$149 BTC 3.5ths Home Box Miner Setup

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what is up ladies and gentlemen I'm sorry if my voice is a little horse but uh my kids brought home another bug from uh preschool so got to love it it's definitely that time of year anyway uh I'm doing an update uh video this is also like a you know I guess a quick start guide on uh I believe this is version 1.5 of the metal miners um and this is the the Bitcoin metal Miner cuz apparently there is going to be a script one coming out soon so let me FP this around and show you what we got and show you how to get it up and running all right ladies and gentlemen so this is the version 1.5 tiler over at metal miners uh rushed this over to me and he said this is basically going to be uh almost identical to the production run that's uh shipping at the end of November of 2024 this year um he said that the production units uh may end up having a logo cut into them or something like that I know the other one 1.4 had a Bitcoin logo right there he didn't worry about cutting that out right now but the big thing is is he changed from an 80 mm fan up to 120 mm fan uh mainly due to the fact that I was overclocking the absolute fire out of my 1.4 minor and uh I was like I need more air flow I you know I I just I swapped out the fan to like the one of the big bad server 80mm Delta fans and I just needed more more cooling so he said you know bigger hole now um more air flow 20 mm can't beat it but anyway uh to get these bad boys up and going you plug in your two six pins right here pcie so this will run off of a server power supply or an ATX power supply um you plug in your ethernet right there don't worry about pressing any buttons or anything make sure your your ports are are open so it's getting some air flow and then let's jump on the computer and and take a look at it all right so whenever you come over to the computer you can scan for your IP on your network as long as you have a computer that's connected to that network uh Tyler said he's reaching out to each and every person that orders a device and he is offering to pre-configure them so you can pick your pool and your wallet address and he'll go ahead and load those into the firmware so you don't have to actually log in and change anything uh after you plug it in but if you want to you just go and I use angry ip scanner but any IP scanning Tool uh as long as you're on the same network um for example angry ip scanner I scan and then I sort by ping um because if they show up as green that means they're accessible and I just look for whatever's new that pops up there so you can scan it plug the device in rescan it and then you can see you know if there's something new on your network or not um there's probably a million other ways to do it this is just the way I do it and I I do this for all my devices now let's go over and look at what the the goey looks like once you take the IP address and put it into a browser all right guys so I just fired it up once you navigate to the correct IP address on your local network it's going to pop up with a brains um gooey interface if you've ever used brains before on other as6 then you might be familiar with it um hash rate it's at 3.2 right now um it does bounce around a little bit from about 3 to 3.6 give or take um I asked Tyler about that and he said that he would take a look um on the production units this is not a production unit uh the production units will be shipping uh he said I should have them mid to late November uh and then they'll be going out you know end of November beginning of December for that first run Anyway Chip temperature seems to be running good this fan is R I have it pegged at 100% just cuz I didn't want anything bad to go wrong whenever I was overclocking the absolute snot out of this um this is not a super high RPM fan that's why it's not loud if you noticed I was a oh I heard something outside you notice I was over there recording the Fan's not loud at this on this at all um he these are not the fans that he's shipping them with he's shipping them with the I believe they're the Arctic p12s um and they go up to 2,000 RPM so just even a little bit more you know Headroom uh for cooling that kind of thing but anyway yeah 3.39 she's she's bouncing around a little bit say change your settings you go to minor and drop down to configuration and then you're going to want to go down to [Music] um oh right here pool groups and then you can change your actual pool I was doing a little bit of unminable testing but right now we're back on uh solo CK pool doing some solo Mining and um yeah so happy Hunting I guess I need to change this now cuz it's it's 1 Point 1.5 this is the new one anyway I'll save that here in a second um oh yeah I need to turn Asic boost back off uh so yeah you may what whichever one that's enabled that's the the one that you can change the frequency on now I've talked to Tyler about this and he does not want he wants to give people the option to change frequencies if they want to um but if you if something goes wrong and you like you know max out the frequency and max out the voltage and burnt your machine up um he's not going to warranty it so uh if you run them stock out of the box then you're good to go I don't know if is going to be what they ship at um they might be a little bit more aggressive than 475 at 7.95 but uh yeah yeah so you can see it was on automatic for temperature control I put it on manual just cuz I was overclocking it I had up to about 670 on the frequency but um yeah so wham bam thank you ma'am let's go the hash rate 3.4 so um now if we go back over to [Music] temperature yeah so hot is above 80c and then dangerous 90c that's when it will automatically turn off and and reset and um then it'll fire back up but we're running absolutely ice cold at 56° C so hopefully uh that helps you guys with any information that you're wondering about um if you have any any questions comments concerns fire it down below in the comments section other than that I will see you on the flip side uh and yeah I guess uh adios ladies and Gentlemen let's uh oh I will have a link down below if you do want to pre-order one um there there are units still available for the December batch and uh yeah man I don't know if you guys can hear it my voice is I'm losing I'm losing my voice but I'm going let those one do a burn in and see what our our hash rate nominal average hash rate 3.4 real time hash rate 3.2 let's actually open up let's go to CK pool and um so hash rate on the 5 minutes it's 3.6 1 minute was 4.4 1 hour is 2.2 and 2.11 that's cuz I had it off for a while so it's it's it's averaging in some some downtime on that um but yeah so hey there she is I'm going to end up probably moving this into my closet just to put off extra heat cuz all my stuff's going to make it inside eventually once it it finally gets cold and stays cold that'll be the key all right guys later see you on the the flip side bye

As found on YouTube

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