BEST 3 PRESALES To BUY NOW With 100X Potential?!

Here are the best three pre-sale coins To buy with 100x potential welcome back To 99b YouTube channel today we're Taking a look at three pre-sale gems That have upwards of 100x potential Let's jump right into the list as you Can see guys mcoin pre-sale Trends are Going wild raising up almost $150 Million some of these gems literally are Taking over the internet and this Market It's looking like the best way to make a Bag is to investing in these pre-sale Gems today we're going to be taking a Look at three I'm going to link them all Below let's go ahead and jump into the Video starting off guys the crypto Market is looking good today we're up 2% Of the overall market and we're seeing Some green back on bitcoin we're seeing Green almost back in e but we are seeing Some green across the board we're Recovering from last week and as we Enter next week guys with 15 days away From The Happening we expect a lot of Bullish things to be happening within The crypto Market let's go take a look At some of these popular pre-sell gems Guys cuz literally the Market's taken Over the proof is in the pudding some of These pre- to coins are raising over $150 million if you get in early that's How you make your bag the first coin on This list is fifth gate so this is like A VR AR type cryptocurrency that you're

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Not going to want to missell the gateway To the next big thing of the decade the World's first AR and VR ecosystem that Connects the smartest Minds together and Looks like they got VR Gaming VR movies VR education and VR devices if you know Me I'm super big in VR and I think VR Has a massive potential Facebook is Literally pouring billions if not Billions and billions of dollars into The development of VR and bring to the Mainstream audience and with the crypto Trending right now and VR potentially to Be the future we anticipate a lot of Bullish momentum for AR and VR buy fifth Escape token and we can see the people Are Buy in there's about 4 days to Launch guys and they already raised $4 Million with very close to their target Of $5 million again we're getting in Massively early guys and the money You're going to make is when you get Into these gems early so what is fifth Escape guys Beyond boundaries virtual Infinity unlock the Limitless potential With virtual realm of fifth Escape five Escape is a ticket symbol where Immersion experience refined boundaries And shap a future of entertainment and Education experience hyper realistic Games world of virtual reality dive into Diverse array of gaming experiences from Adrenaline pumping battles to Precision Archery high-speed racing and immersive

Sports so looks like they're going to Put like some Triple A type games we can See this one's on the Vision Pro and The Meta Quest I literally have a meta Quest I don't have it here right now but this Is pretty cool that they're mixing VR And crypto together enter the realm of Heighten experience having the VR and Crypto mixed together guys is going to Be pretty bullish seamlessly integrated Into are experiences token rewards far Beyond TR traditional staking so Staggered growth as virtual reality Refines entertainment sees opportunity For substantial appreciation propelling Your Investments to new heights lifetime Free access as a cherish holder of five Escape enjoy lifetime complimentary Access to Cur selection of captivating VR content with fif Gap this is awesome Again cuz I'm already VR user so that Means if I get into this pre-sale I get Access to a bunch of these titles which Is pretty dope and then exclusive In-game advantages gaining a Competitive Edge with five Escape unlocking special Features and goods so again if you're Competitive you're going to have that Competitive Advantage as you're going to Unlock some special tiers for being Early early access and Community Interaction enjoy exclusive Early Access Of Cutting Edge VR content seizing the Future firsthand dive into our Viber

Community connecting with fellow Enthusiasts this one has a ton of Potential guys we can see 80% is Allocated towards a pre-sale 10% to Liquidity and 10% to treasury looking Pretty solid and we can see the actual Token allocations and looks like they Got airdrop in treasury as well which is Pretty dope participate in some Incredible looks like real life event as Well which is awesome and the team looks Like is stocks as well all things we Like to see in a cryptocurrency now Let's jump to the next coin on the list And that is Doge 20 guys this coin is Taking the Internet by storm we're Seeing so many influences cover this one Because there some potential here They're already going rapidly fast 13,000 followers on Twitter and here's Your last chance again to Doge 20 act Now and grab some to Doge 20 before it's Too late ensure you don't overlook this Opportunity and join the Viber Interactive mcoin Community experience a Rise of Doge 20's value with staking Integration on ethereum maximizing Reward for holders so not only you going To buy into this gem really early and Make a bag but you also have opportunity To stake it to even make more money Start earning passive money on your Investment they're launching 15 days on Doge day again timing very close to

Bitcoin happening and we know that's Going to have a massive effect on the Overall crypto Market our Doge just got More rewarding prepare for the ultimate Doge upgrade we're sending elon's Fai Towards a more sustainable future stake Doge2 today to start earning Eco-friendly rewards they got good boy Stakin utilizing smart contracts powered By ethereum doge2 again is more than a Mcoin it wants to bring passive income Earning potential to the community Convenient wallet no more inflation it's Not like an unlimited Supply it's a fix Supply unlike the popular Dogecoin right Which is pretty dope featuring a ton of Articles a solid road map which we Covered in detail on the past and solid Tokenomics as well 25% of Supply going Towards the pre-sale which is dope to See and they've already raised over $10 Million if I'm not mistaken they Actually raised over $12 million which Is totally insane this is launch in 15 Days this one definitely has a potential To take the Internet by storm we're Seeing dogcoin specifically be super Popular this bull run even last Bull Run You're not going to want you miss your Opportunity on buying a bag of Doge 20 The next pre-sale gem on the list is Sloana the sloana pre-sale is launching Soon they've already raised over $8 Million one soul will give you 10,000

Slots again nice simple website with Again a collective goal of taking this Cryptocurrency to the Moon we already Seen slurf take over the Internet on the Sol chain and now we're adding another Slot themed coin which is take over the Internet we're seeing a lot of Popularity when you have a popular meme Coin let's use dog with hat for example We see a ton of other coins replicate The name because that Community just so Massive that people want to invest in Similar tile tokens and they see massive Engagement for having a similar name I Think SL honesty and the same thing Taking advantage of having a similar Name and a similar obviously mascot but Again just redoing it in their own way Join the Slots Journey from leafy Lounges to crypto riches pre-sales Happening Now Embrace with slot life let Your let your soul Roar with slota Pre-sale spots are limited and again Salana being very underrated we're Seeing a ton of potential on salana so Much money being made you're not going To want to miss out from $420 to $420 Million with slot dive into the pre-sale Again I'm going to link all these below They have a how to buy tab the Frequently asked questions looks like Tokens will be aird dropped to your Wallet after the pre-sale is complete Keep your eye on your wallet for the

Rival slot follow the Twitter for Further announcements let's go ahead and Take a look at the Twitter and we see Again 11,000 followers on Twitter so It's it's going growing quite quickly we Can see they already have some plans to Get listed on some decentralized Exchanges and centralized exchange Listing as well very bullish community And this is something obviously we want To see with a very high engagement over 22,000 views on this post which has Posted just 8 hours go this one could Take the Internet by storm salana as Whole has been taking the Internet by Storm and we're seeing so much potential With these pre-sale gems and these Salana gems and the whole mooncoin Season hasn't even fully begun yet guys Don't miss out on these solid three Pre-sale opportunities I'm going to go Ahead and Link them all down below and Let me know the comments which one You're most bullish for I think doge2 Has a ton of potential as it's a dog Themed coin SL an also has a ton of Potential because it's on the salana Chain and the five Escape is a black Sheet because they're integrating VR With crypto something that hasn't really Been done yet on scale I'm bullish for This sweet project and I want to know What you think in the comment section Below that pretty much wraps the video

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