Chia Crypto PODCAST Launch w/Austin Braunswag – Digital Spacecast (Episode 1)

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All right, everybody. I hope you're having a great day. I'm joined with Austin, the co-host,
and this is the inaugural launch of the Digital Space Cast, the podcast Bringing
Chia and Cryptos into Your Future. So Austin, people may not have yet
talked to you or seen you out there in the sphere. Why don't you give us some information
about yourself? So my name is Austin. I got into farming Chia back before transactions
I want to say like April timeframe, you know, start off
with like a humble farm, sold our ether pigs and went all in with chia paid off pretty well for us because we were debatably early. But, you know, I think right now because I partner
with one of my buddies, we have about 1.1 petabytes between the two of us. And so, yeah, it's kind of like, you know, my farming journey, but,
you know, I love everything. Chia, I see so much value
in the blockchain technology and what Bram like in their team
is, is, is doing. And, and I just want to help promote
that more and like be a part of contributing
to the community that is Chia.

Right. So that's a little bit about me, but yeah. So let me ask you
where you guys plotted up on Main, you were plotted up already
on Main, that launch, right? We were not actually. So we started plotting after Main net
launch and probably like a few weeks after Main, like actual main net launches,
which is when we started plotting. Yeah. So you guys were Energy Plotter
all the way back then? We were O.G. Plotters and we ended up re plotting everything on spooling came out. But yeah, I think we won.

Me personally,
I won like three blocks solo I saw that, like the 600 price point
and then the 600 price point. And then I think the maybe the 1000 price point as well. But yeah, so like, I just wanted to get all my money back
that I had like invested in it. And so that pretty much did it for me. And, and yeah, so, so that is kind of the value
of being early in a crypto and having things ready to roll
right off the bat. So had you guys actually been plotted up? I've talked to a couple
of people out there that were plotted and oh my gosh,
the amount of rewards they got. Wow. So, you know,
when we talk about things and being early, I like people to understand the context
of why paying attention to a project as it progresses towards
its main net is an important factor.

Now, she is actually I've got to say,
I think that they've done an excellent job
pivoting to things that have popped up. Like, for instance, you mentioned
you guys re plotted right off the bat. I know that that's when I was starting
creating content was around the time that I had burned out my energy plots
and I was like, I'm just going to go ahead and re plot them with Mad Max plots
and hit record while I did it.

So that's kind of how I got my start
in the content creation side of it was working
through the Mad Max Plotter. Prior to that, I'd been using that O.G. and man, that was a difficult, difficult
art form almost because it was rough Yeah. And I actually bought 21 terabyte SSDs. That is a lot of SSDs right now. Yes, seriously. Yes, yes. Yeah. I bought that many SSDs at the. So like my hard drive quest
and my SSD quest was crazy. I drove hundreds of miles. I picked up every hard
drive at Walmarts that I could find, and there were still tons of hard drives
at Walmart's none at Best Buy, Best Buy
it was like they had already that had happened,
but I was able to pick up SSDs actually,
you know, a couple of weeks after that, SSDs
were actually having a shortage.

Also so I'm glad that I got them
when I did, and that gave me roughly
four rigs worth of plotting capability. Immediately after that, about maybe two weeks,
three weeks after that, Mad Max came out and I was like, Good night, Although it did allow me to have really fast raid zeros. So I was able to plot
at a pretty good rate, and that really filled up the drives
as fast as I could with the Nifty plots. So you've had a relatively lucky time
farming initially.

Yeah. Did you use the same keys
when you went back to NFC? I did. You know,
I haven't changed really anything about it except just, you know, plotting. And I, I find that I hit blocks
on a pretty consistent basis with my statistical probability is so like I feel pretty happy with my keys
and, and like, you know, but some people, I feel like they
don't hit blocks, like, ever. And yeah. So I mean, that's like and I feel really bad because I'm
like, well, why why is it that way? Right. But how often do you hit blocks? So I hit my first solo block,
and that was the end of November, which was like right
before the end of my 60 day challenge when I decided to flip over and go solo.

