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he hey guys RPM here hope you're doing well having a really great day this video I just unboxed even more RTX 307s there was about four packages and we got in total about 27 there was a small pack of three and then three of the bigger boxes of eight each so they just came in adding on to the pile of 307s that I unboxed last week okay so just to give some context if people are watching this video and have not kept up with the channel I traded some of my as6 for these RTX 370s about 108 of them I don't have all 108 here yet three more final boxes are coming in soon then I'll have uh all of them here I should have about 108 RTX 370s and the biggest thing is is that these are all EVGA models these are one of the best aib branded gpus on the market well they don't sell EVGA is actually no longer in business with gpus but anyways these 370s though I got a bunch of xc3 Ultras and uh I guess the ones with the back plates and then the ones without the back plates are just the gaming Black editions okay so these are actually there's a bunch of varying model numbers whether or not they're from Best Buy or you know pre lhr days or lhr whatever I mean I think they're generally all the same anyway but when I make the rigs into these GP Riser R8s they are going to be the same I'm going to try to keep them the same model number when get to that okay I'm going to update you guys here on what I've done so far in terms of my electric and uh as well as some other stuff okay we'll get out there real soon but yeah this is just this is just crazy they all came in just perfect okay shipping there's no damage um I think I had one actually that was a little bit bent I think it was this one but I was able to bend it back and uh yeah generally I don't see any there's no visual damage on the PCB or anything like that on any of these gpus that's far knock on wood knock on wood so as you all saw in the last episode I did have uh eight of these work okay minus one where there's a dead LED now I'm not sure if it's dead or if it's just simply unplugged I think the LED cable is at the bottom near the PCI Express slot so I'm going to have to take this out and see if it's plugged in or not or it could just be disabled in the EVGA software I don't know I don't really care I'd rather have all the LEDs off anyway don't need it for my you know some say you know LEDs or RGB ads 5% hash rate right right anyways just updating you guys here getting ready for more 307s and I just want to see this whole garage floor full of 307s and then I'll start prepping for putting them into the GP Riser R8 server cases yeah I mean actually come to think of it I have enough right now okay so 9 * 8 here I think that's what 72 plus the 7 I have up there 79 so oh plus the eight I already have here so that's 87 I think so three more boxes of eight or less are coming and that should equal about 108 RTX 370s here pretty soon okay before I go along updating you guys about my electrical situation which I haven't started yet going to announce a another ks0 Pro giveaway which thank you to Mr BP has generously donated a bunch of KS Euro Pros uh 14 to be exact but we have seven left here we're going to do another one for this week and I'm going to do a different way so last week we did it through Discord all right A lot of people didn't seem to like it that way but hey I'm trying out different ways more creative ways to do giveaways next way to do a giveaway we're going to do this week is through memberships for those that are joined to the my YouTube channel here that I think pay $5 a month per membership we're going to do a members only giveaway for this Sunday so whether or not I will uh I think I'm going to do that as a live stream and so members only that are joined to the channel will only see that live stream okay it'll be a separate live stream from my other live stream so stay tuned for that okay so you don't have to do anything other than if you're already subbed to the channel uh joined to the channel okay membership wise you will get the notification that I'm doing a members only giveaway live stream for a KS Z Pro along with a the veteran miners uh six pin PC cable brand new with the metal Barrel plug this is supposed to be a lot more I guess stronger and like doesn't melt or anything and so it should go well with the ks0 pro here okay so whoever wins this will also get one of these cables along with the ks0 pro so stay tuned on Sunday members okay guys update on the wiring um there there is no update I have not started yet I not I have not been procrastinating I've just been extremely busy just I have a lot of things going on but another thing is I've also been working on adding a energy monitoring system okay I installed this Emporia view Gen 2 smart home energy monitor so I just did it actually and my power went out last night and I'm like you know what this is the perfect time to install these energy monitoring system here and uh while the power is off so I don't you know get shocked or anything so turned off all the breakers even turned off the main disconnect outside but yeah here is the Emporia system okay view Gen 2 system and these are all the uh there like the 200 amp circuit sensors okay that go into the house to read how much power is being drawn and then also these 50m circuit sensors for the uh I guess I have it for my 30 amp circuits so I can see how much power is being drawn from these exactly from the stuff that I'm using mining or you know my EV charger range dryer all that kind of stuff so I can see how much power is being used on this circuit panel and then I have another circuit panel here exactly with the same exact same thing yeah the wiring was actually pretty easy the instructions are pretty easy I'm not going to tell you guys how to do it here there's a there's tons of how-to video online I just followed that and yeah got these all set up with uh the circuit sensors as well so I can see you know my Asic Breakers right now