Under $200 Super Budget Build Gaming PC

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what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the Brandon coin YouTube channel and today we're going to be throwing together another budget system so uh after that one I did the other day and I posted it uh on my Tik Tok I actually got a lot of like comments and I was just telling people hey if you're serious call my number text my number and we can do it so I I always knew that that budget entry level price point was really hot so I had a ton of people wanting to stay around like the you know 2200 $50 range and I'm like hey as long as you don't mind a little bit older Hardware we can do that so talked to a guy this morning and he was like Hey I'm I I just need something I want to get into gaming um and then you know later on we can talk about upgrading motherboard and CPU and all that kind of stuff and I'm like that's fine you know um what you want to do and uh he was like let's say he'd like to be under 250 and I'm like okay and he's like I want RGB fans I'm like okay that's fine you know obviously we could save a little bit of money there um but let me pull all the parts together and show you guys what I got for him before we do that we're going to pack another order this morning had some come in last night and we're packing order number uh 1217 so shout out this one's actually going overseas um where's it going to oh the UK we've had a we've had quite a bit more overseas or International orders um I do know that sometimes the shipping can be pretty expensive uh but that's not controlled by me I have the shipping calculator like app thing installed on Shopify so uh basically it takes the weight and the dimensions that I give it and then depending on your address it gives you an estimated like shipping cost and um then it gives you a couple options like UPS USBS FedEx uh but none of them are good um so yeah that's kind of a bummer uh but yeah so he picked up two of the zsx breakout boards and the 1200 wat power supplies so let me go grab those so you guys can come with me so there's one of them I'm going to take them apart so they don't get crumpled up or nothing and uh in shipping or I don't want it to break off that back that portion um need to grab a let's see here you know what we'll hook them up grab some some bubble wrap and we going to hook him up with let's grab some risers for him because why not we'll grab we'll grab we'll throw two two risers cables and little giblet at the end uh throw that in the package for him just as as a thank you for for ordering and doing that that stuff and things there we are I forgot my regular camera today so I'm recording on my um my phone again so I do apologize Bam Bam uh oh where did my tape go there it is about to say that that's going to be a problem shout out again I don't know who makes the tape for eBay but I need to find that company cuz I like their tape I just wish I didn't say eBay on it be really cool if I got like you know like BC PC tape wouldn't it all right so you got these 12200 watt these are actually 94 uh 94% platinums so yeah 94% Platinum rated 1200 wat power supplies and since they're going overseas I assume I think United Kingdom's all 240 volt uh I don't think they do 110 over there I believe I'm not not sure um but I'd like to I'm probably going to put these inside of bubble mailers for Extra Protection yeah and um us in a bubble mailer and then I'll wrap it all in a bunch of bubble tape stuff and put that in the box but anyway thanks for watching that order let's jump right into U building a budget system for the man of the day all right so the build list on the ultra Ultra budget build uh is as follows so this was a customer supplied case it is an aura never used this case before but it does have tempered glass side panel uh one 120 mm RGB fan in the back pre-installed and then three in the front and unlike a sorry about that guys unlike a lot of the cheaper cases this is full mesh in the front instead of like slapping a piece of plastic or glass over it so that should flow air pretty good right here if not it'll pull air through these big holes so uh air flow shouldn't be a problem on this case that's nice um now going over to the meat and potatoes for motherboard we're doing one of the b75 motherboards I keep in stock These are nice cuz they can utilize older Intel chips but they still are able to accept m.

2s uh for storage we just got 120 gig SSD m.2 to get him started I told him he really will need more storage later on so um just trying to keep the customer informed but he he told me you know there's one big issue with that and that is budget so I'm like well um something's better than nothing so uh two 4 GB sticks of 1600 MHz DDR three little Tower cooler uh he was I I told him you know I got these things for like 12 bucks in the store I think they're 122 or $13 he was looking online on Amazon trying to find one cheaper that's RGB and he couldn't and I'm like yeah that's that's kind of why I keep these things cuz they're a pretty good budget option and then to supply all the graphics for this situation the ever trusty ever famous GTX 1060 this is a big boy 1060 6 gig model most of them are significantly small um but you know this will definitely do the trick for him oddly enough it's a 8 Pin as well whereas a lot of them were six pin so um curious to get this thing fired up and and see how it runs um I told him to you know curb his expectations because this is an ultra budget setup and he does not have a lot of upgrade path on the b75 chipset he will be able to go from that I5 3470 up to an i7 3770 um but then after that he will have to swap out his entire motherboard um to get into a newer CPU and that means he'll also need ddr4 instead of DDR3 but he will be able to carry over his storage his graphics card and his cooler and obviously his case and power supply so that's the toughest thing nowadays is just I I just try to keep the the customer informed but um you know if they're trying to trying to keep them informed happy and in budget it's like a balancing act so anyway let's get this build started and uh slap it together all right so there she is in all her glory I'll go ahead and contct the customer and let him know it's ready for pickup um and we stayed inside his budget I think after everything all said and done uh the computer is like right at I think it was 220 or whatever um so it's hard to beat for that price he's got 8 gigs of RAM got a quad core um you know I5 doesn't have a lot of upgrade potential he can go up to like an i7 3770 but um for 200 bucks it's it's it'll it'll do them well well um 1066 gig still actually very competent on you know like Esports and low impact games but uh yeah there she is ladies and gentlemen got the RGB RGB everybody wants that RGB all right anyways I'll see you guys on the next one peace

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