Unboxing Some INTERESTING Mining Hardware!

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hey guys what is up red hat mining here? How you guys all doing, i hope, y’all doing really well and have a really great day in this video welcome to a unboxing video, just a simple one. Today i received some packages here from a few different people. I guess uh some businesses as well and we are gon na see what they sent me today. It’S gon na be a fun one. So without further ado, let’s begin, i got one right here and uh. Let’S, let’s open it up guys, let’s open it up, give me one sec. Oh, what’s this? Oh, what what is this altered component? Oh, my god! Oh wow, that’s cool! What penda pool wait he’s got a note here. Oh let me open this up. Let’S read this: let’s read this: shall we it’s a great day to be a minor, provided you don’t look at the profitability. Here is a small token to express my our gratitude for what you have done and continue to do for the mining community thanks altered component. Oh man altered component misfit mining, oh man, that is so that is so cool altered component buddy. Thank you so much red panda and a deadpool like figurine. Here, that’s pretty sweet! Oh and you sent me your sticker as well. That is beautiful, ulting component. Thank you. So much sorry, it’s been so late. I know you sent this to me a while ago and i just found the package guys go check out altered component. He is one of the best crypto mining youtubers on youtube. Right now. Go check them out, link down below guys, let’s get them to 10 000 subscribers. I would really appreciate it. Alton component great stuff, buddy. This is going to go right onto my sticker wall actually right over here. Ah, with the other, we got chump change. We got tech shinji, we got space goats, we got gpurizers.com and uh misfit mining, sticker and, of course, mine over here. So ulta component – where am i gon na? Put you i’m gon na put you maybe on this side, yeah that’ll, look pretty cool. Thank you. So much buddy – oh this was so wholesome. Oh, we got another sticker here. Okay, i’ll put this up as well, so cool. Thank you for the note as well. Ulta component, oh okay! Well, i don’t think anything is gon na beat that that was uh. That was really good. That was really good, alter component thanks again man, okay, guys! Next up, we have uh, let’s open up yeah, let’s open up this one, i actually did open it up already kind of that, not all the way. But let’s read it here, there’s a note at the very top all right. So, let’s see who this is from this is from untitled 3d. Hey. My panda mining here is our anticipated package, we’re a small 3d manufacturing company that mainly focuses on creating useful tools and products for the crypto mining community included. We have an rx, 470 4 gigabyte shroud and fan when turned on it spins up the fast, but once booted it should dial back okay, interesting. Two gpu stands that are built for economically shipping: okay, interesting uh, a sample of our p106 and rx 470 pcie bracket. Adapter, we have short installation guide on our website for our shrouds. It’S quite simple and easy. We also include compatible fan and screws for sturdy connection, we’re constantly updating and improving our existing products and plan to offer a few more different shroud types in the future and maybe even gpus, and we are open to feedback and suggestions on current or future products. Here are our settings on hive os? Okay? Well, that’s pretty sick, enjoy mining raven blocks car james, untitled, 3d, dot ca, oh man, that is so sick james! Thank you! So much buddy, let’s uh, let’s see what you got here. This is okay. Here’S uh there’s one of the brackets here, i think that’s to hold the gpu, i’m not very uh, i’m not very well versed in uh 3d printed products, especially for mining. Okay, that looks pretty cool all right now. Let’S keep it going here, guys! Okay, i know. Okay, he sent two more different shrouds. I know there’s a few different things here: okay, another one of those i’m just gon na like spread this out and he’s got oh what no, what he sent a gpu is this a gpu. This looks like a oh dude. Okay, hold on what what is this i had to turn around. This is an rx, 470, 4 gigabyte and uh. It seems like it’s a sapphire yeah sapphire edition, and i think this is a 3d printed shroud on on the heatsink wow. That is, it says: rx 470, there untitled 3d nice wow. That is this is like really small form factor, but that’s this is definitely is it a custom gpu shroud on top of it, even the metal block. That is awesome, hey james! Thank you so much man. This is definitely a mining specific 470 4 gigabyte card wow, i’m gon na. I’M definitely going to try that out and uh looks like you sent uh. Did you send me another wait? Oh, what no? No! No did you send another one? Oh my god! Really. What is this? What is this? No, oh, my god he sent another one or is this a? This is a different gpu. I think, let’s see. Oh no rx, 470! Oh yeah! Okay! I see the sticker in there. It’S an rx 470 as well, except it has different pcb. It’S like green instead of the the black one. Here, that’s pretty cool! I wonder what the difference is uh between these two, but i guess they’re the same gpu wow james. I can’t believe it man. Thank you for the wow, the rx 474 gigabyte cards. Ah, there’s one more thing that you left in here and it looks like these are okay. I just had to open that uh looks like these are like io holder, i o bracket holders for the uh, the i o shield there. I guess awesome, stuff, okay, james! Thank you so much man that is pretty killer, guys go check out. Untitled untitled3d.ca! If you guys are interested and any of the products that i just showed here, that is pretty sick james. Thank you so much. Thank you! So much man, oh man. I was not expecting to receive graphics cards all right, guys next package. Let’S open up this one over here and i got my trusty, i got my trusty knife aka, an older pce riser, as my knife works really great. Okay, this one is from good old, nerdgears.com man. I uh. I don’t think i haven’t talked about them for a while. What’S this we got risers. Of course, oh these ones are looks like these. Are the new uh, eight capacitor risers, very nice, very nice. Let me take all these out. You know what let me just open. One whoa whoa this okay, this looks pretty slick holy smoke. This is like blocked out. I like the aluminum, uh piece or metal piece on the pcie uh riser. It looks like we got a lot of led indicators on that part right there wow this is. This is pretty sick. This looks like this feels heavy duty like wow i i should do like a comparison, video against a bunch of other risers that i got and wow this looks uh. This looks pretty nice actually i’ll definitely do a video comparing against other ones. Wow, these are really nice nerdgears.com. Thank you so much okay. What else do we got here? Oh man did i get sent another jeep. This is a gpu. Oh man, okay! I am not expecting gpus. What is this sapphire? What? What is this? This is a sapphire uh, oh, what it’s got: two six pins, not even eight pin and uh; okay uh. Let’S just see what this! Oh, my god! This is an r9 380 four gigabyte card dude. This is old school nerd gears. What am i supposed to do with this r9? 380. 4 gigabyte card? I guess it’s still profitable. I mean according to what to mine. This gpu is still pro all right. I guess i have to do a video on an r9 380 4 gigabyte card this card. This gpu, i think, is like from 2013 or 2014. I think you guys can. Let me know down in the comments wow that is funny. Nerdgears

