Top Metaverse Coins on KuCoin

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let's visit the metaverse blocktopia a virtual 
world built in a skyscraper with a cyberpunk vibe   remark a platform with nested nfts 
being sent across different blockchains   the sandbox a place to build and monetize your 
gaming experience vulkan forged a game studio   that specializes in nft games and rewards 
players with play to earn mechanics these   are four projects developing their own metaverse 
and i'll teach you what they are what they do   and how to participate in them this is part of 
kucoin's explore crypto sector series and this   is the metaverse sector this video's goal is to 
teach you about the metaverse in simple terms   however nothing in this video should be considered 
financial advice it is not financial advice   and you need to do your own research to the 
point where you can form your own opinion   before investing and when you are ready to invest 
these coins and many more are available on kucoin   if you'd like to sign up there is a referral 
link in the description to get 20 off on   your trades this is a video you don't want to 
miss so be sure to stick around until the end   and if you see anything you like feel free to hit 
that like button and let us know in the comments   what do you think now let's get started what is 
the metaverse i'm sure you've heard that term   tossed around and i'm just going to give you the 
simple answer it is a digital interactive world   that is replacing what we do in the physical 
world so in the physical world we would go to   a store we would buy a pair of shoes and then 
we could inspect it we can interact with it   and then we would take it home right now on the 
regular internet that's replaced with a web page   and we just make a few clicks and it shipped home 
to us now with a metaverse it aims to bring back   that physical world experience digitally so your 
digital avatar would go to a store it would look   in the shoe section you'd be able to inspect 
the shoes digitally and then you'd be able to   order it and it would be shipped to you now that 
was probably the best explanation of a metaverse   but depending on what type of metaverse you use 
your experience may be very different a lot of   these metaverses at the moment are in development 
so it's kind of a race to see who gets there first   now if that was helpful feel free to hit that 
like button and let me know in the comments what   you think would be the number one metaverse of 
this year why should you care about the metaverse   during the pandemic a majority of companies had 
to rethink how to operate with work from home this   resulted in less face-to-face connections between 
businesses and employees similarly schools needed   ways to teach students in a virtual environment 
this and more has accelerated companies to develop   in the metaverse so we can communicate deeper in 
a virtual world just as we would in the real world   to see why the metaverse is a big deal look 
no further than huge companies like microsoft   nvidia apple and epic games they are working on 
infrastructure environments and more to prepare   for the metaverse oh and let's not forget facebook 
who recently changed their name to meta platforms   or just meta in short a lot of big players are 
betting big on the metaverse so it's probably a   good idea to know what's happening in this space 
with all that in mind let's take a look at our   first project number one blocktopia coin name 
block picture this cyberpunk 2077 meets crypto   social media influencers and nfts that's 
blocktopia it's an upcoming gaming project   in the metaverse that acts as a virtual skyscraper 
made up of 21 levels this is to pay recognition to   bitcoin's 21 million maximum supply and it's all 
powered by the polygon network fast transactions   and low fees the skyscraper will act as a central 
hub and welcome everyone at all levels of crypto   experience using your created avatar you 
are free to explore this interactive world   meant to be experienced in virtual reality the 
native token block is vital to the ecosystem so   you will be needing that coin and token holders 
will be known as blocktopians this metaverse   will be made of real estate blocks that can be 
purchased and governed by the block token holders   more on that later in the world of blocktopia 
your block can be used to purchase items like   nfts and concert tickets kucoin also has a 
metaverse office in blocktopia that you will   also be able to visit as of the making of this 
video blocktopia is in its alpha stages with no   official launch date yet but let's talk about 
how it works anyway getting started to enter   blocktopia you first need to create a blocktopia 
wallet this wallet will act as a passport within   blocktopia and it will hold your block tokens 
after setting up your wallet you can name and   create your own personalized avatar places of 
interest all blocktopians will enter on level 1   making it have the largest foot traffic of the 
skyscraper this level will be key to all users as   it will contain cryptocurrency pricing information 
