DOGECOIN Could Make Crypto Millionaires (BUY NOW?!) DogeCoin Price Prediction!

Is Dogecoin going to hit $1 this bull Run could just 10,000 Dogecoin make you A Dogecoin millionaire welcome back to 99b YouTube channel I am your host Umar Khan today we're taking a look at Dogecoin and some interesting things Happening in the market where a lot of Coins are pumping looks like Dogecoin is Going to opposite direction which gives Us the Savvy buyers a buying opportunity Before start the video I want to ask if You haven't already make sure you smash The Subscribe button down below as it Helps out the channel tremendously and Like always this is not Financial advice Always your own research and due Diligence before investing any money on The coins we cover on this channel today We're talking about Dogecoin Elon musk's Favorite cryptocurrency if you remember Last year on 420 Ela must actually Change the Twitter bird icon to the Doge Icon for a day which is really cool That's why this coin has a lot of Advantages in the space being in the mem Coin space the number one mem coin with The highest Mark cap in the for all meme Coins Plus having a massive Mas like Elon Musk you can only imagine bullish Things ahead for Dogecoin on the day We're down whopping 3% on the week we Are down also 3% looks like a lot of Selling has been taking place at this 15 Cent Mark looking like 15 16 Cent being

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A strong resistance that we need to see A breakthrough on the month we're down To whopping 20% Which actually great for Us to buy in because it could be you Know a good time to load up a bag on the Lows in terms of market cap 21 billion Doll making this top eight Cryptocurrency in the world terms of Volume Mak it top 10 at 8866 million the Community is absolutely bullish on Dogecoin as well obviously this being The the biggest cryptocurrency in the Meme space the face of I would say the Face of mem coins as well and again guys It's it's there's some basis here cuz When you go to the memec coin tab Dogecoin is number one at eight $21 Billion market cap closed market cap to Uh Dogecoin is shibainu dancing at $4 Billion market cap could Shibu catch up To Dogecoin it's possible but I think With Elon and dogecoins corner it could Be absolutely massive talking about the Corner the corner is coming up for Doge Verse as you can see there's only 13 Hours left before the price spikes you Might want to load up a bag now do verse Is a pre-sale coin on six different Exchanges and they've already raised Over $1 million this part is absolutely Insane cuz it launched earlier in April So from the past 3 weeks they raised $11 Million showing that there's something Here for this project what is Doge verse

The world's first chain traveling Doge Doge ver gos multichain uh buy and claim Doge first on any of the following Chains uh eth B&B polygon avax base and Salana which has been a fan favorite Ecosystem fan favorite network I should Say blockchain I should say this ball Run guys about you I've been having a Lot of technical issues with salana just Trading hopefully that gets fixed as Well lots of blockage but fature on Bunch of different articles multi- Bridge technology utilizing Superior Bridge technology do will be seamlessly Multi in just a few clicks they have a Solid Ro map in place and not only that Guys you add getting in early on a Pre-sale price but also they have Staking dynamic range staking where the The percentage could change um Throughout the days and the weeks and we Can see we're currently at 97% apy it's Absolutely insane people are absolutely Loving this project talking about loving This project we we see it has built a Massive community on Twitter with just Under 10,000 followers again Doge R goes Multi- chain we can see this was post Just 4 hours ago Supply breakdown so Preset allocation 15% so 30 billion Tokens 20 billion for staking 50 billion For project funds 20 billion for Liquidity 50 billion for market cap Sorry 50 billion for marketing ecosystem

Fund 20 billion and then uh exchanges 10 Billion again this one's going to go Absolutely parabolic again we take a Look at pre-sale gems a lot on this Channel and we typically if you get in Early you reap the most rewards so You're not going to want to miss out on Doge verse I'm going to link in the Description below but let's go back to Talking about Dogecoin let's go ahead And actually look at the technicals for What's going on with Dogecoin as you see We're down 1.8% and the summary still to Sell allers are sitting in neutral Moving averages are also indicating a Sell so it's very a bearish predicament However again we're The Savvy investors You and I hey literally you and I we're Savy investors we buy when everyone's Selling because then when everyone start Buying we could start selling and Actually Mak a profit remember crypto is A player versus player game if Everyone's selling hey they're basically Giving us an advantage to buying at a Low price then when start a pump and It's on its way to $1 and everyone's you Know aping in at that point you know if You 3x 4X even 5x in this case Potentially even 10x you could withdraw And actually make a profit again we're Only buying cryptos to make profit so it Makes sense you actually have an Investing strategy so when when the

Summary sell showing sell and moving I Are showing selling I'm buying I'm Loading up the DI and we're going to go Ahead and look at technical as well okay Cuz this is interesting so do is Currently at 15 cent and showing a Triangle pattern if it breaks below it May drop to 12 cents if it breaks above It can climb to 21 cents so next move is Going to be very critical we can see Triangle formation is made it's going to Break above or break down we're going to Find out very soon again I'm very Bullish on Dogecoin especially and I Said this like three times so far in This video with the likes of Elon Musk Behind this the Mas out of the project You can only anticipate great things Ahead for the future of this project and Again I don't care what any of the ners Are saying I'm bullish on Dogecoin we Can see holding 10,000 Dogecoin can make You a millionaire will Dogecoin hit $1 By the end of April definitely not this Supposed two days ago definitely not by The end of April during the bull market For sure again a lot of you got to be Careful guys again 10,000 Doge guys is Not going to make you a millionaire Especially not in a short span of time In the long-term future maybe maybe 10,000 Dogecoin would cost you roughly Would cost $1,500 okay and so you put $1,500 and if e Jo is worth let's just

Say put it out there $2 we're down about 20 grand so To Be A Millionaire you got To watch what people are saying they're Trying to pull our attention with these Crazy articles definitely you're not Going to become a millionaire with Holding thousand will you make a decent Profit yeah maybe you can make 20 20K But longterm you never know if Dogecoin Continues to pump and one day reaches $100 $200 maybe but at this point this Current price point uh I strongly doubt It and doge is also growing on the inter As well 3.9 million followers exciting Ahead for Doge point in the whole crypto World right now we're very bullish on What comes next for what's going on in Crypto and for what comes next for Dogecoin are we going to Elon must start Pumping again it's very possible if you Haven't already make sure you check out Do ver I'm going to link in the Description below the prices are hiking In about 19 hours so you don't want to Miss out on that bag that pretty wraps Up the video until next time it's your Boy Umar peace [Music]

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