Bought a Blown up GPU

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what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the Brandon coin YouTube channel and I got some stuff in so going to be kind of going over that showing you guys what's coming into inventory um nothing crazy well I don't know there might be some good stuff in here um also got a pile down here uh but yeah so definitely using the new you know testing breakdown working station all that kind of stuff so uh yeah just come with me behind the scenes all right so I ended up picking up some local stuff uh from a local guy that's right there and there's more in the truck um but right off the top obviously don't need to test these the only thing I do check for on Intel stock coolers is that the little fingers on the end of uh each of these brackets aren't broken it's pretty common this one's actually got a copper block on it so that's kind of nice this one's an aluminum block and yep see that one's got the broken finger right there so this could still be used uh but I I don't feel good selling it like that because uh it's not going to hold even pressure um but for like you know a little low power dual core mining rig or something like that heck they don't need much um but yeah so I'll put this one in um Power bricks oh yeah CPU coolers I got that right there I need to get this box down cuz it's it's holding me up from actually doing anything hold on bear with me there we go so I think I still have have some yeah I got some CPU coolers just in case fans in there we'll just we'll plop this bad boy in that box over there just for the time being trying to trying to keep everything straight um this box is actually full of fans uh I put these on sale on the website for 25 cents a piece I'm just trying to move them um they've been taking up so much space I'm tired of them ready to get them out of here I'm literally losing money on them I think I I think I paid I think I paid 50 or 75 cents a piece for them but they just been sitting here I sell you know one or two of these a week um it's just not worth it to me so fire sailing them letting them ride we'll be packing those orders here in a little bit cuz I I mentioned it on the Discord first and there's already been quite a few of them sold I think we got like 50 something of them sold so far but um yeah anyway back to our other news since this one's like a defective one I'm not going to put that one into inventory um for for the time being cuz I actually have something that that can go in I'm just going to set that right there um now this thermal tap cooler actually goes with a motherboard that I got in so I'll put this to the side this uses the the screw type retention where it's got a a back plate and it screws into the back plate I don't remember which motherboard it is but I have quite a bit of stuff to go through so I know I'll find it um so we'll put her right there until she's ready to come back out um this it's a what a usba a to USB I don't even know what that's called like printer cable uh this was like given to me when I picked up some other stuff so it's a little beat up we'll just I don't really know where to put that honestly this is one of those cables you never need un until you need it all right now what's up next you know we'll save these to the side let's go through these power supplies and the only thing that kind of scares me on these power supplies is the ga and the GQ I don't believe share the same wire sets if you use a different wire set for a different power supply even in the same brand um they could be pinned out wrong and you could burn stuff up so let me go do a little research and figure out which wire sets go with what and then we'll get these pictured and take uh and add them to the web store all right so a good thing I did research because the ga cables apparently are not uh compatible with GQ cables luckily um evj does a good job of marking GQ cables so G5 are compatible with GA but G5 are not compatible with GQ you have to only use GQ so just be very careful this is one of those things that's not talked about much um whenever you're buying like used parts and stuff I'm going to make sure to obviously split them up and send the correct cables with the the correct power supply uh I'm probably going to go ahead and split the cables up and throw these all in like a a padded mailer and mark them so that way I don't send the wrong cables but this could absolutely ruin somebody's day if you put the wrong cables with the wrong power supply people assume since it's the same brand uh they'll be the same but no even inside of other brands as well you just got to be super super careful because imagine plugging this thing up and you got the wrong cables and then you fry your brand new motherboard your brand new you know uh graphics card who knows anything else so yeah that's that's like a I figured it was a good topic to cover and touch on so when in doubt always look online never assume so it's it hasn't gotten me but it has gotten some of my friends in the past um so yeah I'm going to pull these cables out divide them up see what goes where and then uh we'll be back also I found more CPU coolers so I don't don't know what I'm going to do with these ones that don't have back plates might look them up and see if we can't find them all right guys don't get upset with me but I decided to step up my picture game cuz everybody's been complaining about it well not everybody but there's been people that are like oh there's stuff in the background uh oh I can't see it blah blah blah you know it's it's whatever so I got me a light box that way I can actually get some some decent like uninterrupted pictures so they're yeah you know kind of speaks for itself all right I'm going to go get this pictured up and add this one to the web store wonder what 850 Golds are going for let's see hold on um eBay eBay eBay all right so 850 gold power supply let's go buy it now lowest first $25 Parts Only pre-owned that's a Raid Max I don't even consider that a gold SE Sonic is good parts only though uh Parts only pre-owned what's that