Wormhole just introduced governance Staking and as a result we are seeing Something huge here in terms of price Reflection and price action what a great Week here for Wormhole uh with the token Ticker symbol of just a w right here we Can see up to $1.3 Billion looking very very juicy here Very tempting here on the 24-hour time Frame for this particular altcoin so Welcome back to the night9 bitcoin's Channel everyone hope you guys are doing Great wanted to cover this project Because it could be worthwhile can $11,000 worth of Wormhole tokens make You potentially Rich well $1.3 billion Market capitalization a 10x would take That the 13 billion which would then Make that original capital 10K and you Know what a $13 billion speculation how Many coins are already over $13 billion Well that's something I you know always Look to check we can see we actually got 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 so there aren't really too Many uh 8 n and the others are stable Coins there are eight or nine coins Right there so it's a highrisk high Reward if you're looking to you know get Super super rich out just $1,000 of a Project like this it probably won't Happen but if you're looking to go long Go on Leverage or just trade or have fun With this coin it could potentially be One of those that does actually provide
Some upside now remember this is not Financial advice but I want to talk About Wormhole you can see here stake For governance is now live for for the W Token holders so this is the opportunity To participate in the governance and Impact the future direction of the Wormhole Dow and platform this is big Big news almost 1 million views just on This video right here which is Absolutely crazy to see ladies and gents Big congratulations to the Wormhole team Over there of course so Wormhole is the Leading Interoperability platform powering Multi-chain applications and Bridges at Scale this helps all kinds of projects Daps you know different crypto of All Sorts communicate with each other and Overall boosts liquidity and just Looking at Wormhole at the moment you Can really see how it has dipped down to That 0.52 region just a few times in the Past but every time it does rise again Very strong so we're talking about this Section down here in the support region And maybe just maybe you know you could Also kind of view this as a bit of a a Double bottom or a w pattern if you will Where you're getting this kind of Sideways consolidation you getting the Imp and you're getting a bit of Retracement then you're getting an Impulse wave again we could potentially
Break through that resistance of 77 and See another high place through would' be Looking at highs of around 0.88 and 0.93 based on Fibonacci structure alone Which would offer roughly 23% upside Just looking at the Fibonacci levels Here if we can break through obviously Two very bullish days the RSI is not Quite overbought just yet and I think is Just catching up with itself and gaining That bullish momentum you can see on the 4H hour time frame it has indeed just Hit overbought so a little bit greedy You know eyes are definitely looking at This coin right now but I think you know It could go somewhere pretty good that's A big pump on the you know the last four Hours as you can see in 4 hours time Frame it's gone up by 10% so lots of Bullish momentum here try out way is Just you know Chase those green candles Because it could easily bite you back Very very hard but you know you can see This is just balls are in control the T In the candles and they are pushing hard To make sure that this coin does go Where they want it to be of course we've Got some support interest round here Good point of Interest around 66 cents For Wormhole coin if it comes back down That could be a good place to Potentially buy back into but you know Right now it just looks like the coin Just wants to go up and up so could be a
Good bullish play here for the Wormhole Token and I think you know just really Zooming out of Wormhole if it is sitting At like 1.3 billion you can see right Now now we've got 1.8 billion tokens in Supply or circulation of the 10 billion Total W coins I think it's one of those That could do rather well for the future Remember not Financial advice uh the Crypto market today a strong week Closing the week very strong the day is Starting to look a bit brighter a little Bit more green and I guess you know Bitcoin is in a consolidation phase it Could even hit $8,000 in the next few Weeks don't mark my words of course but The market is feeling bullish it's Feeling like it wants some action right Now even though retailers are kind of Just not really around I don't feel that Euphoric buzz from the retail Market but Things are looking rather good also want To update on play Doge everyone's new Favorite play to earn mem coin now just About raised $3 million do check out Playd Doge the link is down below it Could be a new 100x potential Cryptocurrency on the B20 chain looks Fantastic it's colorful it's vibrant It's a product it's also a game where You can play to earn more tokens so here Is a little snippet of the application Got a road map here got space invader Teaser and just looking at it it just
Looks fantastic 9.4 billion total tokens 50% are sold in the pre-sale so this Could be very very good ladies and gents Just have a little look at it we've seen Coins like this in the past go wild like Tamado Doge so this could be us calling Out another big one that might go Absolutely wild as well uh they are now Up to 2.5k followers so they're growing More and more getting that community and Culture on point and here we can see the Bitcoin rainbow chart um is sitting in That buy section so I think we're in a Good place I think we've got at least 6 To nine months left of the ball market And overall I think we could see Something outrageous happen here for the Crypto World ladies and gents welcome Back to night9 bitcoin's YouTube Channel Please do subscribe if you're new here Hit that notification Bell if you do Want to hit your crypto goals this Coming B around and let me know Down Below in the comment section what do you Think about Wormhole do you think it's Worth buying I think honestly $11,000 Worth if it won't change your life but It could be a coin that does hit 102 Billion Market Capital at some point in The future anyways bye for now and also On that note if it does here a 10x in Terms of market capitalization but then The supply increase by 5x is also going To only result in a a 2X right it will
Only typically be a 2X it also consider The emissions of the coin not many People will tell you about that anyways See you soon guys like the video bye for Now and have a wonderful weekend