Welcome back to the 99 Bitcoins YouTube Channel in this video we're going to Break down five cryptocurrencies I'm Looking at to buy for hopefully a good Solid short-term play and also ride the Wave in the upcoming months when the Markets become more and more bullish so Welcome here and if you are new here Please do subscribe if you wish to hit Your crypto goals this summer and 2024 And please also get yourself in my Discord channel the link is down below If you want to start making some more Money in these crypto markets and also Mingle in with a fantastic crypto Community with 25k Plus members so right Now Bitcoin clings to 67k well actually it's now 66k but Analysis warns of a 10% bitcoin price so We're just going to quickly kind of do The state of play in the market a little Rundown of what is going on what I Perceive to happen in the upcoming sort Of weeks and months so Bitcoin Bulls are Enjoying 10% month to gains currently But one Trader warns that the picture Should soon look very different so um Maybe we could see a blip in the market Again guys it's not unheard of that we Could see a few of these during the Summer when things were a little bit Kind of boring from the retailer point Of view this is the sideways part of the Market guys this is where things are

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Sideways things do get a little bit Boring we've had a great week um of Course but on the month we did actually Drop down to 56k and had a very strong Recovery BLX chart suggests also that Bitcoin is looking super strong at the Moment we are cooling down the RSI is Still in my opinion quite High the Relative strength index sitting at like You know 68 is still still kind of high But not super high but overall things Are looking good um so yeah um the big Thing is of course when Bitcoin does hit Like 30 sub RSI that's when you want to Be loading up as much as possible but The fact we're chilling right here at 67k where previously Bitcoin is at like 67k in 2021 at its previous alltime High 3 years ago right now the aut high is Like 73k the fact it's just chilling Here and like the market feels so dead And boring is ultimately bullish for me So the long-term chart for Bitcoin looks Fantastic from Dr Martin heis he's Literally just said hoddle away and then You can also see over here Bitcoin is Holding up to the price strongly that I Don't think there will be a deep Correction bullish continuation here Perhaps and I also think you know this Does look like a bullish sort of bull Flag where we could see a big pump to The upside from here maybe even Target The 1618 at like

$85,000 so yeah guys feeling very very Good about what is happening in these Cryptocurrency markets it's a red day um But we've had a very nice week so you Know one day being red out of the whole S isn't too bad right as long as you Know on average 10 to 15% of all the Days in crypto on a bll run uh all in The ball Market I read I think we're in A good place so coin number one that I Think will go up soon is tars this is an Old gem that I found recently at $1.6 Million market capitalization looking at Tars it says empowering the web free Leap AI for all tar is a an a driven Scalable web 3 modular infrastructure Platform enabling organizations and Individuals to effortlessly transition From web 2 to web 3 so this is awesome It's an AI Hub as you can see there um Really really cool use cases you got Token driven AI utility web 3 transition And assistance you got streamlined token Distribution customizable web 3 portals Um simplified fundraising and token Sales so t a i is a ticker right here I Think it could be one that does do well And actually corrected down to 0.059 but Over the last few hours it's had very Bullish recovery and obviously a lot of Eyes on it if it did a 40% bounce to the Upside I do think we could possibly see Another bounce here for this coin and Our FIB targets are way up at 14 cents

And the 261 at 20 cents right there so Could it be a 23x opportunity it's a Possibility we can see at the moment 12% Supply in circulation Max Supply 1 Billion market cap of 10 million means a 10x takes to $100 million which is very Very possible Market accessibility you Got mexe gate Jupiter so yeah guys it's A a cool coin and AI is a big thing it's A big narrative it's it very much own Narrative as well so fingers crossed we Can see some good continuation now the Next one is Doge verse because in around 10 days is you know don't mark my words On that but in about 10 days we should See hopefully Doge ver go live so when Doge ver goes live this is one of the Biggest meme coins out there right now Everyone is talking about it do ver Sitting at like 20K followers now Getting lots of likes retweets and Impressions I really do think we could See something good here for Doge verse Now looking at Doge verse 35k Impressions 338 likes so obviously the Community is there the culture is really There as well this is a meme coin with 200 billion maximum tokens one Doge Verse token is 0.0031 if you want to research and buy This token I've got a link right down Below for you guys to check out and um Yeah six different chains you can Purchase this awesome coin from so do

