Here are the top five meme coins you Need to buy in August July has came to An end and August is going to be a Tremendous month for crypto so here's The top five coins you need to Absolutely load up before the month Starts welcome back to 99b YouTube Channel I am your host Umar Khan and Today we're taking a look at the top Five meme coins you absolutely need to Load up on for August the months have Been heating up guys the crypto markets Are shaking up a little bit we see most Mem coins are down which has given us a Great opportunity to enter overall Crypto Market however is recovering Dramatically in terms of Fury and greed Index we are finally back into greed Bitcoin staying strong at 66 uh ethereum At $3,300 and here are the meme coins You need to load up on first mem coin on The list We Can't Stop a start a top Five meme coin without talking about Pepe coin which has been a solid grab Since the beginning of this bull market We take a look at the charts we see the All guys and we see this year Specifically we saw some massive pumps Past couple weeks we've been seeing a Crazy pullback and now looks like we're Setting up for another massive pump now Will be an optimal time to enter to make A solid return in August but again none Of this is financial advice uh the whole

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Reason we're just highlighting this Token specifically is it had corrected Dramatically and it does look like it's Setting up for a massive pump so you may Want to load up on pep Bay again it's One of the most popular meme coins in Terms of top meme coins is currently Ranked in at number three and we only Anticipate Pepe to continue to pump and Potentially even take over and overtake Shibba enu potentially even Dogecoin This bull run so let me know if you're Loading up on some Pepe in the comment Section below next token on list is Actually still in the top three token List and this is Sheba enu uh Sheba enu Has been having an interesting run we Can see in terms of all time last bull Run it had a massive pump and since then It hasn't made a solid recovery earlier This year we did see a decent pump and We're down approximately 50 to 55% since It's all-time high this current Bull Run Alone if it does beat or even reach his Previous alltime highs we be making a Solid bag but even if it just reached His previous alltime High which is more Than inevitable you're going to see some Solid returns hence we're bringing Shibba enu on this list even though this Is a memec coin in my personal opinion Shibba enu and even Pepe they're more of Our Blue Chip opportunities in terms of Yes they memec coins but they do have

Solid communities and proven formulas And track records to see some pretty Solid gains so if you do want to load up On Pepe and Shibu this will be an Optimal time as we did see a solid Recovery period and now these projects Are starting to pump again so you may Want to load up on Sheba enu the next Token on the list is actually a pre-sale Token it's also a dog theme token as Well this is play do play doge is the Best play to earn Doge companion game Play do is Ultimate mobile Play Turn Game that brings iconic meme to the life Of a tamagachi style virtual pl secur Play tokens in pre-sale to earn crypto While playing nostalgic 2D Adventure This project has raised already $5.8 Million about to break $6 million very Soon and 22 hours is going to have its Next price increase so you want to buy This project at absolute lowest price Now now is your time to strike Link in The description below you buy with e Usct card uh or even B&B the reason why Pre-sales guys are a solid opportunity To make some solid gains is because you Buy in before it even goes live so There's no pumping or dumping uh Specifically speaking if you buy in now You're actually buying it at a low price And in 22 hours the price is going to Raise so this that being said if you Bought it now and you just waited for it

To go live and you sold the day one live You're going to have some guaranteed Gains now this project continues to go On to do some fantastic things post Launch you could be making e even more Gains on top of that in the sense that This project can pump you go an absolute Lowest price and you are set to win this Project specifically has some solid road Map it has some solid tokenomics as well And Terry on top it has staking you Currently earn 80% AP Link in the Description below next project on this List is another pre-sale Gem and again Interestingly enough we had dog theme Token now we're back to the Pepe theme Token as Pepe unchain Pepe now has it Own blockchain this project is offering 295 per AP which is super solid and in One day and 13 hours this project is Also having a price hike this project Specifically raised $6.5 million on a Pre-sale loan and hasn't even launched Yet we anticipate it's going to just Continue to Rally up in August more People will be loading up and as the Markets correct themselves guys we do Typically see uh more Wheels enter as They see some opportunities to buy into Pre-sales and that's exactly the shift That's it's looking like slowly but Surely uh meme coins and even altcoins Are starting to pump meaning these Pre-sell jumps will pump as well and if

Wales enter the mix we can see some Solid solid gains now last and final top Project on this top five list is another Pre-sell gam and this is the meme game So currently Olympics are going on live Right now and this is an Olympic style Meme coin token it's been featuring a Ton of different spaces in the crypto Space the meme games token opening C Ceremony light your torches for the nug Meme games where crypto uh coin fantasma Meets the spirit of 2024 Olympics pick Your favorite meme competitor and watch Some gold gold for your Holdings so Mcoin athletes they have a Pepe Doge Brett Turbo with some of the top uh um Crypto mcoin mascots uh we can see to Play you buy some of the tokens you Select a mcoin athlete you watch the win If your athlete wins in the meme game Event you'll earn a a bonus 25% of your To token purchase you play as many times As you want to increase your chances of Winning this project is looking Absolutely fantastic and you may want to Load up it's already raised over $300,000 and in 19 hours and 44 minutes It's going to have its next price Increase so you want to buy in the Absolute lowest price now it be your Time to strike all these project or Link In the description below let me know What you think about this top five list And if there's a project that I missed

Or a project that you're very bullish For comment down below that the video Like always none of this is financial Advice always see your own research and Due diligence before resting any money In the cryptos we cover on this channel That UPS the video until next time it's Friend Umar peace [Music] [Music]

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