that are being used for the Asic shelf over there it's it's working great I can see how much amps I'm pulling or wattage through this on the app or on the web app I'll show you guys in a second and it's great and the the whole reason why just disclaimer the whole reason why I installed these Emporia systems okay two of them which I spent about 400 bucks for both uh in Canadian a reason why I got these is so that I can determine which Breakers or which circuits how many circuits I can install for my 307s okay for the shelf right I explained that I need to have at least four 30 amp circuits and so I just want to generally see as the next two days go on by here that how much power I'm using on each of these sides here so I can determine you know if I'm going to install you know two 30 amp circuits on this side or two on this side or three on this side and then one on this side cuz I do have a lot of services on this circuit panel versus this one but this one's actually drawing more power at the moment cuz I have a lot of mining going on here and also in my house upstairs every room also has a dedicated 20 amp circuit along with a 15 amp circuit so I am utilizing right now a few of these 20 amp circuits to mining upstairs to keep the house warm so that's something I need to consider all right if I'm going to add more load to this panel which I do have five extra spare you know 30m 240 volt Breakers here that I am thinking now that I may need to add the two circuits here and then two circuits here for the GPU shelf so let me show you what I mean okay so I'm logged into the web app of the Emporia okay it is cloud-based as well I can also install it on my phone really handy not sponsored okay I'm not sponsored this is simply to know and understand how much amps uh I'm pulling on the circuit panels exactly so okay so the left 200 amp panel okay I have them labeled and stuff which is really nice I also have the circuit sensors labeled so my data racks okay for mining my router everything uh the 48 you know 6600 XTS are on this one rack here so it's drawing about 18 amps so that's really cool to see right my other rack here the low power rack is about 11 amps but you know you can see here I'm a dryer EV charger range and I think total right now among the other services in the house total it's about I think 34 amps or 37 amps total in this uh circuit panel here okay and then the second circuit panel the right 200 amp panel you guys can see here is where my a6r and dishwasher Navi and water heater which really don't take that much but it's just cool to see right uh the ones that I'm monitoring is about 60 amp 61 amps but rest of the house all right rest of the circuit panel that's being used on that on that panel is 91 amps total and I know on a few of those 20 amp circuits I have a couple gold shell HS lights on them I have a GPU rig you know heating one room I have uh a bunch of little tiny gold shell mini does that are mining around the house are heating the house so that's also combining you know this total here I don't have the circuit sensors on those 20 amp circuits for all of them it only came with an eight circuit sensor kit so I can only do I only chose five on this in this part right now but you guys understand what I mean right that as6 side I'm already pulling 91 okay so when it comes time for summertime I'm probably going to definitely unplug a bunch of those as6 or you know heaters upstairs so that should alleviate some amps but when winter time comes back I need to be mindful that I should have some extra Headroom on this panel you know for when I need to heat up my house again all right so this is just this is great for me to understand you know how much power I'm pulling on each panel this is really good and so I think I've determined okay that I'm going to do two circuits on this one for the gpus and then two circuits on on the uh 200 amp panel so I should still be in the realm of the you know 80% rule on these circuit panels and come winter time time if I turn on the heaters Etc so yeah the dryer takes a bit of power for sure okay I might have some power spikes here uh EV charger takes about 24 amps good thing is I can you know I can monitor how much how much amps and how much power has been pulling I Char car charg is about 24 amps uh pull so that's yeah good 24 amps there whenever I do charge my car so I got to be mindful of that right so and you know at the same time I could be running the dryer and also my wife could be cooking so you know if it's really cool that I can see how much power the range is pulling how much the dryer is pulling and so can add all that together and I can you know decide which you know how many circuits I'm going to be adding more extra on these panels for those RTX 307s this is the whole point and uh it's really nice that I have these you know I think it glitches out here I have to press F5 and then there you go then it comes back to normal here okay so yeah anyways guys I just wanted to show you this and uh yeah let me know your thoughts on this system I'm probably going to do another dedicated video uh on this and yeah I think it's it's a really cool it's a really cool system that I can determine you know what I'm using thus far and uh at the whole circuit panel especially at the mains okay so okay let me know your guys' thoughts just thought I'd give you an update of this one and the GPS I just received now I uh yeah just going to maybe one more day of having things on here and figuring how how much power I'm using and then I'm going to go to town I'm G to run two circuits two by two four 30m circuits going to there into the shelf and that should hopefully be for the next couple videos okay guys I'm going to do my darnest to get that going and I know you guys are waiting for me to do that okay so I will all right I will I'm going to work on it as much as I can okay I will see you all in the next video and I hope you all have a good one and peace out

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