Dogecoin is starting to show some Bullish behaviors will we see a $1 Dogecoin this bull run welcome back to The 99b YouTube channel I am your host Umar con and today we're doing a deep Dive on Doge verse before we do the Video I want to ask if you haven't Already smash that subscribe button down Below to reach your 2024 crypto goals And like always guys this is not Financial advice always do your own Research and due diligence before Investing any money in the cryptos we Cover on this channel let's go ahead and Jump into what's going on with Doge ver Do up 7% on the week and the day we're Up or I guess we're down 1% we were up a Little bit earlier today about 3 4% and Looks it's coming down will we see Dogecoin hit $1 this bull run that's What we're going to talk about as Analysts are predicting some B bullish Things to happen to Dogecoin we can see Dogecoin price prediction up 50% upside Potential hinge on bitcoin holding above 65k before we do the full dive on do Guys I want to a second to highlight This pre-sale gem that's going to been Absolutely berserk they've raised over $15 million and this is Doge verse the World's first chain traveling Doge Guys 15 million rais in the past 5 weeks We imagine post launch this is going to Go absolutely insane so it's your last

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Chance to buy before it launches it's uh Buy Doge verse it Doge goes on multi-ch Chains so you can buy and claim dogee on Any of the following chains e binance Polygon avax coinbase salana you name it It's feature a ton of different articles Has multi Bridge utility a solid Ro map In place and great tokenomics to top That all off you also have staking Currently paying out 53% apy which is Absolutely solid now not only that They're growing their socials rapidly Fast we see over on X um we have almost 19,000 almost 20,000 followers so people The memes are meing people are bullish On this project you're not going to want To miss out but let's go back into Dogecoin cuz I wanted to do an update as I'm seeing some bullish indications for Dogecoin and what's coming next for Dogecoin technicals are aers are neutral Moving averages are in strong byy Summary is giving us a buy when we're Looking at the overview guys great Things happen to Dogecoin we see on the Week we're up 7% the month we're up 1% And past 6 months we're up almost 100% a Lot of bullish indications that this Puppy could absolutely break past some New highs if we could see Bitcoin get That push even getting lots of news Coverage on Dogecoin guys and that's What we want to see we want to see Exciting things happen for Dogecoin so

Cardono Wales Returns the tables Increase massive holding by 10% uh will Bitcoin cross $73,000 next week how will That play back into Dogecoin Dogecoin Community reacts to new x x payments Process launched this year so looks like Um we're seeing X use Dogecoin as a Payment so an Insider from X and Dogecoin team who designed who signs his Message as Doge designer on the Xplatform has revealed that X payment Service is expected to launch later in 2024 the Dogecoin Army immediately Responds that tweet along non- crypto Users both looking forward to the Release of this much anticipated feature Ela must popular Free Speech platform so When Doge uh Elon Musk does not confirm Plans to add Doge to X so far but again People are so bullish celebrity X owner Elon Musk has not made any statements About the future of Doge as an official Currency in X but that does not Discourage the Doge Army I'm not going To say at one point you could use Dogecoin to buy Teslas but again that Could have just been rumors okay we can Also see a lot a lot of news coverage Going on for Doge vers we're going to Come back article in the second overall Crypto Market guys is very important we Can see the Market's up about nothing But at least in the green in terms of Fear and greed index we are sitting

Closer to Greed so we re-entered greed Dancing with greed and neutral hopefully In the coming weeks we could break into Extreme greed bitco is above $65,000 We're leveling to hit that $72,000 zone In our last Bitcoin video the update Video we just made I believe yesterday We're talking how Bitcoin has a flag pln Formation which we could easily see it Hit $72,000 and bitcoin's about to go Parabolic and this is obviously going to Bleed over into the rest of the Cryptocurrencies now Dogecoin still at Number one in terms of in terms of Market cap and in terms of mcoin also at Number one 22 billion market cap closest Uh behind this would be Shino at a $4 Billion market cap still a small yet Massive Gap and we're seeing again up 6% Of the week Doge verse is looking not Too shabby the main thing here guys is Doge verse is it's just a meme coin There's no utility there's no Dogecoin Nfts no Dogecoin swap it's just a meme Token and the also the cool part is how Elon must loves and endorses it if that X payment processor happens using Dogecoin as a payment it could be Absolutely parabolic for the project but In general he is he's on the side of do Of Dogecoin so that's obviously very Great for the project and that's going To really bleed into the fundamentals Going into the future right is Dogecoin

About to take off indicat suggest upward Momentum ahead Dogecoin uh correct gains A tested 15c Zone against the US dollar And now forming a base might start fresh Increase above 1520 Doge price jumps to 16 before correcting gains the price is Trading above 15 level and 100 hourly Simple uh uh simple moving average There's a key bullish trend line uh Forming with the support at this price On the hourly chart of Dogecoin oh Fireworks I guess there a celebration Outside All right and the price must settle Above This price or 15 cents for 15 Cents 4 to move in a positive direction To a fresh search so again all these Support levels are indicating that we Are very close to break past that point And this could really causes the Dogecoin to go into some bullish bullish Momentum now we're very bullish for Dogecoin here on the 99b YouTube channel But let me know how you guys feeling About Doge R in the comments let me know How you guys are feeling about Doge in The comment section below are you Bullish are you bearish I want to hear It all but remember like always is not Financial advice always your own res and Diligence until next time it's your boy Umar peace [Music]

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