Unboxing GPU Customer Trade ins

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all right what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the brandoncoin YouTube channel I hope everybody's having a great day I have not done one of these in a while uh I just got to the point where when I was getting stuff in I was just opening it up and and getting it either on the web store or getting it repackaged and resold uh as soon as possible now that things are calming down again we're going to go back to doing some unboxing videos so um I got this is uh some some gpus from um you know what we'll just keep them Anonymous but somebody online trading in some gpus I figured why not open them up and take a look at them together so here we go all right let get them open I don't the best part about these is I don't always remember exactly what everything is so it's kind of you know exciting it's like a mystery box except I paid for everything exactly what I know I paid you know what it is I got pretty good perfect got the bio contract signed right there all right so right off the top super clean box uh older card for sure but um Radeon rx580 this is a sapphire pulse I wonder if the card looks as clean as the packaging does the seller said that all this stuff was in Immaculate condition so oh yeah okay yeah she's really clean I don't know if you guys can see that on camera pretty well okay so we'll put that to the side I will have to do some testing and make sure all these cards uh pass benchmarks and and have no issues stuff like that I don't remember if he said these had Uh custom bioses on them or not so that's another thing I'll have to investigate for now put that in there lock it down we got a good looking 580 and that was next up oh okay we got a big boy well not a big boy anymore but we have a challenger RX 6700 XT from ASRock I love having all original packaging it makes shipping these things 10 times easier because when they're packed well I just wrap them in a poly bag and send them out the door sorry about the sounds oh baby okay um in my opinion I was not really a fan of the Challenger Series this series of graphics cards from ack but um this one doesn't look bad but they do feel a little cheap the the plastic shrouds on these are are kind of thin feeling um and then I don't know what it is what like kind of fans that they're using but they they also feel and Visually I don't know if you guys can see it but um they look cheap like that Sapphire pulse that we just pulled out the fans are thicker beefier they don't have as much this one doesn't have any play but they just they feel better they feel solid whereas these not so much still great cards still can get the job done though ASRock Challenger we have a New Challenger Approaching in my opinion it wasn't much of a Challenger not a very memorable card that's for sure all right oh mama okay we got a big mama right here so we got a evj RTX 390 for the win 3 edition these cards these cards are absolute workhorses uh these were a lot of the few cards in the beginning when the 390 launched that did not have uh the overheating vram issue I know some of them did but um for the most part the for the win 3 models did not now if you got the xc3 a lot of those did have the overheating um vram especially when you were doing uh what like ethereum and stuff but uh yeah I don't know I got a soft spot down there down deep deep down there for the old four the win threes oh look at that this is a thing of beauty thing of beauty oh okay okay hold on this one actually has the copper mod um on the back plate see the copper strips that's aftermarket so it looks like um he upgraded the cooling on this I think I talked to him about that I don't remember but um that's really cool so this bad boy should run absolutely ice cold we will get it benchmarked and tested um I'll set it aside for that probably won't do the testing and benchmarking in this video because just going to take forever I still have a whole another box to go through so uh I'm going to pause this and go grab that other box and with the power of of YouTube I'll be right back all right guys so I have the uh the second package this is the last one out of this batch this bad boy open this is the big one sorry if the I was talking to the mic's not picking up because I was saying over here all right another buyout contract boom boom there we go all right oh baby oh baby look at this Founders Edition 2060 super we got to pop this bad boy open oh bab look at her look at her she's beautiful wrapped in plastic it looks like I mean it's definitely used it's got a little dust on it but really really good condition in my opinion I have a 2070 super Founders Edition this is some of my favorite Founders Edition designs just because it was a a pretty big jump from the 10 series and then 30 series I feel like they calmed it back a little bit but like the blingy Chrome in the middle and uh just these these were really nice cards I really like these don't know if I'm going to sell this one this one might go in the collection beside the old 270 there Ventus 3080 TI and my opinion MSI these cards these were workhorses they were not beautiful they're very basic I don't even know if these light up I don't think the Ventus 3x even light up but 380 TI is still a solid card solid performer um I'm not going to open that one up right now I've seen so many of them well I'll open it up whenever I test it R stricks 3060 and this is a 3060 12 gig so this is the this is the good one this is the good one um some people forget that there is a 3068 gig and that one not the one you want if you want a 3060 All right and we're following following it up with a Asus tough 3080 Rock Solid card in my opinion Asus tough cards uh they shared this cooler with a lot of different uh series I think like a 3060 3070 and a 3080 tough I believe has the same cooler on it um that's just they're big Overkill hunky nice coolers so is that all of them everything I that's everything uh yep okay well that that is everything ladies and gentlemen so I'm glad you uh you came out hopefully you enjoyed it we will be doing more of this stuff if you like watching behind the scenes and if you're interested in buying any of this it will be going on to the web store so that is bc- pc.com um yeah yeah little shout out from for myself um but anyways I hope youall have a good one I'll see you on the next one and um adios forg getting something oh oh oh actually I am forgetting something so uh ladies and gentlemen if you have not followed or subscribed to the jellyfish coin YouTube channel we're trying to get that channel monetized over there um it's going to be more content based around uh like trading and and crypto tokens stuff like that also uh information on the actual ual uh Jellyfish coin token and stuff that's going on with that we have a Discord for it so I'll put that YouTube channel and that Discord Down Below in the description above where the normal links go um we'd be glad to have you and come on over there we're doing weekly giveaways uh just having a good time with it so yeah anyways y'all have a good one peace out I'll see you on the next one adios

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