WHERE’S THE HELIUM REWARDS??? 5 Days with 0 mining rewards!!!

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so till it's take it all away foreign wait for can me got the mic on let me know how the music sounds if 
it's too loud what's going on everyone welcome to   an angry stream today about the helium network 
my bobcat no issues i mean they're up they're   green lights are good ready to go i need some 
feedback on the music if you guys don't mind   welcome to the stream first time on the channel 
please consider hitting that subscribe button   turn on the bell notifications as we post videos 
weekly and we try to stream every monday around   this time for about an hour and a half to maybe 
two hours depending on how hot this gets and how   much interaction you guys are giving me for 
those who keep you track at home today's beer   of the day and there might be another one as 
well is the sierra nevada big little thing ipa   imperial ipa 9.0 abv this one is a 
kick and a can cheers to you guys   those of you that commented on the drink of 
the day yesterday with your alvarana dress   don't worry we will announce the winner in 
the next video we will do a live drawing so if you guys are jumping in for the first time 
please take a moment to like comment subscribe   there is also some addresses in the description 
of this video for algorand and helium and if you   appreciate the content and you support the channel 
please go ahead and consider sending in a little   tip with a note or a super chat or anything 
along those lines because we want to get to   that point of retiring so we don't have to work 
anymore which is why you see things like us doing   our little oxygen air quality ready to go we've 
got that going on what's going on mr pisghettis   welcome back to the stream now let's just jump 
right into it before we keep going as many of you   have seen we have not gotten any mining rewards 
i mean we've gotten like minuscule mining rewards   in the past five days three bobcats all with 
issues dropping rewards for hours on end and   falling behind in the blockchain yeah there's been 
a lot of that going on this week let's pull up the   seven date chart i can't even get the seven days 
to load this is my entire like has anybody used   sync fastsync for syncing issues no we have 
not uh check out old zinc elk michael scott   so yeah we'll check out yours too to see if you 
are having any issues i don't need to copy paste   i'm going to type it all right there we go old 
zinc elk so look at this the past seven days we've   only earned 1.597 helium and that's because on the 
sixth of september we got point eight then we got   point three five and then we got point three five 
and then we are now in day five of rewards under   like like minuscule so that's one two three four 
today will be the fifth day i have fast sync yes   on fast sync it was synced after 30 minutes but 
man not mining and showing online it helps greatly   so let's take a look at yours let's 
see if you were getting anything   you're relayed so you're 
getting [ __ ] oh come on man   uh had one last week not get any rewards and then 
it got fixed now a different one is messed up yeah   both of mine aren't getting anything um so let's 
see you're in great placement you've got a 5.8 10   meters up in the air you're getting some solid 
numbers i wish i can get those numbers i'm just   not getting them right now looks like you've 
had some slow days and then whatever happened   it decided to fix you and then you went crazy so 
not too bad but like for myself for daily mint   a few others uh looking in the area if you guys 
have problems with bobcat sinking check this out   check what out if it's gonna be a link i'll 
approve it mine is doing pretty well yeah   yours is doing very well michael scott you're 
not having any issues what kind of minor do you   have because we have bobcats i think sent you a 
lengthy thing i found on your twitter dm right now   i can pull it up on screen too let's see 
because i have in regards to twitter let   me find my miners again real quick hang on right 
here all right so in regards to twitter i have   that pulled up as the helium status and they've 
been sending out little updates here and there   uh actually they haven't which earlier today 
i was looking at this but this is pretty much   when before the issue started happening the dewey 
onboarding server is experiencing an outage and   adding hotspots to the network is affected and 
then this also might affect it let's see what   you sent me here on the tweeters um i'm not sure 
if you saw this i'm on your live chat now as an   nw modern northwest modern uh those with low 
rewards can be related to this that will be   fixed in next release i'll explain later on 
github okay so we'll pull that up uh yes sir so that incident has been resolved let's go back 
to the tweeters something with the ota yeah i've   got it here in my messages uh from home buddy here 
let's just go ahead and pull up to github and just   get out of the messages real quick there we go 
uh what's going on brian callahan how are you damn it quick fix number 1041 removes 
three octet limit on ip addresses hash   construction let's go ahead and pull that back 
up let's go ahead and pull up the twitters one   more time we're gonna pull it up over 
here so that way i can just copy and   paste what we see so for this those with low 
rewards can be related to this will be fixed   i will explain later tonight if needed 
apparently a code has been implemented as we'll put this in the ch we'll just 
put this over here so you guys can see oh that's too big uh i sent you a link 
search for the fast sync bobcat miner   it's on reddit where'd you send me the link on let's see can i pull up notepad mine are 
getting some rewards less than last week   but after bobcat updates and i upgraded 
my stock antenna it has been notepad   the big thing is the bobcat ui yeah so it looks 
like i've got to do some bobcat ui updates huh   all right so this is what i'm reading over here 
but i wanted to bring it back on screen just so   wait we all can see it um oh my god apparently 
a code has been implemented as some sort of   measure against gaming the code change checks 
if you have two hotspots using the same iep   if they do you cannot send beacons on both 
of them with within 300 blocks now an error   has been made where it was not the ip that has 
been checked but only the first three octets   this made that everybody that is sharing the 
same subnet we're only able to send one beacon   per this complete subnet we call this subnet 
slash 24 so if you live in an area with some   hot spots around you and the hot spots are 
connected to the same isp which we are there   is a big chance you were sharing the same slash 
24 with them in that case only one of you all   could send one beacon per 300 blocks which 
of course is also an impact on the witnessing   for the others since you're in your area only 
one hot spot can beacon for 300 blocks instead   of potentially 200 hot spots this could very 
hard hit your rewards the code change above is   a the correct code where the full ip is checked 
and not the 2 24 subnet so what that's telling me   is that i guarantee because these are my this 
is my minor this is my minor and this is uh   not mine but you know someone that popped up i 
guarantee he's on spectrum because i'm on spectrum   my in-laws are on spectrum he's on spectrum and 
we are getting nothing all right so what's else   uh i'd i fixed the four four one five eight but 
my place of business is paranoid about it so we're   getting its own router i have a bobcat very nice 
something ota hey you sent me a link on reddit um   crypto news plus i did it for my bobcat miner 
worked perfectly got a bid time disappointment   when i got an email from sp north america that my 
synchrobit miners won't come until early winter   2021 big not bid same isp are you serious yes same 
internet service provider for those of you that um   if i'm speaking too quick or anything like that 
um i want to see where you sent me the bobcat fix uh so many people are going to get hit with this 
if it's determined yeah right so obviously so this   guy right here we can go to his 30-day results 
as well or his uh last 24-hour results and he's   not getting anything either so we're kind of in 
the same boat he had like yeah we're in the same   boat so let's go into 30 days and you'll see yeah 
just it just it just pooped out it just completely   pooped out and this is of course my other one 
and this one also just completely pooped out so   and then here's the poop here's the bono right 
there the last seven days we had a nice little   pink half an hnt down to next to nothing so 
we are synced about an hour ago um activity   is another good one to see if they're actually 
sending anything out which they shouldn't be   all activity still waiting on the nebras yeah i 
heard nebros might start looking at being like   disowned um two hours ago we sent a beacon created 
a challenge sent to beacon sent to beacon created   a challenge created a challenge sent to beacon 
this one's doing work man challenged a beaconer oh god all right so you challenge me out 
there search on google fastsync for   bobcat miner click on the reddit 
post okay uh let's do that here even if i'm synced though should that matter or will that just help it get better because i'm i'm synced which is good uh let's 
see the activity from my guy up here so maybe   this one's been creating challenges and sending 
beacons but since we're on the same isp we're not   getting any activity this one's in sync 
for the last um nine hours all activity all right we'll pull this up over here wait that's not what i wanted 
let's go back to the googles   oh yeah you guys get to watch that all right 
witness beacon invalid let's create a challenge   witness beacon invalid create a challenge money 
rewards challenged beaconer that was 48 okay cool   so the last thing that this miner my miner has 
done was three days ago it's green lit it's online   it's synced but you can see i know it's gonna 
be blurry on screen but you can see that three   days ago september 10th was my last transaction 
so i need to go to the reddit post there we go yeah i'm not stuck sinking so i don't 
think that's gonna really benefit me   uh it's for the bobs that are not synced okay 
so that's a good one to that's a good piece of   information to have pulled up hey guys if this is 
your first time here please take a moment consider   liking the video will ya please do that for me 
but yeah so you see here this minor it's green lit   um it's it's right in two doors across from 
me and by the way if you try to fast sync the   difference between you and the network have 
to be more than 300 don't remember exactly a little bit all right mine that has no rewards is synced but 
has no activity for like two days yeah so   i'm in the same boat i'm assuming losing sync 
twice a day and not getting more than .04 a day   yeah if you're losing sync twice a day you might 
also want to check your internet connectivity   because if you're losing sync you might not be 
connected enough you might be dropping out that   might be a issue i had similar issue we started 
my bobcats and waited uh i what with the with the   low rewards when i hit disk mode from helium 
app it's failing to find any witnesses before   i used to get 10 anyone else having same 
problem yeah we're all having that problem   we're all having that problem after the last 
ota one of my sense gaps listen ip changed and   had to be updated really strange how to restart 
router hotspot and redo the part port forwarding   might want to check your listen ip actually i 
will i'll do that right now i can actually log   into my router from my mobile phone and check my 
isps uh sign in with an existing account please   use my thoughts use my face damn it thank you all right let's see my bobcat 
showed synced for two days but   was not actually synced did you check with 
pairing on the diagnostics tool i have not   um i could honestly if you have a green 
light and it was previously working i   would just wait it out yeah the green 
lights are just really what it's about um donde estami hotspot uh key helium yeah it's it's still my ip 
address it's still uh spot 26   although i do have an update on my internet 
which i'm not going to do right now i   do have an update for my wi-fi but that doesn't 
matter because this one so that's what it seems   like with that with that issue uh does anyone 
else have issues with port forwarding with   [ __ ] no um that's what it seems like so do you 
have any activity let's see what your activity is what is your activity all your activity needs 