So I felt good about that early on. I was really an advocate for just
getting in pools and staying in pools. And honestly, I still think that is like
for 99% of the people out there, the go to strategy,
get in a pool, stay in a pool, your earnings are going to be consistent, and that's going to make you a happy
farmer. Now, I did recently
have some hardware changes and I was like, I'm just going to switch to a cool I'm doing these hardware changes
because I know I'm going to have some downtime
and I don't want to risk that. So I'll just put the rest of the farm
over on that. While I'm making some hardware changes, I'm doing some distributed sort of storage
set up with Gloucester Fast, and I've hit two blocks during that time
period. Are you serious? Yeah. That is so sad. Sorry. You know, it feels like it sounds.

It feels right and you're like, No,
I was solo for all that time. So now I've kind of thought about the key. Said I still am very dissatisfied.
With my keys. I actually, I am planning on re plotting. Once I get the distributed storage up and running,
I'm waiting on some rDNA cards to come in. But as soon as that happens,
I'm going to be getting another key. I actually have nine key sets,
so I started plotting in March. That was way before I that was way
I should have continued on that. But then I kind of just got distracted. I had a ton of real world
work stuff going on.

I forgot about it. I took a picture of that key
set on my phone because I was like, You know, I might come back to this. Then when I retooled everything
because I really did have to retool my entire house as environment
because all like we didn't have computers. We had a server that was a mega server
and that was the terminals for everything. And I was like, I got to take this thing
bare metal because with the O.G. plotter, pretty much bare metal was the only way
you couldn't get by with a raid. Five array, especially air based raid five array software, raid
five would have been a different story. So yeah, it's been rough. I would say on my end, and I went so long
without that first block, man. So long how many plots you have
and so tip you bytes of that.

So I've got 39 50 right now
and that is active. I've got about 150 bytes to be plotted. It's empty, raw, and that is
the beginnings of the cluster of assets. So I'm going to do a gradual like,
so I don't see the drop off in that. I'm going to be plotting to that
and then taking them offline. And I'm going to start
with the smart drives and that's roughly somewhere in the 420 terabyte range
right there. So one thing that me and my buddy did when we were re plotting
is that to like not have that huge drop off, we would figure out
how many plots we could create in one day and then we would just delete
that number of plots and then it would fill up and then
the next day we would do the same thing.

And so
that way we didn't really experience a decrease in earnings at the time. We were using an unofficial pooling, not a pool, but core pool. And so we used core pool. So we were earning on a consistent basis, and we didn't
want to see that big drop off. And so that's kind of what we did. I'm not sure if you can do that with with with your kind of so cluster approaches. So this is interesting, like cluster
approaches in a kind of brick. And a brick is essentially a server. So I'll just add in another server, it's
non redundant. The actual compute layer
that's going to be running procs, MOX will have the entire MacInnes
setup that I use for doing my farming on, on it
and that can move between nodes. So if there's no downtime
that needs to happen for any reason, I can just move the farmer
without having to have any downtime when I take that one rig offline, only that rigs storage will come offline,
the remainder of the farm stays up.

So there's some beauty and elegance
in the way that that is going to happen. But there is also, you know, a lot of pain
points. And I am really hesitant to put out
a cluster FS tutorial because I think a lot of people would be really mis served by stepping on that landmine. That's one that can blow up
and just take you to pieces if you're not careful So I've got a lot of hesitation towards
doing a distributed storage. I've, I've got some people in the Discord
asking me to and I'm like, there's a lot of moving parts here. This could really hurt people
and I don't want to hurt farmers. That's one of the things
when I do a video, I try to make sure that it benefits people. And if I see a lot of questions
and a lot of people hitting pain points and I remember that and I try to go back
and not have that same experience for people at the at the end of the day.

That's really interesting. Yeah. Like, I think that you know, for me,
I don't really plot or farm on servers. You know,
I think we just use like a normal PC and, you know, like I use my gaming
rig here at home and then with my shared rig with my buddy,
you know, we just have three, you know, just normal Windows
PCs that we plot and farm with. But it's really interesting
to see how deep you can get into it with servers
and J pods and network arrays. And you know, for me,
I don't know very much about that. Like it like at all. Yeah. It's really cool to see, you know, what,
what it's like, what you can build up and what the potential of like
a rig can be.

Right. So I think that's, that's cool. So let me ask you real quick,
are you running Spaghetti Monster USB kind of setup or what is it
is Spaghetti Monster? And I, I wish I could put up
like a video that I have of the rig. But right now our shared rig is in like
this grow tent like on a rack and like a wire metal rack or metal rack. And I know that the vibrations
are the best for that. And we are currently trying to get,
you know, like wooden boards to kind of at least add some weight and dampen
the the vibrations of it. But yeah, so it's definitely a cluster. And so you're still in us, you're still in
two USB enclosures then also, right? Yeah. So have you checked your attempts? This is a good question
that I like to ask people, what are your temps
looking like on your drives? Yeah. So I'm not the one that manages
that rig on a day to day basis.

