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hey guys arim here hope you're doing well having everything a great day this video wanted to talk to you all about the AL box that cost about $10 to $12,000 back in April of 2024 this is one where I've been mining straight to an alium wallet by itself for the better part of the past 10 months or so and this is how much we have mined okay uh let me click into it uh 839 worth okay or I yielded about $1,679 3 alium after 10 months okay on a crazy like $10,000 $12,000 Al box that in the beginning it was I think making like $95 a day and then it jumped down to 60 and then jumped down to 30 of course that's because the network hash rate was climbing in the beginning okay we did a video about this 10 months ago and I announced back then that I was going to do the whole mine and huddle test but that obviously turned out to be a very bad strategy because ever since then right ever since this came out aum's price has essentially been it's been kind of stagnant for the past half year but then recently uh more so recently the price of alium has been just crashing now I don't know if that is due to the al3sc okay okay and the correlation there with the drop or potential sell pressure of aum's price down here with the a3s here is quite correlated to say the least so I'm just going to go through a bunch of stuff and just talk about the despair of the current state of alium mining where we are in the market today right after a word from today's sponsor Crypt Miner bros.com since 2018 Crypt Miner Bros has been the go-to source for all the top crypto miners trusted by miners worldwide the prices you see on their website in includes shipping and DDP to your door so there are no surprises at checkup they ship to over a 100 countries and even offer lower invoicing to help you save on customs fees pay with direct bank transfer or crypto payments such as Bitcoin usdt or Caspa ready to save even more use code red panda at checkout for $70 off each Asic ordered join tens of thousands of satisfied customers who trust Crypt Miner Bros for their successful Hardware fulfillment transparent pricing and worldclass service visit cryptominer bros.com today link down below okay so here's the address I don't care you guys can see it here I have not sold or sent out any alium from this address it's been mining and accumulating alium for the past 10 months okay ever since I started this test back on April 15th 2024 so obviously I was getting a lot of alium every day I would say I think at one point it was making about at first initial release when I first tested when I was first testing it it was getting about 26 alium a day and that was yeah back in April 15th here okay when aum's price was about $280 and the network hash rate for alium at that time was about 400 500 terahash okay so since then since April of 2024 you can see here the hash rate has slowly been climbing right 7 800 Terra has in May beginning of May and then let's see I think August may or may yeah June 864 June 7th was almost uh 1 900 terahash here then we're over a petahash mid June and the rest is history I mean you guys can see uh the network hash rate for alium just continued to climb uh in the petah hases right and the price of alium has been quite I'd say it was okay right it was it was pretty stagnant and it looked pretty positive and then a lot of you know other alifia miners were also released during these times like the AL box a lot of gold shell miners were being released Al Max uh the e- AL 1M the albox 2 plus albox 3 albox 2 Pro albox Dragon Ball albox albox 2 all those these types of minors ice River of course and so yeah it just looking at this chart here you can obviously see how much of the hash rate has climbed uh since you know the past year okay of Alum Mining and then lo and behold January 1st or end of December this is when we've had the ice server al3 shipped out I received mine uh beginning beginning of January January 1st is pretty much when I received mine turned mine on and everyone else also turned on their al3 as well at the same time and the hash rate of course climbed almost double and repr predicted we we talked about this many times before even before you know January talking about that you know once these al3 come out that it's going to raise the network hash rate probably double we were predicting about 2,000 units of ice server al3 that would add on tack on another like 30 petahash or so so it went from 27 petahash to like 55 at the peak I think 58 petahash at the Peak at one point so that's pretty much close to what we predicted and but at the same time Al lithium's Price has been going down quite drastically okay it has essentially been following this chart where the hash rate's been rising and then the price of a leum has been tanking now I I just don't know if if that's because of cell pressure and there was some correlation to a few mining pools that do the conversion to uh usdt so via BTC and also cryptex does have the ability to you know exchange alium into usdt right on their pool and I know a lot of people who are actually doing that so there's no doubt in my mind that you know the cell pressure that we have been seeing over the past like month here has correlated to just yeah the cell pressure from people with you know the a3s or you know people who have been mining and holding you know maybe a leum over the past year like myself but I haven't sold all right as you guys can see here here's my minor here right it's still going 360 gigahash Al box almost 1,700 alifia mined since then and so yeah this bag is currently worth okay if we just just go to coin market cap for $865 right now and I know at certain point in time you know when Alim was $2 I remember my bag being like you know when I mined like 900 or 1,000 uh you know it was like you know $2,000 or $3,000 at one point I think over here it was like $3,000 back in December 14th the bag that that I was holding Mining and holding it was worth a lot more so hindsight yeah I should have sold here but I'm holding for the longterm when hopefully not Financial advice if alium is going to have you know price appreciation from where it is now where it is $52 million market cap which I'm just you know not Financial advice like I've been like listening to a lot of people talking about alium being you know quite a positive project fundamentally and the hope that it would 10x you know at least have a 10x where it would go up to you know at least uh what what would be a 10x from year 500 million 100 million market cap or something like that so at this point I mean there's abs absolutely zero point for me to sell this bag that I have mined with this Al box you know since the beginning I am not going to be selling this because yeah at this point I don't want to take that you know theoretical loss cuz again