[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello H everybody what is going on good morning good morning well might be afternoon for some of you or evening wherever you are Bitcoin hitting up almost 100K are we going to make it today 100K I give away four 30 60 TI in a single live stream if we had 100K Bitcoin I give away four big gpus all right let's do it let's do it um Death Valley Mining red pet of mine thanks for that comment Death Valley I just saw your video I love it man that was so good and I think my mic just died there we go oh all right we're back we're back jock mcmin Miner nice surprise Friday evening stream yes sir amplifier gaming says I swear these YouTubers are bipolar 1 second GP mining sucks ass 1 second it's the best thing ever amplifier gaming I don't know who you've been watching but I've always been bullish on GPU mining I have never I have never swayed away from GPU mining okay I don't know who you're talking about but I'm I've never swayed I've always been always been bullish never never never the other never the opposite Steven make it easy use one video for all four cards wait what Steven no I got to I'm going to make you work for it all right I'm going to make you work for it okay Mr Steven all right Stefan uh uh death value Min stays true to GPU thank you crypti don't hate the player hate the game backwards Miner righted p m 20 GP rig or did you get it uh backwards Miner I I have haven't touched it I was going to touch it yesterday I haven't I haven't touched that rig today h anyways anyways I was thinking okay I know everyone thinks that gpus will never come back to its time because of ethereum and the emission and yada yada yada all that good stuff for anyone that didn't remember like a good half of the emissions were like those asex so and another thing I'm going to tie that into okay is and you know what we're going to write we're going to write some stuff down as I want to get I want to get some I want to get some uh opinions from everyone here okay I'm going to I'm going to we're going to start our little dock here all right all of us to together this is just an opinion piece okay this is just a my this is just a whole opinion piece here and how I've been seeing some things playing out recently in my head here GPU mining is going to melt faces and it's going to surprise a lot of people and so so first thing okay all right so in no particular order I'm not even going to do it by we're going to do by bullet points okay bullet points I wish I could do dark mode here you guys are probably blinded your face is just like RPM it's too bright it it probably is it it definitely is too bright uh Krypto I hope everyone has a Ada bag because F faces are about to melt Krypto I do have an ADA bag I do that's I do not much it's a couple thousand but it's it's it's good it's good um how long do you think everyone is going to hold their breath for GPU mining in alt season Zack Venice how long do you think my guess my good guess is it's it's going to come up here in the next in the next just in the next year here like if everything transpires just like it happened in previous his in previous history okay a lot of these alt coins and hopefully Alo I know Alo is going to be bitmain's talked about an Asic for Alo okay but we we haven't seen anything yet haven't heard of anything yet but this is my thought process about GP mining over the past three or four years okay the the big one for me is a lot uh a lot of GPU miners have quit and sold off their Hardware okay this one's a huge one and this probably ties into like a little bit here uh sold a lot to Gamers okay during during the covid era okay during that time and I know the gaming industry exploded right not this gaming industry maybe the office industry people work from home you know a lot of this Hardware was bought up let's just hope you are right and GPU mining is back sh mining thank you good sir thank you good sir um Rocky says all the people who said GPU mining is dead have no BS or anything at this point and Rocky okay we're going to get to that Rocky we're going to we're going to get to that because that's a different conversation um the depending what your strategy was okay we're going to get we're going to get to that don't let me lose my train of thought here okay we got a we got a we got a lot of different variations here that over the past couple years I think really this time like let me let me just let let me let me just go on here okay so I feel that the GP mining Hardware scene is like a lot of this stuff is it's out there but a lot of it has been garnered up by regular people just regular Joe's maybe they had to work from home they had to build PCS Gamers gaming has exploded over the past couple years PC gaming and I think a lot of gpus that are out there right now are are tied with those types of people now there's a lot of us okay there's a lot of us GPU miners here um are now you know a lot of us here have gpus okay I know for myself you guys know I have like five over 500 gpus maybe a good a good 60% of them are only on but you know I'm I I'm I have been this in this for a long time now and I've just been hoarding all these gpus cuz I know that gpus are going to be worth something again and so that's where it comes into you know supply and demand you know let change this will GPU mining come back again in terms of profitability okay just and I'm talking about in this sense okay I know people are looking for like you know $1 to5 $10 a day a day you know GPU okay so this is one this is just one point okay this is this is just one point that I've been I've been thinking about okay and I know okay so here's here's here's the second Point okay I know we don't have ethereum anymore okay what what was what was the uh the total emissions during the bow run for ethereum was between I think it was like 18 uh daily emissions right for miners for ethereum was between I think it was 18 to 25 million dollars a day at one point at one point um lukewarm Miner 5090 rig when well whenever the hell they come out I am going to buy I need to get six of them I need to get six of them um oh you know what I'm going to start a poll I want to know will GPU mining come back yes no all right start a poll okay we're going to ongoing Poll for the rest of the stream okay I know we obviously don't have ethereum anymore and if you equate all the different other proof of work coins it's not going to add up but I know for a fact that 50% or more during that time of ethereum mining was A6 okay so cut that in half all right cut that in half I'm going to say between 8 to 10 million was maybe towards the