to be is hitting the like button your activity   is challenge to beaker create a challenge create a 
challenge center you can send a beacon but you're   not getting anything either just because all of us 
in the area aren't doing [ __ ] which sucks sucks   these guys obviously down here they're 79 or 
0.79 helium 0.66 helium so regardless of their   affected they've been relayed rallied they've been 
relayed since the dawn of time you'd see the last   24 hours they've gotten diddly squat in the past 
seven days they've got .096 so really there's no   reason to even look at these ones four dbis two 
meters up let's take a peek at their activity well loads all activity there we go   yeah they're only getting mining rewards like 
september 9th point zero zero seven mining or   september 10.009 mining reward point fancy iris 
porcupine was down for two days up now though   extremely as we report forwarding i keep 
getting alerts they are blocking stuff um what was i looking for fancy iris pork if you're getting those issues maybe 
consider getting like a modem and then   or yeah a router and then just opening the 
ports in your router and that should do it   for you because that's that's what i do i have 
my modem and then i have it run to the router   and then i have the router port forward um 
ports forwarded so oh man that's not fair   you're up and running i'm so jelly you're 
calling me peanut butter and jelly because   you're making 882 for the past 30 days uh 
what's the listen ip mine went from tcp for   170 after the ota had to switch to tcp 
it's four four one five eight right i don't even know i just opened the 
port for four four one five eight and   never looked back let's see does the 
twitters have anything no that's just updates   ooh let's check out this uh oh that's 
a pretty cool looking borderlands   cosplay so far uh xfinity tells me they are 
ip reputation attacks yeah i've heard a lot   of stuff like that going on with explaining you 
have to deactivate the advanced security feature that reminds me when uh i get my deeper miner in   which yay thanks for the deeper minor buddy 
if you're watching you know who you are   um you're probably not watching i know you're at 
work uh i have to i have but i turned it back on   uh i'm expending used to get anywhere from 2 to 
4.5 now barely 0.3 a day lost witnesses though   yeah the witness losing and everything has just 
been really really rough like i can't even give   like setup advice which is stupid i think i want 
lower dbi well i can take a look at yours if you   want me to just oh fancy irish pokemon are 
you dead yeah well you could try lower dbi   my yeah your eight is too much yeah let's go back 
to that one understood the ota changed the listen   ip so it wouldn't send beacons yeah i wouldn't 
send beacons if you're within the same internet   service provider which is stupid you should fast 
sync your miner to get it up and running again   my miner is running tcp 44158 and you should do 
udp 1680 oh that's good to know i didn't know i   should do the udp um i want to go back and look at 
where are you what were you fancy iris porcupine fancy iris porcupine right there tucson arizona you're 56 meters up not bad anyone else 
having problems with discovery tool   no are you just not getting any uh 
activity on it 17th floor up d 1680   anyone who does the fast sync you'll 
need username and password and the gui   username is bobcat and password is miner i should 
control city well if it would load it come on go come on take me there i'm not gonna go find you i 
guess i have to go find you in arizona there we go   easy peasy uh same here we'll probably revert 
to stock antennas yeah yeah you're too big on   the 8.0 here especially being 17th up you're i 
mean you're hitting everything which is nice but   you're overshooting all this jazz as well so drop 
yourself down to like a 5.8 or even a 5.0 and you   probably should be pretty solid even more solid 
because i mean you're still really solid right   now 8 db yeah you're overshooting everything 
you're overshooting but not getting it's weird   if you want to be really ballsy you got the 
nano noise yeah i got the um my mini should   be in tomorrow and i'm gonna set all that up and 
start doing videos on it you know all that stuff   while we wait for more helium miners to come 
in discovery very hit and miss but so are my   beacons recently thank you how do we deactivate 
advanced security feature in your ip settings   or your firewalls and [ __ ] right is that what 
like what's your what security feature you asking   anyone can you check my hot spot sure what 
is your hot spot name did you like the video   and consider sending a super chat since cap 
is having issues with the discovery tool i   went from 30 beacons to zero well everyone's yeah 
everyone's getting this stuff right now hey man   you're in tucson so am i hello from germany hello 
mslim dude no 1080p stream my computer is ass   uh chris avent on youtube global rapper we should 
exchange info so i'm using it like obs and before   i was using obs stream labs which was let me do 
1080p streams so i kind of reverted back to the   old system because i'm not going to pay 100 a 
year for obs one or stream labs when i'm not um   streaming on twitch because no 
one watches me on twitch but uh because no one watches me on twitch so i mean 
i'm not gonna pay on that one but i do like   i've always had a problem with obs trying to 
get it to be like 1080 and stuff like i've got   a beautiful camera for it and i hope the sound is 
good thank you vaiub i really appreciate it man um   all right so you want me to take a look at your 
hot spot and you are with a 40bi zero meters up   looks like you might be getting affected 
by what we're going at as well like you're   getting some decent witnesses in areas your 
issue might be you need a little bit more   hype uh i'll go into three dollars by the end 
of this month and then ten oh i know man i know   i'm so like i just want to go back to 
all my old alba videos be like i told   y'all i told you i'll get in on it like my 
mother-in-law came to me today and she's like   can you buy me 500 algo i was like i will 
because you're not gonna miss the bus but   gone in a while ago like you guys remember 
the video i did where i was like buy under a   dollar sell over a dollar buy under a dollar sell 
over a dollar oh so it looks like you're fresh   you just started your mining definitely consider 
getting your uh 4dbi up high you don't want it   to be at zero meters don't put it next to any 
windows and if you're inside of a flat just   put it in the very very very middle hopefully 
that helps you au but that's not bad for uh   what have you been doing it seven a week you've 
been mining for a week yeah you've been mining for   a week not bad um can you look at my newest one 
all right so now we're doing damaged basil peacock i'm glad you guys are getting 
activity and i'm not which is stupid did i select it yeah damaged basil 
peacock i wanna see a pikachu whenever computer let's go thank you oh baby 212 dollars in a 
week that's sexy looks like you had a   a lull but holy crap man 8 dbi damn albuquerque new mexico please if you 
have a chance i'm on it all you have to say   is albuquerque breaking bad is my favorite show of 
all time and i need to go back to albuquerque and   do thank you very much here in the uk it's easier 
yeah i need to go i want to go back to albuquerque   and do like a breaking bad um self-guided tour 
but seriously uh don't change the thing man   um don't change the thing you're doing stellar 
you've got a great area i'm sure you've got good   placement um you've got an 8 dbi it looks like 
you're hitting this range because maybe you're   still inside and you you know maybe you got a 
crappy cord um but i wouldn't change a thing isn't   it best to put the antenna by the window it is 
not good to put the antenna by the window because   the paned glass especially when it's double pane 
of glass and even triple pane glass will refract   the signal that you're putting back inside 
so if it's sitting right there at the window   we'll use this usb stick as the thingy so that my 
phone is the window and the antenna is right here   you're just going to be bouncing that signal off 
the window into the house so it's not going to go   anywhere now if you put the antenna a space from 
the window at least now when that signal goes out   it's going to shoot out of the antenna and go 
through the walls around the window so it still   has a chance to get out you're going to have 
some serious dbi loss but the signal is still   going to bounce off the window so if you're just 
sitting right here imagine you're throwing like a   racquetball and you're within like an inch of the 
window you're always going to hit the window it's   going to bounce back but if you're like you know 
10 feet 12 feet 15 feet from the window and you   throw a racquetball you have a terrible accuracy 
arm you have a chance of hitting like the walls or   bouncing it out elsewhere so get it away from 
a window and also the mesh on the window your   screen mesh will also screw with your signal as 
well um thank you very much here in uk easier   next is yeah uh damaged basil peacock 
don't change the thing shaggy pearl wallaby you should see the one next to me navy crazy navy 
dragon think it's 10 days of ouch you as well what do you add 4 dbi just put your antenna 
up a little higher maybe you'll get some of   this stuff out here it looks like maybe 
you've got like some kind of structure   right behind you since you're 
not getting pushed out this way   all right thanks pisghetti's brother we'll see 
you later what are you cooking for dinner tonight   chris abbott i email you that's what she said um 
damaged basil has to be outside way to go dude my hot spot is having issues maybe we're all 
most of us are having issues mine is in front   of a bug screen and earning 0.8 a day well the 
bug screen it could be earning a little better   but point a today still isn't terrible especially 
for one but then again we look at these ones here   and they're making 1.4 you know a day making some 
serious numbers my antenna is 5 inches from glass   yeah get it away you think it's bouncing yeah 
it's definitely pushing that signal back inside   like so if we zoom into this hotspot let's 
imagine that this is in a house right here   and it's there's a window right here on this 
side of it it's oh you're going out nice we're   going to olive garden uh you think it's bouncing 
it's going to be bouncing the signal into the   inside of the house and it's just going 
to dissipate and be ruined so that's why   this one's probably not hitting anything 
back here because we're getting some great   signal to the left and to the right but 
we're not getting anything you know these i should do this hey man thank you so much for 
the live stream i really enjoy your channel i   really appreciate it man i'm sorry if i come 
off as someone that looks like we're just   trying to get rich and you know i'm just a as 
a get-rich-quick schemer it's just interesting   that you're not hitting this stuff back here 
with your directional like shut up copper that never really works just want to do it 
on video but it's great that you're hitting   all this stuff and i'm sure if you had more 
over here you'd hit them all really well so   you've got some great positioning there all 
right what do we got let's minimize this   uh any updates takes any updates takes down 
minor for 30 plus hours it happened 3x update ota   downs minor yeah that mean bobcat even 
though they have like a better they have   like better memory in there to combat these um 
they're always affected terribly which sucks   uh there's a big mountain oh yeah okay oh i see 
okay herpa derp yep i see the mountain right here   yep that's the point right make money   i mean absolutely fancy iris porcupine should 
have all witnesses my dog's name is copper that's why i meant hitting to the 
blue side that makes sense then okay   yeah yep we'll go right in there and we can 
see that mountain right here looks like a   turd actually you know once you have one of 
those nice really solid one piecers right here you know it starts off all tapered off from 
the sphincter and then it grows and pushes   out and then poops in the toilet right there 
nine witnesses and almost no rewards yeah   man i'm not getting any 5.8 dbi works good 
indoors live in an apartment yeah 5.8 is good   what's a good 5.8 dbi antenna the rack 
wireless which hey stop uh no no caps no caps this one right here this is what i'm 
using and i have two of them i can't   really give you good numbers right now 
just because of how crappy the network is   but this is what i'm using um and 
they're one one of them is 40 bucks but this is a two set for 80.

