what is up ladies and gentlemen I need a haircut but we are back this is Brandon this is Brandon coin and I have a ryzen chip here that supposedly was bad um it was traded in with a lot of other things and he said it had bent pins and it didn't work but I my eyes are not great but I can't see any bent pins now it is a weird or odd chip it is a ryzen 5 Pro 5650 G why that's weird is because it's kind of like a 5600 with like or 5600 G with like some extra like low power options honestly I don't think it has anything that's really useful to um a gamer or a a minor so to speak but um yeah it was just part of a deal so I was like heck well we'll get it we'll test it out we'll you know we'll see uh amongst other things and go from there so I'm going to be honest I'm going just I'm going try to put it in let's get it come on all righty let's go ahead and had a 3700x in here so we'll pop that out I think this motherboard is compatible with the 5,000 series I believe we'll find out shout out little CPU boxes if you need those bc- pc.com Shameless plug all right now let's see how how bad these pins are and see if this bad boy will just drop right it it went in it went right in okay yeah it's in there this thing must be dead or something all right um we'll set the stop cooler on there let me plug it in set this bad boy down and uh let's fire it up this is on a TV for my test monitor all right it's doing something there we go let's see um don't see any video yet so that's it's not a good sign maybe it's just a dead chip I will wait and try this on another system because I don't know if this board is uh 5000 series compatible um but yeah I guess that's a bummer I was hoping that that bad boy would fire right up um let's see I got another CPU in the deal too that he said was bad it's a ryzen 5 5600 not nearly as desirable but I don't know what's wrong with it he just said it was bad so I guess let's fire that one up now this time sorry about my Discord going absolutely nuts we'll go and power this down pull that cooler back off pull that guy out of there yeah the pins definitely look fine but I guess that doesn't mean anything you know all righty hold on bear with me all right so here is the ryen 5600 and let's see if this guy boots we are currently zero and one for working to Broken all right power switch trip the front panel did I turn the power switch on I did won't even let me turn the system on that's wild I'm never ran into that huh okay well I guess crazyer things have happened yeah it just won't let me fire the system up and just to show you guys that this is an actual working system let's go ahead and put our 3700x in I do know that some people said you can't go back to like you know 1,000 series rying on a board that's flashed too far forward so I will save that CPU as well because potentially it is is fine as well um no board compatibility uh on on ryzen that's the only drawback is like yeah that socket was supported for a long time uh but just grabbing a uh any old motherboard may not serve you well so there's that 3700 X poop that lay that cooler on right there let's go ahead and flip the power to and fire it up there we go oh goodness there she goes so we are actually booting booting and scooting but unfortunately it looks like we have two unhappy CPUs by the way got a fresh frosty root beer right there if you know about it if you know you know by the way let me hold on let me mute my my Discord I'm sorry I apologize ladies and gentlemen okay um what else did I get oh so I got something else in this wasn't the same trade deal this was actually a different trade deal but I'm super stoked about this cuz I have not had one yet so I'm going to do some testing on it obviously going to run some numbers don't think it's going to you know I don't think it's going to do great but check this laptop out it is a Rog stricks and it's got it doesn't say right here I guess I could power it up uh yeah but it's got some sort of i7 in it and a RTX 4060 um I know in the 30 series generation I had a lot of luck out of laptop mining because of like hash rate limiters and all that um well that doesn't really play a part with a lot of the uh algorithms nowadays and like nobody's wanting to mine on on uh laptops anymore cuz you don't really have to um it looks like okay so this is a fresh install Windows on here I'll just deal with that later but um model number is this thing it is a model g614 j let me look that up real quick snacks right here hold on G 4J R OG stricks RTX 4060 looks like they came in a lot little bit couple different options um I think I think this is the one that I have why is my screen so fuzzy and dirty there we go um 13th gen no I think this one's I think the one I have is a 12th gen it might be a 13th gen but anyway, bucks uh and it comes with a 4060 I got this one in a trade deal and I got it for a Ste because I don't I don't normally like uh getting laptops I don't think that's actually a zephrus so yeah the one I got is probably a little bit less desirable maybe a little bit cheaper 7 800 bucks I'm not sure what I should do with it originally I thought maybe I was going to keep it uh but now I don't know let me know Down Below guys should have throw up on the website um I don't really have a use for a gaming laptop when I game I'm at home and when I go on vacation I don't game you know so anyways other than that um oh also got another 3060 in it's a Zotac uh so you know [Music] boo anyways I'll see you all on the next one peace out later
Buying Broken Ryzen cpus oops