GPU miners so there is a chance okay and this is going to tie into this this part the first part I said in no particular order is that gpus and silicon if things start going up again the prices of these hard the prices of Hardware is going to go up and so I think there's going to be a still there's there will still be a time when gpus you're going to see gpus are going to be making couple bucks a day it's going to it's going to happen again and when that does happen gpus will cost more and the Regular Joe especially these days will not are are probably not going to invest into GPU mining this time and uh you know that's where that is that is really that's really how I feel regarding this time during during during this this bow run that we're coming up in you know looking at um looking at uh all the different proof of work GPU minable coins right now right now you know a lot of these GPU minable coins are pumping if you mind friend coin man friend coins pump where's techman where's techman where is that uh let's see here I want to see where uh let's see electricity cost if electricity cost okay that that that is a whole other that's a whole other that's a whole other thing I'm going to be getting into this is a whole other thing that we're going to be getting into okay um let me finish off with this um that I believe that with all the GPU mining Hardware that's out there it uh this one out okay I'm going to end it with this one with all the GP money that's out there uh it it has been bought up by retail okay so let's go with that okay I need to make this bigger okay all right and then uh Ontario Miner thank you for the five gifted Subs good sir thank you thank you thank you good sir okay so far the poll says 58% of you say yes 42% of you say no again this is just my opinion this is my this is my opinion here okay um I think um I think this time around GPU mining uh uh this time around for those who are going to get into GPU mining on a mass scale uh it uh it is not going to happen this time that in my opinion that's that's that's what I'm thinking that's going to come up here okay next part next part um electricity cost electricity cost okay this is huge this is obviously huge so for me and I'm I'm unique here because I've been a bble to get seven to I have two different locations with 7 to 8 Kow hour uh in USD value um so I've been I've been pretty lucky that during pretty much sometimes over the past couple years GP mining for me was Break Even but most of the time it was I was still making above what a lot of my gpus were able to make so so above break even at least so I've been okay there but I know this this GPU mining for a lot of people over like and this is where it ties into like all the emissions how many gpus is out there how many people are going to turn on all their hardware for GPU mining are people going to get into GPU mining this time again this time around are a lot of miners burnt out for people that were mining before they're probably burnt out of GPU mining they're probably never going to get back into it again I know I know hundreds of people who have gotten out and they say they'll never get back into it again simply because they couldn't they they didn't have they didn't have the lower electrical cost to continue and it didn't make sense against their electric bill and so a lot of this Hardware I think has now already shifted over towards like just retail like to Gamers people that work from home you know you look at during that time during Co GPU Mining gpus and Hardware was like it was expensive it was getting there and and then there was that the Silicon shortage right of course we had that okay and so nowadays though all the costs of that logistically you know has gone up 10 everything has gone up like three times like shipping Logistics all that stuff and cost of living and you look at it this th this time around as I'm going to correlate that with the market okay right now with the market um looking at uh where we are here and all the people I've talked to there's not a lot of retail coming back right there's not a lot of retail right this is where I'm thinking like this is where it's this time around people aren't going to be going hardcore into GPU Mining and when a lot of these proof of work coins start exploding okay when when a lot of these start going up it's people who have already have Hardware like us we're going to be the on who are going to be able to take advantage of that okay so for any new person coming in that is going to try to GPU mind they're going to be they're I mean at that point they're already too late all right when when things all right the the time to build the time to build your infrastructure all the stuff is was during was during the bare Market but of course there and lies it ties in with the electrical cost okay the electrical cost is obviously huge and that's going to be like the vocal majority of people who are just maybe crypto mining in general okay so um uh jock MC Miner power too much cannot GP mine even if we wanted to uh hoddle cannot afford the power no problem Jo mcer I mean in the UK I mean in the UK yeah you're effed I mean there's there's depending what your situation is is there's there's many there's many situations where many variants we can talk about whether GPU mining is good for you or not and and for you if you're living in the UK jock mcmin Miner by the way we just increased the new power cap in the UK from January 2025 we are effed ah well so so there you go so this is where we can we can we can finalize that mining in the UK it just doesn't work okay so don't don't bring that upon us okay jock mcmin Miner that that's that's that's where you live that's not that's not our fault all right that's that's not your that's not our fault I'm just kidding uh anyway but you can see right depending on your electrical cost it it's it's such a big factor okay um so a lot uh majority of crypto miners these days have higher electrical costs like things have gone from from 10c to 15 Beyond you know 15 cents Beyond now and it's it's it's you hear it all the time you hear it all the time oh my my Electrical Company raised the the cost the electrical cost went up like 2 cents three cents couple cents you know it it it sucks that's that's that's been the reality over the past 2 or 3 years now um electrical cost is is such is such a big deal for a lot of crypto Miners and that is the biggest that that is the biggest thing right that's the biggest thing for a lot of GP miners that have gotten out okay so um for anyone um anybody that has really 10c kilowatt and below is going to win to win and and that is