So it's not too bad   east not too bad i would definitely 
recommend using that what's going on mr p   you're my deeper guy right mr potts mr putts um 
five point works best thing what's good fun it's   true giving so much info thanks dude sat here 
twiddling thumbs waiting for first miner hey so   90 miners in tucson has four buildings only yeah 
so if you're all sitting there waiting for your   miners to come in let's see in chat everyone hit 
one if you have one of these bad boys coming in that's all right that's why i didn't 
you know put you in timeout or anything   let's see in chat everyone hit one if 
you have one of these bad boys coming in go to the post office mr b if that gets mailed out today 
will it come in tomorrow could you guys even see that on camera yeah all 
right you guys should know when will planet watch   link for mining one there we go see how many 
we get two ones planet watch will be linked   for mining or while the awares will be linked for 
mining at the end of september um early beginning   of september or beginning of october by the latest 
what do you mean only four buildings already have   two of them nice meant to be here in 30 minutes 
oh yours is gonna get in 30 minutes that's awesome   all right now everyone that's typing in one how 
many did you get so i got four you guys know that   i might get two um i had a couple of people asking 
me if i can they are overseas if i can uh get one   for them but unfortunately like matt yep 
yep uh unfortunately i got really super   busy last night getting into deeper and 
trying to figure that craziness out lambo   i have a multi-story car park near me so my next 
plan is to put an 8 dbi with a rut 240 router sim   and 500 h power bat pack on the top floor of my 
car uh it's not mining you're rewarded for the   data set yeah i mean yeah it's like i'm saying 
what's up appley magic apply magic um it's not   mining it's just it's proof of data i guess is the 
way to go but to be a clickbaity cringy youtuber   we want to get everyone out there i fixed all my 
hot spots easily all right how do you fix your hot   spot then if it's the same because mine's synced 
not a problem so even though cause mine are synced   do i have to re-sync it synced mining 
within an hour mine are synced though unless the explorer is a lawyer second bobcat ordered 627.

So yeah so we're going   to go into this bad boy right here 
wish they had this feature before i have 10 up it's simple to say mine yeah 
it's easy to say minor after i bought mine   the price went up from 149 to 299 i make 130 
a day a day yeah i got you oh now it's sinking or was i just sober and didn't see that this one synced and it's making nothing this one   is sinking one one one all right so let's go 
to that article then fast sinkers all right all right so we are going to get this going 
uh so excited about aware i really am too um   show what are we looking at is that someone's 
hot spot i just keep watching the price of   planet tokens go up each day i need to go buy 
them and deeper needs to do the same damn thing   and i'll show you that i'm ready for deeper if you guys can see it on screen i have 20 316 
deeper ready to stake and to start mining this   is going to give me a credit score of 300 which 
will give me like two dot like 63 deeper a day or   something so ready to go diagnostic tool type in 
the ip address of your miner yeah command prompt there we go we're going to do this on 
a second screen type in the hotspot   ip number in your address book oh in my 
address bar i got my i got it here all   right so i got it here i can pull it 
up um device manager helium all right get the ip of your hot spot i told you it 
moving from syncing to sync too much yeah right type in the hotspot ip number in your 
address bar i'm doing that right now not secure all right brief tote fox got it i still need a few thousand of dpr i need to 
get another 700 dpr just so i can skip the   like one month wait list for mining so i've 
got 20 000 ready to stake for the 300 credit   and then i've got i've got to do 
a thousand to uh skip the waitlist   i have been three days without rewards 
resyncing with fast sync okay so i've got it up   um i've pulled it up i don't need to do 
command prompt then what's next sync status troubleshooting fast sync ooh use fastik only 
if you used resync minor and the led light has   turned green or if the miner has been recently 
fully synced and just needs to play catch-up now   okay uh enter i agree if you want to do fat i 
agree and i'll go check to see if the light's good   uh explorer doesn't show actual sinking or not hi 
we're the truffle shuffle where the super chats   what's next selling watches mining crypto 
while ticking the time that would be cool   uh the miner is syncing right now the led will 
turn yellow you can close this page and wait all   right so i have to go get a beer anyway so let's 
go take a look once you have the bobcat diagnostic   up you need to resync the miner so it says it's 
resyncing it now the ota trash the bobcats like   i said the one next to me got took out on the 
third flatland give it some time then fast sync   oh so once you have the bobcat diagnostic 
up okay well i'm gonna go look at it nope it's still green we most have algo 
wallet in order to mine planet yes you do   we can't stake less than 2k uh 
give it some time then fast sync   in order if i order an antenna from rack 5.8 
how many days for delivery it's like three   or four days deeper disappointed me yeah i mean 
i'm already like pot committed at this point for   deeper so might as well and plus i can do videos 
for you guys and answer questions and i spent   some time with the developer last night um really 
diving into it it just seems like it gets worse   every day uh my hot spot is having issues 
maybe question mark nine witnesses and   almost no rewards can you look at my 
hot spot fast charcoal antelope sure fast charcoal you can then check the hotspot status the gap 
should be huge since you just made it resync   then once you see the big gap you will know 
the resync works and you will be able to fast   sync okay i got to read your comments 
again since you're doing it all right upgraded from 5.8 to an 8 dbi antenna now some 
of the beacons are getting invalid witnesses   i'm going to let it run its course for a week 
but thoughts yeah give it a week first and then   probably revert back but then again i'm kind 
of in the same boat like mine is upgraded and   really well do you have a video on how to set up 
an algo wallet uh i do it's an old ass video um see i can find it it is an old video it was like from november 
last year and when you look at it the algo is   going to be like 26 cents when i bought into 
algo so every bobcat has to go manually resync   their miners i really hope we don't 
have to manually re-sync our miners what's my birthday and pto days i have coming up um i think this is the video here uh 
bobcats say they'll be fixing valid   witnesses soon yeah i'm still waiting on that one definitely waiting on that one here this is uh   wow i'm so cool in this pit in this video 
there you go wow planets on fire up 10 in   btc oh yeah planets are going to explode i 
can't wait to earn them using a pc laptop next copy paste the line usually it will now download the latest 
snapchat and load it during this   time the communities may hang while 
it's definitely snapchat once completed do that again right yeah uh you need to be on location on 
the network of your hotspot in order to do this   process yeah i'm on it right now uh what's going 
on g showing up late to the party it's all right   uh just listening to rap music 
on chris avent youtube channel   if i'm on 17th floor with 8 dbi tucson 
doesn't have skyscrapers i'm highest   in the city would you lower dbi 
grab all witnesses yes i would any algo address works yeah 
it should uh wild plans   all right so sync status i'm gonna click on this 
again see if it's gonna give me the sync status gap 8 354 minor height 100 000.

