BITCOIN $73000 Everything is going UP! except Kaspa?

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh hello everybody yo welcome to the live stream just as I started the the stream Bitcoin hit over 33 73 3 33,000 that would be amazing 73,000 oo crazy just inanity just insanity this is good this is good but but elephant in the room elephant in the room is Caspa Caspa has not been following suit what's happening what why why is Caspa going down 3% today what's what's what what's whose fault is that what's happening luk Miner says still not alltime high ah bit Bitcoin yes Bitcoin what was previous alltime previous all time here we can go alltime high was 73 73,74 back on March 14th so that was about 8 Months 8 months ago so we are about 700 bucks away from previous previous alltime high so why is kaspa going down I don't know I don't know but I have some thoughts I talked with my buddy one of my buddies one of my trador friends and he looked at it he looked at he looked at the Caspa chart not Financial advice of course not Financial advice he said first thing he said was Caspa is hitting its resistance whatever this whatever this area is here I said okay looks cool that could be a that could be a possibility hit and what that means is hitting resistance means Kasa could then just moonshot it has and another thing that he said was that during this range over the past year uh it was over the past year more so it's like Caspa was accumulating Caspa has been accumulating uh what's the one more one month chart one month chart no one week chart there we go now if that is any indicator that Caspa has been in the accumulation phase over the past year and if that means that Caspa is going to explode anytime soon along with Bitcoin being going up near alltime High Bitcoin dominance being 60% is this the sign of the times that this is it is this the time for alt coins to really explode including Caspa that's it that's it another thing I thought I would put point in there is krc2 tokens now I I don't really know I don't I know that there's some royalty that goes along with people who uh who have been been been minting these they've been getting Caspa so whether or not those guys have been selling Caspa into like other other tokens or selling it into Fiat I don't know if that is also goes along with the downward sell pressure I don't know if that coincides with that so that's a whole that's a whole other thing since krc2 has come out over the past month two months now month how's that brought down Caspa but it's it's pretty much gone back down to its previous its previous resistance so I don't know this is all this is all just this is all just uh this is all just info here I've accumulated over the past day just wondering why Caspa has not been following suit but there's a chance just because just because bitcoin's going up and everything else has been going up well Bitcoin will Caspa also go up I don't know time will tell time will tell let's see deo's down 14% vert coin's also down o over the past 24 hours Nexa is down 3% kaspa's down look at that NE Nexa and Caspa isn't that funny both of these coins are down radiant also down look at that all these layer one these these three isn't it funny that these three layer one coins are down at the same time look at this radiant Caspa and Nexa look at that Mr SE uh Seb good sir welcome greater good mining ah greater good mining my one of my favorite my favorite content creators what is up what is up man Andrew mad what is up great a good mining says I feel people are selling their Caspa for kc20 tokens I steady of buying Cas a fresh Caspa that's what I did don't hate me very good mining that in theory yes that would be that would be the best idea right now is to buy Caspa um along with uh along with Caspa being in its hitting its previous resistance here two times now three times now that's I mean this is the sign this is a a potential sign to buy Casa right now this is this is it I'm not a Trader this is info I got from my my trading friend uh trading buddy um th this is this is it this is this is the time to buy Caspa uh now someone's going to ask what about buying a minor Caspa minor I think at this point we're at the point now I think buying the Caspa I mean we we've said this a lot I think buying Caspa now is the better choice than buying a Caspa Miner you're not going to mine the same amount of Casa back um though though what if okay if Casa explodes from here anytime soon and if you have a Caspa Miner then Caspa mining is going to be profitable then in terms of like Fiat value you could you could then earn your your Fiat value back you know to break even on that so there's a there's a possibility there right definitely a a possibility possibility there uh Dan Miner says casus price is dropping because fewer people are buying the market is cautious since reaching its peak in August it hasn't gained enough interest to rise again Dan Miner yeah maybe maybe you're you may be right I don't know Z pirate says uh rip of mining one Casa Asic price drops H your guess is as good as mine I think ice River already dropped their ks2 like the ks2 light is 649 on Krypt Miner Bros now what's ice River ice River Hold On Ice ice.