So my buddy Daniel does
and and he he's he's been like hyper vigilant
about the temperatures. And so he, he tries to run his I think sub 55 Celsius. That's like his goal. And like I think anything 60 plus is like very not good, right? Well, yeah. So honestly, if you popped those
same drives out of those USB enclosures and put them in a
you know, an enterprise solution, admittedly, most test shows are enterprise
based solutions. You would see a temperature somewhere
around 35 to 40 C in the same environment. So typically the USB enclosure itself
and kind of the nature of confining the heat
in a pretty tight environment, it's going to automatically give you about
a ten C raise on each drive. And so yeah, keeping them at 40 is in my opinion where I'm comfortable. I don't like drives going over that. And so when I buy drives,
I like to buy drives that have warranty.

All the drives that I've purchased
after that initial, you know, mad scramble
to get all of the drives in, chuck them. Those drives have two year warranties. The rest of the drives that I've got
have four or five year warranties and I'm not buying anything with less than a four
or five year warranty moving forward. We were just at a place where, okay,
what's the fastest, cheapest, easiest way to get this up and running
as quick as quickly as possible. And so that's what it ended up being. And we we haven't bought drives in a while
like it's been a while because I think our strategy right now
is just really wait and see where the price of goes
continue to accumulate.

And once,
you know, things kind of settle down or we have enough
then to upgrade from there because I think our goal is to do a DJ
board or something like that, maybe not a server, but like a, you know, like a tape on
just that pursuant to like a PC. Right. The beauty of it is, in my opinion,
is that if you get like an eight 46, you've got a server
like motherboard capacity in there. Now they sell them also as dummy units. So you can just have the drive shelf.

And when you get to the cost scaling,
there's a cost per tray that you need to think about
with a USB. B, the beauty of having USB is that
there's not really a cost per trade, there's a cost per expansion port,
but that's pretty much going to be however many expansion slots
you've got on your rig and you can divide that down
and come up with the math. The math works out substantially better
if you can find a disk shelf and you're planning on growing
a large amount of disks for a disk shelf, usually in the 200 to $300 range
is where I think that you see a sweet spot that's where the prices currently are. The other thing is, let me ask you this. So I think about this all the time. Prices on drives are down. I'm not going to say that they're pretty high prices 100%,
but they're actually over Black Friday.

We saw some drive prices
for 14 terabyte sizes. That coupled with coupons, were cheaper
than they've ever been before. So there is a come back to reality moment of the availability of hard drives. Do we do you think about yourself
in do analysis with your partner on whether or not you think
now is the time to grow versus it? It does seem like if price shoots up,
it's like, you know that it's too late
where it's going to shoot it's too late. It's too late. So yeah, like that's definitely something
that we've thought about. And I think what it boils down to
is like we like we say, okay, if it costs us this much per terabyte
to get this many, you know, plots and this many plots
will get us to one this time frame.

And right now,
I think that time frame for us personally when we break down
our cost of expansion is maybe about, like I said, like two and a half years
at this earnings rate. So it's so that at this price
and at this current net space and consistent earnings for two and a half years, that's
how long it would pretty much take us. And, you know, like I think at that point
we are like, you know, might go lower. You know, like there's there's
a possibility that it can go lower. Oh, yeah. Everything's
not guaranteed edge crypto for sure.

And not financial advice. Right. But of course, I know, you know,
just when we when we run the numbers for ourselves, it makes sense to not by like the coin or by hard drives. Currently, and, you know,
we've put in a lot into our like rigs. And I think that like
we just want to take a break from,
you know, pumping more money into it. Pretty much everything that we've invested
has come from crypto mining, like everything
almost like I'd say about like 85 to 90% of what we purchase, which we mostly
purchased used drives that anywhere from like ten to $14 per terabyte
that's a good price. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And so I mean I don't like that
they're used, but it's like, okay, we just need to get the cheapest
thing that we can right now. But which
I don't know if I would recommend now. So I have,
I've got to tell you a bunch of it. So I started checking drives in 2013,
I have drives eight terabyte drives today
that were shocked back then.