pexels photo 8358149

All right 
so we're super sinking fancy iris program   is going to do a two and a half daily but i get 
lower dbi i think cities mine lol look at how   i'm trying i'm waiting for the one that i just 
looked up and it just won't even like go to it   so what do we need steep winter green can you 
explain the scale reward on helium how does it   work and what exactly affects yeah i can do that 
um what's going on devon how are you oh where's   out of stock everywhere now really okay that's 
crazy uh temperature that's cool all right so   my temperature is only 64 degrees that's not 
too bad that means sitting right next to my um 5s minor slowdown it's sitting right next to my ac   should i reboot the miner or 
resync the miner reboot the miner do fast sync now let's go niners i don't want to talk about 
the giants oh okay cool so it gave me more   of a screen now now it's got everything 
so now i'm looking at a screen like this there now i'm looking at a screen like this i am too but the giants really suck so that 
means it should be twenty six dollars today   i'm waiting for three miners of total 
total that one made that one made can you explain the scale reward 
yeah so let's explain the scale   reward really quick and i'm not gonna 
pull up um fast sync to close the gap magic uh by the way after your video aware 
elements sold out even the pre-orders on their   ew website oh thank you i am super 
popular where i could sell an equipment   magic lipstick chicken it's not loading 
anything for me at the moment magic lipstick chicken why is it being stupid all right i went to 
try buy another one since i bought it last   week and the awares are just going poof yeah now 
they're probably crazy on ebay there we go go   to it there we go oh so you've got a cow chip so 
it's just bobcats that are having the issues then uh what algo wallet do you use i use the official 
algo wallet on our phones i do i do i had to do   fasting on both of my bobcats last weekend and 
while it caught up to zero gap it took another   six to twelve hours to begin working however 
my rewards are less than they were before   explore is sometimes slow yeah i use the official 
alga wallet on our phones i went to buy another   one blah blah blah blah still waiting on my two 
neighbor hot spots never sounds like i'm gonna be   waiting forever all right magic lipstick chicken 
this one's fantastic 33 algo in the past 30 days   and you're making 667 dollars of profit that's 
not too bad at all all right so let's take a   look at the transmit scale rewards we'll just 
use let's go to an example a better example   see if we can find someone that would be a good 
example of no no no no no no all right doesn't   matter so let's let's look at this right here 
where transmit scales and i could do this on hot   spotty but i'm just gonna do this as a drawing for 
your for your question all right so what happens   in a transmit scale is everything's broken up into 
a bunch of different hexagons in different areas   so let's say this area right here in red says in 
order to have a 1.0 transmit scale we are offering   this area to have 25 hot spots so once it gets 
25 hot spots any hot spot that's put in there out   after the um well also including being outside of 
300 meters from another hot spot so let's say all   these hot spots are outside of 300 meters but 
there's more than 25 in there you're gonna see   a transmit scale start going down because 
this area is only budgeted for 25 miners   so then let's say it goes into a bigger area and 
it goes into this area here and you'll see maps   like this all over the place you'll see another 
map like you know maybe like this like this like this you'll see some areas like that and then they'll 
be like you know this one is you know another 25   this one's 25 this one's 25 and then the 
next level might be like this one is 150.   so as long as there's 150 miners and they're 
all within 300 meters or 350 meters apart of   each other they will get that 1.0 transmit scale 
and then you can look at another area like this   and it'll say like 150 could be in here 
which this is 150 is all inclusive of to   the center point of this one so 150 
and then like another one over here   could be at 150 and then again that's all 
inclusive there so once you have 150 miners piled   up in this area even inclusive of the 25 that's 
when your transmit scale is going to start going   down even if your miner is like a lone ranger 
like this guy but then you know we can even get   a little bit bigger and go with a black pen here 
and then we might have like an area like this and   this one might say it's got like you know a bunch 
of miners as well so just kind of stuff like that uh the atmo tubes is are still available 
and with the huey ey 1619 it's a dream i   wouldn't go anywhere near the um atmo tube 
i don't really care for that because that   you have to sync to your phone bluetooth 
and so that one i've heard a lot of issues   for uh my bobcat is trouble too yeah all 
of our bobcats are having stupid trouble   young hazel hornet you could see what the 
last two otas did to me yeah let's take a look young hazel hornet i was waiting i was like someone someone 
knew it do i have to like color it in oh yeah thanks spence i appreciate it brother 
oh oh yeah let's look at your 30 days   yeah oh yeah look at the last otas just like screw 
you man don't even like buy you a drink first uncle daven saw it but i mean still 30 
days a month 400 bucks not too shabby   hang on to that stuff i checked the 30 day i'm 
on a 30 day god you're so needy welcome to the   channel welcome to the stream we try to do this 
every single monday so if this is your first time   here please subscribe to the channel turn on the 
bell notifications right now we're just bitching   and moaning about our bobcat miner you're pretty 
good except for everything going down he does have   a bobcat uh everything uh have you seen the first 
type one planet in the pixel location gets 90   rewards and the next person will get 10 words so 
you better be quick um no isn't type 1 300 hey   thanks for what you're doing here i have less than 
300 m to the next hotspot do you need to relocate   fancy lipstick peacock so these 
issues aren't affecting every bobcat   well um that's what apple or apply has been saying 
uh my bobcats still get rewards thankfully so   it looks like my issues right now are because of 
the isp issue so it's saying that if you share an   internet service provider with another bobcat 
that's near you you're getting these issues as   well so looking at my area um i'm sharing i mean 
we have the same internet service provider wonders   if the bobcats low run is the problem it could 
be very well could be but yeah as i was you know   saying um make sure you hit that like button guys 
i really appreciate it we've got 85 viewers only   29 likes so guys hit the like button just just 
like it i don't know why youtube just tells me   to make sure i tell you guys that so just hit 
the like button it's only affecting one of my   four bobcats lucky you my one bobcat is trying 
to do work and every other bobcats just like   no no no megan you forgot your jacket nope uh 
because of something that i gotta select music   um i wanna make sure i get copyright stuff 
are bobcats messing up i'm late yes bobcats   are currently messing up which is stupid uh 
this one's four months ago that should be good i don't even know how the music's doing on 
stream um but yeah bobcats thanks for that   boost in the likes guys and also if anyone wants 
to consider super chats for all the hard work   um 30 days point yeah you're just as bad as me 
with this one unless you literally just turn it   on today wonder if it's a low ram causing the 
problems in bobcats i mean the best thing that   bobcats have going for them right now is that you 
get them not like nebraska hey dude i filmed in   and bought two bobcats last week will it still 
be profitable in four months absolutely this is   going to be long-term profitable the miners 
and helium is only like a two-year-old uh   platform and this is gonna be i think it's 
like 2064 for the final helium to be mined so   absolutely it's going to continue to be profitable 
i got to make sure the music's not too loud must be boring listen to me just talk with 
no more uh no the type 1 planet watch is   1650 but it does earn about 800 a month 
that's a chunk man i mean good on you but   i'll just take my 40 license for four of these 
bad boys and earn what 16 it's about like 450 a   month or so mine is strong saffron urchin i was 
getting one to two healing a day and overnight   someone has set up a minor 30 meters away and 
my reward scale went from 1.0 yeah that's what   i figured i just listened to it on my thing so i 
turned it up a little bit um hear my dog screaming   uh are they still good to buy or would anyone 
recommend something different or am i good   lol uh you were bobcat you're still good on the 
bobcats i mean they they mess up a little bit   they but the bobcat team will um usually respond 
to issues pretty quick so like it just sucks   that like i'm getting every like every 11 days 
they're having issues right now and so i have   like a really good oh [ __ ] yeah look at that i 
really oh my god you went like from 35 yeah i mean   you're in a you're in that area where you're 
just gonna start getting crap piled up on you buy an lbc miner i thought about it on 
goldshell right is that what you got   because i've got the little i don't 
know if i can show it but i've got   the little gold shell asic down here 
at my feet and um pull it up over here uh miranda there's no way to 
tell how profitable it'll be   there are way too many variables but i 
think most of us believe that it's still   um profitable but good luck getting in four 
weeks yeah no kidding um what is it the hs1 plus which those numbers are [ __ ] i'm making 
more than that um i have this little guy   little guy right here look at that little 
guy he's mining the uh handshake token these numbers are [ __ ] the electricity 
cost is under 19 cents for me   and i'm getting like four dollars or three dollars 
a day with it so i'm getting about i'm getting 10   handshake i'm getting a deposit every single night 
so i'm getting 10 handshake every single night   and on um coin market cap i 
think i don't know how much it is   i should do another video update on this 
yeah so i'm getting 10 handshake a day   i'm getting three dollars and 30 cents a day 
for this little guy the little guy right there   and he's already pretty much paid himself off 
which is awesome um came in the live stream   late but i saw some videos about problems with 
sync and the bobcat people having problems that   bobcat is updating a lot and it takes time for the 
update to finish i'm going to start buying a lot   of asic miners with my d5 gains while's an update 
you don't earn helium yeah while it is updating   hey there just wondering if when i screwed 
up the initial miner setup on the helium app   antenna height can screw up the earnings how much 
does it cost to set it up again ah do you know i   think to reset up like your uh miner uh like 
your antenna height it's like like what like   it's a it's a little bit of dc 
token um that's about it but yeah it does suck that your transmit 
scale just went from like 1.0 to like nil goal is to have mining farm in my parents 
barn yeah i'm just trying to set up   reassert the miner to a new location is 10 bucks 
yeah so actually to re to move it from like house   to house it's 10 bucks um if it's within your 
house like don't even bother like i've moved it   from my master bedroom to my garage so i wouldn't 
bother doing that um but to move to update the   antenna it's like like like a buck or two i just 
