DOGEVERSE IS THE NEXT 100X GEM!? Presale Gem that has Crazy Potential

This pre-sale meme coin has 100x Potential has taken internet by storm And taken over the crypto space welcome Back to 99b YouTube channel I am your Host Umar Khan and today we're taking a Deep dive on this very popular pre-sale Gam called Doge first before the video I Want to ask if you haven't already make Sure you smash that subscribe button Down below as we Deep dive on do ras as This is your last chance to load up a Bag as this product is going live in 8 Days and it's absolutely insane let's go Ahead and jump right into it so your Last chance to buy the pre- is ending in 8 days and 6 hours of time of recording This video they raised over $15 million And you can buy it on E USD and six Other different chains you can also buy Using card which is super super awesome So Doge verse the world's first chain Traveling Doge they the white paper They're audit what is this token Doge Goes multi-chain buy and clean Doge ver On any of the following chains we see Eth binance polygon avax base and also Salana so Cosmo the the the hopping Doge And they have a whole origin story of Cosmos how he's traveling through the Interstellar chains of the Multiverse Bringing those to six Stellar chains Super awesome story you can pause it and Read or go to the website which I'll Link in the description below all right

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It's been featuring on a ton of Different articles and blogs which is Great it has multi- Bridge technology Cosmos's adored little face of the first Meme coin to Grace six of the most Active blockchains outside of Bitcoin The doers tokens will be launched on Ethereum binance polygon salana ax and Bas utilizing Superior bridging Technology doers will be seamlessly Multi-chain in just a few clicks now What they're essentially done is they Took a very popular meme coin like Dogecoin and then they got some utility To make it unique and in this case it's Multi-chain being one of oneof a kind Just different positioning in the market Now again Guys these pre-sale gems have Crazy upside potential even on channel Past we've seen crazy W's most recently We saw SL ano which pre-sale ended I Want to say that earlier this month um We can see when it went live it went Absolute berserk it had a pullback which Happens to every pre-sale coin but pumps Again pullback again setting up for Another pump they're on centralized Exchange listings they're doing Collaborations they're doing everything Right and I imagine the similar things Is going to happen with doers as well That's why we're really promoting this Project and taking a look at it so Closely right we can see uh there have

Over 37,000 followers they have like These competitions they're collaborating With other projects as well looks like This is with with coin poker uh and Hugging green candles centralized Exchange things look like it's coming at Htx very soon so big news the whole Point is these pre-sell gems absolutely Crushed and you want to make a solid Bay You need to get in early and do R is Just that opportunity they have a solid Role map in place with five different Phases website goes live contract gets Ridden social channels are born uh Development the awareness so marketing Campaigns uh coin market cap and coin Geto applications uh phase four Expansion first decks Dex tool upgrade Birds IV update and then phase five First centralized exchange listing Continue marketing and then Community Incentives now they're very big on Building the community which they built A respectable size community so far and Then the exchange listing are going to Make this project continue to pump the The whole thing here is you need to get The whole thing here is we want to get In early on these projects so we make a Bag and that's exactly what we're seeing What happening with these pre-sale gem Is you see a project that has a Promising future you get in early and You make a bag as it goes live a lot of

Attention happens yes there will be Pullback so you got to play you know Exit correctly but again once we get Dex Listings and centralized exchange Listings it will just cause this puppy To pump more and more so again very very Bullish on this project we see the Tokenomics looking pretty decent uh pre Allocation staking project funds Liquidity Market ecosystem fund and Exchange a very simple how to buy typs Guys you know connect your wallets like The network buy tokens claim on chain And then brid or swap if you need help Buying join their uh their official uh Discord but again or their telegram but Just be careful uh just beware your Scammers all right not only that guys But it also has staking as well so Welcome to doers staking the Distribution of Doge tokens uh will Occur at will occur at the rate of 6 6,888 Doge wor per ethereum block and Will be distributed over 2 years current Apy is currently at 49% has dynamic Range taking you're not going to want to Miss out on it they're growing rapidly Fast we can see socials are growing Great over 22,000 followers over on X And growing a community really engaging In the whole meme coin mix of things Which is great even on telegram they Build a mass community over 13,000 People now if you want to buy a bag guys

I'm going to link this project in the Description below it's going live in Just a couple days so this is your Absolute last chance to buy again none Of this is financial advice so always do Your own resar due diligence but I'm Super bullish on this project I've Loaded up a bag myself s the commu is Loading up there's been a tun ton of whe Bu buyin so this one's looking very Exciting very bullish let me know if You're going to load up a bag comment Down below if you are that WPS the video And until next time it's your friend Umar peace [Music] [Music]

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