Best 4 MEME COINS To Buy Now (Next 100X Potential Crypto?!)

In 2024 the mcoin sector has been the Most profitable sector within the Cryptocurrency space of course this does Come of a level of risk because they are Volatile coins and usually trade within Euphoric transient phases but they can Be very fruitful so many Legacy Investors now are starting to turn their Heads towards mem coins understanding That it could be a good tool to Diversify your portfolio with some meme Coins here and there so I want to talk About four mem coins in this video that Could potentially do quite well and the I am bullish on so many are pumping on The day the volume for mem coins is up By nearly 20% globally and things are Looking good so let's check out coin Number one and welcome back by the way To the night9 Bitcoins YouTube channel If you're looking to hit your crypto Goals subscribe to night9 Bitcoins let's Jump straight in coin number one Pepe Unchained this is awesome Pepe now has His own blockchain this is a layer two Ecosystem it's got its very own Dedicated block Explorer $1.75 million raised the price of pepu Or Pepe Unchained will be going up in 1 Day 18 hours if you want to grab some of Those tokens before it does go up the Link is down below to do your own Research connect your defi wallet and Therefore from there onwards you can

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Purchase your you know Pepe unchain Tokens like using metam mask so Basically this is cool so instant Bridging between eth and pepe chain Lowest transaction fees higher volume Capacity um its own dedicated blockchain They've also got big rewards pending as Well from the staking protocol that They've got here um a token order you've Got coin soul and solid proof so they've Also done their security measures and Made sure everything is looking good and They're featured in many big as you can See U articles and websites already They've already got a coin market cap um Article out there so once it does go Live I'm pretty sure they will be listed There too um but yeah really really cool Stuff actually for pepean chain there Are 8 billion tokens pre-sale gets 20% Staking 30% marketing 20% liquidity 10% % project Finance 10% and chain ventory Also at 10% and um generally just a good Looking pre-sale right here not Financial advice of course because is a Risky scenario is speculative they've Hit $1.5 billion raised and since they Posted this nearly 8,000 views on the Tweet just from yesterday it's a lot of Retweets a lot of Impressions and a lot Of people now with big anticipation for This to do quite well road map wise step One says make Pepe great again the time Has come for Pepe to take a giant deep

Into his Ultra based future then it says Coin eruption with its layer to Technology so very very cool stuff here Hope you can do well um and it says Something big is loading pe's own Blockchain is coming soon stay tuned for The revolution so check out this coin Down below if you wish pepean chain very Popular many meme coin investors are Looking at this one right now coin Number two will be MOG coin this is a Cat themed mem coin of around $700 Million Market Capital over the month Has reflected wonderful wonderful Results so 85.6% of the circulation or the max Supply is circulating so about 14% left For emission or to be released over time And yeah really really good so $700 Million MC a 5x would take that to $3.5 Billion on the MC you can see this is Not on any tier one exchanges just yet It's on a good few like tier 2s it's not In coinbase it's not on binance nothing Like that and mcoin is effectively a Base chain mem coin right here see they Just tapped into that $700 million Market capital and it does look really Simple very simplistic but it's of Course reflecting some big big gains for Mean coin buyers out there now I would Say not to buy in at this current level Because when we look at the RSI you can See you're buying on the yellow vertical

Line which is now which is when the RSI Is overbought there's a lot of greed There's a lot of volume in the market it Could be worth waiting for a pullback For mcoin to come back down to like the 30 30 levels on the relative strength Index which could then reflect another DCA region or a better opportunity to Buy in before the coin already does a 2X Or something like that if we do break This resistance here of 0.0021 we could hit the 27 region Offering around 40% gains to the upside For this particular token remember if You're buying this coin you're also Buying a coin that has historically done You know 100 and is that 160x 160x yeah because that's in insane So remember you are buying into a token That has done already an incredible Thing um so do consider that if you are Putting a large sum of money into a coin That's already ripped over 100x but There's still more upside it could be a 2X a 3X 4X a 5x it won't be a 10x or 100x again but something good could at Least happen moving into coin number Three will be Weena AI part dog part Sausage part AI trading bot so this is Really cool they're about to hit the Next stage of the I when they raised $7.2 million they've currently raised 6. 9 million so yeah just two days to go Until the price goes up one ween AI

Token is 0.724 very cool website here purple Themed you got the dog character 6.2 Billion tokens are staked in with 63% um of the overall Supply staked in The rewards with the staking is 164% Right now so they've got a lot of cool Tweets out there big news you know stuff For this coin again big anticipation for This it's a meme coin that's not yet Launched they've got the Ecosystem with some attractive things Here so you got zero fees you got Seamless sausage swaps which kind of Tells you there could be a DEX you got AI enhanced trading as well and also me Bot protection here so that's really Cool no big snipers the token Supply is 69 billion the pre-sale will get 30% Staking will get 20% Community rewards Will get 20% here and the deck sex Liquidity is 10% the marketing reserved Is 20% Tokenomics so it does look cool um Another meme coin we know how these work Sort of culture hype bit of fun big Community and then you get that launch And hopefully they do pump and the early Buyers hope to then make profits before Getting in before the public when it Does go live on exchanges says ready for The new week like a Wier on a mission Let's Crush those trades with WIA AI Your ultimate AI trading assistant so

Yeah pretty cool stuff here think it Could do well and there is the staking Dashboard just to let you guys know how That looks with the it's 164% per anim Stak in Ro which is just outrageously High um of course not Financial advice If you do want to grab this token you Can head on over to their website down Below connect to your wallet and you can Get started with your wiener AI Journey Going number four will be a new base Which is the basic coinbase chain themed Mem coin they R $2.2 million the price Will go up in 18 hours and 50 minutes One dog's token is 0.00 5534 USD it's Another one where you connect your metam Mask wallet or your CB wallet or any of Those that you see on screen and you buy The tokens anticipating a large pump Upon launch so effectively it's like a Dog base jumping through the sky you can See right here is the tokenomics as well Um with the breakdown on the left hand Side but effectively it's just a fun Character that is going on a Skydive and Um has got some road map phases here Where it go through phase one the base Grab phase two the milk run phase three The scramble and then phase four the Sherub which hints at centralized Exchange listings could be really cool They've also got an airdrop pending Which is coming very soon so be sure to Collect some of those dog points if you

Do want to get involved in the airdrop Which will be coming soon so bookmark That one save the DAT could be very very Cool Bas dogs is quite a a low market Cap gem I think it's sitting in the 5 To10 million market cap at launch so a 10x is a possibility here once it does Go live here we can see the bass dogs Twitter with 4,400 followers it says Multichain Adventures on base eth Binance smart chain Avalanche um yeah so It's got that portal technology which Creates the cross chain um sort of Purchases but yeah guys this is really Really cool so the price of Base dogs Will be going up very very soon so if You want to get more base dogs per to Per dollar that you spend check out the Link down below that is a wrap just to Summarize we had coin number one as Pepe Unchained which could do very very well 10 to 100x potential MOG coin as coin Number two the base chain cat coin Number three being weer AI part sausage Part dog then coin number four is base Dogs with the flying little base dog Going through the sky just like that and That's WP ladies and gents links are Down below if you are Keen to find out More I'll see you very soon please Remember don't risk more than you can AFF to lose because m coins are indeed Risky we don't know the future but we do Know it's a very profitable sector right

Now and lots of people are still making Money with the memec coin space see you Soon and bye for now

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