Iio I I don't recommend if you need a heater then yeah sure ks2 sure why not you can buy a little heater 500 WT heater perfect perfect um literally working on my heater video for tomorrow I'm just my house is so cold I've been putting heaters I've been putting miners like everywhere I've been putting like little quiet like gold shells everywhere around my house it's getting cold it's getting to that point again already uh oh Bitcoin 73 $173 now 73,000 we are $600 away from all-time high let's see um but there's a there's a lot of other coins pumping though lucky coin look at dude that man lucky coin I'm still earning like 35 to 40% % more on my script miners on mining Dutch still the the the the the public still has not caught on over the past week mining Dutch merning uh merge mining Litecoin miners on mining Dutch earning way more than like nice hash or any other mining pool that that's out there they don't have they don't have lucky coin enabled merge mine enabled on their pool man people I'm not even I'm not even I'm not even going to talk about it anymore cuz it's it's it's it's it's man lucky coin already up 238% over the past 30 days alium hey alium having some life a bit okay there you go there you go all right so with Bitcoin dominance going up like 60 60% here look at that it's pretty good it's pretty good this is it things are going to start things are probably going to start flipping in the next I don't know in the next couple months here maybe maybe less than a month I don't know things are going to flip alt coins are going to Something's a bunch of coins probably going to look at this Aon even Aon 133% Aon FX 133% everything everything everything M some 10 can alt finally start to move mine some 10 yes I agree I agree good sir raptoran oh yeah look at that little bit uh poor my poor Castle big so bullish on that project but feels bad right now uh TL yeah I mean I I I don't think I I think this is just a it's it's very short very short term I I think not Financial advice this is like the Calm before the storm I'm telling you could be potentially but Casp could just just go could just go to 5 cents imagine that what what if what if Caspar could just go to 5 cents from now what what if what what if that'll happen do I think that's going to happen I don't know but it's it's it's hitting it's it's hitting the previous resistance here from what my buddy told me and he said Caspa is looking at looking quite bullish here at any point in time not Financial advice at any point in time here in the next couple weeks here it's looking it's looking like kaspa's about to so we'll see we'll see we'll come back to this we'll come back to this Caspa is the same as puran I guess Javi RTX RTX D that's kind of that's kind of weird to say that's kind of weird to say oh Bitcoin is 500 bucks away from alltime high 73,000 we're we're 73,74 I think was previous alltime High where is Bitcoin oh boy we are we're doing it it we're doing it previous alltime High $3,750 78 months ago eight months ago I like that they have this stat here alltime low July 14th 2010 14 years ago 0.048 [Music] 65 0.048 65 look at that look at that that is that is that is funny to look at 14 years ago 14 years ago Bitcoin was 5 cents 4 cents oh man that is so funny that is so that is so funny Mr Mr Seb fintech says red penon I'm Cur I'm super curious about if you had any more thoughts about getting that second forer Dam service heard you talk about it in previous stream yeah and and in a video maybe a couple months back or a couple weeks back uh Seb um it is uh it is on the it is on my mind I I haven't pulled the trigger yet and the biggest reason is what was the biggest reason actually I have no reason I just haven't I I've been gone on a trip I just got back and I don't know things been things have just been busy I've just been doing a lot of things and uh I need to put in like 8 to $10,000 for this upgrade I I really do want to do it it's overhead so it's really easy to do and like the basement where it is and the connection overhead to the power line it's like extremely easy so I don't know why I'm not doing it um do I want to put 10K into it right now yes so why hav't why haven't I done it yeah that's a good thank you for reminding me thank you Seb thank you Seb for reminding me I'm I'm going to I'm going to I'm going to I'm going to go back at that I'm going to go back at that right now and uh contact the company that I I uh I first got the quote from from yes I would like I I should you know I I really should have did 400 amp to begin with instead of 200 back when we upgraded you some people that have been with the channel I upgraded that to 200 like three or four years ago that only cost me like 23 2500 bucks USD to go to a 200 amp from 100 to 200 amp now from 200 to 400 it'll cost like 10K I should have done it I man when things were cheaper