Best 3 MEME COINS To Buy Now and Potentially 100X Your Money!!?

I'm glad you clicked this video because It tells me that you are a hungry person Surfing in the right sector right now One of the most prosperous sectors in The entire world which is blockchain Memecoins cryptocurrency so welcome here To night9 bitcoin YouTube channel if you Guys are new Smash that subscribe button If you want to hit your crypto goals so We're looking at mem coins in this video Three meme coins that I believe are very Exciting at this current point of time We can see Memes are worth 45.7 billion Dollar at the moment so it's a huge Narrative as its own kind of Niche Within the crypto space so don't want to Waste your time just want to dive Straight into the action and the points That I think are relevant but yeah memes Are still looking really well even Though we're having slightly kind of a Reddish sort of boring week in the Crypto space so coin number one ladies And gents will be WEA the AI this one is So relevant right now because it's Literally about to launch just in a few Days time on Monday or Tuesday this will Be trading live on Exchange and could do Very well WEA AI is exciting because It's part dog part sausage and part AI Trading but the ecosystem effectively Isn't AI enhanced trading bot but you're Also going to have some other exciting Things here like uh seamless sausage

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Swaps which kind of hints at a Decentralized exchange zero fees it says Ween AI does not charge any fees also me Protection as well so bot protection Which is really good it's been Recognized by many many big people out There in the crypto space you can see a Lot of people are staking as well with 69% of that total Supply being staked at The moment one ween AI token is 0.0075 so you're going to get a lot of Coins for each dollar you put in and you Can buy it just simply by connecting Your metamask wallet wallet of your Choice in the defi sort of side of Things and converting either ethereum or Tether into your wiener coins so of Course not financial advisor guys this Is highrisk high reward we don't know What could actually happen with this Coin it's not docks it's not kyc but it Has got strong tokenomics and a strong Road map and we know the guys behind it The team must have a lot of cash flow Because they're really pushing this coin In every single direction we AI has Currently got 123% perom on the staking Rewards which looks pretty good as well So it does offer some rewards for those That want to compound their coins and Earn more wi AI tokens over time Probably not worth doing this late on Though considering the coin will be Trading very very soon so if you want to

Get in the link is Down Below guys for This one here it says we AI is a Groundbreaking token that merges the Worlds of artificial intelligence and The obvious appeal of sausages and um Yeah just looking through the Twitter You can see the regular pre-sale phas Has ended and they are now hyping up the Last phase where it says token claims And trade kick off on Monday the 5th of August and it says we're partnering with A top tier exchanges for the launch as Well so this could be really really big Link is down below ladies and gents if You want to grab some of this one coin Number two is also fantastic yes it Looks a bit na it doesn't look the best However the story behind this one is Really really big it's a guy called Jake Gilia who is out there doing real things He is a mem coin developer what he's Doing is walking 1,500 miles from the UK To Romania to meet the Tate Brothers Andrew and Tristan Tate this is Absolutely huge so he's made his own Coin called the top G1500 which is right here 547 or 560 Followers actually but yeah he's on a Real journey here not many meme coins Out there have a real docs kyc Factor Where we know who the developer Developers are but also like it's a good Story this is something that could Really happen and if he does meet the

Brothers you can just imagine like the Overall hype and euphoria that you're Going to see here you've already got Quite a lot of influences talking about It like crypto Zeus is talking about it So it could also be another one to maybe Make a quick Buck maybe even two three Five or 10x maybe even more people have Put a lot of money into this token you Can see the charts are definitely Reflecting the strong appetite for this Journey that this young guy over here is On so he wants to make a name for Himself he also wants to create Something for a community and if Andrew Tate does pick up on this and he meets Them Andrew Tate will probably promote Or push the coin as well because 10% of The supply is indeed reserved for him Check this one out down below too $1 Million market cap with $116,000 of liquidity right there so Yeah really exciting link down below for That one and coin number three is also Another really relevant one the meme Games of course we've got the Olympics Right now in Paris and this is all about Basically basically being aligned with The Olympics and it says the meme game Athletes you got Doge here you got Pepe You've got Brett turbo dog with hat and Basically this is like a tokenizing on Sort of the Olympics but it's just a Funny ecosystem where you can also bet

On your favorite sort of athlete to win He says light your torch for the Inaugural meme games where crypto meme Uh fanaticism meets the spirit of 2024 Olympics pick your favorite meme Competitor and watch them go for gold to Mply your Holdings um so it says how to Participate in the meme games you can Buy Your Meme games token by selecting The meme athlete you want to compete but It's obviously really simple to buy this You just connect a metamask wallet Convert either ethereum or tether or B&B When you switch chain into your desired Amount of meme games coins so really Really cool you can see the Dex Launches On the 10th of September which is Literally 5 weeks away and it says buy Now for a chance to win a 25% bonus at The same time they've also got staking With mega High Rewards Wards at 75% at The moment so this is another big Potential meme coin out there with 10x Potential and you can see they got 17.8k Followers at the Moment and some funny memes out there With all the different meme characters Lots of Engagement impression does look Pretty bullish so that's a wrap guys Three meme coins that could potentially 10 to 100 extra money you got we AI as Coin number one you then have top G 1,500 as coin number two which is Looking ever so bullish still pumping

Right now so the link is down below this One is already trading and then you've Got coin number three as the meme games Which is another Ico or pre-sale which Could also do quite well so those links Are down below and if you're new here Guys do subscribe to this channel so you Don't miss out on the future calls and Alphas that we're looking at some really Really big exposures um and high Potential opportunities on this channel See you soon guys bye for now peace

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