Still working. Wow. Yes. So there is something to say. I don't think it is actually because
I believe what you're seeing and USB drive failures is a direct attribution
to them having high heat. And if you actually go back
through the BackBlaze I mean this is how they started
BackBlaze started chucking, it was their go to market strategy
for getting cheap drives and growing their gigantic arrays out. So when you look at that in that context,
they were able to get way more time out of those drives than they were stated,
you know, a two year warranty. So I think there is a good argument
to be made for the shucking of a drive being a potential lifesaver for the disk
because you are going to be lowering at least ten see just right but
just by taking it out of the enclosure. And I mean drives are rated to have linear
feet per minute drawn over then of error. And so any USB enclosure
you're working with convection.

So it's counting
on cold air coming up from the bottom through the chassis of the USB
plastic enclosure. And then,
you know, naturally convecting out the top when you can find a bunch of drives
into a tighter area. That actually is a limiting factor in it
being able to circulate the air and so a confined space,
if it has evacuation, which, you know,
I'm assuming your tent has evacuation and there's tons of fans
in there like tons. So it's like like
it sounds like a leaf blower in there. So it's kind of crazy. Yeah. Yeah. No, I've seen them before
and yet they're not they're not they're not noiseless machines. Yeah. But if you were not to have that,
I would be way more concerned. You do have that. So you are moving air over them. Now, whether the air is moving around
the USB enclosure or not, or whether it's moving over the top of the drive, that is a consideration point
to to be considered.

So I would say, you know, I'm
looking at my drives right now that are 33 and 35 C in my garage and that is the highest temperature
that I'm seeing. The remainder of them are in the 25
to 24 C range I mean, I mean like this is really interesting. There's always been this debate about, you know, due to do by the coin,
do I buy more hard drives? And you know, I think for us
we just kind of realized where we're at with our earnings rate,
with how we are costing things. You know, we're just kind of
putting the brakes on it just a little bit just because that's
what we feel comfortable with right now.

But yeah, there's a lot of uncertainty
in the crypto sphere in general. Like I mean the regulatory environment
in the United States is changing like really fast here for cryptocurrencies,
it seems like we could be looking at a completely different landscape
in as little as six months if things continue on the path that they are
and there's not drastic intervention. And so that's unfortunate that we're in a position where we now
need drastic intervention to prevent certain things from actually metastasizing
that have already passed into law. So that has me kind of a little bit
on edge. Also, I think there's a lot of people
that are feeling the same way and I know that I push
and I hope that our audience, if you have, you know, a viewpoint on this,
not telling you how to have a viewpoint, but it's not a bad idea
if you do have a viewpoint on it to reach out
and talk to your representatives.

pexels photo 4030651

If you're in the United States, that can definitely be something
that allows them to hear your voice. All right. So let's talk also like real quick about,
I think, some other hot topics that are going on with Chia now,
like cats. That's been pretty crazy, right? It so yeah, I think I think Chris from the Chia called it
the Cat Cambrian Explosion. And I think it's a pretty cool name for it and also pretty accurate
because it just feels like it's like there is so much going on with cats
and people are just minting tons of stuff.

Like, you know,
I think if you go on offer been you know, I think there are just like a large
handful of them. High screen doesn't have as much
but they're growing. I think every week
they're adding like two or three but there's even more outside of that. And it's really interesting to see
because most of them are are worthless
and yeah, most of them are memes. Yeah. Most of them are just memes and just they
don't have any value attached to them. And some people are asking for eight and I'm like, oh, I don't know if that's
like the right way to go about it. Not financial
advisor, you know, calling anyone out. But like I think that I think that it's interesting
because it's an important stress test of the ecosystem and, you know,
to like create a whole bunch of cats and just see what happens, try and break
it, come up with ideas of how to like of like
how to utilize offer files to its fullest.