back then I should have done it it was like preco too G brutal BC red pen money get 400a direct service to the barn BC I can't it it's impossible because it and it it would have to be burial and burial uh from the power line to the barn is like a couple hundred feet away so that's going to cost like I'm going to say like 50 Grand I can't do that I can't I can't as much as I as much as I want to uh let's see uh let's see we got 198 people here 45 likes smash the like Bros welcome if you guys have any questions just at Red pend mining me and we shall shall see we shall see uh what you guys want to talk about it's a pirate red pen of mining tin foil hat time altcoin devs are dumping their bags to buy BTC uh well I mean this yeah I mean if you yeah I mean looking at you look at altcoin uh BTC dominance it's it's yeah it shows altcoins selling into BTC over the past over the past year um now uh that's a year to date yeah look at that over the past hell so 2021 was when right Bitcoin dominance uh it started going down because altcoin started pumping back in May right 2021 and then yeah right alt coins were great crypto mining was great Asic mining was amazing right making double digits sometimes triple digits right and then then over the past two or 3 years then altcoin dominance start going down because Bitcoin dominance is going up so people have been definitely selling uh into Bitcoin but I think this is a re you know is Bitcoin dominance going to go higher or lower I don't know I don't know I remember talking about Bitcoin dominance back in like 2018 I remember when we were looking at GP Mining profitability and we were like man it's down the dumps and we're looking at like you know you could trade like 60 or 70 ethereum for one Bitcoin back in back in 2018 2019 and then like the previous Bull Run you could you would you'd be able to trade four ethereum for one Bitcoin and if you did that and you held that Bitcoin up until like 2019 you can then swap it back into ethereum like you can get like 60 ethereum or something back then yeah those were the days man those were the days those were the good old days um ghost network when are you going to finish that sauna room sauna powered by asex God damn it ghost network how dare you bring that up how dare you uh jrose trench it yourself like hobbyist Miner and save a bunch of money I I can't because most of it is concrete there no not concrete uh ashalt there's a massive ashal driveway throughout the whole pretty much quarter of the property so I can't I don't want to I don't want to dig that up going to the barn uh what to mind with AMD cards nowadays lucky gaming geek Carlson I don't know uh yeah what I don't know what's I don't I haven't followed much on AMD cards mind some red which coin do you think will have the highest gain from the current price in your opinion what is your highest conviction no politician answer for some reason I you know I did think of mind some 10 this is I I thought about this the other day I thought about this the other day out of all of my bags out of all of my bags for some for some reason for for for some reason no no it wasn't Raven coin uh it was uh I have this like weird gut feeling just just this weird weird feeling that it's going to be it's going to be my neoa bag I I I I don't I I I just have this weird feeling out of nowhere out of nowhere neox is just going to pump like 3,000% I mean like buying like a neoa node right now 1 million neoa is [Music] $737 I don't know I I I don't we who knows who knows BC uh no I'm missing so many questions from you you guys what is this today is a good day to get BTC 2025 tickets in Vegas they have a buy 1 get one 50% off sell today techman 2025 uh BTC in Vegas oh dude I'm going I'm going I'm down where is that uh what when is that BTC Vegas 2025 let's see where what what BTC Vegas 2025 what is this Las Vegas May 27th to 29th at the Venetian oh I'm down holy crap 7 grand for a whale pass oh man nice nice well techman I I'll see you there techman I'll I'll I'll see you there you know what I'm down to go that might be the perfect time that might be the perfect time um uh please do make me Frogman please do make me cry Panda so mine and sell is best uh red p m 200 viewers smash the like Bros luk Miner what's up man PL La Ash pla how dare you slash Squatch 20 GP damn it slatch um missing so many comments here uh Joey Gambit you want me to come there and do do it for you Joey Gambit God damn it uh BC update on the 6600 XT test oh that's a good question that is a very good question I have not kept up with what how how those well you know what I'm I'm not going to bring it up here but uh I don't think those coins have really pumped yet uh like uh we're doing neox on one rig chor on another rig uh I don't I don't know DX on another flux on another rig I don't you know let me let me figure that out later let me