Ellipal Titan 2.0 Unboxing & Review! The Ultimate Air-Gapped Crypto Wallet!

If you've been looking for State-ofthe-art crypto Ledger this might Be the product for you today we're Unboxing the ellip pal and taking a look At some really cool features so we have Unboxing review for you to stay tuned to I have my notes right over here with all The dope features this card has and You're not going to want to missell Before the video I want to ask if you Haven't already smash the Subscribe Button down below if you want to grab One of these devices yourself we're Going to link it in the description Below but let's go into the product it Has multiple access type display user Friendly interface buy and exchange Interface elements easy transaction app UI design refresh and connect to daps And QR code scanning and guys this thing Is teched out I was taking a look at Reviews on the website and online people Are absolutely loving this so let's go Ahead and open this puppy up I already Went ahead to open the box just so we Don't have to sit here and awkwardly Slice this guy open and here's what's Inside the Box we see the device they're Wrapped up in um Bubble Wrap I'm going To save this for my cat uh actually Don't have a cat I don't know why I Always use that joke and let's wrap in This white bubble wrap as well which We're going to open as again this is

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Delicate Tech items and I gu they want To make sure it comes here without being Damaged okay so we can see right here Ell pal Titan 2 leader of air gap cold Wallet and this is a great way for you To store your crypto and if I'm not Mistaken it has a touchscreen and a Camera for the QR code as well this item Is super cool so no cellular no Bluetooth no USB no Wi-fi no NFC it's Air gaap keep remote attacks away uh Chip certified C CC eal 5 plus anti- Disable anti-tampering protect against Physical and supply chain attacks Trustless trust QR code signin what you See p security protection system esps so It's a leader of the air gap cold Wallets LEL Titan 2.0 makes crypto Management secure and simple Safeguarding your 40 plus coins nfts and 10 10,000 tokens it seamlessly works With the ellipal mobile app offering a One-step solution for swapping Purchasing and staking let's go ahead And open this puppy up I'm so excited I Was waiting for this to come in the mail Very fast shipping to may I add all Right we're going to open this guy Up all right and beautiful unboxing Experience as well if you know me uh Everything I use is Apple and I love That unboxing experience Apple gives and I like how they went that extra step Rather than just sending you a little

Device they went toe a wraptor really Nice we have a tug tap for the QR codes Uh that I guess that's to download the App I just want to make sure I didn't Give you guys any crucial personal Information away looks they have a Screen protector for the device as well We're going to set aside uh that's what We're seeing Inside the Box Okay so so The QR code to download the app uh is on The front over here and then the seed Phrase you set up you have a safe card Two cards actually to write down C Phrases and keep physical rather than Keeping it on a digital scale what else Is inside the Box we see uh looks like a User guide for the Titan 2.0 all right We're going to set that aside this is Actual device itself on the top I don't Know why we skip straight to the Internals and not open the device so Let's open this guy up and it's wrapped Up really nice very slim almost like a Cell phone okay oh this is so clean 2024 Bitcoin havening the special a moment to Remember in history so that's pretty Cool it's made with like I want to say Stainless steel some sort of metal Design this is a charger which is uh Interesting it's different kind of Connectivity not USBC okay and we have The power button on the side over here And then the camera at the back and a Beautiful front screen let's see if

There's any power they usually send These with no power yeah looks like We're going to charge this guy up no Worries it also oh never mind I lied They just send it with a little bit of Juice and stuff They also have the charger which uh this Is the initial user interface which Looks very clean very modern obviously We're going to take a look at that uh What else is inside the Box guys cuz More things inside the Box more goodies The tight end 2.0 case which is a Charging case Okay and then that's a Kickstand for it and I'm imagine the USBC is going to go at the top over here As well as an SD card I guess to Transfer information and you you already Know they sent us a 16 GB SD card Included in the Box as well so that's Pretty cool we go USBC into the computer To charge it and then the device goes on Its little charging stand just like This there we go and then while it's Charging you need to pick it up off your Table boom you pick it up have your Device over here so this the device Obviously can't screen record this Device so you're going to follow along With me okay so we're going to go English and then download the Lal mobile App uh to continue so let's actually get That going on the phone so we have the App as well okay so I'm downloading the

