Buy The Dip! Whales Rush In To Buy The Dip On Major Meme Coins Like SHIB and Pepe

Now this is the perfect dip buying Opportunity whether you're looking at Pepe whether you're looking at ethereum Bitcoin Shibu coin it doesn't matter Everything dipped down today and the Whales jumped in to buy guys the prices Are already back on the rise and it's The perfect explanation and sort of Technical view of why buying the dip During a bull market is so important We're going to go over some Pepe news in This video talking about how Pepe could Be on the verge of essentially a 35 to 40% breakout to the upside to reach new All-time highs and then we're going to Hit on a brand new pre-sale guys this One has already done over $3 million Just since the last time I looked at it And refreshed the page it was at $2,999 th000 now it's at $3,199 th000 doing essentially $220,000 In the last I don't know couple of Minutes really playd Doge why it's Selling out so fast and why you might be Interested in buying you know if it Sounds like something you're interested In let's get started what's up everybody I'm clay bro and you can see Playdoh on The screen right now now if at any time During this video you guys feel Interested in buying please make sure to Utilize the affiliate Link in the Description below it's going to pull up The Playdoh website it's the correct

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Playdoh website and there are scammers Out there so I want to show you guys This on their X account they are growing And they are growing quickly 4,520 followers and you guys can see That they are extremely active of course They've got their pin tweet here and This does look like a lot of fun but They've also got tweet four hours ago 5 Hours ago 10 hours ago these guys are Extremely active when it comes to Posting on X and keeping up to dat with Their Community which is what you need To be concerned about with any brand new Token are they interacting are they just Tweeting are they generating impressions Are they generating uh engagement and Yes it seems as though the engagement And the impressions are organic for Playdoh that is exactly what you guys Want to see here 10 retweets 21 comments 20 likes 1.5000 Impressions very very Good and a very I guess quickly growing Community out on X now let's talk really Quick about Pepe though Pepe had a nice Pullback to about 1,200 points per coin Today and it's currently sitting around Almost 1,300 points per coin back up 5 Six 7% now after this dip it it goes on to Talk about why Pepe could be breaking Out to the upside The 4-Hour chart reveals that an Ascending triangle pattern which if

Validated can lead to a 15% price move To the upside for Pepe the triangle has Been forming as the token consolidates In the wake of the rally to the record High and you guys can see that triangle Right here the ascending trend line to The upside and of course the horizontal Resistance on the upside there it says An ascending trend line affirms the Strengthening bullish grip with the Horizontal line or x-axis representing The resistance bulls have tried to break Through this hurdle with no success Nonetheless the triangle is still valid As long as the price is within its Boundaries Traders would be ready to With buy orders slightly above the X-axis such a breakout should be Accompanied by high volume the 15% move Will Propel Pepe to 1780 and and possibly create fomo buyers Wishing to jump in on the trend the Triangle could be seen as the beginning Of a rally above that 2,000 Point per Coin Mark or new alltime highs and guys If Pepe is hitting all-time highs the Rest of the meme coin Market is going to Be paying attention and the rest of the Mcoin market is going to be rallying as Well now playd do can't rally at the Moment but it can certainly sell out and It is selling out extremely quickly Right now you guys can see $3,256 have been sold so far and if

You're interested in buying it is very Easy to connect your wallet You're Simply going to come over here and click Connect wallet choose which one you want To connect when you're done you're going To decide I want to buy 10 ethereum Worth and that's going to get you 7.16 million Playdoh now guys 7 million Playdoh you guys can do the math what Happens when it goes to 5 cents 10 cents 50 cents a dollar and so on as to how Much money you're going to be making but As you saw on their X account these guys Are building a tamagachi Style game now The Tamagotchi Style game is really Going to hit home with all of the '90s Lovers out there and I think it's a Perfect combination of of cryptocurrency Investors right it it really speaks to Our demographic and and excites the Retail investors in the crypto space and As you can see they're also building out These mini gamess little fun arcade Style games that you're going to be able To play on Android and iOS now the third Phase of their road map is when the Miname beta is going to be released and Apps are going to be tested from there You're going to have the full app Release in stage four and the mini games Launching in stage four as well Including community airdrops and large Centralized exchange listings guys the Potential for playd doge is literally

Through the roof I've bought into it I'm Very excited about it I think that it Hits the right demographic and the Numbers speak for themselves 3 million Dollar in less than a week of this I I Guess pre-sale being live here indicates That a lot of people are buying in and They're buying in when meme coins aren't Even rallying they're buying in when Cryptocurrencies aren't hitting all-time Highs they're buying in because they Believe in this project I've bought in Because I'm very very excited about ploh I think it does an excellent job of Combining everything that the Cryptocurrency investor is interested in I want to know down in the comments Below if you guys are buying in as well And until the next time hope to each and Every one of you have an awesome day

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