figure out how much those coins of I'm not going to do it in this in this live stream um domg Vegas let's go yeah let's go man I'll take neoa 30X right now socks fan you think neox is going to 30X right now yeah I mean I mean with a market cap with a market neox has a market cap of of 4.68 million which is pretty small if if the bull run came about and neoo is able to go to $100 million uh that would be an that would be an insane insane play but that could happen with any of these coins here any of them and what happened to alo alo is has been pretty much creeping down all the way since like the month the past month and a half it's just been going down from $6 uh AC Adele my neoa is down hello a lot and Casper is crying right now still up but man it's underwhelming uh acram Adele at this point it it it would be it would be a stupid idea to sell it would be I would not sell any of those bags right now especially not Financial advice but not not don't sell your Casper right now I I don't think that's a I don't think that's a smart I don't think that's a smart idea but we shall see we shall see if if this is if this is uh the accumulation Zone people have talking about Caspa at this point in time buying Caspa at this point would be uh would be a better idea than to buy Casa miners we'll see we shall see we shall see foxa should I HELOC and get more rigs PL I'm this close to buying I'm I'm telling you guys right I'm I'm telling you guys a play that I might be doing here shortly and I don't know if this is going to be a good play or not but I may be buying I may be buying 40 to 50 L9 this this is this is a play I might be doing and I I I have a I have a hosting area where it's a almost 5 cents electric I am extremely close at holding the pulling the trigger on this I'm I'm I'm still debating I I don't know if I I I want to go balls deep on that I don't I don't know if I want to I don't know if I want to do this or not that'll be oh my God Bitcoin is 73,500 right now we are 200 bucks away from alltime high oh 200 bucks away oh my God yes BC which exchanges which cast exchanges in the US uh pionic is the only one I believe the only regulated uh PX us is the only is the only one yep um uh do it don't pull out Nate G uh I'm very close to doing it I'm very close to doing it very close and because I can I'm able to buy the L9 in bulk they're much cheaper than if I were to buy them in singles cuz right now buying a single L9 is [Music] uh uh Crypt Miner Bros is they're not even on this page main now n uh buying a singular one now is like 6,772 $100 or something right now so oh I'm like should I do it now like I'm just like I don't know do I need to like there's just so many questions like do I need to risk something like that could I use the money better spent elsewhere like I'm I'm still I'm I'm going to make the decision in the next like next couple days no balls you won't do it blood Crow you bastard M some 10 you should do a test on Meme coins three or four rigs getting paid in the top three or four meme coins beside Doge on unminable and see how it does compared to those rigs on proof of War coins mine some 10 that's a that's a great idea we should we should totally do that on the 3070 uh 3070 rigs um RPM go big or go broke I I I don't want to go broke that's that's the risk that's that's the big risk uh we need uh probably make more to buy and huddle uh Nate G that that's another thing right I've considered is like is buying coins the better idea right now rather than buying machines but then the other side of it is I can depreciate those miners that I'm going to be buying and help lower my income and another thing is with my income these this past year it's been it's been pretty good so I do need to buy something to help lower the my income taxes so I pay less taxes so there's there's a whole there's a whole bunch of things I need to like look into and to see if it's a good business uh a good business uh uh how do I say it transaction so we're going to see split the risk no need to do 40 Raheem uh verani you're you're you're right you're not wrong you're not wrong that's that 20 l9s that that that's something that's something I'm I'm looking at something I could do yeah that's that's true I'm still waiting for my dg1 home minor can't wait yeah the dg1 is uh actually I just saw the dg1 on crypto Miner Bros is a good price right now um it probably won't be probably won't be here coming up real soon but it's uh 1609 and I do have a $70 off coupon so what's let's see here if you use the code red panda does it give you 70 bucks yeah so all in on Crypt Miner Bros is $539 right now uh so that's that's not bad that's not bad that's not bad and if crypto keeps going up by the time you receive it and end of says end of November early December batch that could be something that could be something um uh let's see here L9 could be