Have a look do your own research it is a High- risk High reward play and Obviously I don't know what the future Entails but Phase 5 also does hint at Cosmic travel which is going to have the Centralized exchange listings from Boosted volume and liquidity looks Pretty good great allocation fantastic Sort of um Graphics here and website so The front end looks solid and the brand Itself looks really strong polygon madic Is the next one at 0.68 um polygon for me is one of those Ones where now we've seen pretty much All of the supply is emitted so we got 9.9 billion Matic tokens in Supply which Is 99% of the overall Supply and um that Makes me bullish because we're not we're Seeing the true growth the one to1 Growth now of the polygon in 2021 the Market cap for this was about $19 Billion so we're not yet retesting those Highs of the $19 billion uh market cap But I do think we're actually sitting in The lows Here For polygon we're actually At the lower region and I do forecast And predict there'll be another bounce To like $120 in the upcoming kind of Bullish scenario so fast forward 6 weeks I really think that polygon going to be Sitting at $2 so I'm bullish on polygon Obviously they've had a big big may you Can see the deep in Exploration Continues with the next installment of

The state of polygon a look into the Projects rewiring the web's hardware and Software stack creating decentralized Networks of real world infrastructure so It's getting bigger and it's getting Better so have a look at it could do Well not Financial advice of course Course but um yeah I really think it Could be a good one so vatar Doge verse Polygon right here uh coin number four Is going to be WEA the AI if you know Meme coins already you know how Explosive they can be and the potential That is behind them we AI is very much About to hit the next stage of the Pre-sale 0.0078 they've raised 2.3 million of Their 2.37 for million Target here in 12 Hours the price will go up so if you Like artificial intelligence and meme Coins in general just take highrisk High Reward plays this could be another one That does well 69 billion um total Tokens and it looks good good tokenomics A decent website looking at their Twitter page right here we can see 99.3k Uh followers and um yeah guys let's see What can happen they're getting a lot of Coverage in articles and things like This and it could be a real recipe for a Big pump hopefully happening very very Soon so big congrats to the $2 million Mark we AI link down below not Financial Advice if you wish to buy it it's very

Easy to do so um I can just show you Very quickly what you would need to do I've got 6K worth of tokens um but you Click that buy now button you connect The metamask wallet and uh you can see I've got 8.7 million tokens myself and You just basically hit the e or tether Button and you canver either e or tther Into a desired amount of wiena AI tokens So yeah very very good uh coin number Five will be Bitcoin 66k for Bitcoin Right now and sure I I honestly don't Think that we're going to see you know Bitcoin do a 5X we're not going to see Bitcoin do maybe even a 3X but I think Overall we just want to see sort of Bitcoin do a 2X and if it does a 2X and You got large Capital down that is Fantastic um but you remember every Single cycle the overall top for Bitcoin Is you know diminishing it is ever Diminishing but I do think 2618 could be A realistic place here for um you know Bitcoin if we also look here you know on Our this High to this low the 1618 is Actually $100,000 so I think $100,000 is really a big Target and a Realistic one that kind of puts us Between the 1618 and the 2618 so I think For Bitcoin 100K is absolutely a great And realistic Target I wouldn't really Ask for too much more from it cuz I Don't think we will get too much more Out of Bitcoin this coming cycle it's

Hard to say um but yeah guys thank you For watching the video there's your five Coins just to remind you I've got tars AI as coin number one Doge verse as coin Number two link is down below polygon is Coin number three that's polygon Matic And then coin number four is WEA the AI Cool little dog link down below for that One as well and then lastly there is Bitcoin the OG Bitcoin so thanks for Watching this 99 Bitcoins video if You're new here please do slap that Subscribe button like the video give us A thumbs up and do consider joining the Jacob crypto Clan Discord should you Wish to find out about all the next big Alpha plays in the crypto markets and Discover all hopefully the big money Makers that are coming up very very soon Take care stay CRI safe and bye for now See you soon remember nothing in this Video is financial advice and always Just for entertainment purposes only see You

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