Right. But yeah, I mean, I think it's really cool
to see them all, but I yeah. So you're talking about cats. You don't own very many cats. Interesting. So I put my address out there
apparently for a couple of airdrops and holy cow, everybody sends me cats now. And I don't know
if this is a marketing strategy or not, but yeah, I've got quite a few cats
I think I have in the 20 ish range of different cats, 23 I've only actually asked for,
I think for and actually some of the people I just had fun
with, like the flat universe people, I think that was just fun so like we,
we were making memes and jokes and stuff and like it was like a kind of square game

Like as we were eliminating people
out of the discord, I just got eliminated and I did a jelly donut, squashed it
to represent me getting flattened and removed from the discourse. So I think that yeah, the,
the ecosystem has seen a bubble of entrepreneurial activity
as a result of offer files and cats enabling people at a micro level
to really transact, to create things certainly you can't say that this would be
possible at the level and scale. It's been possible that right now
without the chives team and I've got to give these people
a lot of credit, their toolset has enabled the production
of almost all of what we're seeing today. So that's really cool. Now I know that we're both more mature,
so we've both got an awesome one in our bag right at this point, you might have more than one us and one
you don't have to disclose how many awesome ones
you have by any means.

But I mean, I do have a small handful,
I would say. And you know, I think it's you know,
if we're talking about this, it's really important to have the transparency
that, you know, we do own, you know, yes. One or more of these tokens that's pretty much the only one that that I've really, you know, gone out of my way to acquire, mainly because I can't
I can't afford an actual marmot coin.

I would love to have one of those. And yes, space books, it feels like,
you know, it's a stablecoin pegged at $0,
something like and arguably it has a value
well above it does. It definitely does. Which, you know, the performance
is just outstanding with that coin. But but yes, I mean,
when I first downloaded the light wallet, I maybe had like five or six
that were just airdropped. I don't know how they got in my wallet
address suddenly posted anywhere.

You know,
maybe they got it from like, you know, I want to like a block
during a like a period of time. And that's how they did it. But yeah, I mean, I pretty much just don't really do anything with them other than the same one,
which is the space more premium token. So yeah. And I've been really excited about that because I think they took
a really innovative go to market strategy for the presale of the future. NFTS one on chain so market on chain
apparently is going to be a thing here. But second, I think possibly even more
interesting is the incentivization of the end user
with the royalty attachment to it. So I think that is something that I know
me personally, I looked at that and I mean as a YouTube creator,
you actually get paid in royalty checks if you are an author
or an editor of books, you get paid in royalty checks
and there's a power royalty that is wonderful
because it just keeps coming in and those feel good
when you see them show up in your mailbox, you just love those things.

So I mean,
do you think that that weighed pretty heavy on you getting into it,
or were you in no matter what? I mean, I think that was so
part of me was a little bit in no matter what, because this felt like the
first, you know, reputable, you know, because
it's like the guys at the Chia plot to me, like if they were to not, I guess this is not a running event. It's not a running event
because they have a lot to lose. They do. And so, you know, I trust those guys. You know, now please do your own research
if you're going to get into this, you know, not financial advice. I can't stress that enough. Not completely drama free. There you can find that little bit of that
ruffled feathers here and there. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But the royalty aspect of it was a huge you know, factor
for why I wanted to get into it because I think that's where the where
there's huge value that forever if this ever gets traded,
we'll get a percentage of that sale.

And and that's that's really huge like
I think for the owners of these tokens if they decide to not sell it
and actually into market with it. So you know I do have some questions
about the royalty on NFTS because I know that, you know
I think she has said that you can trade NFT for it for like NFT, but then
how do you know what the royalty price is, you know, if you're not, you know, trading
like for actual exchange, right? So pretty interesting.

And I think we'll know more once their NFT
standard comes out. But I mean, there's massive value
with that. Yes. And so that's why I'm going to be for sure
minting at least one. Yeah. And so going to mint
is definitely something that I. But what's your favorite part about
the same one and the learning experience it presents to the entire audience
in the entire ecosphere of Chia who have not had copyright exposure prior
so this is one of the. Yeah, isn't that weird? Yeah, it's that is no, this is important. This is super important. So what you are getting in? I've actually talked about this
a couple of times a surface level, but it may not be
what you think you're getting. So like I'm getting an awesome one,
like environment right? Yeah. I can't show that Marmot on my YouTube channel, for instance,
because my YouTube channels monetized. It's commercial. It would be commercial re-use of an asset. So I can't do that now. Could I go out there and ask them
for special privileges to do that? And maybe they would do that.
Maybe they wouldn't.