worth 20K during the Bull Run domg G you're not wrong that that's the thing I think buying as6 if the Market's going to keep going up here is buying miners right now A a good buy a good idea and I mean yeah as6 minor prices haven't jumped yet but the profitability on most of the l9s Dogecoin miners have been uh have been going up so if you got you know under 10 cents electric they're still doing they're still doing pretty good and if you got anything lower than that you know they're still doing very decent and these numbers the L9 is actually making more like $40 to $50 a day right now because they're not equating the lucky coin here on mer on mining Dash Dutch I'm not even going to I'm not even going to say that anymore I'm not even going to mention that's the last time I mentioning that so will it reach 74,000 big coin is 7333 we're like couple hundred bucks away from alltime high yes yes yes want darus I got three l9s coming for November batch nice nice man how much did you buy those for um Biko Biko good sir hello hello welcome to the Bull Run welcome Biko hello good sir Biko how are you how are you good sir yes yes uphold for kaspa the junk on mobile let's hope man we're the care it it seems like a lot of the kc20 tokens have a lot of the money a lot of the Caspa has been going to krc2 right and I know nacho nacho now shows up on well it's been for a while a little bit here Nacho the cat I think is the top top one $50 million market cap coin uh krc2 token Nacho the cat and it had a big big drop down here um whether that's I don't know if that's like you know pionex coinex people been selling I don't know but you know people buying these krc2 tokens some people have made a lot of money already some people have made a lot of money uh xrp the goat red pen of mind what pool has the lucky coin didn't he xrp coin I'm not even going to say it anymore I've I've already nope you have to watch that video I did last week otherwise I'm not I'm not saying it anymore that's the last time I'm saying it uh my L7 is catching dust 33 Cent per kilowatt hour me was oh my God 33 cents okay that you should definitely get that thing hosted I mean at like 8 cents or 9 cents anywhere you know uh teror hosting or metered mining lot of lot of good places um small puff would you say an L7 is a decent start for a big boy Asic I'm tired of these little home ASX uh yeah yeah yeah yeah exactly uh the big boy A6 is where you're going to make money money but the smaller ones you're just you're not you're not going to make anything but if you can handle it you know you got the power infrastructure or you're going to do hosting uh yeah dg1 d1s dg1 pluses l9s they're all good they're all great machines l9s I think are going to be your best dollar per Mega hash yeah yeah rain Bitcoin Panda we finally hit 100 100K Canadian yes Mr Mr rain Bitcoin good sir rain Bitcoins yes we've hit $100,000 Canadian let me put this in Canadian let's see Canadian dollar yes $101,000 bit that is absolutely amazing I love it I love it ah look at that that is oh that is amazing my ethereum is 3600 let me let me just see something [Music] 36 oh my ethereum bag okay it's looking it's looking spicy right now okay Bitcoin Litecoin Dogecoin has been doing great my Dogecoin mining is doing really good right now everything is doing good just Caspa Caspa is the only one not doing good everything's been going up except Caspa that's but I I think I think Caspa is the we see we'll see if his Casp is a sleeping giant or not we're going to see we're going to see my I ah man ethereum classic I hope ethereum classic goes up again I've been accumulating ethereum classic over the past like three or four years now so ether I hope ethereum classic has another has another runup I hope I've been accumulating that for a long time now AUM classic I still have my a I still have my helium I still have my I you know when I first got my helium Miner I got when when you know they had those consensus blocks I got one of those consensus blocks um I still have that block of like 120 helium so I've been like holding my my helium like all the way up and then all the way down uh uh I've been holding that I got zel I got Raven coin I got a lot of seia coin I got I got some flocks I've been holding AO I'm still waiting for that bit main announcement I should really put this back to USD cuz I know you guys are seeing oh how the prices of these coins are so high I'm holding Alo still I hope Alo does something alium still holding alium is ah alium scares me because it already did like do a massive pump already I I I hope I don't know I hope Al leum I hope alium I hope alium does something uh let's see uh let's see bro COC yeah cats of crypto is is going up yep yep yep octop space ah octop space yes I've been accumulating this now for the past I think the past year now I've been mining them with all of my