got a bobcat have nine potential witnesses but   only getting one with four dbi i have ordered 
a 6 dbi or would 8 dbi be better for my   hotspot digital goldenrod ladybug in uk 
thank you let's pull that up real quick digital golden rod ladybug   and telford england let's go take a look oh yeah 
you need a you need a bigger one man um 8 dbi   [ __ ] i'd even just consider getting a 12 dbi so 
you've got two options we're going to draw it here i can't even look at that picture seriously 
all right so you've got two options i would   consider either 12 dbi and aim it 
i don't like that color right now um we'll just use a highlighter so take 
your 12 dbi and either aim it like this way   to cover it's a directional and you can 
either hit those or aim it up to manchester united manchester united's 
greatest football club yeah   screw you chelsea um yeah you're gonna wanna 
you're gonna want a directional like that's   gonna be the best bet for you there can you 
check specialized fossilized ostrich i sure can   make sure you guys hit that like subscribe turn on 
bell notifications definitely like this stream and   consider super chats i highly appreciate it what's 
the name we're looking for special boss ostrich i received my bobcat yesterday improved   performance yeah i guess 
i'm resyncing it now oh boy why are you overshooting 
everything 5.8 8 meters up can someone say if it's normal that my 
sense cap takes meanwhile nine days to   sync it's stuck 98 to 99 percent and 
it's going down ethernet is on status   say a sync only inbound no outbound i should 
go check on that as well hey daily can i dm   you to get some info on d5 and miners 
hello all from directors of germany if they have a green light on them leave it for 
now i'm gonna respond that uh come on nerdy are   you gonna leave in the house as well nice 12 
dpi inside the house i don't have my 12 dpi at   the moment but really if the network just keeps 
going down like this i'm not going to waste money   i'm not wasting money but i mean i'm just 
going to struggle through what i can do um   also my issue with doing yeah you oh god i 
don't know why you're not hitting anything   unless all these people here maybe try a 5.0 with 
how high you are but there's no reason why you   shouldn't be hitting those two your 30-day numbers 
are yeah there's no reason why you shouldn't be   hitting all this in here in the area this is 
close to where i'll be setting mine up okay   oh so you're setting yours up yeah try a 5.0 or 
a 5.8 and just you know like maybe three or four   meters up blah blah blah blah blah blah come on 
nerdy you're gonna do that so i'm gonna go into   my back to my minor here and show you why i'm 
a little afraid of getting a 12 dbi because my   initial goal with my miners was to have them set 
up when i go like this uh my initial goal with my   miners was to have them set up and just talk back 
and forth like i would rather my area boom in the   in the long term so when i got my two miners 
and reason why i've worked so hard is because   i've wanted them to just bounce off each other so 
here's minor number one miner number two and the   two of them most of the time witness and challenge 
each other this guy joined in so we challenge each   other and i wanted these guys down here but they 
haven't done [ __ ] to their miners and same with   these guys down here and they haven't done [ __ 
] to their miners either so i'm in a decent front   and this guy up here as well like all this stuff 
should be able to connect and hit but they're not   so my issue with if i get a 12 dbi really you know 
it would be great so my miners are both down here   do a screen grab and then we're gonna do i just brain farted myself 
we're gonna redo this um uh   what are you doing with your life 
why are you screwing me up like this all right so we're just gonna redo that all right 
let's do this again okay so my miners that's one   of my miners and that's my other miner right 
there on the red line so we're gonna obviously   do a blue pen so if i put a 12 dbi on my house and 
i aim that towards orlando which would be great   i can hit probably like this and then i could 
also if i do this one i could hit probably   like this so this would be a 300 investment an 
additional investment to get these two miners   a 600 additional investment to get both those 
miners with 12 dbis hit towards the city and then   as you can see with this pathing with that antenna 
they're not going to then bounce off of each other   maybe it might be better in the long run because 
look at all this extra stuff that i can cover   but i don't know i don't know yeah 5.8 is awesome late this week i have the rack bobcat 
enclosure kit arriving with an 8 dbi um enclosure kit arriving on atpi antenna so i'll 
be switching it to the building's roof perfect   got a 5.8 on the way thank you you're very 
welcome xrp minion abundant red leopard in   london i want to get more h t but not sure if i 
should get a lower dubai what's your thought on   cyrus foundation it's similar helium soon they'll 
have their routers to earn the token um if it's an   in-home unit i have no problem with a plug and 
play option i will grab it and do videos on it   what am i looking up abundant if central you need to be high are we talking 
like mind of tron high or elevated high   he watches the playback i'll 
know at that point um you you've got a 5.0 with five meters out you're good everyone hit that like button thank you 
kevin gutierrez yeah you're good i mean   you're making 445 a month you've got 0.83 
scale so it's not the worst 5.0 you could   even probably get a 5.8 and get even more but at 
that point i think 25 is the cap oh lol elevated yeah but yeah this one's pretty solid here you're 
getting some solid witnesses so let's see what   your activity is uh what is consensus in the 
app can you explain that um consensus in the app   was originally like the consensus group that you 
can join but that was before the happening right   uh have you upgraded your antennas don't just get 
a better antenna and not put it up as high as you   can that it is that it that it that is the main 
thing use a good lmr 400 with low loss and put   it up high very high 40 feet yes i do have 
a lmr 400 yeah the consensus group was like   um they would select random consensus and give 
like super stupid rewards to them let's look at   all your activity so yeah so i've got one 
minor my bottom minor is um elevated it's   outdoors it's on top of my in-laws uh house 
with a lmr 400 cable that runs directly to it   and then oh my office level co2 
look at this ah look at you aware what are you telling me i want 
to see what the led says before   all right so what's the actual warning level 
is improving my co2 levels are improving   really even though i'm sitting here blowing a 
bunch of hot air out uh check with chili bird   and be like oh [ __ ] um but yeah so yeah all my 
stuff is upgraded and everything it's not 40 feet   high but they're about like 25 feet high check out 
rough chili bird and be like oh [ __ ] um rough   chili bird going to springsdale okay thanks 
um bubble gum terrier stuck for three days   so it's faithful bubble gum terrier so 
that sounds oh my god what the fudge holy [ __ ] you're not kidding and it's 
relayed is this the only one in his account oh it's one of these it's either a spoofer or like an emirates 
kind of ordeal i mean this person's making 545 helium a day   they're making 21 000 a month now they only 
have 545 helium so they're withdrawing it   19 19 a day 157 a week 21 000 a month that's crazy 
that not mine i wish it was yeah that's like one   of those emirates or like hot bit like accounts or 
whatever right now the miners endor with aluminum   blinds so just 25 and 15 days yeah all that 
is ruining it for you um faithful bubble gum faithful bubblegum terrier the dude makes 22 000 a month i know right 
i wonder why he's withdrawing everything i   wonder if he's taken it i want to get 
your own minor and bend that emirate we have a 1.2 yeah this one definitely definitely 
well you've got this mountain range don't you   if i'm looking at this correctly you've 
got this is a mountain range isn't it this is all mountainous terrain it's 
crazy you're getting signal over there   so you're not gonna be getting anything 
in los angeles no matter what you do   unless you get up over those mountains 
which really isn't a possibility um get yourself an 8.0 and see if that helps because 
obviously your 1.2 at least penetrated through   by scuba uh scuba do poo coin haha what's with 
dbi uh i want to get your own miner and bin that   emirate yeah money money money money money yeah 
so what i'd recommend for faithful bubblegum   terrier is definitely give it a whirl on getting 
because it says right now you have a 1.2 dbi   um 18 a month for your little area is not too bad 
but you can definitely try like a 5.8 a 6.0 and   8.0 and maybe see if that can help penetrate 
through the mountains with some rando luck   but yeah you just have that mountain that's in the 
way but that's still not bad 18 for one miner is   much better it's still much better than i've done 
i've only made like 21 and your account's making   54 for but wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait 
wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait this is   another one of those isn't it let me look at these 
discord notifications 53 000 a month eat my butt   today not it's beating yes i think i will try the 
stock antenna i've installed first in aftermarket   upgrade 8 dbi with low loss cable thank you for 
your help i am noob on helium thing it's all good   if that miner in arkansas is emirates miner 
i hope that person has their own miner on the   way because otherwise they are missing out on so 
much yeah this is going to be another one of those someone like me who only made 21 helium in 60 
days should not be giving advice to someone   that's making 54 000 worth of helium in 
30 days they should be giving me advice just saying it's one of those lol yeah it's one 
of those yeah it's one of those damn i know right   uh just also a side note while 
everyone's here if you are in the   orlando florida kissimmee disney universal you 
know tampa area we do have our meet up event   uh a week from wednesday on september 
22nd at 8pm address to the pub is in the   description of this video it's paddy wagon 
irish pub why are you posting an address oh okay this guy is hot spots oh what a squanchy 
that's awesome can we do the addresses in the   just give me a minor name give me a minor name 
squanch is it the squanchy squanching squancher   because i can't squanch it up uh but yeah so 
the meetup event will be next week come out   say hi have a beer we will have a beer special 
it's the nerdy beer it's a wicked weed coastal   love ipa no dude you have a great perspective 
i appreciate that um it's all brought to you by   beer um it's the nerdy it's gonna be a nerdy dude 
beer so if you go up to the bar and say hey i want   the nerdy beer um you'll get the wicked coastal 
love ipa at a discount i guarantee that 558 miners   though is is like that like those accounts where 
they say you put a miner up and um yeah come on   down spence you put a miner up and you get like 20 
of the profits which realistically if if you had   uh not that what was the minor we were looking at 
i drank a lot i should do this we were looking at uh this guy down here in lancaster right who the f were we looking at flaky pewter 
mouse all right we'll just look that one up   559 uh with the guy with that that one is 
abandoned in my town flaky pewter moose offline so he's got nothing but this is his 
this is one of his my yeah helium ink   old so that's why it's offline 
