what's up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the Brandon coin YouTube channel I hope everybody's having a great day and today I wanted to dive into taking a look at some other kind of miners so um this is a I believe this is a KD box Pro let me just double check right here um this is but this is actually a KD Box 2 and this is a Wi-Fi model so uh if you guys didn't know what that is we'll go over there and take a look at the profitability we're going to plug this bad boy up see how it runs uh see what it burns and see if it's even worth using in today's market so yeah this is a gold shell unit they are notorious for uh not aging very well some of the gold shell units that have aged well are like the Doge miners the mini does the Doge 2os the Doge 3s those have done really good but I think there are some some Diamonds in the Rough so to speak um obviously shout out to www.bcc.edu KD box Pros uh all on the web store and yeah let's go see what these these bad boys are going to do all right so I'm going to get it plugged in but these units you can plug them into ethernet and they have two six pin plugs right here um or they have an included little Wi-Fi antenna that you can put into there but since I already have Ethernet or run here I'm just going to plug it into ethernet it makes it simple so let me unplug this uh the metal Miner right here and plug in the old KD box to there it is little focus on it all right so taking a look at the KD Box 2 on Asic minor value these bad boys are do five ter hash on the kadana algorithm poor Caden that's they they they almost deserve its own video for what happened to kadana um anyway uh they burned 400 watts and this unit generates 7 cents a day so this this that's before power uh this unit is horribly horribly unprofitable it uh it burns 96 cents at 400 watts at 10 cents per kilowatt so that means it profits right 89 cents a day of a loss actually so there's no profit it loses 89 cents a day uh and it only generates 7 cents before power that's that is ridiculously low um now if if you tried to argue that it is a profit heater technically it does make more money than uh a subsequent 400 wat plugin heater now price-wise um $479 is not a good price uh I don't let me see what I have these priced for I don't think they're priced great it's like look at looking at some of this stuff it's it's it's not not optimal so KD Box 2 uh $79 obviously to buy a regular plug-in heater is significantly cheaper than $79 but I mean you could stack some coins it's it's bad it's bad this is this is a hard sell KD Box 2 kadana don't buy it from any of these places look at those prices that's insane um well yeah that's pretty much how the cookie crumbles it looks like there is another you can run it in like a low power mode at 3.5 ter at 260 watts and it would only lose 58 cents a day uh but yeah so if you want to stack 7 cents a day worth of Caden this could be the unit for you um I mean I'm going be honest sorry my airsoft gun was in the background right there I did not think that it was going to be that bad um I'm going to go unplug that unit now and put it back in the Box because to me it's not worth it to run at 7 cents I have other things that could generate more uh at a better value but regardless it's still there um you know it's uh maybe I need to make a new series it's like useless miners episode one KD Box 2 um I I don't know it's it's it's bad maybe that's what I will do this will be you know useless miners episode one uh because we can make quite a few episodes cuz there's quite a few miners that have been lost to time and basically generate no or significantly nothing uh depending on power usage and stuff like that but anyways if you like that idea fire it down below let me know in the comment section um and yeah I was really planning on this video going and being like look we can make like 50 cents a day or 75 cents a day I did not know the profitability had got this bad let me look at the six-month Mark so 6 months ago you could make let's see here 6 months ago okay see they were making 20 cents a day and a year ago they were making 50 60 70 cents 40 cents so they were making more money um probably the last time I looked into it it's just been very it's been falling off a cliff ever since but anyway guys thanks for coming out I really appreciate y'all um let me know if you want more useless minor videos coming up and uh yeah I'll see you on the next one adios to put that in perspective ladies and gentlemen 7 cents a day that means in a month you would make $22 worth of CAD but it would burn $28 kadana would need to what 14x to break even on power after a month of mining obviously nothing stays the same it could go up it could go down it doesn't look like it's going to go up though spoiler alert a year it would make $24 but it would burn $350 worth of electric so you would lose $325 if you ran this for a year continuous that's bad that's bad all right later guys for real the video is over see youall on the next one [ __ ]
Forgotten Miners EP1 KD box 2