hello everyone Iam andrea known also as Drtruman
on discord and I would like to present my Alpha bot. This is my
discord page, here are my report day by day, they are all positive reports, the week from
10 to 17 of may it was a week of downtrend and the bot made +8.23% the bot started in
the first week of april with 3000 dollars and now it has a balance of 3905, actually
3920 for reasons i have already explained in the other video i cannot use coinmatics
so i use shrimpy (link in description) if you go to Social section in shrimpy and put
Binance as filter and pick the strategies with most followers you find my as Botstrategynolosses….
all strategies are in downtrend, mine is not, is in uptrend and a lot. This is the weekly view, the percentage is
wrong, i even complained with shrimpy, mine is more.
You can compare the chart to the reports on
my discord and you will see the chart is the same anyway. It is a bot which does well even in downtrend,
these days here were the worst, before it cannot be viewed cause the bot was not in
shrimpy. ANyway before it was like here, a slow increase. In these worst days i used a different strategy,
a bullish one, then there was a sudden dump and did bad, then i deactivated. Since then, i used only the same strategies
which did well. The bot is very trustable, is managed by me
daily according to market conditions, results speak by themselves,. DIfferently from other conservative bots,
this bot tries to make actual results, with an average around 1% per day, even if at first
i wanted to make 0.5 – 1 per day.
Actually this last week made more than 1%per
day. Anyway the bot is not aggressive, it is not
risky, it opens positions only in some particular occasions, it keeps most of the balance in
stable coins and can reach up to a bare minimum of 30 40 % of stable coin. This is all. I chosed to be paid with a performance fee
of 4 percent, so you will have to pay only if you will actually earn. This system stimulates me to do better. More you earn more I earn. You can
come in this shrimpy page to have a look and i hope you will like. I am always on discord ready to giv you explanations,
advices and suggestions.