power spec we're thermal take um thermal T's decent but not EVGA quality there we go oh it's Parts only it's a G2 AIA silver Stone EVGA pre-owned $850 GQ $32 with $15 shipping so what's that come out to um I don't know 40 7 48 bucks give or take it's not a bad price 850 GQ so I think I'll probably throw this on the web store for like 35 bucks and then I don't think shipping is going to end up being $15 my shipping will definitely be low lower than that all right let's get the other on all right so I got through all those power supplies and now on to some gpus so let's get these bad boys tested especially this one this is an old girl gtx960 um so this is the current test bench right here got a little wireless keyboard and um we are running salad on it but I don't believe it's actually got it yeah it's just calculating so we're not actually going to hurt anything by stopping it so let's go ahead and pause that until idle turn this bad boy off and then we can get that kn 60 in there and run Heaven bench on it and see if she's good to go all right so I had that time lapsing I don't know if time lapse caught it but um yeah this thing is broken um in some degree or another and it was spitting out smoke when I turned it on and I could hear it like crackling so something inside here is definitely shorted out um and I'm going to consider this a non-runner um the fans spins up but she spits out some smoke so this will probably go in the dead GPU pile and obviously being that it's only a 960 it's not worth fixing eventually I figure I'll take all my dead gpus and build like a a memorial wall out of them or something cool I don't know but on to the next one we have this I do I do believe I bought that for parts um got this I think this is a 3070 uh it's actually a 3060 TI um Republic of gamers stricks card don't know what's wrong with it uh bought it and it was for parts as well I believe uh I don't know I bought a bunch of stuff and he was like some of it works some of it doesn't don't know what what's good what's bad gave me a really good deal on it so let's try this one out all right as I apologize I do have my kids in the background they just got up from a nap so they're they're listening to some stuff on I don't know some kids cartoons anyway just plug this bad boy in um going to see if it gets any display which right now it's not oh there it goes okay uh something doesn't oh there we go okay so I'm going to let this boot into windows and then we'll run Heaven bench on it I was a little nervous because that 960 was spitting smoke out I wanted to make sure that it didn't hurt anything on the motherboard you know sometimes that's a dice roll so let's go ahead load it in pretty quick let's open up Heaven go ahead and run it let's have a Look Ah that's not chocolate it's jam oh it looks like it was loading the driver in for uh open it twice what's going on here H that was weird uh it was probably loading in the correct driver for the 3060 TI cuz it was used to be running on a 3060 and normally you're supposed to give it a a minute all right so we're seeing good FPS right off the bat let's go ahead and run the full Benchmark make sure she can make it through it and um make sure it doesn't overheat a temperature looks good 30C fans just kicked on all right we'll be right back all right got 244 um looks like the temperature never got over about like 45C we are in my garage it's a little cool in here um these strict SCS for a 3060 TI this cooler is way way overbuilt so yeah I'm going to pop it out of here we'll get it pictured up in the light box and add it to inventory as well check it out she looks nice all right so next up we got these RX 5700 yeah these are non XTS these are just mechs fans look good on that one well yeah that one's not so good I don't know if you guys can hear that kind of making like a a little noise and it stops abruptly so looks like that one's got a bad fan I'm going to go ahead and pop these in and get them tested up see how they do uh and then get them added to inventory so making some progress all right so those 5700s were good not much exciting there but this is pretty cool this is a 1070 TI and I believe this is a Founders Edition oh look at that I loved the boxes and stuff for the the founders Edition like 10 series Founders Edition were iconic 20 series are like super super flashy but um yeah 1070 TI let's get this bad boy plugged in and and see how it does uh if I can there we go hit the mark plug it in if I can get my plug one-handed oh no there we go TAA one-handed operation all right fans's on that's a good sign oh we forgot the display okay so we'll give it a second to boot up into windows and then run this bad boy on Heaven see if she's good it actually is in really good shape cuz a lot of times this will get like full of dust if they're run pretty hard or in a like Dusty bad environment and I love that it's got the original packaging they did a they did a good job with their packaging back in the day not to say that the the new ones are bad it's just different you know I I like this this uh this setup all right ladies and gentlemen so it passed the Benchmark fine but look at this temperature she is running hot and it's a fire breathing demon right now so this thing definitely needs a repaste uh the Fan's spinning fine but it's just yeah yeah she's hot she's hot really common these blower cards back in the day um they they they ran pretty warm so I'll probably discount this one down a little bit cuz I don't even want to bother taking this thing apart these these Founders cards definitely had a bunch of screws it's not hard uh just timec consuming so I'll pass the savings on if somebody else wants to do it um and you know then end up with a good runin little card from yester Year little 10 70 TI a little bit of History right here in the making but anyways um the wip's home and that means it's going to be time for dinner and the kids are whiny so I'm going to call this video and cut it a little short I will see you guys on the next one peace out adios all that kind of stuff

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