictive features Winer AI is a Trader's best friend has AI enhanced Trading seamless sausage swap zero fees And me protection so if you want to buy A solid AI themed project that's going To actually help you as a Trader this is Your project to buy on to put cherry on Top guys it has staken as well so you Can buy and stake during the pre-sale And earn 150% 55% AP which is absolutely Fantastic we're talking about their Social mes as well guys cuz they're Doing pretty well on X as well they have Over 15,000 followers engaging Community With memes and updates about the project You're not going to want to miss out on This Jam it's going to release or launch Very soon and from what I expect so Don't miss out next project on the list Is play Doge if you know me I love Dogecoin I kind of Dogecoin kind of got Got kind of go got me and most investors

Into the memec coin market so this Project brings Dogecoin and play to earn All together in one beautiful project so What is play Doge the best play to earn Doge companion game play is the ultimate Mobile play to earn game that brings Iconic Doge m to the life of a tamagachi Style virtual pet secure play tokens in Uh during the uh pre-sale and earn while You play the nostalgic 2D Adventure game This project has raised $5.5 million and One day and 16 hours they're going to Have their next price increase so you Want to buy it at the absolute lowest Your price now is your time to strike as These prices are not going to stay this Low for too long it's been featured on a Ton of different articles and blogs guys So it's it has its industry respect They've an about t which is solid Inspiration game features and the main Thing I want to highlight is a UI it's Basically the tagachi style but on your Phone and it's played to earn so you you Could buy now pre-sale buy at a super Low price stake which they have Stak in As well and earn on your investment but Also opportunity for for play to earn 92% AP is not terrible for a pre-sale Gem you might want to load up on this Project we go ahead and take a look at The actual to ro map is solid as well Four-phase plan they have great Tokenomics as well this project is

Setting up to do something absolutely Massive you're not going to want to miss Out we take a look at the socials as Well and we see over 6,000 followers Which is not too bad oh let that bus Pass which is not too bad growing pretty Fast they've been only around for about Four to 5 weeks so far I reckon an Airdrop uh some play on my Island Engaging with the community doing Giveaways doing what a m coin has to do To build and grow a community it's an Absolutely solid project you're not Going to want to miss out now the last Project we're covering is Pepe unchain This one is doing absolutely fantastic As well only launched about a couple Weeks ago and it's raised almost $3 Million in the pre-sale alone this is Your time to buy in because in 7 hours They're having another price increase so You want to get at the Absolut price now As your time to buy Pepe now has his own Blockchain congratulations you're early To the party buy and stake now during Pre-sale to Max imize your rewards Before the price skyrockets this one's Offering a boasting 643 AP which is insane Pepe on chain Better speeds better gains same Delicious Pepe flavor instant bridging Between eat and pepe low transaction Fees higher volume capacity 100x faster Than e and dedicated block Explorer this

One's doing pretty solid as well it's a Newer project compared to the other two I just showed you guys but it's growing Rapidly fast over 6,000 followers engage With the community here's the thing guys They took Pepe which is already a Popular mean Point as it is and they've Revived it and added its own blockchain To make it it's a unique utility that's The key thing with prell gems guys Unique utility when the prodcts offer Something that's not available in the Broader markets this is where we find Opportunities to make some solid gains And that's exactly what's happening with Pepe unchain and some of the other coins We mentioned on this list that is my top Three list guys let me know what you Guys think about it in the comment Section below are you bullish are you Bearish do you agree with some of my Picks do you not was there coin I missed Let us know in the comment section below Thats the video like always guys this is Not Financial advice always your own Research and due diligence until next Time it's friend Umar peace [Music] [Music]

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