TOP 4 SOLANA Meme Coins to Buy TODAY (100X Crypto Opportunities?!)

Welcome back into the 9 to9 Bitcoin YouTube channel if you guys are looking To make a strike at capitalizing on the Extreme fear in the markets right now Because you've got to be greedy when Others are fearful then this could be The right video for you so we're going To explore which meme coins could be Worth compounding into and allocating a Position into right now at the current Time in this crypto market so yeah Welcome back to channel if you want to Hit those goals of yours in the crypto Space do subscribe to night9 Bitcoins Down below and let's get on with it so Fear and greed we're at 17 which is Indeed extreme fear that is absolutely Crazy to see meme coins in the market of Or 36.6 billion right now we are indeed Seeing a large bounce for many many meme Coins out here in the cryptocurrency Space so yeah lots of appetite big big Uh you know recovery but hopefully it's Going to be more than just a little sort Of dead cat bounce and hopefully it will Be a true sort of onwards and upwards Movement now crypto bubbles we are Indeed looking green at the moment which Is absolutely wonderful not a single red Candle here for us to even complain About so things looking good now let's Hop in to coin number one which is going To be playd Doge this is a brand new Playto earn ecosystem about to hit $6

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Million raise which is absolutely insane So play Doge the best play to earn Doge Companion game is the ultimate mobile Play to earn game that brings the iconic Doge meme to Life As tamy gotu One play Token is 0.526 in one day 1 hour the price does Go up but this is all about having a Meme where it sort of meets play to earn As well and it says play doge is a Mobile game that combines the Beloved Tamagotchi virtual pet experience with The Cutting Edge digital economy of Cryptocurrency it's got decent road map You can see here phase three is going to Have a marketing pump the playd Doge app Testing first centralized exchange Listings could for sure be a really big Choice out here in the crypto space 9.4 Billion tokens so 50% allocated for the Pre-sale liquidity At 11.5% and marketing gets 10% to help Push the coin overall so what do you Think of this vibrant colorful token It's really like a a tamod sort of Throwback I can really feel that uh 78% Per anim on staking reward so if you are Looking to sort of compound into the Project and get those staken rewards Could be an opportunity for you um Overall really fun you can see fun Animations and Graphics here getting a Lot of Engagement and Tweets anons we're Flying through the prel grab yourself

Some play before it's too late so this Thing will launch soon for sure um and Yeah I really just love the artwork the Sort of sort of grainy kind of old School sort of just very very sort of Old school 8 bit sound and 8bit graphics And I think it's just fun I think They're doing the marketing very right And a coin like this has got good Potential to explode so check out the Link down below for playd if you want to Grab some you can buy it by connecting Your wallet just like this and fingers Crossed we will see this coin do a 5 to 10x not Financial advice but check it Out down below coin number two is a very Interesting one and it's just literally Started trending massively on Google Trends as you can see Google Trends it's Top g1500 is trending on Google looking Very very good um now the coin overall Is striking quite bullish in fact very Very bullish it's starting to pump again Like let me just refresh these charts Because sometimes they like to do their Own thing yeah wow yeah look at that 0.1 957 this thing is just flying right now And it could continue to go up the Reason this is so bull ious because it's A true story it's a guy walking from the UK to Romania so check out his Instagram Have a look at him support his journey He is blowing up and he's got a coin Called top

G1500 if he meets Andrew Tate which he Probably is going to meet Andrew Tate at This sort of pace um yeah this coin Could absolutely fly so 145k liquidity 1.91 on the market capital and I think It will keep on going up in price it Looks really really good um especially With it's trending here as we can see um Now guys this is of course a docon ky Seed one the developer is known his face Is out there as you can see that's the Guy right there uh Tate's got 10% Supply And 7.5% of the supply actually goes to The developer so he's openly admitted That which is a pretty cool thing you Don't really get that sort of Transparency in many places fingers Crossed going to get some good Continuation with the top G 1,500 coin Check out the link down below for this One as well um now coin number three is Another interesting one which is indeed Bas dogs Bas dogs is a new salana meme Coin and by the way all of these coins You can buy on the salana ecosystem so Please do have a look we know sell coins Do good we know these cross chain coins Do good as well and this is also a Salana coin as well the topg 1,500 it's Always good to know this base dogs 2.8 Million rates this is coin number three They've got 32.4% of the supply being staked in Which is absolutely crazy as well the

Price of dogs is 0.0074 USD and in 6 days the price will Go up this is your little dog just Basically skydiving they've got 956 per Perom apy and staking rewards cuz he's Just flowing through the sky and then Boom he hits the bottom bam he bounces Off this thing so it's a meme coin it's All a lot of fun it's colorful it's Vibrant and overall I think it could be A good ecosystem might have big odds of Doing well in the future you can see They have sold 545 million tokens and a Decent amount of the overall sold Supply Is being staked and the over over all Percentage is 9562 per perom right now so good Opportunity to maybe make some gains There but do remember those coins you Put in can't be unlocked until 7 days After the pre-sale is live and trading So bass dog so yesterday was a wild RAR Did you make any gains that face you Make when you didn't buy the dip and Indeed that dip looks like it was quite Fruitful if you did get in you know I Was buying ethereum at like 2.2 2.3k and It was all right I I like my ethereum at You know low costs coin number four is Pi pie check out base dogs down below if You want to 0.0 to the power of 61 918 Piie its alltime high over the year was At a $150 million MC it's corrected 70% Down to 50 million so with this in mind

We could see a good Bounce from the Current level and maybe some more Onwards and upwards from here that is What we would love to see over here Ladies and gents um piie is a pep coin Alternative it's a Red Frog and you can See they recently partnered with bit as Well to bring in more volume and Liquidity and get more eyes on the Project but overall this is a very fun Ecosystem that could do well and it's a Bit of a plot twist on the original frog You know Matt VI's original Green Pepe Coin just before we leave Swift reminder That August and September aren't really Traditionally very good months so don't Panic if these months are being rubbish September could also be a bit sort of Horrible but to summarize the video we Had coin number one as play Doge the Link is down below coin number two as Topg 1,500 I'll also put the link down Below for this one here I really think It's looking quite promising uh coin Number three is going to be the base Dogs ecosystem you can grab this one Down below you need your a metamask hot Wallet and coin number four is pi Pie as Well what do you think of this Choice Here what do you think of these four Coins bullish on holding and hopefully Each one does very well see you soon Guys and thanks for watching this 99 Bitcoins YouTube video

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