Extreme Bullish Catalysts Ahead Will Drive This Meme Coin To New Heights!

No matter how you look at it Cryptocurrency news is extremely bullish Right now you know what I came across a Thread I'm not going to talk too much About it because it was a very long Thread on X yesterday and the guy was Talking about 10 different catalysts up Ahead and I agree with every single one Of these catalysts now well maybe nine Of them the one was talking about uh Germany in selling their Bitcoin but That's over now that's not a future Catalyst that's essentially something That has been done now and of course we Got Mount gox ahead that we should worry About but we're going to be talking About some of the cryptocurrency news Floating around out there right now just How bullish this environment is and We're going to be talking about the base Dogs pre-sale because if you guys want To make money right it is very very Simple you buy low and sell high but Let's break that down for a second Because it's not as simple as it sounds Retail investors are driven by emotion Retail investors like to buy when They're excited and Retail investors Only get excited when prices are hitting New highs they buy high and then they Get scared when prices fall down low and When they get scared they sell it seems As though the game is manipulated Against retail investors and it's

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Because it is you're manipulated by your Emotions let's talk about base dogs as Well and if it sounds like something You're interested in let's get started What's up everybody I'm clay and as you Can see we got base dogs on the screen Right now and if at any time during this Video you find yourself interested in Buying make sure you click that link Down in the comments U the pin comments Don't click on any other links in the Comments Pinn comments or of course the Description down there but let's first Set the scene right we've got a very Bullish scenario Bitcoin hits $65,000 shaking off Mount gox worries And xrp leads the cryptocurrency rally Xrp was up 35% guys check this out Bitcoin is 65,000 shaking off Mount gox Payout worries we talked a lot about the German sell off worries Germany selling Bitcoin just last week right selling Bitcoin for $54,000 when they going be selling it For $64,000 a coin this week well they Probably couldn't because they were Driving a lot of the selling pressure And a lot of the fear but uh yeah if They would have taken a little bit more Of a slower approach they could have Been selling it at a much much higher Rate and uh well I guess it's terrible To be Germany right now you get a couple

Of those identical headlines there bit Coin uh eyeing $70,000 after returning To 66 bitfix expects news driven Bitcoin Gains but Warr of potential selling Pressure guys there's always selling Pressure right there's always selling Pressure to be worried about what we Have right now is a rallying price in Bitcoin and it's translating into a Greedy situation sentiment in the market Is Rising once again coin stats is Showing you a faar degreed index sitting At a level of 69 right now I know you Guys like that and coin market cap Showing showing you a fear to Greed Index sitting a level of 58 on the cusp Of Being Greedy once again we've got a Very good situation now one that is Leading us to believe investors are Becoming confident once again now it's Actually interesting because if you come Out here and you look at a pre-sale like Bas dogs Bas dogs is doing a phenomenal Job to increase the price by roughly 5% Every stage every week if you guys want To jump in right there's five days and 15 hours left until the next price Increase and you're already going to see A nice padding on your portfolio Position on top of that if you decide to Stake you're getting roughly 15x Annualized incre annualized rewards uh For staking your base dogs you want even More they're offering 10% for anybody

Who is using this they creating a Referral link and sharing with their Family friends social media and so On I I was kid but wait there's more There is more guys there coming soon They're going to have free airdrops There are so many ways to be earning in Base dogs right now it it it blows my Mind why people aren't getting involved And the best that I can come up with is That they are still emotional the best That I can come up with is that well Bitcoin was down last week maybe it's Going to come back down this week uh Bitcoin jumped up you know 20% o over The last couple of days there's no way I'd be able to buy Buy in now it's Prices are too High you're going to get left behind That's not mean being mean you're going To get left behind if you can't deal With the emotion that overcomes retail Investors guys Bas dogs is doing a Phenomenal job to grow their social Media accounts almost 5,000 short listen Listen if you're watching this video Right now go follow their X account put Them above 5,000 they've got almost 5,000 followers out on their ex account They have like 5,800 I believe 5841 Followers out on their telegram account These guys are doing a phenomenal D job Of building a community at a time when Everybody was afraid now I don't know

Everybody's personal beliefs and so on But I can imagine if these people were Willing to buy in the face of all of the Fear that we've seen over the last month And a half they're probably pretty Emotionally strong individuals and if That's the case they're probably going To be willing to hold as Bas dogs is Released and as Bas dogs becomes a Publicly tradable coin at a time when Retail investors are greedy you know What that means that means that these Retail investors are going to be buying In they're going to be buying in after You bought in which throws money into The liquidity pool which increases the Price exponentially and provides a lot Of wealth for everybody else who is Willing to get in prior to the retail Run up we've got an opportunity right Now I'm taking advantage of it I want to Know if you're taking advantage of it We've seen a situation where fear has Been turning into greed where where lack Of confidence is turning into confidence We see a situation where you can Google Crypto news and everything that you see Here is good news it's just overcoming The retail emotion and being able to buy Something like bass dogs that could Really set it apart for you moving Forward into this bull market rally let Me know what you guys are doing down in The comments below and until the next

Time hope to each and every one of you Have an awesome day

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