Cell Phone Mining is calling my name

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all right ladies and gentlemen so I had a small phone Farm I don't know months ago I ran it for a little while got a couple coins and then I figured you know now that it's getting back into the winter time let's get a little diversification and then all of a sudden I noticed that Varys actually popped up uh and it's doing pretty good not I don't think it's as profitable um I went ahead and got a couple of the phones up and running hold on one second I'm getting a phone call oh spam likely not answering that um but yeah I got it over here running um they don't really burn that much power if you have old phones there's almost no reason not to get them up and running especially if you enjoy the hobby of it um I stopped expanding and I actually sold off some phones um because I made the mistake of some of the phones I had were good some of them were just constantly crashing I was running into a lot of problems um and yeah yeah so now I'm just going to um use what I have I don't know if I'm going to be expanding into the phone mining operation we'll look at Pro uh profitability that kind of thing uh but I'll show you what I have and kind of go from there all right so um I got this Nifty little phone charger stand thing uh actually on Amazon they were on sale for like $15 so I'll try to find them if they are on sale again I'll put the link down below I'm not an Amazon affiliate anymore but um yeah it's just a really good deal these are all 2.4 amp plugs on the sides so it will keep your devices charged and and running um now I have these are all old phones um I actually just turned this one on so the hash rate hasn't leveled out on it yet or leveled out sorry not leveled up um but back here in the back this is my old that's a Samsung um it's like the heavy duty model I forget what it is the gear or something like that anyway it's getting right at 3 .5 mahash um this one in the front is a Samsung S8 and it's getting 3.4 mahash and this is a Galaxy flip and that one actually normally gets a little bit over four sometimes 4 and 1/2 megahash um but it takes some time for the hashrate to normalize when you first get it up and running I have some other older phones so I'm going to try to get those up and running as well uh but I just really like the layout so I'm at least my plan is to at least fill out this little charger block uh situation um and then kind of reassess I think I have enough phones honestly kicking around here somewhere just to fill that up but yeah we'll go from there now just to get a little um movement of air I actually had this fan that I got from um they gave it to me free when I I got some stuff from Bitcoin merch um and I didn't know what I was going to use that fan for but it ends up just moving enough air across here that it keeps these guys cool cuz without that fan um that that back phone that g Samsung I can't remember what that thing is hold on you guys might recognize it by the back and it's got like the push to talk thing on there um but that one was actually turning off every few hours and it was overheating uh it doesn't seem to be overheating now it's running at 31° C so we're good there this one's at 37 and this one's at 31 but yeah just keeping a little bit of air flow makes a huge deal and also you got to take any cases so this one had a case on it and it was overheating pretty much you know within an hour so no cases that kind of thing um wham bam thank you ma'am I am planning on um this plugs into Power uh putting this back on a um uh a a timed meter so that way it turns on and runs for you know 6 8 hours and then it turns off to let the batteries discharge and then charge back up cuz if you leave them unplugged in all the time that's how you get battery bloat but uh let's go check out some profitability so our highest one is was that 3.6 3.4 and 3.2 just for reference all right so our highest phone is 3.6 mahash we don't have any wattage put in yet but in 24 hours you would expect to receive about 5.2 cents or about 01 Varys coin uh so 5 cents isn't I mean that's not great but uh it's 5 cents is 5 cents now um what did we have here what was our total oh goodness let me go get my total hash rate real quick so 3.4 3.8 and 3.6 so 3.4 3.8 + 3.6 we have 10.8 10.8 meah half that comes out to uh a little over 15 cents a day us so I estimate if I have another three slots on that device or on that charger block and say they're 3.5 a piece so uh plus 3.5 plus 3.5 plus 3.5 um realistically I'd be around let's we'll say We'll Round Up to 22 megahash so if I fill that out that'll be 32 cents a day um and then I will get a power reading on that once I get everything full but I would imagine that it's not going to be much especially since that's charging at 5 volts at 2.4 amps so worst case scenario 5times 2.4 what's that 12 Watts a piece right am I doing my math right here uh time 24 * 5 / by a th000 so you're looking at um 1 1.4 kwatt a day and out here I pay 13 cents a kilowatt so it's going to if I fully fill that device up and everything is fully charging 24 hours a day which it's not going to be because I put it on a cycle to discharge and recharge it would burn 18 cents a day so more more likely it'd be somewhere around 12 to 13 cents depending on my charge cycles and then it would be making around 30 cents a day so it it'd be somewhere in the range of about 20 cents a day profit on five older 8 core phones those are all eight core phones um if you go back and run the four core phones and the six core they just don't really do very well um on FS but I figured I would make that make this video and kind of dive back into it I'd love to hear from people that are still into phone mining I think I sold some of my phones to uh New England um crypto so I know he's still into it shout out paperclip I watched a ton of his videos um to get up and going on it and I'm actually reaching out to him and I I'll reach out to New England as well um would love some tips tricks and pointers because seems like some of my phones are just not performing as well as others but anyway guys I'm going to jump off here y'all have a good one and I'll see you on the next one peace and just for reference Varys did pop up let's see what the price of uh vrsc is vrsc price so it is $356 a coin and if you go back and look at uh a year ago it was a $130 a coin So within the last month it went from $150 to 350 don't know why I'd love some clarification on that if anybody knows down below uh please drop it but um yeah that's definitely helped profitability that's for sure uh anyway guys I'm going to jump off here yall have a good one peace

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