all of my uh even my e9s uh Jazz miners everything everything is on it everything hling a lot octop space got my demo on because I have a Tesla DX I have some DX not a lot lucky coin I've been actively trading I've been on mining I this is the last time on mining Das Dutch I've been Auto it's been autot trading into Bitcoin because the profitability on the extra merge minable coin on script miners for Lucky coin is like I've been seeing extra like 30 to 40% it's insane right a lot of the big mining pools haven't caught on yet but mining Das Dutch has caught on that's the last time I'm saying it last time that's it last time Chlor a AI Chlor AI up 9% yes yes yes all right Chlor AI doing good been accumulating that on their platform man I Nexa oh man I still have my Nexa ever since I use my Casper miners to get a massive bag on that I hope Nexa does something we'll see maybe he where's mine some 10 I think he's a he likes Nexa Nexa I think Nexa could be uh could be one of those coins that could just surprise us all right mind some 10 maybe maybe Nexa could do it maybe NEX maybe radiant radiant oh radiant another see radiant Caspa and Nexa they both they have both been going all three of these coins I've been going down these layer one coins going down radiant I got bag I got like I got I think I have 2 million I have 2 million radiant now three one two 3 that's worth 1,400 bucks I don't know we'll see we'll see we'll see if radiant will do something uh M some 10 red pen mining Nexa is my biggest loser in my portfolio oh yeah as of as of right now that is as of now as of now uh yeah NEX is down 30 30% over the past 30 days yeah yeah yeah yeah radiant is down 38% it's funny these these three coins are down Nexa Caspa and radiant is down it's they're all they're down the same amount yeah NEX radiant I mean narai XNA is down to iron fish hasn't been doing great helium mle radiant 37% down damn dang yeah Game Pass rugged uh ao's down 75% the past 30 days yeah pin oh P oh oh I heard pin rugged right did that just happen recently P pin did did someone say the puran developers rugged or or what but uh we'll see we'll see I mean we we I think we've just started we've just started this like this this runup here for altcoins I think we just started so ah bitcoin's now below 73 ah below 73 now okay we're at 728 now there you go there you go yeah 73 3 five yeah yeah yeah yeah there you go there you go okay well I just got the notification here uh is DJ live DJ just went live Bolt run over sell s sell not not now not now definitely not now um I have a huge bag of Pepe and turbo Yousef puts the meme coins yeah they dude meme coins are probably going to do amazing yeah no 100% 100% like Dogecoin oh yeah and all the other meme coins out there they're all probably going to they're all probably going to do well people are going to make millions of dollars trading off meme coins 100% things could get insane things could just get insane yeah oh yeah um all right Bros I think that's [Music] it that's it for today any final any final remarks any final questions any final questions uh Nick Legend DJ's live yeah I just saw I just saw so we're going to head on over there we're going to head on over there but uh congrats to everyone who have stuck with it all you guys all you crypto miners who have been with me over the past I don't know seven eight seven years six years now we've been going nonstop here it is this is our time now this is it this is our time if I start posting less videos or if I start posting less you'll know the reason why I'm I'm just I'm sitting on a a big of cash and I'm just I'm just relaxing traveling probably all right so if you notice that I'm not posting anything it's cuz I'm it's just I'm out that that's it that's it ah lies he'll keep posting even after yeah you're right I'm never going to leave my channel never I'll never I'll never leave Krypto I always be crypto mining no matter what small puff final question Flames or the Oilers uh I like I like the Oilers screw the Flames Oilers for the win yep yep yep no you're out buying more gpus if I ever have a chance to buy more gpus I will do it 100% all right Bros that's it thank you all we're going to we're going to uh we're going to raid Mr DJ mines and I got to put that in the uh raing thing here customize redirect redirect to DJ save all right smash the like on the way out bros we're almost at a 100 likes and I will see you guys over on DJ's stream peace out peace out peace Bros Ryan doy RPM will face reveal when BTC hits 100k uh no no face if I do face reveal my channel will tank I'm telling you guys like my channel will go so far downhill like no not no no face reveal all right peace Bros you guys have a good one peace peace out have a great day stay safe stay safe goodbye goodbye goodbye you bastards [Music]

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