Do Not Miss Out On Your Last Chance For Dogeverse! Major News Could Send Crypto Soaring!

If you want to talk about bullish news Talk about the cryptocurrency market Right now everywhere you look it is Bullish article after bullish article Bullish post after bullish post you Don't even have people calling for a Bubble yet because we're not back up at The top that means we have so much more Room to run now in this video I'm going To be breaking it down just a little bit More on what the bullish news is because We have Trump accepting cryptocurrency We've got the SEC saying brace Yourselves an ethereum ETF could be Sooner rather than later and I think Some of the best gainers out there are Going to be meme coins yes the big names Pepe Doge Bon Floy uh Sheba enu coin all Of those can gain very very well but if You want to talk about some massive Potential you got to talk about the Little guys and that's what we're going To be doing in this video we're going to Be going over the Doge verse pre-sale so If it sounds like something you're Interested in let's get started what's Up everybody I'm clay bro and you get Doge verse on the screen right now we're Going to jump back into this in a second Here but if you find yourself interested In buying at any point during this video Please make sure to utilize the official Affiliate link that is in the Description below it's going to pull you

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Up to the correct website so you're not Going to have to worry about connecting To any fake news sites or things like That but if you Google crypto news right Now ethereum ETF confirmed we've get Willing ethereum ETF get approval on Thursday SEC signals possible approval Of anticipated ethereum spot ETFs all Bullish news surrounding these ETFs I'll Talk a little bit about that in a second Here but I want to focus on this one as Well Trump is seeking crypto donations In the latest 2024 campaign Outreach for Digital wallets absolutely guys Donald Trump's campaign announced on Tuesday That it would now accept digital Donations or donations in digital Currencies the latest move by candidates In recent elections to embrace the Digital coins and votes for crypto Enthusiasts the former president Ted This program is the the first crypto Donation plan from a major party nominee Guys if we're embracing crypto now if We're going to set guidelines and rules That allows for Innovation and growth in The cryptocurrency market if the United States decides to turn from the current Direction that they are under and they To go towards embracing and innovating In the cryptocurrency space you better Be ready for gains and on top of all of That These ethereum ETFs billions of dollars

In institutional money were inflowing Into Bitcoin ETFs billions of dollars Worth of institutional money will inflow Into ethereum ETFs as well creating a Huge surge in prices but the beautiful Thing is sure you might have some brc2 Tokens out there you might have some Bitcoin ordinals and things like but Let's talk about the ethereum tokens Ethereum tokens could be set to soar on An ethereum ETF not only because their Liquidity pools are denominated in Ethereum and of course ethereum rising In price is going to increase the dollar Value of their liquidity pools but it's Going to increase confidence and when People are looking to take advantage of A swing in ethereum they often go Towards the little guys they go towards The smaller meme coins because they know That results in the largest gains and Doge verse could be the outright winner Out of all of them now if you guys are Interested one ethereum is going to get You 11,793 th000 Doge verse right now but it Doesn't just stop with ethereum you Could buy on the ethereum blockchain Sure you can buy on B&B madic Avalanche Base and salana as well because Doge Verse is multi-chain you can buy with Those coins and you can claim on those Blockchains as well stated right here on The website not only can you buy and

Claim but you're going to be able to Bridge back and forth in between those Blockchains guys Doge verse is going to Be bringing uh utility to the meme coin Sector it is going to bring use case to The mem coin sector it is a meme coin That is launching not building but Launching with real world utility now if You want to get crazy I you know what if You want to be the largest whale buy That I have seen on Doge verse well Actually right now you could do it if You want to do it in terms of a ethereum Uh 62.4 ethereum would be the largest buy But over 62 ethereum the current prices Would definitely be the largest buy that I have seen because you guys can see Right here 62.3 ethereum or $191,000 at the time of that purchase There was the largest whale buy I have Seen if you guys want to defeat that it Become number one in terms of whale buys Well you're going to have to go over 191,000 or in terms of ethereum 62 .4 Right there guys all this to show you That whales are putting their money Where their mouth is if this guy is Simply able to 10x on his doge verse Purchase he's walking away with $2 Million and that's just going to take The price to a third of a cent 003 guys I don't know exactly where the Doge verse uh market cap is going to be

On launch a lot of these tokens launch With around a $10 million market cap it Would simply be a $100 million Market Market cap nothing in terms of where Meme coins are going right now you've Got Pepe sitting above A5 billion market Cap sh enu coin above a $15 billion Market cap guys meme coins are no longer Talking in the millions meme coins are Talking in the billions in Doge verse Launching with multi-million doll market Caps nowhere near a billion dollars has The potential to run and it has the Potential to run the most during this up Upcoming bull market rally because of Course it has a smaller market cap of Course we know the higher the reward Usually the higher the risk so please be Aware of that man because there's a lot Of people that leave w w comments saying That this is risky of course it's risky Every single cryptocurrency in existence Is risky they are all speculative but You don't get gains like this by going Out and buying bonds you don't get gains Like this by going out and keeping money In a savings account if you want the Reward you have to take the risk now I Have bought into Doge verse I'm excited About Doge verse and I believe Doge Verse could do very very well nobody has A crystal ball so I don't know which Direction it's going to be going on Launch but I do want to know one thing

Down in the comments below are you guys Willing to take the risk let me know What you think about it down there and Until the next time hope to each and Every one of you have an awesome day

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