Basse bread the number one meme coin on The base ecosystem is about to break All-time highs here's everything you Need to know before loading up a b Welcome back to 99b YouTube channel I am Your host Umar Khan and today we're Taking a deep dive on Bas bread as a Bunch of exciting things are happening In the back end that's making this Project G Garner a lot of fuss and a lot Of bullish behaviors on the charts lease That can make this project potentially 100x from here welcome back to the Channel guys I want to ask if you Haven't already make sure you smash that Subscribe button down below and let jump Right into the mix of things taking a Look at base Brett this token's Absolutely on fire this week up 69% on the week and in terms of the day We're up whopping 10% we're up another 10ish 11-ish per earlier today but There's a bit of selloff and now it's Rising again will Brett break 7 cents And bullish Brett's Target new high if It breaks 7% occurs ensure to place a Stop loss around 0.39 cents to manage Your risk reward and some safe trading Some great advice uh again obviously not This financial device but we see that is A pattern for the downwards Trend but Again there is still potential for the Charts to run up in the upwards Direction but again always see only do

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Diligence because obviously this is not Financial advice overall crypto markets Are starting to look hot again we're Uping another 1% is on the day in terms Of volume up whopping 20% fear and greed Index sitting at a 64 still in the greed Again we need to get more towards the Right and less towards the left but Regardless looking great Bitcoin about To hit 70,000 ethereum is Dancing with 4,000 literally by the time this video Is uploaded maybe hits 4 ,000 again very Very bullish on the overall Market which Is obviously replicating in the charts We see even in terms of the top 10 Trading tokens Bas bre is trending at Number 10 with a $611 million market cap And again guys the fact that this not in The billions is absolutely insane we can See up 80% on the month 70% on the week And 7% on the day in terms of top base Meme coins guys we can see Bas Brett is Number one it has almost $448 million in Volume which is absolutely insan insane Mak it top one in terms of Base bre Tokens and even in trending trending Number one in terms of size and market Cap also at number one and the close Number two is D gen Bas which is $300 Million market cap which is half the Amount of Brad right another very Notable name would be Toshi which again Is like like less than one quarter so Again base bre definitely has that

Advantage why is this important similar To the success we saw with Shibu a Mecoin in the e space right so when we Had the whole binance mcoin Rush the Race the tops always an advantage to Have and Brett definitely has that in His Corner Brett's also grow rapidly Fast on social media almost 70,000 Followers talking about growing fast on Social media I want talking about meme Coin that has crazy upside potential and That is do Rus a token we've talked About on this channel quite often and in 7 Days of pre-sales ending so for all my People buy the pre-sale claim dats are Coming very soon so very excited again Over $15 million raise that's $15 Million worth of capital that people are Willing to put up because they see Promise in this project all right the World's first chain traveling Doge this Is Doge verse it goes multi chain to Claim and and buy on the following six Change e binance polygon avac base and Salana it's featur a ton of different Articles has multi- Bridge utility Utilizing Superior Bridge technology do Will be seem toly multichain in just a Few clicks has a great road map amazing Tokenomics and also cherry on top you Could stake your do R to earn more money So not only are you buying in super Early and can make a bag from that but Also you could stake your do R to earn

Even more currently offering 48% API With dynamic range staking and again Talking about social media garnering a Massive following a like following cult Like following I should say with over 20,000 followers on X which is nothing To be playing with 22,000 followers in The past 6 seven months pre-sale is Ending soon launch date is coming as Well again very very exciting things for Doers ahead but back to B sprad again Also very strong on social media posting The memes engaging with the community And this is what we need to see from a Meme coin we can see an exciting Announcement that Bas bre is now on Seamless F uh which is another platform Where you can now Buy and shade tra Trade Brett again Brett's been featured On ton of different articles and blog Posts which is great Brett leads mcoin Uh charge on coinbase ethereum layer to Blockchain which is insane how it's Really leading and again clean website Clean UI so base uh so introducing Brett Pep's best friend on base one of the Crypto's most significant cultural icons And the mascot of the base chain you buy On a ton of different exchanges and Again more bullish the fact that that we Don't have any massive tier one exchange Listing just yet so when that does come This will be absolutely massive for Bas Brett token again I'm super bullish on

This project and I know you guys are too In the comment section below I think Bas Salon are two chains have been going Absolutely insane and we're excited to See where it goes from here like always Guys it's not Financial advice always Your own research and due diligence Before invting any money in the cryptos We cover on this channel but let me know How you guys feeling about Brett in the Comment section below are you bullish Are you bearish I want to hear it all Thats the video until next time it's Your friend Omar peace [Music] [Music]

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