Budget Salad ai rig build

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what's up ladies and gentlemen I need a haircut and uh anyway you're you're on the Brandon coin YouTube channel so we're back in the shop uh only have this place for like another month so I've been basically moving stuff out of here slowly but surely um I did have like my office computers up and running they were doing some salad things but this one is no longer eligible to run on salad you see she's degraded that's what the orange status means right there and that's because I originally threw this system together hold on this one together with a 3060 12 gig a um I think it's a 4 core um Intel i5 and 16 gigs of RAM now none of that necessarily uh puts it in a degraded State except for the fact that I used 120 gig boot Drive previously uh salad only needed about 30 to 40 gigs for the uh container files to run but since they had uh raised the minimum file size 2 70 gigs it just there's not enough uh space on that drive with Windows and with it being able to swap WSL containers in and out and downloading and uploading that kind of thing it always runs out of space I deleted so much stuff off there to try to make it have more room uh so I'm going to end up bringing that system home cuz I need to bring it all home eventually but we'll be swapping that system out to a 500 gig drive that should give us plenty of headro uh and then I also need to uh hunt down it only has two dim slots so I really need to get that bad boy up to 32 gigs of RAM so I don't have any 16 gig dims for DDR3 cuz this is an older system uh but I guess I'll need to go hunt some down online um in other news my wallmounted PC needs to get moved so instead of just moving it I figured why not build a PC out of it uh it's nothing special it's an 8 core xon so eight cores 16 threads uh it's got a 3060 12 gig in it it's got 32 gigs of RAM and a 500 W power supply very very modest nothing crazy system but it's done well for me so I figured you know what that's another salad machine we can definitely put it to work and keep it working uh but we need to put it in a case so I'm going to I don't think I have any cases here yeah I think I'm I'm pretty much fresh out of cases it's not really a thing that I keep in stock because I I got out of building computers but I'm going to order in a case uh and do a build with that and um yeah so I guess I'll wait for that case to come in and build it here and then move it home so that'll be in the next couple days now uh in other news I found I have this dual Zeon here and I had some issues uh getting it running when I first bought it it's a super micro board uh I don't think I'm going to end up even wasting my time on it so I'll probably just put it up for Asis Parts on the web store um and Let It Go for really cheap cuz I imagine the CPUs are still good but I just don't know if the motherboard's good I couldn't get any video out but then it wasn't doing the any error codes so yeah that's that's kind of the situation as for other stuff that's in here I got to get these gpus down we got a 2070 super there's a 560 TI uh a 30 RX or sorry R um 390x um Nintendo 64 that is a 1080 TI that I need to that's the cooler and I need to put it on the 1080 ti so it's one of those projects that I never got around to um yeah just just odds and ends um there's not much left in the display case I've been cleaning that out um so yeah little by little it's all just making its way to the garage because I don't think I'm going to end up finding me another retail space that's reasonably priced and closer than this one um for the uh the short term uh obviously the long term uh I'm keeping my eyes open cuz I do want to have a walk-in retail space Not only just to give me somewhere to go uh but that way I can meet people if they want to come and check stuff out that kind of thing cuz that does happen from time to time but yeah so let me unplug this bad boy I'll go ahead and throw the side panel on it and then we'll uh we'll take it home now where are the screws screws for it I hate when I take a side panel off and it's been like months cuz I don't know where the screws are I think they're right there okay be right back all right so got the computer there also got a RX 580 here um a friend of mine picked that up uh it's used as is for parts so I don't know what he's going to do with it the fans are actually still in good shape on it it's Rog stricks and normally normally the fans are toast on those um but also got the the glass side panel on it's actually a nice little case it's got like RGB in the front and stuff um I might end up putting this one in my son's room like in the closet or something like up high on a shelf uh and it'd be like Dual Purpose a little bit of heat and like a nightlight um I told my wife I'm spreading computers through the house and she's like that's really happening again because last winter um we were in a camper because we were building the house that we're in now so she got one year free of no mining equipment in our living space because the camper was super limited on like Breakers and stuff like that if I tried to to run anything really it was just not optimal but previously the years before I always had you know some little Doge miners or some se you know some computers or or something uh heck in my last house I had a um a ryzen 9 system with 30 uh with 309s behind my living room TV in the living room um because it was like caddy corner with like an entertainment system so I put