While most meme quins are dumping right Now this Giga Chad token is taking over The charts welcome back to 99b YouTube Channel I'm your hostar Khan and today We're taking a look at Giga Chad token Which is up nearly 20% on the day on the Week a whopping 68% and the month a Whopping 18% what the heck is going on With this project let's talk about the Highs the lows and everything in between But before video guys I want to ask if You haven't already do make sure you Smash the Subscribe button down below And remember none of this content is Financial advice always your own Research and due diligence I I am not a Financial adviser this is looking like a Beautiful chart guys it's heading Towards the moon the question is should You enter or not my personal my personal Opinion again not Financial advice I Would never enter when it's pumping when You see a a moment like this when it's Dipping a little bit that could be a Quick point to entry uh but again with The project pumping this much I only Anticipate is going to pull back but Before you I sound like a straight hater Let's go ahead and take a look at all The things necessary to make an honest Opinion so first of all uh g a token Taken over uh we can see it currently Has a $234 million market cap just under Turbo that's kind of how I discovered it

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And where most mem coins guys not most Pretty much all mem coins are in the red Gig is not only in the green for the Week but it's in the green by tremendous Numbers again and this is all the tokens With more Mark cap and even lower Mark Cap like nothing is in the green like But yeah DJ's up 5% but other than that We're seeing righted across the boards Except for gigachad so they're either Doing something right or there's Something wrong so let's go ahead and Take a deep dive on this project so Giga Chat and we're going to go straight over To the website and see what this project Is about so Giga Chad the meme on salana The big one what is giga Giga is a meme That is not that has been around for Years that is now a worldwide phenomenon The meme is based off a photo shoot of a Russian bodybuilder who was coined Gigachad for his perfect physique and You guys know the rest of the story they Basically took this Meme and turned it Into a coin which is interesting to say The least talking about this let's take A second a break from gayat for a second Talking about t tearing a popular meme Into a coin let's talk about this new Pepe chain token so we already know Pepe Has been a popular mcoin what if I told You they had taken Pepe and made it Slightly better and made it its own meme Coin this is Pep Bay unchain it's

Project is currently on pre-sale guys And it's about to reach his $9 million Raised Milestone the wheels are loading Up retails absolutely eating this Project up not only guys is a Pepe the Meme coin but it's also offering a Massive 220% AP their goal is to be Pepe But better Pepe now has his own Blockchain better speeds better gain Same delicious Pepe flavor insta Bridging between eth and pep low Transaction fees high volume capacity They took Pepe added interesting utility And just absolutely crushing and $9 Million rais is showing a lot of Investory confidence so you want to load Up link in the description below but Let's go back to Giga chat I want to Take a second uh to highlight that Project but back to Giga chat so we know What it's about uh and they're here to To take over right buy Giga seemlessly What drops and they have a how to buy Tab which is clean the big one believe In something the big one uh what is um What's in Giga motion so we see Giga Fitness Giga Fitness uh a a community Run luxury Fitness brand that will use Profits for token BuyBacks and burns as Well as marketing for gigachad so looks Like they're going have like a gym Service IRL uh partnering with IRL Giga Chads and celebrities in order to Promote the Giga Fitness brand and the

Cryptos as a whole and it's ongoing on Boarding nominees and Front Runners on Crypto Twitter while slowly on boarding Gigachad influencers through uh raing And fire contest and the gigachad thesis A comprehensive guide uh that um we can See and we're not going to read all of This right now but what makes a meme the Summary the whole point is they took This gigachad Meme and turned into coin That that's the whole point of this Project right and on Twitter they have Just under 10,000 followers it's Gigachad meme on salana I we see getting Ton of Impressions again remember Earlier today I was talking about pep Bay video how communities everything and That's what it comes down to it boils Down to how much you're engaging and Interacting with the community we see Not only are they engaging interacting Looks like they're creating some Original content obviously not original It's a John Wick movie with gigachad Face on it but the point is they're Putting out content they want to promote Their project uh it would just keep Continuing to pump which is pretty cool Looks like they had uh um 700 people Tune in to their AMA which is pretty Cool it's been listed on Main pool so It's been getting a lot of exchange Listings and the point is uh the bigger This project is going to get and the

More marketing to do the bigger it could Potentially get and we already seen it Pump so I'm anticipating as they Continue to go continue on it's only Going to get bigger we're glad to have You on board so the kit Community Gigachad filter on kit creators uh let's Make this ultimate Trend again just Influencing and just getting involved Into the community that is pretty Bullish and then over on telegram the Guys they have over again 9,000 Followers as well which is pretty Massive again the TRS are looking Healthy and they're pumping I anticipate A pullback definitely again if you're Going to buy anything I put a very Nominal amount again it's high risk High Reward but again this part is Interesting we're going to keep taking a Look on this I just saw it on the red Today where everything was in I saw in The green where everything's in the red And I thought this would be interesting I thought you guys wanted to hear about It so there we have it let me know what You think in the comment section below Are you bullish for Giga chat are you Bearish I want to hear it all B AB the Video until next time it is your friend Umar remember none this is financial Advice always your own resear due Diligence I'm not a financial adviser Until next time peace

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