Fixed Doge Miner 3+ in weird way

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all right ladies and gentlemen as you can see right here I have my Doge Miner uh 3 plus from this is the gold shell unit and mine was having issues mine was just clicking every time I would turn it on and somebody messaged me and they were like hey this fixed mine try it on yours leave the power switch on the back on which right here is the power switch hold on uh right there leave the power switch on the little the little line for on cuz O is for off not for on on yeah you know anyway um and then unplug and plug the cord in like really fast a couple times and then it starts working it stops clicking leads me to believe there's something going on with the power supply Down Below also they said if you had uh 240 volt you could plug 240 volts into it and then it would start working and then you could go back to using 110 volt I don't have any 240 volt uh currently in my garage I need to run some out here here but uh I did that I unplugged it and plugged it back in and jammed it in there a couple times and now we're we're hashing again so um what's weird is if I unplug the ethernet cord and no longer has my Wi-Fi settings so uh I'm going to go remote into it now and see if it lost all my settings or something it's kind of odd um yeah and then we'll go move it back into the uh the closet right be like you just got to unjam it and jam it back in a couple times we're good to go as always I'm using Ang angry ip scanner the reason why I tell people this every single time is they always ask me how do I find devices on my network this is how I find devices on my network there any ip scanner will work but on Angry ip scanner the ones that have a Green Dot mean you can actually access them the ones that have a blue dot mean they're connected but you can't access them and red dots mean there's nothing there so just makes it a little simple figure i' I'd chime in on that for y'all and from that point I just type in each IP that's green that I don't recognize I don't have a lot of units on my network so it's pretty easy for me to figure out which ones are are legit and not well it looks like everything got reset to Chinese so let's turn that back to English there we go um we need to unlock this which I believe the uh the regular password is 1 two 3 4 5 6 oh hold on I don't remember I think it's one 1 through nine yeah 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 unlock close close that uh now we need to see Miner it's still going to my mining Dutch account so that's good we're on the hash rate plan looks like we're getting pretty much full hash so heck yeah there now let's go over to system and it looks like my Wi-Fi settings got reset so I'm going to reset up Wi-Fi and then uh go move it into my office or sorry my closet once you have your settings uh correct then you connect to it it'll say Wireless is connected even though I'm still uh plugged in through Lan now I'm going to unplug everything move it into my my wife's uh or me and my wife's closet I say my wife's closet and plug it back in and hopefully it'll fire back up and I don't have to jam the cord in and out a bunch but it leads me to believe something is wrong in the power supply so yeah I'm not exactly sure what that is now these have an integrated power supply so that's less than Stellar um I've talked to some people and it looks like there is just a power a positive and a negative terminal inside there so if need be it can be fixed or rigged up in one way or another these units are about 500 watts uh it's been good for me for the past few months up until this issue I'd love to hear from more people down below um is this like an early run production thing is it still happening to units I don't know all right so going over to coin this is a Dogecoin mining calcul later uh this bad boy does 800 mahash at about 500 watts give or take so it's making $263 a day or um 7.2 Doge per day of Dogecoin if you wanted to keep that electric costs at 10 cents per kilowatt $120 so if you were selling it daily and paying for your electric that'd be $143 a day in the winter time it's perfect cuz it's just offsetting some heat but in the summertime obviously you're going to have to offset some AC or put it in a place where you don't have to to air condition now the issue is I have a hard time recommending this unit because it has that integrated power supply that seems to be failing and I've read a couple other uh reviews where theirs have failed as well so instead uh I'm pointing people towards the gold shell mini Doge 3 not the 3+ so this one does 700 mahash at 400 watts and if we compare the difference 700 at 400 this one only makes slightly less at 230 a day and then 134 after power um but it doesn't have an integrated power supply it runs off of two six pin pcie plugs which can be off of a normal ATX power supply uh as long as it can supply those 400 watts or a server power supply that's got six pins running out of it uh and the reason why I suggest this is because if you a power supply issue you can just get another power supply you don't have to go and crack the device open or send it back for repairs and you guys know how getting stuff repaired is nowadays with as6 uh it's just not advisable um so right now you can get this one over on bitcoin merch uh it looks like these are in stock without power supplies $1.99 with power supplies almost 1,500 bucks so these bad boys are expensive uh if you were to go buy them Direct directly from gold Shell let's actually see what the prices are here gold Shel I believe they're cheaper but you still do have to pay your import duties and you have to get it shipped across the ocean Box series whereas uh one thing I do like about Bitcoin merch is you're buying from a US seller so yeah here mini Doge 3 plus they're actually on sale for 770 and I don't know if this you'll have to check with your local area um your jurisdiction I don't know if these are subject to a 20 or a 30% um tariff but for example if you had to buy this unit and then 770 [Music] time13 0 uh so sorry I did that wrong 7 70 time 130 so this unit would just be over right over $11,000 it does have that integrated power supply don't know if that's a good or bad thing um and then you would still have to pay uh I believe they they charge a shipping charge on this I'm not sure and a handling time of 14 working days from what I understand is if they are in stock over here at Bitcoin merch everything that I've ever got from them that said it was available ended up shipping and I got it pretty much the same week as long as I was ordering at the beginning of the week now um you know money does play a factor into this and do I suggest buying either of these Doge miners at these prices $1,100 or even $770 or 1,000 at you know these costs in my opinion no because I wasn't buying these miners back when they were $500 um they just didn't make sense now being at 770 I feel like we're we're rolling in to uh these being slightly overpriced compared to other equipment on the market so I'm going to be doing another video on the alphapex unit they have a inhome doge Miner and I'm going to be doing a comparison so look out for that I'm just waiting on mine to get here I ordered it it's been a while now um comment down below if you have an alphapex uh in home or was it dg1 home or DG home I can't remember what the name of it is and uh you've ordered yours and not received it yet and then also if you have received yours because uh I'm still waiting on mine but regardless we're out here we're making that Doge now uh return on investment on these things is forever in a day uh years at this point if you bought if you bought it right now long time even if you rode off your heating cost at $2.30 a day um still be every bit of a year and a half so just take that into account if you got money to burn not a bad way to burn it um but if if you need this to profit for you do not buy this unit anyway guys I'm jumping off here y'all have a good one I'll see you on the flip side adios

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