Com, thank you for the gpu. I was not expecting that. That’S that’s pretty funny. That’S that’s! Actually pretty funny all right what else we got here. Oh, we got a bunch of splitters and actually the good segue here into stay tuned. I’M gon na be doing a video comparing a bunch of pcie splitters that i have attained and used over the years and also burned a few okay. I’M going to have a video about that and we’re going to cut them open and see what the gauge of the wiring is on all of these different splitters i’ll explain in the video where i got them and yeah it looks like nerd gears just sent me A whole crapload more here, really nice, all blacked out pcie cables, okay, going along nerd gears, also sent me uh. Oh looks. This looks like to be a pdu. Oh man, let’s open this, oh no way, dude! There’S the nerdgears logo. It’S uh! This is the 240 volt, 30 amp, definitely 240 volt 30m, and it’s got a amperage meter, pdu v8 meter, and there are eight c13 plugs here that is or c14 one of those two and uh wow. Some of you guys who watch my channel know that i have a similar pdu that i got off china that has a watt meter on it as well or sorry, ambridge meter, not watt meter, so this i’ll definitely have uh in another video to show you guys. I believe i saw nerd gears have these on their website, but i think they’re all sold out already. So i guess i don’t know if i could, if i should make a video dedicated video on this, but i’ll talk to nerd gears and i’ll ask them if they’re gon na get more of these and i’ll definitely test this out and see how these work honestly, It looks pretty cool, looks really good the build quality. It feels pretty good, so i’ll definitely try that out, nerd gears. Thank you so much for the pdu, and that looks like that’s it. Okay, awesome, stuff, nerd gears! Thank you! So much for the risers and uh. The gpu as well, that is that this is a really nice riser. I’M definitely gon na plug that in and see what these leds look like. Okay, all right saving the best for last. I actually know everything that i opened today is definitely all equal in terms of just amazing. I i still think alter components. Gift in the beginning was uh, pretty awesome and really humble that really took that to heart. Alter component, thank you so much man, okay, guys last package that we’re gon na open in today’s unboxing video. Let’S do it got my trusty knife. Let’S open this up, i think some of you guys may guess what this is and made videos on before uh. Oh man, it’s red, it’s my brand, all right! Oh man, okay! This is a nice red hold on. I got ta put the camera down and take this out of the box. Give me a sec. This is called a mystic minor from mystic mining dot. Us i’ll have a link down below you. Guys can see what this thing is all about, but this is specifically a 12 gpu like server case, and you can apparently put 30 80s in here side by side. There is a picture i saw on their website. I’Ll put it up on the screen here, apparently, the spacing between each of the slots is about 65 millimeters, so that should hopefully give you guys perspective of what kind of gpus you can fit in here, and i believe this is a b250 chipset, and so i Believe the cpu is a g3930 or a g4400 and four gigs of ram okay. This one also came with the battery. I know there are sub server cases out there, depending if it came from china, they can’t ship with the battery the motherboard battery. This thing is extremely extremely large compared to oh man, we should compare it to the octa miner. I think the octa miner is a little bit smaller. This is definitely a bit wider anyways. This power supply is a 3300 watt, platinum, rated power supply and it came coupled with 30 pcie eight pins, and so they claim on their website. There is enough pcie slots for a 12 30 80s assuming that they’re only two eight pins, okay. So there’s only enough for two eight pins on each gpu, and so it looks like there is a bunch of other pcie cables here that go into the motherboard and looks like this is a little fan controller to power on these 140 or 120 mil fans. I think these are actually 120 mil fans, not 140

They’Re, probably like delta fan style really loud, and they push a lot of air anyways mystic mysticmining.us. Thank you for the server case. I will have a dedicated video, giving this a try, testing it out and yeah. I so far. I like it because it’s red powder coated red, i believe it’s nice and shiny too. You guys will see that video down the road mysticmining.us thanks again guys go check it out if you guys are interested, but otherwise i would wait for my review of this and once i get 12 gpus in here, i don’t know what gpus to put in here, But i guess we’ll figure that out when that time comes: okay, guys, that’s it! For today, that’s the unboxing video man. We got a nice couple, good things today, gpus 3d printed stuff. We got alter component. Sending me a panda pool figurine here: nerd gears with the pdu and an r9 380 4 gigabyte gpu. That’S pretty funny i’ll make a dedicated video on that gpu, we’ll see if it’s making any money these days and untitled 3d.ca. Thank you so much man for the two gpus and your 3d printed stuff here i’ll. Definitely try that out as well. Oh man, just you guys, are awesome. Thank you. Everyone who sent me stuff here, i’m going to be extremely busy making more videos of this stuff. This is uh. This is gon na be awesome. I love what i do. Thank you guys so much. I will see you all in the next. Video have a good one and peace out:

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