GPU Mining October 2024

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hey guys RPM here hope you're doing well having a really great day all right this is the state of GPU mining I guess for near the end of October of 2024 and I'm just using this video for reference so that I can go back to this maybe next year or maybe couple years from now and be like oh look at that you know Bitcoin was 67 $68,000 back then and you know as I go back to that video maybe at the time when we do that Bitcoin may be over $100,000 who knows maybe in the next couple months maybe in the next year or so who knows but more so I just wanted to uh look at you know what's kind of been I guess trending recently in GPU mining or for GPU Miners and also just look at maybe what things people are buying if people are buying stuff now it may be a good time to do that before things get crazy but not Financial advice of course we don't know how or when if these markets are going to keep going up or not as it has been over the past year I say and GPU mining you know has had spurts of when profitability was really good and also when profitability is bad but then the other side to look at it is when yields also look very good uh for those that are GPU Mining and hoping for you know the price appreciation of whichever coin that they're GPU mining there's definitely a lot of that going around and you know there's been some new coins that have been coming out that are people are spec mining there's been countless others that have been coming out also I do want want to compare what I am mining right now on all of my gpus some of you guys may be wondering uh I did do a video couple week or two back and uh it's been going pretty good pretty good over the past two weeks but we're going to talk about that later okay so thank you for today's video sponsor crypto Miner Bros you guys are looking for the top Asic miners available go check them out Crypt Miner they have all the top asex here and all the prices you see on their website include DDP to your door and shipping as well and if you use code red panda you get another $70 off each Asic Miner ordered okay so link down below if you guys are interested okay so GPU mining now I've been gone for the past like almost 2 weeks uh most of you guys know that I actually went to Japan and it was a great trip I ate everything I ate a lot of sushi I ate a lot of ramen the best ramen and sushi in the whole world is in Japan as well as I walked everywhere I did a lot of sightseeing uh in Tokyo it was amazing it was an amazing trip and Japan is an awesome place to visit highly recommend it for everyone anyways I've been back now the past couple days and I've just been kind of seeing you know since the Market's been you know going up I guess we're at 68,000 we're at 69,000 at one point you know it's been fluctuating between there I have noticed that a few you know GPU minable coins have been pumping like ravencoin for instance ravencoin did pump think got 20% % at one point today as of recording and uh yeah it did go up to about I think 2 cents now it's at 1.9 cents there but yeah it's interesting to see now that we've seen Bitcoin go up here we're also noticing a bunch of other coins you know slowly going up even over the past 30 days I mean we've had uh we see a lot of coins here that have been also going up right and they've been going up more so than Bitcoin over the past uh 30 days bitcoin's only been up 5.48% but I mean look at everything else here we got uh nimic up 14% the past 30 days cortex 23 kylo coin Dogecoin 26% over the past 30 days so anyone who's been mining and holding let's say Dogecoin has been doing 20% better than Bitcoin over the past 30 days okay so this is where I actually just recently did a video okay sorry I'm going off track here this is not about uh GPU mining but I mean on as6 sides for anyone that's mining Litecoin and merge mining Doge coin I just did a video recently where you know mining Das Dutch just enabled lucky coin which gives another 25% profit okay so go watch previous yesterday's video anyways I do have ASA coins and GPU minable coins on this list here but just looking at you know some of these coins like meow coin up 788 that's interesting and uh a bunch of other uh pretty much a lot of Asic coins here cortex I guess cortex would be a GPU minable coin that has gone up as well so this is kind of like it feels like it's the beginnings now of a few coins that have been kind of going up recently okay we got Raven coin as well grin good old grin which I think are as6 anyway but look at this like ether gem 92% the past seven days oh we got demo here okay this is a deepin project but uh looking at yeah we' we've seen a little bit of pump here okay from since bitcoin's been going up but how does that really translate to gpus okay well gpus from what I've been seeing over the past just couple of weeks here I mean Alo has been been the top I guess for a lot of people whove been mining uh AO okay so I know it may not look profitable here but because I just want to see what the break even cost is uh right now on a 4090 okay and it looks like okay at 29 cents per kilowatt hour a 4090 break breaks even at 29 cents on mining AO okay so I thought that was pretty funny but let's be more realistic here anyone that has like 15 cents okay your your 490 is making a dollar but to be real and kind of add in the point where I've been seeing maybe more so the past half year people with 409s are not GPU mining they're using 490s for some type of uh AI workload okay or on some GPU platform that are able to rent out their 490s that are making a lot more than $2 so like salad or people that are on vast or whatever service GPU platform that they're using maybe clor which I'm going to talk about in a second because all of my hios rigs are actually on core Fleet right now and uh it's been making pretty good money but let's go back here okay so on hash rate.