um let's go to the account uh i know it's kind of uh how do you feel about 
ada i'm okay with ada um but since i'm algorand i   really it was i put my eggs in the algaran basket 
so they ate a basket um and i think just al gorand   with being a lot younger than ada has much more 
potential and i think that aida's got a better uh spokesperson ceo type deal versus like i look 
at it like you know back in the day like jfk and   richard nixon like richard nixon was like you 
know a super president kind of guy very boring   very stale which you know mccauley like not like 
policies or any like that but like silvio mccully   kind of in that like younger look whereas 
like the ada um home dude what the hell's   his name i forget at the moment but i said it 
like a bunch of times in my video really weird   um he's very like relatable and personable to 
like the millennials and the you know generate   like gen z's that get into cryptocurrency so it's 
much easier um all right so looking at this guy   uh how the f that dude make 50k element it i mean 
this one's making 66 000 per month so really let's   see something stupid let's see if we can find 
anything stupid it's because they have 559 hot   spot miners so it's a company all right so let's 
just pull up someone one of their miners here   yeah it's just a company that says put your 
miner up and we'll give you 20 of the profit so   if this person hosts the miner in their house 
they're getting 505 dollars a month times 20   so they're getting 100 a month to host a 
hotspot miner that's exactly what it is   hoskinson thank you thank you because i 
kept saying in my video like hoskinson yeah   one antenna per miner no other way yeah you can't 
split it up uh can we put two different attended   gains at the same time using some kind of adapter 
i've been thinking i think you sent that to me   and like discorded something right i'm in seffner 
florida my bobcat 300 just came in i'm five miles   from tampa this is my first machine i want to run 
at eight drive on my roof what's your thoughts   definitely on the roof i have a cool hot spot 
and i swear it affects my rewards for my bobcats   i have a cool spot um i know it's kind of 
off talking about uh yeah hoskinson so um   yeah yeti racing definitely up on your 
roof um see if we can find seffner florida plant city tampa let's see where are you clearwater keystone oh that's a beer you'll 
never see on this channel uh chevelle   keep hitting that like button people 
smash it it's magic the abandoned   hot spots are hurting the reward 
scale they are they absolutely are but some of them um hear the 
man thank you i appreciate it   um if you're like i can't 
really find where you're at seffner where are you donde estar 
scepter no please mr superman no here   no we need more living pledge 
no no i i have no monies   what do we got oh come on who are you 
why are you stephanie floyd come on all right so if we're like down an area 
like this you're going to want to get   your [ __ ] up between tampa and plant city 
okay all right we're in plant city right here so wait you're on twitch i am on twitch i just 
haven't streamed in a while and i've i'm going   to be streaming a lot of diablo 2 resurrected on 
twitch when it comes out all these youtubers that   promoted this to all gonna get karma they misled 
us bad um that's kind of why i'm here don't eat   bats love it um i4175 um that's why i'm here 
because i was sold the dream you know i watch   vosscoin he's like oh my most profitable miner 
my bobcat with my antenna in the window made   five thousand and six hundred dollars in one day 
and that was the original like idea that made me   commit to buying a bobcat miner and then i bought 
two on the same day and so then i set them up and   let them run for a week and there was nothing 
going on so i was like all right i looked at   you know vos coin and like tac insertion tactical 
investing and all that stuff and they were showing   their bobcat miners with the four dbi antennas 
sitting in the window so as soon as i did that   um all you guys were leaving comments on like 
the antenna and it shouldn't be in the window   and the dbi it gets bounced back from this 
and that so then i was like all right cool   let's start like i'll i'll do a whole video on 
my journey but um it's just so ironic yeah well   i mean they sold the dream they didn't miss 
lead they sold the dream they sold the dream   um i four and a half after you help everyone 
before best ebi for highest building in city   17th floor with 860 hotspots running um just the 
40 bi is fine a 3.0 or a 4.0 is fine for up there   surrounding my fancy iris porcupine current 
20 witnesses no lemon pledge no let me pledge   are you sure they're giving them 100 a month 
or 100 a year there's a coast fee company that   are scamming people for paying them 100 a year i 
don't it would be 20 a month so if it's 30 days   of 500 it's like 101 or whatever it was i don't 
think that who's misled the rewards but uh that   was a lie all mine are in profit but not like what 
vosscoin got i think we are spirit animals who me   why why do you say that devin uh because they gave 
him a leg up on everyone window placement bad yeah   someone said in the last stream that you know it's 
nothing that's vasco and like i i follow the guy i   like to watch the guy and stuff like that um it's 
just really ironic that like one of the biggest   like you know little like hobby minor like miners 
that's on youtube posting these really good videos   just happens to hit the consensus group like 
the day after he sets up his bobcat so it's like   so yes everyone was still the dream foss has 
multiple miners he had like three at the time   um because his bob he had a bobcat like two nebras can't use stock though uh oh yeah 
some then get a 5.0 from wreck   uh some company in the northeast it was only 
paying 100 a year and not a percentage of oh   yeah [ __ ] that noise no way no way i swear 
they take a percentage of my bobcat earnings   uh because they gave him a leg up on everyone 
uh you notice the profitable devices with roi   in a month they didn't promote to us aka 
planet watch they sold us a dream for real   well they wanted to get them for like don't get me 
wrong man like if this is the first time on your   channel i got four of these and i jumped on it 
quick hey dude you're the best you make a good job   rocket rocket rocket rocket thank you very much 
yeah i saw that but the guy gets his [ __ ] free   and early vosk was bad with a shilling and talk 
of 100 bucks all the time because your journey   to having minors etc is the exact route i've taken 
lol you know it's profitable devices with roi in a   month i didn't promote that yep uh i got in after 
consensus i started a month before they having   uh and so then i started looking at the mining the 
staking mining for helium just to set it up and go   into a partial validator pool um which hasn't been 
too crazy but it's just sitting there earning me   a little bit of interest and i got to move mine 
over anyway see how this is doing uh i saw his   miner in the video on ebay selling it for 5 000.

did i saw that he sold it for five thousand you're   right i did see that video still sinking damn 
it let's see how we're doing over here on this yeah it i mean really it must be super nice to be 
a youtuber and to be like oh like i wanted to get   like ant minor s19s and stuff and i wanted to set 
them up i just don't have 19 000 to drop on one or   like 18 000 to drop on one and i don't even think 
that my house like power could afford that and   stuff so that's why i i started getting into these 
smaller little ways to set up miners i sold mine   on ebay for 1400 you did so even though i've got 
four of these guys and the four of them are only   gonna make 16 a day i've got my little asic miner 
down here making three dollars and 30 cents a day   so that's going to be 19 and 30 cents a day and 
then on top of that i've got a dpn miner that's   coming in with my level three credit score that 
i've been doing making about three dollars a day   at current price so now i'm up to like 22 dollars 
a day and then i've got my helium miners which if   they're working are making like 12 to 20 a day so 
we're probably getting ourselves into like a 40   a day kind of scale which is excellent and 
that's at current token prices on top of that   i am also still mining quote unquote mining 
algorand which i did a withdrawal yesterday   and now you can see i'm up to 0.28 algorand here 
so it's all these little mining goals i'm gonna   do a video about this here in a little bit showing 
literally like my little gpu my little asic miner   as soon as these go live i'll probably do that 
video so that's kind of my thought processes how's the sync status are we closer and the gap went down by what was it at eight 
thousand three hundred sixty-five or not under   eight thousand three hundred and thirty four sink damn it dagnabbit what name of the 
miner that has 599 hot spots oh man i'm   gonna have to look for that one 48 days 
great start dude absolutely like i mean   i could i i couldn't get a dpn a dpr miner fast 
miners website was slow as heck when they released   them for ordering baby steps for all of us buddy 
the bigger the leaps the bigger the chance of   stumbling add the planet mining into that yeah the 
planet mining is 16 a day i mean it's actually 20   a day now with the price jumping and that price 
is going up uh really you should probably look at   just going to get a whole bunch of planet too 
like let's see what the the token price is at   the moment coin gecko is what it's on right so 
when i first did the video last week it was at   14 cents and then when i looked the other day it 
was at 20 cents and now it's at 22 cents i just   go by planet like that's probably a good way to go 
uh what you use to mine algo i use kudo miner so   again i'm not mining algo i am selling my hashing 
power uh on my gpu to mine ethereum classic and uh   my cpu power when i'm not streaming and doing that 
stuff for monero and i'm getting paid out in algo   and you can make a withdrawal every uh 20 algo 
which it takes me about a month to get 20 i'll   go um i wonder if that's in the description of 
this as well let's see if it's in the description yeah so underneath my algo donation address 
which if you guys like the content and appreciate   it consider sending an algo donation to the 
address in the description or helium donation   to the link in the description um and then the 
mine aldo on kudo miner link is in that as well   uh i'm not sure what's up with 
my minor the rewards have been   all over the place lately we're drawing h t 
doesn't reduce rewards doesn't no it doesn't   um could be emirate they don't pull blah blah blah 
planets are gonna explode and i really hope that   when those tokens explode they don't take away 
the 23 planet per um aware that they're promising   if you're in the play to earn game star 
atlas looks cool i'm getting into that by   the way the next stupid coin that will blow up 
is loki loki oh god i i hate these meme things   i've been sat sinking for three days now only 
gone from 99.1 to 99.16 in the last 24 hours   stupid elon musk got a dog and named it floki   no withdrawing h t does not affect rewards 
yeah you could perfectly withdraw your hmt floki that's so stupid what gpu you're 
mining algo to get 20 a month um a texas instrument 83 jesus christ no 
i'm using um an uh a geforce gfx 1050 ti   four gigabyte wind 4 super clock 
edition so it's a 1050 ti with two fans   sometimes it could take a few days to sync what at i want to use a second one but 
unfortunately the motherboard   that i have in this pc is a mini and i can't 
fit two together so i have to get a little uh   six i have to get an adapter so i can just set 
