$TURBO Coin is Pumping! Should you buy Turbo?! | Turbo Meme Coin Price Prediction

Turbo token is a meme coin that has been Catching a lot of attention this AI Create token which started with $69 has Garnered a lot of attention and a lot of Potential will we see this token hit 10 Cents this bull run welcome back to 99b YouTube channel I am your host Umar Khan Today we're taking a deep dive on turbo Before the video I want to ask if you Haven't already make sure you smash the Subscribe button down below as it helps Out the channel tremendously and let's Jump right into the video oh so let go Is not Financial advice overall Market Looking a bit shaky we're down about 4% In total market cap up 50% in terms of Volume and Bitcoin down to 67,000 Ethereum down to 3,400 uh we are seeing Right across the boards even B&B down 10% salana down 11% but what's going on In mcoin space is generally interesting We're taking a look at turbo token which Is down 8% which in my opinion is a Great time to buy when we look at the Onee guys we are seeing down 18% it had Some pumps but again it pulled back Again and when we look on the one month Guys this token is up 368 per. it's a top 300 cryptocurrency Ranking at at 238 and its current market Cap is 41 million doll Mar cap which is Absolutely insane when we go to the meme Coins guys remember this is a brand new

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Project right and it's already been Climbing the boards I believe it is Right here right over here it's Basically underneath the the pepcoin so Not not Pepe token but pepcoin which is Popular one and then pop catch and also Uh baby Dogecoin which we literally Covered yesterday at 340 U million doll Mark cap not too shabby for a meme coin And remember guys this was an AI mem Coin as well which is very very Interesting how this all came about so Mcoin made by AI for the people and we See turbo token began as a bold Experiment cryptocurrency creation Inspired by the power of artificial Intelligence the project Creator turned Turned to chat gbt with a simple Challenge to create the next great meme Coin starting with $69 budget and turbo Is now decentralized Community Driven Adventure and we can see even on Twitter They're growing rapidly fast over 64,000 Followers we see grassroot people's Token aiming to be number one memec coin Uh Community um first AI mem coin art Focus no aird drops and the turbo Revolution and they're doing a lot of Great things so are some recruitment Efforts we are lucky to have found turbo At the stage growing our community and Spreading our message uh will Propel us To the top and they're trying to recruit People to come push this pro project and

A lot of exciting things we see this Partnership agreement is signed so turbo Utility announcement uh um initial set For Wednesday is postponed to next week As we're iring on some technical um Issues to ensure the project goes Successful we see a spot listing on bit True a lot of exciting things happening For this project talking about exciting Things projects guys I want to talk About a pre-sell gem that's going Absolutely crazy and that's play Doge They've already raised $3.8 million in a Span of two weeks what is play Doge the Best play to earn Doge companion game Play do is Ultimate mobile play to earn Game that brings iconic Dogecoin meme to The life of a tagachi style virtual pet Secure your play tokens in the pre-sale To earn crypto uh while playing the Nostalgic 2D Adventure so remember that Little tagoi game now you get tagachi But you got to Doge as you take care of Your Doge you're earning money for Playing the silly little game guys You're about to raise 4 million Which is insane and their next price Hike is in 16 hours and 14 minutes so if You want to get in at the absolute Lowest price now is your time to buy a Link in the description below you buy With e usct BNB or even card they've Been featuring on a ton of different Articles they have a great website great

Role map and they also have staking we Even see tokenomics are great as well And when we go to the staking tabs guys We're seeing a solid 265 apy dynamic Range staking we see this upwards of 800% at one point so if you want to make Money on your passive Investments this Will be the one for you link in the Description below but let's go back to Turbo as some other exciting news Happening so bit by is buying turbo next Is kin in binance spot cuz that would be Absolutely massive we saw this an Announcement earlier and we can see bitb Has purchased $1.3 million wor the turbo In the last 48 hours it's uh only third It's it's only the third largest crypto Exchange worldwide by volume in based And it's based in Dubai which is Absolutely insane meaning if coinbase And and binance follow this will be Absolutely massive for the project Retail investors will be back soon to The game Turbo is a hot pick and again Right now is a great time to buy cuz yes It pumped up 300% in terms of the month But we can see that first pump and now We're kind of going in downwards Direction and it could reverse any time Now in the upward Direction when we look On the one day we're down 8% we're down 80% the week this could be a great time To buy in but always remember maybe Dollar cost average getting slowly over

Time some you buy low some you buy High To set your positions if you want to Hold this project long term technicals Are looking all right neutral Oscillators moving averages are in buy Overall summary sitting in a neutral Exciting things happen to Crypt miix Again these AI tokens where we knew were Going to be a big thing you got a AI Token that's art focus a me focus and Community Focus with a beautiful mission Statement literally starting with $669,000 $69 not $69,000 $69 to become The biggest meme coin in the community That's a story that people can stand Behind but like always it's not Financial advice always to your own res Due diligence and let me know what you Think about turbo in the comment section Below are you bearish are you bullish do You think we're going to see a 10cent Turbo let me know what you think in the Comment section below that wraps the Video until next time it's your friend Omar peace [Music] [Music]

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