From what I've been seeing it's just like alo alo has been the top profitable coin I guess uh Pro for profitability okay for what I what I mean there but in terms of yielding now for people that are doing that I haven't really followed I mean you can't really follow that're they're not going to be at the top of the charts here um but for people that you know have 307s or something and uh you're going to see what coin is going to yield you the most I mean you're you're probably going to look at the yields here so whichever coin that you believe in that is probably the least profitable coin is probably going to Garner you more of the more yield of the coin okay which obviously matters the most for people that are doing The Mining and huddle strategy waiting for Price appreciation which I highly recommend doing that's obviously the best strategy uh in crypto mining but it is also one of the toughest because you don't know if any of these coins that you're mining are going to really have a great runup uh along with Bitcoin I'm a firm believer that that is the case but you over the past couple years for myself I've already been mining and holding a lot of different coins over the past couple years and uh just to let you guys know in my situation I'm kind of at that point where okay I think I need to really like I need to hone in on all of my rigs really just understand how much I'm spending on my electric and try to get some profit because I'm spending upwards to almost five digits of electricity every month okay that includes my hosting I have with my A6 gpus at home my two locations everything you know Al together I'm I'm I'm talking about five digits in canadi but in us I'm hovering around between 7 and $9,000 no not nine maybe six and $7,000 US in terms of electricity that I'm spending every every month around there okay so it's it's a pretty penny all right so there's there are sometimes when I have to sell but depending on you know on my financial situation uh of course being the I'm full-time YouTube okay I don't have a a regular full-time job to help pay my electrical bill out of pocket my YouTube here is me paying for out of pocket essentially uh sometimes but sometimes I can't so you know I have to be cognizant of what I'm Mining and how much I'm making on across everything that I've that I'm mining with but maybe if you guys are interested let me know down below if you want to see a video of me like go through how much I am actually profiting off everything that I have that I'm mining versus my electric that is something you know I I do keep a count of in my like coin Le account my fresh books how much I'm paying on electric every month obviously Dee I expense all that stuff obviously under as a business and I have to report all my income Etc Etc that's anyway let me know that that's a really big video not sure if I'll do that or not but I kind of give you guys a glimpse of how much I spend on electric every month so anyways gpus I don't really have a how do I say it like a overarching overview of gpus right now other than it seems like a lot of people are mining a Leo for uh for profit and really depending on your electrical situation how much your cost per kilowatt hour is some people are making good money some people are not right some people have 5 cents some people have 8 cents I have around seven and 8 cents so for me all of my gpus I'd say over the past couple months have been still I guess profitable all right as I'm in quotes profitable okay uh each 3070 I have has been decent you know from 20 to 30 to 40 cents at some points so it's been good for me in my situation but for people with higher cost per kilowatt hour they're it's not as nice right and that's the reality of crypto mining that's electrical cost is really one of the biggest hindrance for anyone that is going to get into crypto Mining and really have uh depending on how much they're going to leverage and you know how much Capital they have how much Hardware they have it it really depends on your situation if crypto mining is going to be good for you or not and how you do it but now looking at my uh hios rigs here okay just to show you here I have been predominantly on Chlor Fleet okay Chlor Fleet is a software which or aat platform actually chore.