I don't know. I don't think that
that's fair for me to do. I think that I'm going to just write out
whatever the community gets also. So I'm not going to ask
for a special grant of rights so that I can display my may. I just won't be able to display my market and that is just a function of copyright
fair use. So like do you think that plays a factor
in this or no? So if I was covering it as a news story
or something like that, then maybe but I don't I'm not even going to bother
with trying that. Like it doesn't make a difference to me. There's a fair use line
where you are talking about something is like a news coverage item
or something like that. Once you own the asset yourself
and it can be directly tied to you, then there's a it's harder to make
that argument, you know what I mean? Yeah. So there's some good links
that I've I've been telling people about from Travelers PLC.

They've put out an open NFT kind of
guideline out there that clearly outlines. I have been talking with the person
that's behind the camera project, Josh, and he actually is utilizing
that moving forward for his NFTS
that he's releasing out there. So then it's clear up front
what the ownership is. And so you can certainly
if you are issuing an NFT issue, a wider set of privileges to people, even all the way
up to full commercial reuse. But unless you explicitly issue them
or unless there has been a contractual negotiation
where somebody understands they're getting that copyright in
the United States is actually significantly in favor of the copyright
holder who has created the work.

So in this case, that's the artist. Mm hmm. Yeah. That's yeah, that's
that's really interesting. And I don't think that's talked
about very much at all. It's incredibly
important in the NFTS sphere. And so this is a wonderful time for people
to learn about that. That should affect
what your estimation of things are or it should give you a good basis
in reality for what you are buying. It's not exactly the same
as a lot of people think it is, but this is one of the things that I've professionally dealt with
in the past on both both ends of the coin. And so there's a lot of due diligence
if you are acquiring full commercial rights to something where
usually there's a good amount of work that goes into that ahead of time
to make sure that you actually have the documents that say you're going to own that
and you can do whatever you want with it if you're white labeling a project
or something like that.

For instance. I also think the individual level
of entrepreneurship that has been spawned by
this is really good. There's actually a lot of husband
and wife teams that I've talked to that are producing art. Maybe a wife is an artist,
husband is a nerd, kind of scenarios,
and I think that's really cool. I love
I like that because like that's breeding first off, that's
bringing females into the crypto sphere. And I like that is just an overall thing. I think that there when I see my numbers on my channel
and it's 99.7%, you know, male, I'm like, there's a large portion of the population
that just they're not interested in. It could be
they're not interested in crypto, but this is a good way for people
to get interested in crypto. So anything that encourages STEM
I am solidly in favor of out there. So I think that's also another really cool aspect of it
is we're drawing in more people.

As a matter of fact,
I know that NFTS have been something that has broken down the traditional
this is just a, you know, guys hobbyist
kind of thing producing stuff. So I think that's really cool. Also to increase
the level of participation out there. Yeah, yeah. That's, that's really interesting,
you know, so when you look at the entrepreneurs
out there right now in the sphere,
who do you kind of get most excited about? You know, like, yeah, so I've got it. I mean, no doubt, I think man and Chris
over at the T apply our it I think, you know, I don't have any qualms
about their capabilities for getting Marmot on chain so I think
they're bringing some cool stuff there. They've alluded to a lot of other things.

So I think that they've got a pretty deep playbook of things that will be coming out
that we should keep an eye on. I know that I'm excited for future
announcements from them about other stuff. I think the last format
that they did there Marmot releasing was I mean, a very nontraditional
it was like a scavenger hunt across the Internet and stuff. I mean, I bet that's the first time
I've heard of necessarily that format for a launch of it. Enough to project or the sale
of a presale of an NFT project. I am definitely thinking that the person
behind the camera project has a I mean, he's got a lot of he's
got 20 years of developer experience on serious systems
level engineering stuff.

So he's
bringing a lot to the table that will, I think, be manifesting
in even more ways than NFT. But I think there's also, you know,
a lot of people that we don't see just because their heads down
working on stuff. Yeah. Yeah. I know that Katy over at Central,
they're doing an NFT project and she is a systems engineer herself,
so she's working on some checklist stuff. So I'm watching what they're producing
also over there. I think we can see some interesting stuff
come out of that team. There's other people also that,
you know, have just like really good art. One entrepreneur that I always see on
Twitter is Dylan, you know, and he's he builds for the I like the evergreen miner, right? Um, he's always doing stuff with that. So I think that that's pretty cool. Have you talked to him recently? I know that you had him on the channel,
I think a few months back right? I had him on the channel. We chatted about the, the evergreen miner.