that behind there so there's just always been like computers everywhere in the winter time and she's like We're going back to that and I said oh yeah we're going back to that and that heat is going to pay us some money because uh I'd much rather even at a loss I would mine at a loss for heat then turn on my cuz I have electric heat in my house um um and yeah so more better instead of paying for heat that doesn't generate any coins I'd rather run computers that generate coins or dollars but um I am going to make this this is going to be a solid machine and I am going to turn on uh mining workloads enabled so whenever it doesn't have a job it will be mining but oh well anyways uh let's get home and put a boot Drive in there and get that bad boy up and running all right guys so I got this back home we swapped over the drive from a 120 to a 500 gig that should definitely give us some headro um so that we can run those 70 gig containers and a lot of people are like well 70 gig should be fine on a 120 gig Drive well um from what I understand it can be have an old container on there and it can be trying to download a new container before it dumps the old one so you you do need more than just 70 Gigs available um a lot of people are running you know 256 500 I've even seen people with one terab drives in there um you know your mileage will vary uh but yeah so I'm running 500s and 1 terabytes and pretty much all my systems except for this one and um now it's left me hanging I did pull the ram out of there it had um Corsair Vengeance 2 8 GB sticks uh let's go jump on the computer I need to order some 16 gig dims because this thing needs 32 gigs to let this 3060 Thrive so all right let's go get it all right so after doing a bit of research it looks like uh potentially this board does not even support 16 gig per dim uh and looking it up online DDR3 is kind of expensive for 16 GB for Dim when it's not server memory it's uh actually really not common it looks like when people were running 32 gig setups they're running 4 * 8 obviously this only has two dim slots so we're limited to 16 gigs that blows because 16 gigs is definitely going to hold this system back so uh I'm going to I'm going to rip this thing apart and essentially we're going to change up this entire system um so yeah yeah let's uh let's get to pulling it apart all right so good them amount has changed here I swapped out to a uh z390 motherboard uh i79700 we have two sticks of thir of 16 gig of RAM and we have four dim slots total so we could pump this up to 64 or even more cuz now we're on ddr4 we got our 3060 back in here and we have our 500 gig drive so just need to fire it up throw Windows on it then salad and uh get this bad boy up and going and let's go ahead and deploy this thing inside the house since we're going to be running it inside the house we will need Wi-Fi so I got a little Wi-Fi dongle that'll be good enough so we are finally back assembled set up installed and we're back to chopping I did have to clock the uh the CPU Cooler to clear the vrms and the RAM and stuff it was you know it it'll work anyway so 3060 32 gigs of RAM i79700 which is an 8 core 8 thread CPU so we should be good to go and get some enable some some workload jobs um the system is on Wi-Fi because I am going to be putting it into the house somewhere so um I just updated all the drivers uh got salad installed enabled WSL uh I'm only five out of six because I don't have fiber here so I turned off uh video streaming or bandwidth sharing uh but I have mining enabled mining workloads enabled as well because when they're not shopping and doing compute workloads I do want it to be creating heat and Mining so I know it won't be making much but something is better than nothing than me having to run my heat in my actual house so let me power it down now and move it where it's going to sit for the foreseeable future and um be our little profit heater all right so this is in the kids playroom we just kind of threw this up temporary because we never ended up getting the the closet doors we wanted so I put it up there a little bit of undersight there's no plugs in the the closet so it's run out to these plugs but we put plugs up really high because we didn't want plugs down low in our kids playroom um but yeah so I turned uh most of the RGB away so that way it'll probably attract less attention and um there it is so it's running let's go remote into it all right so I remoted in and I forgot uh I don't have a display plugged into this now so it gets kind of really laggy um without a dummy plug or display so I have a dummy plug I'm going to go plug in but I'm going to get salad up and running first so go ahead and click chop now let that bad boy chop let's go plug this dummy plug in all right so now you can see the screen looks better it's not as glitchy I got a HDMI adapter in ReStore remoted in it's showing 11 to 22 cents an hour uh and it looks like the CPU is being hit about 80% and the GPU on the Cuda is being worked about 100% so looks like we are mining at the moment now it does have a WSL ethernet connection but it's not really downloading at any considerable amount of speed so I don't think we're uh pulling a container right now but hopefully we will sooner than later but anyway guys thanks for coming out thanks for watching um yeah got the got one profit heater deployed this is a salad heater one salad heater deployed into the house um on to the next one for a future video

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