that up and let my second one run and then it'll   put me at about like 34 to 40 a month which 
i'll be super happy with trade it trade what or i'm going to use it for video content 
is what i'm probably going to do still   negative on my mxc minor oh you did get 
an mxc miner didn't you weren't they like   800 bucks i almost i almost got suckered 
into that one as well i should have gotten   it just so i can make more youtube content but 
i didn't uh okay 1050 a 1050 ti4 gigabyte super   overclock winforce edition say the 
whole thing i need another beer around three okay yeah i think when i 
saw vos coin do his first video about it   i don't know how planet watch doing 
this but they official they still give   us 23 planet watch tokens even though 
the price is rising i'm waiting for   air kino to drop in the use in the usa uh 
resellers got a hold of the aware miners and   they sold out unfortunately i'm annoyed with those 
bastards now don't be annoyed or don't hate me and i know i did a post you know i i shared a 
post i'm not reselling mine so i'm not i'm going   to mind with mine i'd rather make sixteen dollars 
a day at four dollar you know at you know the four   dollars a token those are just three and of course 
i got the one back there the one over here um   i'd rather just make the the 23 a day per so if 
they're making 23 a day right now and they're at   22 cents 23 times 4 equals times 0.22 so that's 
20 a day mxc minor i had zero issues with though   i think we're going to have zero issues with these 
and the thing is it's really neat is that the   the awares i can just pull that one out of the 
box not planning on buying another one though the cool thing mother father 
the cool thing about the awares   is that they have been in production for 
at least a year like you can look up awares   and you can see that they've been 
out for a while so it's crazy   that they sold out like pretty much right after 
i did some videos about it i really like the   design on them though they're pretty nifty um and 
they're super quiet like here listen to this one you see it's on you can see the 
the green light and everything   listen to the noise it makes you know it just i don't know if you're gonna hear 
like it just it just like like nothing no noise whatsoever i mean you can if you 
hold it up to your ear it sounds like the ocean   but that's just that tiny little intake man when 
can i get nowhere ah sold out everywhere just keep i'll trade you in a where for a a helium liner i want to buy like 5 to 10 myself to mine lol 
not resell exactly you don't hear anything they're incredible i'm really excited for them 
i have two of those and four atma tube so how   does the four atma tube work like if you go with 
all four of them will you still be able to earn   a planet with them one eyebrow per miner uh yeah 
no noise at all with mine if you guys have it   aware actually currently sitting next to you and 
run hit hit uh 7 in the chat i want to know if you   guys are just kind of sitting here waiting with 
me let me see if i get my asic up here as well i have my asic running you won't 
be able to see it i don't like i   can get the mic as close as possible 
to it let's see if you can hear that you won't be able to hear anything 
because you don't hear anything maybe can i use the cam now i'm not gonna do 
that uh but people spoofing location on them   um do you know when you will be able to buy more 
i don't because they keep selling out so quick one   for one what uh uh seven there we go sev all 
right cool there we go now we're getting some   oh uh a helium miner for an aware i i 
would consider doing that h bar going crazy i work in an office for a yacht 
company do you have anything to   do with below deck or below deck med 
i don't care if below deck sailing uh i actually like the sensor helps tell me yeah 
yeah yeah um i like it too uh yeah no noise with   all mine i'm waiting on two batch four numbers in 
order to link start last week my helium results   have been real were real weird too good performers 
stopped performing one of my last units at work   relayed somehow did 0.2 yesterday despite not even 
doing that in a month uh would you mind checking   yes i don't mind checking just as long as all you 
guys keep considering hitting that like button   it's your first time on the channel please 
consider subscribing and turning on the bell   notification as we a drink a lot of beer b post 
videos weekly c try to do a stream every monday   d go to play poker bust out really early come home 
drunk and do a live drunken stream not promoting   alcohol abuse or alcoholism or anything but 
it's a whale of a good time what am i looking at uh la colossal lead llama also if you guys appreciate the content and you're 
having a lot of fun and i made you laugh once   or anything uh consider a super chat i greatly 
appreciate it all right lead llama a get yourself   a bigger antenna if you are truly sitting on a 1.2 
at zero meters you want to bump yourself up to um do they have smaller directional antennas 
because i would consider bumping myself   up to like an 8.0 directional and 
just firing it into mormon county   yeah because you i mean it looks like you just 
set yourself up so you've only made yourself   25 h t in a day which isn't bad but 
what you're going to want to do is you want to get yourself a directional antenna and 
i mean you could potentially get a little bit here   and you could potentially get a little bit here 
but you really want your directional antenna to   shoot out here and get all this so that's what you 
want to do all the way up to this point up here   so uh nothing to do with them that the first 
thing that people ask i watch a reputation   how go y'all get rid of those ip reputation 
attacks hi i'm having the sinking issue too one   of the miners are synced but the other one's still 
sinking for four days already best dbi for the   highest building and a city with the surroundings 
um didn't i tell you like for chris uh was already   subscribed just but just hit the bell and the 
like thanks squanch make sure you squanch on the   uh the bell button there not promoting alcohol i 
think you do that at the beginning of every video   yes he needs mine 8 dbi just free just 
free a big wang i'll trade them it's a duck it's a duck no it's a duck uh brisk coconut   guppy how does a relay miner affect 
earnings it cuts them down a lot   you want to make sure that you're not relayed 
because you're not getting that internet activity   you're not being able to like receive anything 
when you're relayed if i remember that correctly   uh brisk coconut guppy there we go you're not able 
to receive anything so you need to oh look at you transmit skill sucks you're 
overshooting [ __ ] get yourself a 5.8 why aren't you doing it give me the name of that what's the name of it i have a nano dpr miner if anyone's looking to 
make some trade deals uh what's taking platform   from algo do you use use it yieldly or something 
like that yeah um well a i have five thousand algo   that i'm just holding on to for the governance 
program and b the remainder is staked out yieldly   c i did cash out some algo last night at the 240 
uh cap um so that way i could get a dpn a dpr   miner and i can get uh i'll show you how much i 
cashed out i don't really care seven that's a late   seven but cool um you can see right here i've 
got two thousand three hundred i've got twenty   thousand dpr ready to go when they announced the 
basic staking so that way i can get that locked in   little cara pig please check this one out blah 
my messages don't show uh what's taking people   uh well someone that is hosting always be relayed 
or no uh no if they actually got off their lazy   butts and open up their uh ports they should be 
okay unless it's your lazy butt then i'm sorry all right what are we looking at here this minor 
smack dab in the middle oh you got super lucky   with your uh transmit scale so what this means 
is we're gonna get rid of that duck so this means   that you your miner this this guy's miner could 
be sitting here and this guy's miner could be   sitting there in your minor so that way you have 
350 meters apart and then there might just be a   minor here which is another 350 and then like a 
mine over here which you have nothing to worry   about and this miner can be down here which is 350 
and then some miners over there so if that's your   miner and you're at a 1.0 transmit scale congrats 
on you where is the best and easiest place to buy   dpr i'll send you the link for that right now do 
not even consider buying dpr off of uniswap you   will get f'd in the b on the fees so make sure you 
go to mexc because that's where i went here you go   buy all your dpr from there and we're gonna do 
a dpr video tomorrow it's not gonna be selling   you the dream like some of these people saying 
make seven hundred dollars a month i gotta look   at your miner while i'm waiting you're 
kind of in the same range from me uh 4.0   um you just need to get your get yourself a 5.8 
and make sure you get yourself elevated so that   way you can get an omnidirectional um because 
you want to let your 5.8 get all the stuff here   and then you want the 5.8 to target everything 
down here and go blah blah blah blah blah blah   i hope that answered that question um sent 
you the link for the best dpr use that right   there in the description sign up go get it is my 
antenna setup okay if you guys are going to i'm   falling behind uh well someone that is hosting 
always i'm in uk been looking everywhere for   aware eventually found two on ebay uk they only 
had four and i get the last two i paid 340 each   for them love the channel thank you very much 
peter ingram i really appreciate it man and uh   yeah i mean 340 is not bad i don't know what it is 
in the pound ratio but you just only have like a a   75 day break even point versus like my 37 day 
break even point just because you paid double   price for them i just purchased 6.5 dbi from 
micro tick have you heard of them i have heard   micro tick but i i'm a big fan of um rack basic 
staking live basic staking is live as of today   because they were saying it's gonna be later this 
week shut your mouth shut your dirty [ __ ] mouth we're gonna lock that credit 
score in then oh because i   have to do oh i gotta get another 
thousand i have to get another 700 does anyone have 700 dpr they want to 
send me i could send you my address   um where am i looking at here 
let's refresh it stake sign in look at that no it says activity ended   so there's my dpr but if anyone wants 
to send me 700 dpi i'll link my address if you like the content and you appreciate 
everything i do and you have dpr and you   want to see dpr videos all right gotta catch 
up uh they have the awares on amazon uh that   is mine where you circled the rewards seem 
very low though no yeah a little low yeah   um can you check mythical moosie to pier thank 
you i can check uh mythical moosie i need a beer uh you have to what i'm what i'm gathering is you 
need to have your awares on different networks   they need different ip addresses all right so 
you are getting in the past 24 hours that many   past seven days that many's past 30 days that 
many first off really sucks that you're um   you've got two guys in here all right so your 
problem which is why you're probably getting hit   so bad right now is that they might have a ruling 
that says in this circle here we only want six   miners and so this guy was number one two three 
four five and then six and then you're number   seven so you're hit then on top of that you might 
be looking at this circle that says they only want   20 miners so we've already got six so now we're 
down to 14.