I think that what he,
I mean, okay, so he's a young entrepreneur a young maker,
a young doer. So there's a lot to be excited about. I don't know, 100% everything
that he is going to be releasing, but he's platforming services off
of like the evergreen. So I think that, you know, the
extensibility of what he's going to bring could be a lot of gamification
it could be a lot of other defi functionality built into something
that I think he's trying to bridge the gap of difficulty. Yeah, I really like that. Bridging the gap, that, that
gap of difficulty I think is a good thing. Scott
I think it's Cisco topic is his name. Cisco topic has some amazing hour. I've tried to buy this planet's
thing off him for some time and he just won't sell it to me. I, I don't know if he sold it
to somebody else, but he, he, he said it's coming out
in the future.

Project. I don't know what that project is. He has actually, like, I was just seeing
a GitHub with a wallet in it that has. Yeah. Like,
I guess his own roll of a wallet. I'm not sure
if it's going to have NFC capabilities, but that's somebody
also that I'm watching right now to see what comes next from him as well. His artwork is like deep, yet
like you can look at it for a while and it's it makes you think
about what you're looking at.

Yeah. So going back to cats,
are you excited about any other cats other than the same one? As far as the artwork, I do like the cat
most of your artwork because you'll have actual interactivity
and like I'm a cat like furry cat person also. So yeah, that is
and that's interesting to me. Because being able to customize the NFT
that I'm going to get to reflect kind of my own cat's
personality is something that I value. And being able to associate that
with one of my fluffy friends, Yoshi in particular,
I think he's going to it's going to speak to me on a level for a long time
and that's something that just holding that one is something
I'm looking forward to. As far as the NFTS that like, like I said, the Messiah wants NFT to get that.

That's really I think just for me being an amateur
astronomer, that's important to me. Astronomy outreach is important. I like getting science
into the hands of kids. I was like 12 years old, 11 years old
when I got my first telescope and started, you know, astronomy stuff. So it was, it was a lot of fun
and it's been a lot of fun for me. It's a great hobby. Maybe it's kept me out of trouble. I don't know. There might be going a bridge too far,
but it's definitely good science outreach and it opens the the kind of minds
eye of the scientific possibilities of so much in the universe
that's out there. So and the artwork is like straight up,
solid really, really looking forward to that one.

As far as the other
ones that are artwork based, man, I don't want to leave people out that I think have
something that's coming up pretty cool. But yeah, I mean, there's the Spartan one
with the mid Spartan challenge that happened, but I don't want to
I don't I don't like beheaded any things. So there was some imagery out there. I was like,
and if that's exactly what I'm in for, there was a reverse one
where it was really a Spartan type. Like,
I mean, I think there's a camaraderie or a challenge,
I don't know between certain I mean, like, how did Marvin like,
I know that really it was Preston Byron who brought up Marmots in the first place
with the first Marmot coin.

Is that going to be an NFT of some? I don't even know. Is that is that just a cat? I don't know. I think it's just a cat,
and I think it's going to remain a cat. I think I think what his his goal with it
was, was just to like, you know, use that as like
maybe like a fundraiser for, for, you know, donating
to the Marmot Foundation in some place. Right? Yes. And so I don't know if he's going to do anything with it
other than, you know, just say, hey, it's a very limited supply and one,
you know, marmot coin equals like 108. Right. But yeah,
I think there's only like 77 or so out. I could be wrong. Yeah. And if people,
if you don't follow him out there, he is a lawyer who has a lot of great
yeah. He, he provides
a lot of insight into the crypto sphere. Also,
I'll give a shout out to Hailey Lenin, who is another lawyer that gives
a lot of insight to the crypto sphere.

Both of them, I think I agree
with their interpretations of where crypto, where the crypto sphere
is, where we're heading, things that are pain points in our future
look like. So check those people out. Also, if you don't mind. Yeah. So I mean, that's pretty much, I think, a really good rap
on our first episode here. So folks do give us feedback. Let us know how you feel about this. You can hit me up at digital space
por on Twitter, Austin, let people know how they can find you
and get back in contact with you.

Yeah, I mean, I'm pretty much
just on Twitter with my Chia stuff. So a brown swag is my tweet
Twitter handle. Yeah.
So you go and follow me on there and. Yeah. All right. Everybody,
thanks for tuning in. And we hope you enjoyed
this inaugural launch of the podcast..

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