Best 5 Meme Coins To Buy NOW (New 10X Potential Meme Coins?!)

Big welcome back to the 99 Bitcoins YouTube channel in this video we're Breaking down five New Meme coins that Are yet to hit and potentially disrupt The cryptocurrency markets are we Looking at the new 5 to 10 x potential Gems let's find out meme coins are a Huge narrative they won't go away and Everyone knows about them by now exactly What a meme coin is and the potential Money that could be made out of them of Course this does not come without a Level of risk so you should always scale Your risk accordingly but let's just Jump straight in meme coins get massive Waves of search volume periodically they Go through their own sort of cycles of Main sort of retailer interest consumer Interest where everyone across the world Is Googling meme coins and right now we Are down a bit on that search volume but It will potentially come back when we Have Meme and old season round two so Let's just jump straight into it guys um And yeah happy meme coin hunting not Financial advice boom let's move in coin Number one is Pepe un chained this is a New layer to which is going to have its Own dedicated block Explorer which will Basically be Pepe scam now if you like Pepe well this could be a good Pepe coin Alternative and we can see just looking Over here um over one Pepe or pepo is 0.946 so they've raised a whopping $1.4

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Million it means that they're very close To launching now and Pepa and chain is All about delivering that layer 2 Experience with better speed better Gains and the same delicious Pepe flavor We can also see looking at this we got 175% perom on their staking rewards Which is a very big opportunity for Stakers out there in the D5 space so the Token Powers the entire ecosystem it's All about you know a blockchain having Speed kind of like salana very fast Security low fees and of course memes Attached to it as well so really really Cool the price is 0.946 and every time they go up a Certain amount of raise the price of This mcoin Ico is going up so you've got To get in quicker to secure a lower Price so to speak there are 8 billion Total tokens and 20% of these coins are Reserved for the pre-sale itself could Be worth checking out do a bit of Research down below I will provide links There where you can do your own due Diligence and research and if you want To buy the coins you can use your defi Hot wallet like a metamask wallet so Here you can see you can buy it on Echain or you can swap over to BNB as Well onto the BSC chain if you want to Kind of uh get those lower fees but then You won't have the opportunity to stake If you did want to do that so yeah

Really really cool I think pep and chain Getting a lot of attention a lot of Anticipation a lot of hype and a lot of Impressions and retweets check out this Coin down below moving into coin number Two a new one in the markets they just Smashed through $900,000 raise and what Beautiful artwork they've got indeed It's known as crypto All Stars so $913 Of $1.1 million raised here if you can See their audits are on the screen which Is always nice to see got those contract Audits to make sure they are safe um and At $1.1 million raised the price of Stars will be going up again again right Now it's pricing at 0.141 and it says join the first ever Mem Vault buy and stake stars in Pre-sale to earn Max rewards Revolutionary meme Vault protocol every Top meme coin Under One Roof insane Rewards for stars holders so you can Click there to learn more about it as Well but you can see it's going to be The world's first unified staking pool Massive reward potential meme Market Exposure will absolutely be there and It's also secure and transparent it says Heavily AED and battle tested the Platform is technolog ically modeled After the ERC 1155 multi- toen standard Strong road map where we can see the Pre-sale will initiate which it has Indeed done then the Stars token will

Launch and then the unlocking of the Vault will begin so overall really fun Colorful sort of meme coiny um I guess Narrative here look at those massive Staking rewards of 1,560 that's absolutely huge you can see That gives you 281 Stars tokens per Ethereum block which is quite a lot of Staking rewards especially for you know Hot defi meme coin like this one here Toonomic breakdown 20% to the pre-sale 25% to staking 20% marketing 10% sex Deck and 25% on the meme Vault ecosystem Itself and it's another very easy one Just sort of go to the website have a Look at it connect your wallet and boom Off you go metam mask or whatever you Wish convert either ethereum or tether Into those tokens you wait for the Pre-sale to end it gets listed on decks Centralized exchange or whichever Happens and then hopefully the price Goes up from there so that is coin Number two coin number three will be Base dogs they've raised $3.25 million Deck's launch will be happening so soon In 2 days and 4 hours so you've got to Get in quick for this one if you're Keen To find a meme coin that you don't have To wait a long time for base dogs could Be the next big one so this is one that You can buy cross chain you've got a Base ethereum got BC got Avalanche and Salana lots of cross chain potential