All right which I did a video a week or two ago a lot of you guys watched that video and seemed to really enjoyed it but it's a GPU rental platform and I've rented or I have put all of my hios rigs super easy on chorai okay CH Fleet and so looking at here okay right now you can see for some of you that have been using it my rigs are actually rented all of them are rented majority of them except for one I got one rig that's not rented and you can tell because it's actually mining it's mining zealous my my own zealous right now but when it becomes rented then it shows it empty like this and you can see uh someone is using it someone is renting my rigs but some of you guys may be wondering like red Pand has it been profitable for you versus if I were to mine a Leo and yes uh that's something I actually wanted to see over the past two weeks mining I guess Alo if I I was normally doing it which I have an example here on my F2 pool okay I have about when everything is on when all of my hios rigs my two Farms here okay granted I have two other Farms that are uh not on Chlor Fleet I'm still doing that long-term you know 6600 XT test okay anyways getting off track here okay I still have these two Farms I have these two Farms here on color Fleet okay when both of these Farms on Alo I get about almost 50 m proofs okay so if we go to F2 pool go to their calculator okay right right now how much does 50 m proofs get you we're turn 50 here that's about 41 AO a day or $77 a day so in terms of profitability $775 okay if I were to M AO right now but over the course of the past two weeks here exactly two weeks you know some days I was earning about $130 a day on C 140 almost 140 but hovering between $120 and $140 for the first 5 days then as profitability for zealous actually started coming down my I guess spot pricing or market pricing started com started coming down okay so my my rigs were then making less than $100 or you know $80 $90 a day and today uh as of recording I think my my made about $84 a day but that's still better than if I were to M A Lao now if I was mining and holding AO I can't forget this scenario then yeah you know this could probably be better if AO went pumped you know from where it is right now I think $191 which is extremely low now so what if AO pumped well I don't know right who knows if that's ever going to happen then Mining and holding a Leo would be a better idea but I have been actually it's all been earning for me in Clore and also some Bitcoin as well you guys can see here okay so for me over the course of two weeks I've earned almost 15 $0000 USD worth of Chlor and in Bitcoin okay that's how people are renting out being paid for renting out your rigs okay your hios rigs on Cha's Marketplace okay so I thought this was a pretty interesting test to see and so yeah this is a really interesting test that I did and it has definitely been more profitable per in terms of dollar-wise more profitable than mining on AO at this point in time now just to show you guys here I do have one two two rigs that went offline or three rigs that went off looks like this one's rented um so I'm kind of losing another eight $10 there okay but I do have another rig that's the one that's mining zealous right now you guys can see this one here 3080 rig this one's not rented so it's mining zealous for me okay which is not very profitable at this point I think because uh zealous did go down but anyways besides the point I think yeah it's been really good for me I have all all of my rigs that were on hios it's now uh rented on Chlor Fleet which is which is pretty cool but is it going to last I I don't know and you know another thing to consider for me myself that's doing this is the amount of Bitcoin that I have here and also the Chlor that I've accumulated almost 14,000 Chlor over the past 2 weeks which is insane is Chlor going to have any price appreciation you know maybe okay over the past month it's it's been going down here okay but look at that over the past year did have a pump two pumps here but you know looking at how much Chlor I have here 14,000 is almost yeah $1,300 worth and then a bit of Bitcoin there I think another $300 in Bitcoin that I have you know it's it's a good amount right and I'm not getting paid in US Dollars I'm getting paid in chore and also Bitcoin and I can withdraw this okay and I have confirmed with my other account I can withdraw it does work so yeah just a little thing there regarding my what I'm mining with right now with all my Hardware just to let you guys know um will I continue doing chor Fleet I don't know until I see that I'm going to be making less than I guess mining AO um which we compared here I guess I'm still going to I'm going to stay on chore.