App I hit next and it says you could Either create an account recover an Existing account or import a an account So in this case I'm going to create a New account and just going to put some Information in like setting up my name Setting up a password okay and then you Can pick which type you want either you Go general or sigit and then seed Frid Which is optional which I guys I highly Encourage you you create a seed phas and Keep it and once you do that boom you Hit create account all right and let's Back up the seed phrase okay and it's Asking me to back up my seed phrase okay And now I'm just creating my seed phras In the back up okay and boom my cfas has Been backed up securely and there we go We have our very own physical cold Wallet installed here and it's it's Great because we can have ethereum B&B Xrp cardono pretty much all verified Coins and we hit okay and then we have a Simple ad we want to add coins you can Add coins obviously as well uh if you Want to receive you get get your QR code To receive tokens uh if you want to Connect to an app same thing get the QR Code to connect to an app very seamless Very responsive screen as as well liking It so far it's very simple for us to Receive or send Bitcoin as well which is Great and then if you want to send Bitcoin you can scan so you scan

Someone's QR code you using the back Facing camera which is very cool and a Decent camera as well not that you'd be Taking pictures or anything with the Device and again look how clean this Device looks that's so awesome 2024 Bitcoin happening so again a year to Remember that's awesome that's very very Clean made of a nice solid met metal Material which is great it comes with a Screen protector as well to protect them From scratching and wear and tear also Comes with a charging stand that also Has the the SD card capability for you To transfer information you sit it in The car that's how it's going to charge It is so clean I can't wait to have this On my desk and again the best thing too Was with touchscreen devices that are Are not necessarily from like Apple or Samsung you're worried about like Connectivity you're woring about Responsiveness but screen is very Responsive high quality very bright uh It doesn't look like there's settings to Adjust the brightness or anything which Is still fine uh but again you go to Belt tab to see what updates you can Update it live from the device I believe You're going have to oh sorry when you Are doing updates guys you will be doing Updates via uh the SD card so you Download the update onto the SD card put It back into the device and update it

From there set up languages you set up Lock screens as well uh so pattern signs Which if you don't want to type in your P your code every single time in this Case I'm going to set up a a pattern Design so now my pattern design is there Uh when I want to log in and out of my Time okay and if I boom lock the device It asks for me to put in my unique code That I set up over here so if I don't Want to type in the password every Single time that's great very very cool Device beautiful little device a great Way to keep your crypto absolutely Secured guys there's no Bluetooth on This no Wi-Fi on this you can't tap this You can't steal your crypto from this There's no worry about getting hacked or Lost you also have the mobile app for Convenience and security as well for to Be interchangeable but ID keep Everything stored on the side over here Making it very safe to have your Everyday daily interactions we saw What's inside the Box high quality Unboxing experience absolutely love the Design of the device absolutely love the Dock as well it's going to be such a Great little little trinket to be Sitting on my table for me to view my Crypto portfolio whenever I feel like in A safe and secure manner that pretty Much drops the video guys if you want to Grab your very own uh LEL Titan 2.0 make

Sure you do so using the link in the Description below before we wrap video Guys I just want to go through some Quick features on this as well so we saw The unboxing we gave you the pre but we Also have so the new version update for The V4.0 optimize ethereum address format to Ensure consistency between one uh Between the apps and the hardware app Display supports a native sigt address By type for BTC and LTC improve the Processing creating importing accounts Upgrade the the signing method for the Xrp LTC and BTC by default displays all Accounts generated by the same mopic Phrase and different different past Phrases combinations up to five mopic Phrases accounts per code wallet uh fix Some known bugs uh before the update Which is pretty awesome and then again To update guys step one download the Update file put it onto the SD card and You insert the the card while it's Powered on and you update and again they Give careful steps to follow guys so you Could log up so make sure you follow the Guide included with it and also on the On the manual as well double check those Points uh to prevent upgrade failures And that's pretty much it uh again app UI has been fully upgraded supports Native Sig addresses for BTC and LTC Improve trading process for xrp LTC and

BTC enhancing uh the process of creating And importing accounts significant Increase in speed of token price updates Again this is super awesome I love the UI for the app I love the actual device Very clean high quality device even Looks like it has the magnetic Connecting so for the charging just Makes it that much more nicer I love the Little tensions to details beautiful Device love the black and gold love the Bitcoin design on the back absolutely Solid if you want to grab yourself one Of these Link in the description below And until next time it's your friend Umar peace [Music]

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