There and here we can actually see the Percent of the supply state is 40% and The apy is 737 so this is all about a Dog that just sort of flies through the Sky is pretty crazy to be honest and he Goes all the way down and hits the Platform and boom but overall it's a big Sort of base chain sort narrative it's a Big cross chain mcoin using Wormhole Technology now toonomic le 20% pre-sale 20% staken 20% liquidity marketing and Dogs rewards gets 30% split evenly and Then listings at 10% as well with have a Strong road map where phase one is the Grab basically the you know the pre-sale Launching phase two is the milk grum Going to get the audit and the socials Going live phase three is the Dex Listings that's what will be coming up Soon and then phase four hints at Centralized exchange listings this could Indeed be a good one cuz the low market Cap coin which could do a 5 to 10x in The future of course not Financial Advice and never risk more than you can Afford to lose and here is the staking Dashboard for that one too they've got 6,319 followers you can see the Dex Launch date is indeed on the 4th of September at 5:00 p.m. C the listing Price is here at 0.0085 582 so if you Are still watching this this means that Effectively you're buying in now at 0.008 582 and yeah you're buying in at

The listing price so it's a one: one it Could go up from there or it could go Down from there coin number four is Going to be meme games token $48,000 rais and this is all about kind Of following and tying into the Olympics Which is happening uh right now in the Cryptocurrency space this does make it Quite exciting because it's it's Following a real story this is where you Can like Place little bets on your Favorite kind of meme Champions you got Whiff turbo Brett Doge you got PE as Well and overall it looks pretty fun It's colorful it's vibrant they've Raised 400k at $1.1 million the price Will go up again so if you want to get In and buy the coin at an earlier price At 0.0094 now would be a better time to do So it says the official dgen 2024 Olympic token very very fun looking Quite exciting at the same time they've Also got staking uh 471 Apy 38.5 um rewards per ethereum block of The mames token could be worth checking Out and it does look like another fun One looking at the about side of things Um but yeah so easy one to get into you Can see there's going to be a Leaderboard as well which talks about The different Champions and who wins What then you got the mean games token

Sumurai so two billion total coins and 38% of those are sold in the pre-sale They've also got the par meme games Coming which is very very soon looks Like that'll be listing and launching Soon a new bit of product release which Could be very very exciting coin number Five is Sheba shootout they just broke Through $1 million raised and at 1.8 Million raised the price does go up or In 6 days and 20 hours this is one that You can buy on erc20 or you know bp20 Whatever you prefer but I really like it It's got kind of Red Dead Redemption Sort of cowboy Wild West thing about it He says Sheba shootout PL and meets the Doge gone uh Doge G on Wild West she Shoot out pains the legendary Doge icon In play to earn Wild West in combat Engage in Epic gun battles in the town Of Sheba gch where Marshall Sheba and Sheba Sharpshooters are the stars of Unique mobile group The Gaming Experience you can see got a great Example here of the game it's on Google Play It's On the App Store it's a real Sort of play to earn one that could be Absolutely fantastic in the future so Keep your eyes peeled on it um you going Have different map locations tokenomics 35% are sold in the pre-sale so that's All the public buyers scooping that one Up and you can see right now we are in Phase two which is start the token

Pre-sell and then phase three the full Plates and game will launch on Google And Apple Stores get the token launch on Decks and all the centralized exchange Listings and all that beautiful stuff so Of course this is a fantasy and not all Road maps do get fully fulfilled but I Do feel good about this one too they've Got big staking rewards of 880 per. Could be worthwh checking out 2,000 Followers um and yeah they're pushing Out consistently and getting the message Out there this could be one of the next Hot meme coins so there's a breakdown of Five very hot looking memec coins in the Crypto space check out the Ico down Below never risk more can afford to lose By the way that's always you know rule Number one of anything crypto related And please do your own due diligence and Research us the links down below see Which ones you like the look of of Course you got Bas dogs launching very Very soon so it could be a good one to Get into quickly and yeah it's a nice Selection of coins that you can Potentially enjoy there folks thanks for Watching see you soon and make sure you Subscribe to night9 bitcoin's YouTube Channel see you

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