3 Altcoins I’m Holding to 10X MY Money – Best Crypto to Buy Now!

Hi everyone welcome back to the 99 Bitcoins YouTube channel in this video We're looking at three alt coins a major Bullish on as well as a bonus coin at The end of this video which you could Also dabble into if you wish so let's Just begin with it the first is going to Be not coin right here 0.02 worth I do hold a bag of this Absolutely I'm bullish on it it's a rank 49 cryptocurrency of insane fundamental Value and uh we can see at the moment 100% of the overall circulation is in Supply which which is of course a very Bullish thing as well NCoin don't reveal much when it comes to Their website and it formed as a mind to Earn cryptocurrency but being in this Bitcoin season really highlights a time For me to start dollar cost averaging Into a select few cryptocurrencies and NCoin is indeed one of those from a Market point of view it's not yet on Coinbase but it is on binance and I Think we could see this thing absolutely Fly in the future we can see they're Really using mem coins as well to Leverage their marketing but when you Look at it it says probably nothing and Just looking through they're getting so Much engagement Impressions tweets Really does look good and the amount of Users on locoin the network growth is Humongous so ecosystem you can see chain

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Is on ton a big ton one and when you Look at the about here for nocoin it Says it started as a viral telegram game That onboarded many users into web 3 Through a tapto earning mining mechanic So so not is a community token and right Now it's one of the only coins over the Last 24 hours is actually moving quite Nicely to the upside so coin number one Will be indeed not coin very bullish on This over the month it's Consolidated It's starting to Rally up again and of Course over the year just incredible Performance from 0.005 up to 0.02 I Think this one could actually get to A10 Billion market cap to and potentially Even do a 5x at the end of this year When we are in the peak of the ball run So first coin not coin pretty good one I Think it could do very well for this Bitcoin season to be accumulating these Altcoins cuz they're not really moving At the moment are they I bought $10,000 Worth of NCoin very recently and it's Now up to $122,000 so I've made about 2k there Over the last few days which is a great Great play and NCoin is indeed seeing a Nice rally here corrected down to 0.015 At a sub 30 RSI level on the 4-Hour time Frame and it's now reflecting bullish Momentum coin number two is Chuan poo The Chinese Donald Trump and you can see It says the Chinese Trump right here

Absolutely fantastic quite a funny one Um overall I think it's got a great Branding and marketing potential now They've got loads of big things coming Up and it's really exciting what they Will soon be doing but indeed they have A decent website now which has finally Launched it's gone live you can see how Fun and awesome this looks the supreme Leader chanu the Chinese Donald Trump Really nice um overall website here you Can see Supply is indeed sitting at What's that one trillion tokens I think There one trillion tokens they will Start burning the liquidity as well of This particular token as well uh so very Very exciting Chuan has reflected Massive massive growth already over the Last few days did a 15x it's corrected Slightly down to this 0.5 Fibonacci Region and uh looks like it's bounced Off a support of 0.049 but I'm going to continue holding This one it's got a low market cap still Decent Dex tool score a $6 million Market cap of $246,000 worth of Liquidity so I think this project could Be one that might reflect a three four Or maybe even 5x next coin is going to Be turbo the AI meme coin and I've put 2.5k into this one as well not seeing The best overall performance so far but I still think we're going to see another M Mania phase and I think turbo will be

One of those Bitcoins that does very Well coming up this monthly sort Consolidation phase know you got to buy That fear you got to buy crypto when It's boring sometimes not Financial Advice but $317 million market cap the Meme coin made by AI for the people so Turbo is absolutely one on my list makes Me bullish and I do think we could see This slice off a zero absolutely last Bonus coin here ladies and gents is Playdoh so there raise $4.3 32 million If you want to get into this play to Earn meme coin which is a massive Throwback to the '90s with its Tamagotchi themed gameplay and awesome 8bit music and graphics you can check Out the link down below for this new 10 To 100,000x potential cryptocurrency of Course this is not Financial advice do Not risk more than you can afford to Lose and anything can happen with an Ico As we do know but great branding fun fun Overall product here got a decent road Map as well which will have centralized Exchange listings and you can also see The play Doge token has 9.4 billion Overall tokens with 50% being sold into The pre-sale overall link down below for This particular coin and all the others If you want to have a look at those too You got NCoin you've got Chuan po the Chinese Donald Trump which is absolutely

Hilarious you got turbo token and then The bonus token is play Doge see you Soon guys have a wonderful weekend and Make sure you subscribe to the 99 Bitcoins channel to stay on the know to All Things blockchain relevancy bye for Now

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