a help desk plus an agenda and a navigation area   users can gain an overview of the events taking 
place during the day and register to participate   this level will be home to prime retail space 
where advertisers will pay a premium and   more on advertising later because that's another 
way to generate passive income within blocktopia   now let's just jump to the top floor 21 the top 
floor of blocktopia will be a luxury penthouse   used exclusively for gaming ranging from popular 
multiplayer games engaging family friendly games   to more casino-type games such as poker there will 
also be an auditorium that will hold immersive and   interactive events like concerts attendance will 
be encouraged by rewarding blocktopians with the   block tokens which is always nice other ways to 
earn block reblock within blocktopia you can buy   real estate known as reblock on your reblock land 
you can open a storefront to sell nfts or accept   advertisements from companies to display their 
ads on your land so if you own the land you can   use that to display advertisement and if you do 
that you will earn block tokens in the process   blocktopians can speculate on your property and 
you can either resell it for profit or lease it   out for passive income you can also earn block 
tokens through advertising called adblock if you   want to advertise in blocktopia you'll be doing 
it via adblock a proportion of these advertising   fees generated from adblock will be returned to 
blocktopia token holders so you are rewarded for   being a token holder that means you earn passive 
income as a token holder whenever someone is   paying for ads so whenever you see an ad in this 
metaverse it could be benefiting you if you are a   block token holder currently the game is still in 
alpha but you can still stake your block tokens to   earn more passive income from the staking rewards 
number 2 remark coin rmrk remark is a set of nft   legos they're called legos because they can 
keep being added to that gives nfts infinite   extensibility remark is hosted on the kusama 
blockchain polkadot's canary network without   the need for para chains or smart contracts 
normally you need smart contracts in order to send   information across chains but remark works as a 
set of rules for how to interpret special messages   submitted to the blockchain these rules are 
called you guessed it remarks or remarks remarks   remarks however you want to say it these messages 
can represent nfts token sales polls collaborative   drawing programs and even chat applications how 
to use remark to interact on the remark platform   you'll be using their native token rmrk it is a 
governance staking and collateral token launched   on the statement chain that allows for nested 
nfts now nested nfts are able to be sent across   different blockchains you can think of this like 
wrapped btc on the ethereum blockchain so you can   wrap an asset and use it on other chains some 
people refer to nfts as either 1.0 or 2.0 1.0   meaning that it can only be bought and sold on 
the original blockchain whereas 2.0 nfts can be   modified by adding to it using your remark coins 
you can send your nfts through the kosama relay   chain to other blockchains if you want to stay 
on remark you can just mint kusama native nfts   on remark's official marketplace called singular 
so let's think of the metaverse application here   in a metaverse people and communities can own land 
like in the real world each plot of land is an nft   that can contain other nfts so jumping in 
deeper let's say bob buys a plot of land   then he buys a billboard nft bob can send the 
billboard nft to the land nft the land now owns   the billboard while bob owns the land once 
the billboard becomes visible in the metaverse   bob can split the billboard into tokens and 
share it with the community now each person   owns the billboard together once corporations 
figure out there are people in the metaverse   they're going to want to put their message on 
bob's billboard so then they will create nfts   with their messages which then rewards the owners 
of the billboard corporations can fight each   other for the ad space while the community can 
collectively decide which ad to allow on their   billboard and earn in the process this is the 
community governed virtual real estate management   made possible by the remark platform number three 
the sandbox the sandbox is a pc game set in a   virtual world like roblox where players can build 
own and monetize their gaming experience this   is all done on the ethereum blockchain using the 
utility token san now i know what you're thinking   on the ethereum blockchain gas fees must be crazy 
well they would be but through the clever use of   erc 1776 the sandbox allows platform users to 
initiate transactions on the ethereum blockchain   while transaction gas fees are paid by the 
platform optimizing overall user experience you   can create your own avatar to access the sandbox 
metaverse to explore various games locations and   hubs you might think of the game as a blockchain 
based d5 version of minecraft as a player you can   create nft based assets with mox edit once done 