And see how it goes I'll let you guys know I know a lot of you guys are actually already on it as well but have you been rented let me know I guess it all depends on you know how much your uh the multiplier is uh in terms of renting your rigs which you know I explained in the uh in the howto video okay actually I moved mine down to 1.8x because I wasn't some of my rigs weren't getting rented at 2x so I did bring it down okay so let me know if you guys have done that as well anyways continuing on okay so gpus if for anyone that's still here um have you guys been buying Hardware now so I think where we are in the state of the market you know at any point you know when a lot of these coins start pumping I'm not just talking about Clore But whichever other GPU GPU minable coin that could start pumping then is Hardware going to start going up you know so what I've been seeing you know just as the state of GPU mining I think a lot of people have been buying the CMP 100 210s and I'm still I'm still very bitter against a lot a lot of you guys who really stole my gpus I was going to get a 100 of them I was going to trade a whole bunch for a 100 of these but I was too late and it was already sold out so yeah thanks to you guys a lot of these have already been bought okay from uh from bitpro doit but anyways looks like there's another seller on eBay uh data wave systems $180 now these used to be like $130 to 150 now this the seller is selling them for a lot more which it it these are very nice gpus they're very good for what they do memory uh for for memory dependent coins they're very good on Capal good on zealous good on AO um but very not very good on core dependent coins okay so that's you know which anyway the core dependent coins are really all Asic and fpga mind anyway so depends how you look at it but yeah that's what I've been seeing a lot of people have been buying these cards a lot of people love them of course depending on your electric you know these could be profitable or not but also the octom miners right just like maybe a month ago uh when I first got my uh x12s uh this was at like 2200 in stock now it's at 1,06 so over the course of the month almost 1,200 of these have been sold okay because these are the x12s with the 470s in them I know nobody's going to mind with these cards but it's just funny that they come with 12 478 GB cards with the octom miner everything cables everything for 240 granted I do have a coupon code that gives you 5% off your whole order or your whole order RPM pcs5 so if you do decide to order this I I don't get any Kickback you or anything you guys just get 5% off off of this if you're in the US you get free shipping so pretty insane like H like I'm really thinking about buying just another 10 more just to like have as spares because I don't think if and when and if and when if things start getting good again I'm not saying it's going to very soon or could be in the next couple months or half year or next year who knows if Bitcoin goes to higher highs higher highs of where we are now 67,000 to like over 70,000 you best believe we're going to see a lot of these altcoins start start going up I I really truly I truly do believe that we are going to come to a time when uh GPU mining is going to come to that point where everything's going to be more profitable right as prices start going higher of course GPS are going to start turning on people are start going to start going to get expanding um really it depends how much money is out there in terms of the emissions on all these coins uh that people are going to be drawn to but you know it could get it could get pretty insane it could get it could get crazy what if somehow some of these coins like neoa for instance or flux or you know just decide to go up 10x 100x what if that happened to a bunch of coins then that's going to help raise the profitability amongst the gpus so that's where I'm thinking you know is now the time to buy before things get worse obviously right you're not going to buy a $200 X12 you know in the Bull Run no these are going to be like over $1,000 again you're not going to find CMP 100 210 gpus for 180 no these are going to be like $11,000 probably probably more I watch I bet you anything watch like when things get good again watch some people are going to sell these cards like look some some dude always is already selling cmp1 1210 for over $200 imagine imagine if these start becoming like $500 $600 $1,000 because when they start making to $10 a day people are going to be like are going to fomo in and and pay that much exactly what happened in 2021 am I saying that's going to happen no but is that there is there potential for that to happen of course of course right so has that happened in previous times in history with gpus and GPU mining Hardware yes yes it has of course that was with ethereum that was different but I don't think it's the same mentality for me regarding if Bitcoin goes up I mean there should be a lot of GPU minable altcoins that are going to go up as well uh to bring up the uh profitability okay so but that really depends but anyways we'll see okay guys I think that's it this video is long enough I did forgot to talk about WG Leila uh there's some people spec mining this I I haven't gotten into this because all again all of my rigs are earning a pretty good amount on chore.

AI uh is it going to last I'll keep you guys updated so I'm I'm going to keep going until this is no longer good and I guess this is all going to be dependent like I haven't realized this $1,500 yet I still have the clor I still have the Bitcoin here so really it all matters if it the coin is going to go up or not so I mean I feel like I'm in the same boat for anyone that was going to be mining a Lao or mining or hodling some other coin I am basically Mining and hling Bitcoin and Clore that that's that's how I'm looking at it except I'm just someone's paying me uh in chor and Bitcoin as I'm renting out my rigs uh to them so also getting a a bonus as well uh which I forgot to mention all right guys that's it I'll see you all in the next video let me know your thoughts of I guess the state of GP mining um yeah let me know you guys are mining and I'll see you all in the next video have a good one peace out

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