So then we've got 15 15 16 17 18 19 20   blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah and 
that hits you down right there uh can you put it   one away i had same issue in the last seven 
days just started earning rewards again today   is that like a boob head wi-fi signal face that's 
funny what's available this morning on amazon not   now yeah they usually pop up available overnight 
and then sell out you guys are probably gonna   hate the drink that i'm gonna go get because i 
can't have another 9.0 uh i mean i can but um your 5.8 is good your elevation seems okay make sure it's level that's not my community anymore um i am going 
to get another beverage so i'll be right back   thanks man you're welcome justin ah all right i'm back y'all gonna make fun of me for what i'm drinking 
all right i was available this morning not   now thanks man i can't believe the prices for 
the in-hand bobcat miners are selling out for   on ebay seeing one end yesterday for 1700 
english pounds that's some markup a yeah uh   yeah they are seriously marked up which is crazy 
absolutely crazy man all right so i want to see resync the miner no i don't wait let's reboot it yeah we'll just reboot it wait 
what's my username and password   nevermind nevermind we'll do that later 
uh this that's why i sold one yeah right   all right we're not gonna mess around with all 
that stuff um if there are two hotspots in the   same octane how can you boot my signal to get 
better rewards you won't be able to so if we're   looking at this minor hotspot right here the 
problem is you're at point 25 and we've already   done like the hot spotty drawing so the problem 
is right here is let's let's really zoom into   this map i actually like really zooming into 
this map you might be having an issue because this might be your minor and this might be the 
minor that's sharing that octagon with you and   then if we zoom out but we would say that the 
area of coverage is going to look like this so you guys are pretty much covering 
the exact same because this is a proof   of coverage network right you guys are 
pretty much covering the exact same area which is why your transmit scale is so low so 
the only option you would have is to get out   go down here and beg someone there to let you in   um that's why i sold one huh not a gin and tonic 
no i no i don't have i don't do liquor during the   day i usually do gin and tonics on thursdays when 
i go play poker uh no the owner planner watch said   only one type four per location unless you also 
have the atma 2 pro you can use them both you may   be able to have more than one if you have a big 
house uh well who's minor is this i'm in madison   uh you just need to have a better antenna et 
cetera set up the other person set up the other   than the other person you are sharing the octagon 
with what are you drinking today dude today's most   of the beverages find them and threaten them 
yeah break the knees make them a deal offer   they're not going to refuse uh today's beverage 
was a sierra nevada big big little thing ipa it's   an imperial ipa 9.0 abv definitely a really good 
solid hops kicker it has that big hops forward on   the back of your tongue with that big alcohol 
burn on the front i still have a little left not too crazy on the fruitiness which is 
uh fantastic since i've been overloaded   with hazy ipas so i was in the mood i saw this 
i like sierra nevada i haven't had one before   so really really really good i'm throwing 
up a 17-foot mast on top of my roof not bad   and then now we're just drinking a white cloth   just because that's 9.0 abv and um probably 
gonna end the stream here in a little bit and   uh i don't want to be hammered if i have another 
one i'm gonna be hammered and i've got some stuff   i have to do tonight um but yeah so planet watch 
the thing is i was doing a lot of comments on um   the reason why i feel it's going to be different 
network to earn the tokens is because people are   going to have these planet watch miners inside of 
apartment complexes inside of high rises inside of   office buildings and it's going to be there's 
multiple people that live in those offices that's   very good if you guys have sierra nevada you can't 
go wrong with sierra vada sierra nevada is a great   mass-produced beer uh elysium is a phenomenal 
mass-produced beer like i haven't been a elysium   beer that i have not enjoyed uh terrapin out of 
atlanta georgia is an excellent um mass-produced   distributed uh beer as well they have a little 
bit a couple of hit and miss things but their   terrapin uh hopsicutioner and their terrapin um 
peanut butter uh port or one of my or a stout or   one of my favorites from them you can message me 
on here if you're interested in a trade uh what a   uh a wear for a helium all right um that will take 
your thought out uh that'll take your throughout i   wish that if a minor if offline for like 30 days 
or another amount of time that is that before   the transit scale yeah i agree with that thanks 
again for checking out my hotspot anytime will   anyone be so kind to send me a super chat damn 
it i am begging here i'm like a hooker on ob t i got my discord guys pop it off in my opinion 
the problem with the transmit scale will get   worse and worse in the future have no idea 
how we shall be able to fix it was yeah so   as if but if the transmit scale keeps getting 
worse which is why we're going to orlando   which is because there's a really good example of 
this um it's it the transmit scale will get worse   but the number of miners and witnesses will 
continue to exceed and be awesome i got a 40-foot   mast on mine have you had kentucky breakfast stout 
uh kentucky's got the um like the the horse head   on the the bottle right because kentucky like 
kentucky bourbon brewing or something like that   um i think i've had the kentucky barrel bourbon 
barrel i've had that but i have not had the   breakfast out um so yeah we're gonna go into 
orlando the city of orlando we're gonna go to   this hexagon with 11 miners and we are going to 
find some big mac daddies here actually the top   one right this one right here so we're in the 
middle of orlando we're gonna pull up shimbolic   pebble hedgehog and this bad boy has got a .20 
transmit scale looks like he got screwed but in   the past 30 days he's gotten 72.75 helium that's 
1.4 000 a month in the past seven days because   he's probably getting screwed like i am with 
his bobcat a 6.9 um rating in the past 24 hours   0.6 but the reason why i'm saying that is yes 
they need a helium improvement plan to remove   offline needs attention attention from reward 
skills that's a really good good uh suggestion um   i'm in the valley area doing decent close to one 
a day on point five five percent scale i think   the extra 17 feet could help me get a decent 
boost you guys can use the filter on the app   to see where the transmit scale is best in your 
area yeah and you can also use it on hot spotty   but like so my case in point 
here is that this hexagon has 11 people squished in but you've got one with 
10 helium in the past 30 days one with five helium   in the past 30 days one with zero helium in the 
past 30 days one with 72 helium in the past 30   days two helium 18 helium 70 helium 18 helium 28 
helium and 55 so this is the one like area like   i'd love to squeeze one of mine in there and just 
be like [ __ ] y'all i get everything uh transfer   scale will 100 get worse which is why i hope they 
implement something that if a miner is offline   so long it stops affecting other transmit scale 
because the amount of miners that go offline if   just going to keep going up absolutely um 
100 right like i have no doubt in my mind   that like if the miners are offline it should be 
removed completely like if the miner is unplugged   if there's not getting any access i gave 
someone an aware and trade for hosting   my helium miner everyone wins that's not bad 
actually so they host yeah because then really   you're gonna get all the helium rewards 
so if that's better than saying i'll give   you a percentage of my helium rewards versus 23 
planet tokens a day not bad man not a bad trade   so yeah so like down here i would prefer these 
two to get their [ __ ] together and get antennas   up so we can witness each other because we've 
got beautiful line of sight because we're all   pretty i'm at the top of a hill they're a little 
bit lower than me and we could see them easy   but if they go offline they it should 
be gone it should just be gone gone gone uh dude that's genius yeah really now the only 
thing that i would need to do is get more helium   miners otherwise i will trade in a ware for a 
helium miner you're gonna offer awares for it   yeah that's what i figured it was yeah   it's exactly what i figured that was so what's 
up with the rewards i'm none i'm getting none been sinking for 11 hours my activity is nothing i really want to see who placed minor first 
gets a guaranteed percentage well as soon   as they announce it as soon as it goes live of 
course i'll be putting it up yes it is g dempsey all right so we got some uh discord chat that 
we got to respond to can you check would it be   good place healing minor at rue did um if you 
can send me a mind if i don't know if you're   watching this um dom sac seven eleven eleven 
um seven one one one um but if you can send me   an uh a minor name i'd be more than happy to 
look that up for you what else do we have over   here on the discord sorry i'm looking at my phone 
in case you guys are wondering looking for deeper   connect miners um i have a mini on the way 
as soon as mr p sends it i still have three   offline miners that they somehow having better 
s scale than mine yeah that's so stupid just got   to make more friends with people who live in the 
burbs outside of the major cities shut up copper gobbert hear my beagle screaming 
let me go yell at him real quick because we got amazon tell me oh you are watching me all right cool i got 
five out of seven singing do you fasting   i did set up the fast sync i just don't know 
if it's going correctly should i redo the sync   in general like should i do that just like re 
resync it and turn on fast sync i don't know   uh anyone have live in to layer 
county need to install a bunch more   all right and then i also got a picture in 
discord we're gonna pull the discord over here   someone sent me which i'll share 
on stream as soon as i pull it up there brian callahan look at you monitoring 
the quality of your air in your office   that's 89 it's probably an 89 because of 
all the methane so that's why it's so high um today not at the beginning yes i think i 
will try stock antenna i've installed first   in aftermarket upgrade 8 dbi antenna with low 
loss cable thank you for your help i'm a noob   to the helium thing anytime how can i post 
a pic of my antenna placement it's a great   pick uh join the discord i wonder if the discord 
link should be in the description of the video   and you can just send it to the discord and i'll 
share it uh mining no worries sharing is caring digital orchid cormorant can you see 
how i get more witnesses i can if you   like subscribe turn on bell notifications 
and consider sending a super chat vos coin just posted a video talking about how the   helium system has been down from 
rapid growth that makes sense i know he's got his bobcat so maybe he's feeling   the effects how's our music 
yes i'm still listening cool i don't know why i typed it in the chat you guys want to watch boss coins video copper shut up to fast sync your bobcat 
search for this little title how to fast   sync your bobcat hnt miners all right so 
you 5.8 3 meters in the air 24 hours bobcat we are killing our computer guys everything's slow actually we'll probably end the stream 
here in just a moment and i can watch   that video there we go i can watch that 
video alright so seven days 6.5 30 days 12   5.0 um you're elevated you're out and about 
you should be getting plenty you should be good   probably wouldn't change a 
thing i like your numbers   it sucks that you're on a bobcat right now so 
you're probably being affected like we all are   but i think you're pretty solid you've got nothing 
to worry about especially if you just started it   looks like you upgraded around here and you 
just started popping off so i wouldn't do   it yes fastsync saved me an immense amount 
of time all right so we want to save this we're gonna put this right 
here we'll watch vosscoin   how to fast sync your miner i'm going to pull 
it up right there cool maybe i'll do a video on   that so are you putting the antenna high manually 
or is it just seen automatically could you check   melted infrared quail my bobcat isn't 
being affected my blog has been affected melted in for red quail man i want to play diablo today if you guys like watching twitch 
i could link that real quick too i'll do some more diablo 2 streams i might stream 
diablo 2 tonight after i get home from work   so if you guys go and follow me on there uh my 
broadcast doing fine hey i'm just glad i got this   year because those who get them later are screwed 
not going to sugarcoat it thanks nerdy dude take   care man thanks rudy appreciate it brother just 
self-help all right so what are you looking at oh beauteous uh get your 5.8 might be good 
glad i joined had no idea about fast ink yeah   right i'm gonna fast sync this later um yeah get 
yourself a five-point db8 get yourself out there   get all this out here man 5.8 should be good all right that's gonna do it for me i 
am gonna wrap up the stream here we've   been streaming for just shy of two hours 
i really appreciate it guys like comment   subscribe turn on the bell notification 
if this is your first time on the channel   try to post videos every single week sometimes 
we're lucky and can do two to three to four videos   a week and we can do two streams a week we are 
definitely trying to commit to a monday stream   every monday at 2 00 p.m so 
that way you guys can enjoy it   we have our first meetup event which if you 
know you're in the orlando florida area tampa   area winter haven area disney area anything like 
that i encourage you to pop by have a beer with me   at paddy's irish pub i will bring a laptop 
and we can look at back on those white claws   well i mean look at some of my old videos i 
was like a big fat guy and so um yeah so if   you come hang out with me at paddy's irish pub 
next wednesday there will be a discount beer   oh go play online hello buddy and um you'll save 
a discount on that so i hope to see you guys there   i will bring a laptop we can look at helium mining 
networks together join d live i thought about d   live but i am on twitch at the moment i should 
just consider jumping over and streaming i want   to stream on my youtube just in general gaming 
but i don't want to push any of my audience away   uh that's why i have twitch and um 
video games and cryptocurrency separated   so anywho thank you very much for watching 
guys like comment subscribe all the links for   everything in the description of the video chats 
blah blah blah blah and ooh we got some thunder i'm a prize we'll see

As found on YouTube

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