using the sad token you simply mint them to be   used in game or upload them to the marketplace to 
sell since your nfts exist on the blockchain you   aren't limited to the inbuilt marketplace and 
are free to sell them on third-party exchanges   in the game world players can also own land land 
is what it sounds like a digital piece of real   estate in the sandbox metaverse that players can 
buy to build experiences on top of once a player   owns a piece of land the player will be able to 
populate it with games and assets multiple lands   can be combined to form an estate already some 
big estates have been created from companies   like atari and even snoop dogg joined the fun as 
you can imagine just like the real world property   prices go up to nearby plots of land when a high 
profile celebrity moves in a total of 166 464   lands will ever be available contained in 
a map that will form the sandbox metaverse   while playing you'll have to do everything 
from gathering materials to raise livestock   to making products that will help you survive 
in the new world the entire system is based on   the premise that whatever you make belongs to 
you allowing general audiences to learn about   blockchain technology in an engaging way getting 
started to jump into the sandboxes metaverse   you'll first need to download the game which is 
currently in alpha on the official sandbox website   navigate to the create tab and you'll see a 
download option for game maker game maker is used   for both creating and playing the games within 
the sandbox once downloaded simply unpack the   zipped file and install the sandbox you'll need 
to sign up by creating a username and password   if you just want to check it out don't worry you 
don't need sand tokens to interact in the world   the game is pretty intuitive it doesn't require 
any coding or development experience to create   your own assets you can use their templates to get 
started or just create something new from scratch   to jump into a game you need to click on the 
drafts gallery tab find one that interests you and   click on it and ta-dah you have now entered into 
the sandbox metaverse from here make friends try   quests and challenges to earn sand tokens or show 
off your avatar and unique nfts the world is your   sandbox number four vulcan forged coin name pyr 
vulcan forge is both a game studio and ecosystem   that specializes in nft games these are developed 
on ethereum polygon and binance smart chain   that's to say they are actively developing games 
with the metaverse in mind now as for the token   and the utility the native token for vulcan forged 
is pyr and it will play the role of the settlement   medium staking for privileges and as a gaming 
utility token within the entire vulcan forged   ecosystem pyr is a deflationary token where on 
every pyr transaction ten percent will be sent   to reward pools and five percent used to buy back 
and lock supply the benefits to using pyr include   discounted fees and prices on using pyr in the 
marketplace say you're playing a game in their   metaverse and you want to buy some cool assets in 
the world directly from the person who created it   well if the crater allows settlement in pyr they 
will also receive a discount on their fees and you   will also receive a discount on your purchase 
loyalty reward airdrops based on game activity   play to earn there are multiple incentives given 
to pyr token holders when you engage in the   games you like for example if you are spending a 
specific time daily in a game you are eligible for   loyalty rewards which will be given in pyr tokens 
via airdrop or direct token transfer getting   started first of all you are going to want to 
make an account on you'll need to   link your venly wallet if you don't already have 
one you can create one during the setup process   now that you're logged in you can play some 
of their in-browser games like block babies   forge arena vulcan chess and more depending 
on the game you can play pvp or against bots   while playing these games you are eligible to 
earn xp rewards and achievement through play to   earn mechanics vulcan burst metaverse on vulcan 
forged more games are on the way including their   main attraction vulcan verse this will act as a 
metaverse as well as a massive multiplayer online   role-playing game mmorpg with rich 
lore similar to world of warcraft   inside vulcanverse players can own nfts create 
their own quests and adventures forage for nfts   and battle against other players in the game 
vulcanites from those four metaverses let us   know which one you think is best or if we should 
have covered something else let us know in the   comments and if this video was helpful please 
hit that like button that helps this channel out   and if you are ready to get started on kucoin 
there is a referral link in the description for 20   off your trades now if you want to learn more 
about other crypto stuff check out these videos on   the explore crypto sectors on the kucoin youtube 
channel with that this has been a kucoin video

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