Andrew Tate is pumping daddy token again Is this your chance to buy and Potentially 25x 50x on Daddy token That's exactly what we're talking about In this video before the video I want to Ask if you haven't already make sure you Smash the Subscribe button down below as It helps with the channel tremendously Now Umar where you getting this 25x um Price prediction from and we're taking This straight from the source of of Pollute uh who is uh early founder in in Twitter or not an early founder an early Investor in Twitter and also um looks Like he does some Social Media stuff and Now he's in the crypto space okay Andrew Tate tweeted earlier today that I'm Giving away th000 in Daddy to 25 random People who repost this you must be Following uh plute and uh himself so he Can DM you and plute replies to this Tweet saying that will be worth $25,000 right meaning we're getting a 25x from here based on these two Influencers inside right where are we Going with all this before we do that Guys let's start off from the basis Let's go ahead and take a deep dive on The project first and foremost cryp Market's kind of recovering we're in 45 For a fear and uh greed index looking Like we're closer to fear than greed However I think a recover is coming very Soon because we're up 1.25% on the day

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Bitcoin is back in the green we're at $61,000 hopefully going to retrace the $70,000 Zone ethereum also retracing 3500 as well also in the green for the 24hour and salana in the green also for The week which is great these are some Indications we need to see for the Crypto Market to perform therefore we Could see this trickle over to mean Coins and again with Daddy token it's a Little bit different than traditional Meme coins because this token in Particular is getting pumped directly From Andrew Tate himself who's a massive Influencer in like the personal finance SL young adult SL redpill space which Also very interlocks with the crypto Community so it's interesting to see the Lease that this to is pumping because It's pumping from one his Twitter and Also from his inner uh Student Portal The war room or the hostage University That he sells okay so price for this Project is currently at 12 cents and if This does 25x we're looking at a a price Of uh roughly uh $325 we can round that down just $3 Getting a 22 23x if these price Predictions are true now when we take a Look at this project guys it's currently Ranked 25 2 2551 however the mark cap has not been Self-reported right now and not verified Once verified and if it's actually the

Represented amount this is a top 200 uh Maybe top 250 coin being at one uh 1 $134 million Mark cap it's up 34 38% on The week and it's down 2% on the hour And about half a per on the day but what Really is daddy token let's go straight To the website to find out so Daddy Token uh known knows best every every Mother needs a daddy in a chain full of Mothers uh loving betas a father figure Emerges Daddy's home and Daddy supposed To be like you know and Tates a daddy For these uh these young adults okay uh We can see you can buy Daddy on radio What you'll learn access to 10 plus Campuses I don't know if this is truly Like a huster university style website Or if they're just it's just a meme and They're mocking it very likely it's just A meme but basically you'll learn how to Escape the matrix smacking the police Kickboxing um burning Millions surviving Jail mogging Mommy so again I think this Is just like there's mocking the husters Website two Pats in life you basically Go the 9-5 beta University route Investing yourself for years uh Significant crypto into traditional Blue Chips only to join the rank of countless Graduates remain poor jeets or buy a few Daddy coins enjoy your profits and a hot Yacht Bas fast tracking your Phantom Wallet to 1 million salana and willink To buy hey they're playing with people's

Emotions and uh to the Right audience This is going to go absolutely insane Looks like they have telegram Twitter Radium Dex Tool uh and Dex screen Scanner talking about telegram guys we Pop over to telegram to take a look as Project has over 40,000 subscribers in Telegram the only official uh portal of Daddy coin 40% burnt by Andrew Tate Himself 40% of the supply guys we're Talking about hundreds of Millions of Dollars just burnt right locked in Liquidity forever which is absolutely Insane which maybe brings this project a Long-term future D token has over 35,000 Followers on Twitter and again getting Lots of direct marketing from Andrew Tate himself now guys I want to a pause From this for a second I want to Highlight a pre- gem that's going Absolutely crazy that we covered on this Channel in the past already before and That is play Doge the reason I'm Covering this is guys it just passed a Massive Milestone raising 5.1 million by The time this video is posted it's most Likely going to have $5.2 million raise People are going absolutely crazy for This token what is it it's play Doge the Blessed play to earn Doge companion game They basically took tamagachi mix with Doge K boom you get a play to earn game I secure your play tokens and pre-sale To earn crypto while playing nostalgic

2D Adventure game they've already been Featured on ton of different websites Including bitco binance Square Trad riew uh coin kodex they Basically have been presented everywhere FX streets it's insane they have a solid Road map in place guys they have solid Tokenomics as well and cherry on top They have great staking earn up to 23% With dynamic range staking you're going To want to miss on this project Link in The description below but back to Daddy Token specifically Andrew T's page to See what's really going on here we get a Full picture and see how he's been Shilling this project we can see we go Over to his Twitter and we can see bing Bang bong uh I'm going to buy some daddy Retweet I'm giving 100 uh $1,000 in Daddy we saw this earlier I pump anytime And I I am He-Man referring to uh this Retweet just in corporate mecoin daddy Price rallies of 25% past 24 hours and Again once that did rally guys we did See a sell off looks like people were Waiting for it to pump a bit to dump on The project we can see that right there But I think longterm guys this might Have something here with the constant Pumping directly from Andrew Tate Himself and him being a massive figure In the space it looks like he's Genuinely either getting paid by these Guys or just absolutely in love with

This Project it's possible there leveraging That Daddy trade 10,000 ret trade and I'll make the call this guy's just Absolutely nuts now guys none of this is Financial advice always do your own Research and due diligence before Investing any money in the cryptos we Cover on this channel but how you Feeling about daddy token are you Bullish are you beish I want to hear all In the comments section below if you Want to gra a bag of playd let me know In the comment section below I load up I Think there's going to be a lot of Success in this project it's been Absolutely phenomenal so far so if you Do load up let us know in the comment Section below until next time guys it's Your friends here from 99 Bitcoin Channel peace [Music] [Music]

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