“The Ultimate Guide to Improving Your Productivity: Top Tips for Efficiency and Time Management”

H2: Introduction to Various Coin

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H3: Overview of Recent Network Upgrade

H4: Impact of Hash Rate on Profitability

Hello, welcome to this article where we will be discussing the popular cryptocurrency, Various Coin. Over the past few days, Many YouTubers and Twitter accounts have been talking about this coin. In my recent livestreams, I’ve mentioned the importance of stocking up on coins before something major happens, and there has just been a fork that has made Various Coin appear very profitable at the moment. However, it’s important to note that this profitability won’t last forever. Let’s dive into the reasons why.

H3: Network Upgrade and Luck Pool

One major reason why Various Coin is currently profitable is due to a recent network upgrade. Luck Pool seems to be the only pool that has implemented this upgrade so far. There are other pools that claim to have made the upgrade, but it’s difficult to confirm if they are fully functioning as they should be. The hash rate of Various Coin has also seen a significant drop, which has contributed to its profitability. Previously, the hash rate was around 249 gigahash, but it has dropped to around 77 gigahash. It’s important to note that the hash rate may increase once other pools implement the necessary updates.

H4: Enabling Asset Creations and Merge Mining

The recent network upgrade includes enabling asset creations and merge mining on Various Coin. This means that users can now create and trade tokens within the ecosystem of Various Coin. Additionally, merge mining allows miners to simultaneously mine another coin along with Various Coin. Similar to Litecoin and Dogecoin, where miners can receive payouts in either coin depending on the pool they are using. This is an interesting development because Various Coin aims to do everything that Ethereum does, but in a more efficient and cost-effective way. Ethereum has been facing challenges with high gas fees, putting users at a disadvantage. Various Coin aims to solve this problem.

H3: Profitability of Mining Various Coin

Now let’s talk about the profitability of mining Various Coin. In the past 24 hours, I have been mining Various Coin using the new miners on Luck Pool. While there is a GPU release available for mining Various Coin, CPUs are more efficient and yield higher hash rates. In my setup, I have 30 rigs online, consisting of a variety of CPUs. With the current price of Various Coin, I am making about $38.64 per day. Comparatively, if I were using a GPU, such as a 4090, I would only be making around 76 cents per day. It’s important to consider power consumption as well, as GPUs require more power compared to CPUs. In terms of profitability, GPUs are not currently performing well. However, once other pools update their miners, we can expect the hash rate to increase, resulting in decreased profitability. At that point, it may be worth considering mining other coins.

H3: Merge Minable Coins and Future Potential

In approximately seven to eight days, the first merge minable coin will be released. This is an exciting development as it will allow miners to mine two coins simultaneously. Depending on the adaptations made by pools, miners may receive payouts in both coins or just in Various Coin. The potential for more merge minable coins in the future is also significant, allowing for even more opportunities for miners. This development is crucial in the growth and expansion of Various Coin’s ecosystem, allowing for further innovation on top of the existing platform.

H2: Conclusion and Future Prospects

In conclusion, Various Coin has been gaining attention in the cryptocurrency world. The recent network upgrade and merger mining capabilities have made it a profitable coin to mine at the moment. However, it’s crucial to keep in mind that this profitability may not last forever, especially once other pools update their miners. As we approach the upcoming bull run in the crypto market, it’s interesting to see how Various Coin will perform and evolve. It’s important to stay informed and adapt to the changing landscape of cryptocurrency mining.

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  1. I need to know, Rabid. Are you Occupy the Web? The voice resemblance is uncanny, and I have never actually seen either of you. Even the same vocal mannerisms.

  2. Thanks for the good video, also thanks to Retro mike for the info 2 days ago, making more money on 6 cpus now then 30 gpus…. hard time.

  3. Nice video, lot a things to come in verus, i see you heard of a few things (PBaas launch, merge mining, fee pool). You will indeed need to update your calculator for verus, as the average reward is already more than 6 VRSC per block (hovering around 6,5VRSC) and not a single chain launched. WIth chain launch, reward might go up over 50VRSC per block for the next 100 block. So it might be profitable to stick to verus as those high reward due to fee pool last only 1,5 hours in average. Even if the base block reward calculator for verus mining is saying an other coin is more profitable.

    Will leave you to your research, I think you're on the right pass with verus 😉

  4. Marketing a shit coin is marketing a shit coin. Don’t you feel like your rtm videos caused many people to mine a shit coin that ultimately crashed and left everyone holding a worthless bag? Bitcoin only.

  5. Hey, Rabid! I use old cell phones to mine Versus. I want to overclock my 2 Google pixel 2xl cells. They are known to run around 260 megahashes when they're overclocked. I'm trying to figure out how to oc em. Any ideas?

  6. Shame on you my brother Rabid, shame on you lol
    More than 90% of the POW network hash-rate centralized in LuckPool, just because of you lol
    I have also a VRSC mining pool but i'm still waiting for miningpoolstats to list it 🔥🚀
    Please guys, decentralize the network hash-rate, otherwise you will just hurt the community 🙏

  7. 😡 now everyone will moved to verus after watching this..
    I have 10x ryzen 5 gets 20x more since May 23th, next will be back again and getting worse.. 😮‍💨

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