Welcome back into the 99 Bitcoins YouTube channel in this particular video We are looking at five meme coins that Crypto millionaires are accumulating or Have already bought these are coins I Speculate that over the coming weeks Will increase in price and still have Explosive potential now this is where of Course in the meme coin sector things Get a bit risky you're in the wild west However we've heard the stories flipping $1,000 into 1 million is not unheard of And it can happen in these very very Lucrative markets so um at the moment You can see crypto fear and green index Is 70 loads of investors and analysts Are speculating that Bitcoin is making Its way to $85,000 very very soon and also guys and Girls if you are new here subscribe to The night9 Bitcoins YouTube channel to Stay in the know of the most relevant News out there in the crypto space and Hit your crypto goals this 2024 so coin Number one is going to be of course the OG sheu right here which is very much Holding resiliently it had two dips down To 24 and again to this 24 region twice But it has not yet Slipped Away below The 23 the 22 and it has not yet gone Down to like 0.0019 recently so this is good we can See um of course it's holding quite Nicely and in fact today we're seeing a
Really nice 6-hour candle here for she We can actually see we've got two Consecutive green candles on the 4 Hour We now just tapped into 0.00 028 Territory now um I still think you know Is possible to of course get a rejection Here and come back down and retest the 02341 level and even some analysts Believe that 0.19 will happen and some You know people are actually filling Orders here around this region to fill a Long position on a trade but for me I Don't know it's it's very much Speculation now we've traded in this Sort of zone for 35 days so pardon me Things are getting pretty boring right Things are getting boring people tend to Get bored they move on to something else They sell in a loss and you know when People do sell in a loss those same Whales that bought the dip and already Sold in a 5x when you start selling in a Loss of course they're re accumulating The overall dip as well and dipping back Into it getting ready for the overall Next ride to the upside so at the moment We are getting a nice bullish reversal Here and you can see that Sheba Inu has Been trading of course in W patterns Bullish reversal pattern right there as Well so Shea will be coin number one in This video I think you know overall I Think we have to see she Inu reach a new Alltime high otherwise it just kind of
Defeats the objective of mem coins and I Guess she Inu will just be laughing Stock for the rest of its kind of crypto Sort of Lifetime um overall so sheu coin Number one $16.53 billion market cap the Previous Market Capital alltime High was Sitting at around 37.979467 and you already know that Shea Is like the OG is one of the top five Out there in terms of Market Capital This takes us to coin number two in this Particular video Dogecoin 20 which is Launching now in just 15 days only 15 Days until Doge 20 launches it's listing And launching on International Doge day Which is April 20 this is a very very Bullish alignment a very very bullish Deployment strategy as well because with It being International Doge day this is Where Elon Musk could start opening his Trap again and he might you know send Memes to the moon and it's not unheard Of that he can do that he has that Influence he does have that power so no More inflation with this doge2 ecosystem Because the original Dogecoin is played With heavy inflation and has trillions And trillions of coins so the token Value is diluted now we can see there is A strong road map with Dogecoin 20 but 140 billion maximum tokens which does Make a dollar potentially feasible and Possible based on this so one Doge 20 is 0.00002 $2 if you do want to grab
Yourself some Dogecoin 20 before it Sells out the link is right down below And it could literally sell out at any Moment so if you do want to get some Convert ethereum or tether into it using My link right down below over there Dogecoin 20 13.1k followers you can see Claim going live on April 20 over here So yeah guys we're not far away coin Number three in this particular video Will be sloana now if you've recently Been inspired by coins like pondu slurf Or bone book of meme then you know why Those did well it's all about getting in Early getting in before the mainstream Media and those coins did over 100x so Slana is another send to salana themed Salana ecosystem mecoin prale right here So remember guys all of this is highrisk High reward entity and not Financial Advice but you can send your soul tokens To this address directly and then get an Airdrop or you can simply buy OTC on the Embedded decks right here through either Wallet of your choice and also get those Sloana tokens at some point in the near Future so looks really cool very simple The sloth is the meme character here how To buy a with salana you just hit by now Above and connect your wallet and boom There you go tokens will be aird dropped To your wallet after the pre-sale Completes um and the date is of course To be confirmed at the moment slana has
