New Small Asic Miner Announced AL Box 2

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all right ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the Brandon coin YouTube channel I am on my laptop so I Know audio and video is going to be substandard but um ever since I went down to mining disrupt it kind of opened my eyes to I'm missing out on an entire section of the crypto industry um and that's like doing some Asic mining um but I don't have a dedicated location other than my house now so I figured I'd be looking at like smaller minor until I can get some bigger power plugs installed that kind of thing um I just saw oddly enough this morning gold shell just posted this uh 15 minutes ago 14 minutes ago um it caught my eye because it's like all RGB and stuff like that and when I went on to their website I don't see it available for sale yet uh but I this one might end up being a little pricey but I um it is really attractive because the old box makes really good money so this is the AL Box 2 720 gigahash at 360 Watts I was looking at the AL box I guess this is one um it's $4,500 though so I imagine as the AL Box 2 is probably going to be up there um going over to Asic minor [Music] value the AL box makes a good amount of money from what I had pulled up let's see here I see the AL Box is doing $10 a day so if it's double on this newest one that's $20 a day um but I'm the Old One's $4,000 so that's like what 450 day Roi um if the new one is around the same price then that means it'd be like a 200 and some day Roi uh I'm probably not going to jump into that right this second unless unless gold shell wants me to try one out for him which I absolutely will um but I have been looking at some other like smaller box miners from gold shell and then also ice River um to basically start building out my home mining setup and and dipping my toes into it um this looks like the more extreme side uh with the um you know maybe the water being a little colder um this looks a lot more mys speed um these after you pay like shipping get a power supply and stuff these are closer to like 300 350 bucks depending on where you get them from and then um that I can handle that now gold shell does have some other like units that are are definitely more reasonable as well um I'm I'm actually really considering doing a Ka box Pro where are they at right oh they're actually they show us up a sold out um but K box Pro right there oh that's weird the price went from like 2,000 to 1,000 did y'all see see that 2,000 sold out but now when you click on it it's 1,000 um but yeah thinking about getting one of those maybe along with an ice River kso Ultra I don't know I'd love to hear from you guys that are definitely more experienced on the as6 side of things drop it down below what sh like what areas or what kind of miners should I be looking for I don't have 220 volt power right now available in my garage but I am going to be running me a plug so that way I could get some of the bigger miners but I don't know um it's it's those gosh those bigger miners are just so expensive um I'm curious why more manufacturers don't go towards like the Home Market as much as say for example ice River and gold shell have I think Apollo has some some home miners let's see here was it Apollo miners uh not Apollo iollo huh i p o l o and I'm not talking about the lottery miners obviously the obviously there are Lottery miners out there but I'm talking about like actual like smaller home units that you can plug into 110 and make some money with iollo v1h see I have no idea I haven't even looked into these yet um but yeah so I figured I'd just jump on here do a quick little video kind of uh with expressing some of my thoughts thoughts um I am interested to see what this ends up being power or like price-wise uh because it being 700 I mean that's $20 a day on 360 Watts if it's really is double the power um somebody said 6,000 oh at 6,000 it's a it's probably a pass for me but anyway um regardless ladies and gentlemen I hope you all have a good one uh I will be looking for your comments and recommendations down below and hopefully uh you can enjoy you know a long time GPU Miner getting into a little bit of uh home Asic um who knows it might like everything I might get bit by the bug and next thing you know we got a warehouse starting up or something I doubt it but you never know um anyway y'all have a good one I'll see you on the next one [ __ ]

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