thank you to Crypt Miner Bros back then who sent me this minor but for anyone who bought one of these for you know 8 to 12K they're they were varying in prices uh when they first came out anyone who bought this during that time has definitely not gotten their money back even if they sold at the opportune times of you know when the peaks of the alium price at certain times now if someone does have one let me know down below like how how close are you to you know breaking even I know for a fact nobody has gotten their money back yet on their Al box for anyone that actually bought one there's absolutely no way there's absolutely no way just yeah the profitability of these things I mean yeah this Al box over the past 3 months is now I'm now at my 74 cents kilowatt hour my electrical rate at home here this thing is currently making uh or I'm losing 17 cents a day but if we're looking at the yield okay it's it's now mining 0.28 Al a day okay or 14 cents worth of alium a day which is I mean to be expected to be honest I I we were all expecting this okay once bit M and you know ice River came out with their big boy miners obviously the hash rate has jumped up 2x right it it's jumped up pretty much another set of 30 p a hash when it was initially you know almost 30 pet a hash for the better part of the past couple months and then ice server came out they a lot of people bought the a3s and lo and behold we have the downward sell pressure here of alium so I'm going to definitely correlate this and I did talk about this before you know the a3s came out kadana all right kadana is a project where you guys all remember the k3s okay the k3s when those came out it it pretty much it was also having massive cell pressure and it was tanking the the project down and it also tanked down the um uh the other uh Cadena models as well pretty much wiped out all the other kadana models that were mining okay it looks like the ka3 is actually profitable at my electrical rate that's actually funny but uh yeah all the gold shells all the IB links all the other models that were mining kadana pretty much wiped out the face of the Earth exactly the same thing that is happening right now to alium okay all the AL miners right the only big boy ones that are remotely profitable at this point in time is going to be the uh the uh bitmain al1 Pros like a little bit by 10 cent 9 cents and then maybe the a3s if you have 6 cents or lower okay but everything else right everything else that has uh worse efficiency like the gold shell Miners and maybe some of the ice Rivers uh these are now losing money okay or maybe breaking even depending on your electrical cost okay so I'm going to have to say that you know when these a3s came out I think this is one of the fastest most unprofitable like after a month when the a3s came out pretty much after a month everything turned out to be unprofitable including the a3s I think this is one of the fastest examples of Asic miners that I have ever seen that has come out to be making the uh you know the big boy miners unprofitable but of course it doesn't help as well that the price of alium has been tanking along uh with it okay and now if that's also correlating to the rest of the market which you know bitcoin's like over 990,000 there was 100,000 at one point and it's actually amazing that it's still hovering around there but everything else Al it's been you know bleeding and you know at some some parts the rest of the market has been bleeding as well so anyways for my situation here the test that I've been doing the whole mine and hodle test with this Al box I'm going to keep at it okay there's zero point for me to sell right now there's literally zero point for me to sell at there's no way I'm selling a leum at 50 cents okay if it's if this goes down you know to four 15 or 10 cents or or something like that then I'm going to have to call this this uh I'm going to have to call it like this this test was a wash like complete fail all right complete waste of money and I hope that this is a good example for people that are watching this video and are thinking about buying an altcoin uh gold shell sorry gold shell Asic in the future okay I hope that people do not get into like the AE box or AE box Pros okay something like that all all the like new algorithms that are coming out from gold shell you know the less efficient models I really hope people take this to heart and and I know that not everyone watches my videos and there's going to be some unsuspecting new minor that's going to come in is going to be persuaded at the oh look this Miner is making 30 bucks a day I'm 27 bucks a day I'm going to buy it looks great they get it and then like a month later it becomes unprofitable so that's what you know I don't want you guys to get into I don't want that to happen to anyone else save your hard-earned money and just buy the coin buy a project that you believe in with these types of projects with these hash rates you know with how much Hardware that's going to come online it doesn't take much for it to become extremely unprofitable it's not like with Dogecoin or Bitcoin right a lot more established uh that's able to sustain a lot of that Hardware that's on the network right now these new projects with only you know 50 million 52 million market cap or what's the emission right now for alium that's going to be okay mining pool stats doesn't show the uh Alpha mission on their on their site I don't know why but it's emission for alium right now is $188,000 a day okay or uh 37,000 elf a day all right so this is being shared amongst all the miners $8 $119,000 that's really you know it's really a drop in the bucket I mean that's going to be nearing like clor or very even worse than Varys coin Varys coins over $20,000 a day dash is 21 flux is 23,000 emissions daily so it's quite a fall from grace 100% a fall from grace here um doesn't help again doesn't help that the price of alium has been been tanking here and whether or not that's correlated with the rise and hash rate and also the a3s uh when they came out the ice revers came out end of December uh beginning of January here the correlation is just uncanny here so if that's sell pressure let me know what you guys think down below okay that's all I wanted to talk about in this video and I hope everything will come back to a time when you know things are going to come when Bitcoin goes up hopefully everything else goes up with it so the name of the game right now mine and hoddle but not Financial advice if it goes lower then it goes lower and this will be a failed test but we shall see in the next year or two okay we'll see all right you guys have a good one let me know your thoughts and peace out peace out I think I'm just going to give this thing away should I just give it away right now

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