10.7k followers at the moment you can See each tweet of their's got so many Impressions so many likes so many Retweets this one here is actually quite A new one you can see just in the one Hour right there um already 225 likes And um overall yeah looks pretty good I Think we could see potentially SL to Climb the ladder and maybe be up there With you know slur and all those other Big big daddies right so 10.8k followers That is absolutely insane they are Following just binance um coin number Four is going to be book of meme 0.015 94 at the moment with a good price tag Actually and it has been over the last Sort of month just trading in a nice Ascending Channel I can't believe it was Literally oh that that's crazy I mean We're sitting in April this has been Live for over 2 weeks how time flies so It did of course have a euphoric run up To 0.0 263 and Cen has corrected quite Extravagantly but it is trading in an Ascending Channel as we can see right Here and I think overall um $878 million Market capitalization I think this one Can go to like three four maybe $5 Billion at the top of the Bull Run being Book of Meme here um certainly is Holding really strong and could easily Hit a new or potential alltime high in The future 143.6mm
From 0.38 to 0.44 on the day and I Honestly just think looking at the Charts it's not going to go below this 0.38 level again and I think this is a Good dollar cost average region I reckon It's oversold and its relative strength Index and it's got 22233 4 um million Doll market capitalization so 5x takes It well up to an all-time high of a Billion dollars but that is realistic Right with this level of growth that We're seeing here and slana is one of The top coins sorry slur is one of the Top coins out there so yeah slur Absolutely worth also looking at we can See the supply is 100% already Circulating and from a market Perspective it's already on htx gate Radium mxe it's not on of course Coinbase and binance but that always Leaves room for the future right now Slurf is just super super simple look How simple this website is so simple and Of course their Twitter as well being Over here they got 111k followers or Whatever um this is another one that I Do perceive could do quite well out There in the crypto market so let's see What can happen there's five meme coins You can potentially have a look at each In my opinion have you know two to 100x Potential I think doge coins And sfana have the largest potential we Could see safana if it launches around a
10 mil market cap do 1,000x to you know Like1 billion it's it's something that Could happen right we've seen it happen Before with projects that launch and go Absolutely wild Bitcoin is looking quite Strong today it's finally waking up from Its lull hopefully we'll get some more Continuation it did find some decent Support at $61,000 and again that Particular correction from the local High of $73,000 which was a new written In alltime high you know that's around a 15% correction from there so good to see The buyback pressure we've got the Bitcoin harving just roughly two weeks Away and I think that just being around The corner is overall going to keep the Sentiment bullish for now so let's have A look see what's going to happen if You're new to the channel do subscribe And to summarize this video we had coin Number one being Sheba enu the OG meme Coin right here um definitely looks like It's consolidating and soon will do Something crazy and blast to the upside We've got Dogecoin 20 a new pre-sale Ico On the erc20 network launching soon you Can check out the link down below we Then have safana one salana token equals 10,000 sloth tokens if you want to get Into this one soon before it ends which Will be very soon by the way you can Also check out the link down below and Join the safana Ico and the salana
Ecosystem coin number four was of course Then book of meme which is you know Still looking pretty good actually on The day it's come up from lows of 0.051 to 0.0159 lacking on volume and bit though And then coin number five is slur itself Still lacking on volume but of course Market isn't 100% bullish yet we're Missing that search volume we're missing The traffic the Euphoria and all the Things that retail invests fomo back Into so that's a wrap folks thanks for Watching this video I hope it was Insightful and um yeah also get yourself Into the Jacob crypto Clan Discord down Below if you wish and make sure you hit That notification Bell so you stay up to Dat with the latest 9 Bitcoins YouTube Content more big things coming soon and Um yeah it's all about giving back to The community as well see you soon take Care and stay cryptos safe