the reality that that is the crypto mining re reality honestly like that like it's it's I I think I mean there's a video I think I did in like 2020 like that got over half a million views and my first thing that I said was like electrical cost is the most is the number one thing that you have to try to get down or if you're going to get started in crypto mining you got to have you got to have low electrical cost like that that is seriously like the number one thing out there it trumps everything else whatever what it doesn't everything else like it it it just doesn't matter like if you want to if you want to do this longterm if you're if you're wanting to make money out of this and like stay in the game long term like you're it's going to be hard for you to survive at you know 15 17 20 25 cents it it that's just that's just been the reality over the past couple years and ever since you know we we don't have ethereum anymore okay we don't have that anymore but I I truly feel that this time where we are and if the markets are going to go up just parabolic where we see now Bitcoin almost is almost 100 freaking K all right everyone tuning in here if Bitcoin hits 100K in this stream I'm giving away four 30 60 TI in this live stream so Pump It Up come on let's go pump let's go let's go let's go let's go come on let's go Nemesis says as long as red pan mining stops mining your electrical cost won't matter uh Squirrel Master says four years of free Power crypto mining was absolutely awesome well look at you squirrel Miner look at you free Power I mean are you living in like a condo like you're not mining at scale are you like you don't have free Power for like 10,000 30,000 watts of mining there's no way I mean the landlord would have to come after you there's absolutely no way absolutely no way um so okay so next part DJ what's up man DJ what's up man what's up um okay uh Squirrel Master the landlord kicked me out over the power bills well no sh of course he did of course yeah who wouldn't if I was the landlord I'd be like uh this guy's uh why is the electrical bill higher than the rent like that doesn't make any [Laughter] sense oh jeez that's too funny that's that's just horrible h Squirrel Master terrible um okay all right so ER leeki says it came back already I mean it it's it's definitely it's it is coming back in a sense in terms of yes in terms of profitability like okay my my my Benchmark GPU is the 3070 okay so right now a 30 like a 3070 at break even at 10 cents was maybe happening like 2 months ago so it is rising and for again it's not like okay 15 if you have 15 cents per per kilowatt hour you're you're you're you're you're maybe breaking even right now so it is it is rising yes profitability is rising because a lot of these coins have been pumping Ergo okay Ergo has gone up 40% over the past 7 Days um let's let's just let's just go past seven days here I mean cortex another prominent you know GPU minable coin is going up um Ergo alium is all Asic now Carlson 25% everything's lifting up okay when Bitcoin is going up all the altcoins are are lifting up as well um so Nexa Nexa is another one uh DX is going up ravencoin is going up uh octop space is Asic now uh flux is going up okay so I mean what's that what's that analogy uh um uh the rising tide raises All Ships raises all boats or something Bitcoin goes up and altcoins altcoin season hopefully comes about altcoin season when we start when we start seeing you know those five or 10x pump pumps of these of of potentially of these proof of work GP minable coins and where we are where if we're all expecting you know Bitcoin to overtake overtake Google or Apple or Nvidia in market cap one day you best believe you best believe that this stuff is is going to start exploding now that's where it goes into do do you think like by the time GPU mining stops being profitable all right is when depending on how much Hardware is out there okay which again goes back to where I think in my opinion A lot has been sold off already all right uh people have been working from home during the co stuff Gamers um honestly it's going to it's going to come back to that time where uh especially scalpers okay and I I hate I hate scalpers right we all hate scalpers but um it's going to come back to that time when you if you start see when things start pumping when things start pumping during the GPU mining phase things are going to start getting more expensive and you're going to see you're you're you're going to see a lot of this Hardware start going up okay like you go on eBay eBay is like the best I we've shown this since the very beginning like you just go on eBay I mean RTX 370s people are buying these already for over $300 like it's already going up like these used to be sold for um under 200 okay now now people are buying 307s for over okay maybe not 300 yet but okay maybe 250 okay so it is it is going up it is going up but there's just there's still people buying these cards okay there's still a lot of people that are look at this guy bought his 37 eventus today at 350 for plus another $38 shipping that's insane um anyway anyway um uh let's see here what uh let's see what what else I was going to get to um let me think here if you guys have any other opinions here otherwise I feel like you know GP mining will always come back okay and it it's it's always it's always it's always the Cycles right and and and people think that GP is not GP mining won't come back just because oh because we had ethereum back then no no it's it's there's always going to be an Evan flow there's going to always going to be tons of people who leave all right sell off their hardware and then it's going to come back again because when those people leave all the difficulty has come down all these networks and then all of a sudden when you see a lot of these when you see a lot of these proof of work coins start going up and uh uh someone mentioned warthog yes warthog I I wanted to uh Bez okay Bez Miner just upd I think just updated their Miner uh to support gpus uh with bz minor so I'm going to be trying that out uh with one of my rigs with my solid rigs that is okay it's not it's not like you can use it with uh uh a bunch of um a bunch of gpus I I think it's tied to uh uh CPU CPU and GPU so uh uh turbos Kaka yeah man uh I want you I want I want you to win so I can mine some Raven uh uh let's see here warthog now will get adopted on mass scale and it's Asic and large farm resistance uh Ken Hansen yeah exact yeah I agree but uh it could happen but the only crappy thing is is that you you have to designate uh you know CPU GPU rigs it's not like uh it's not like octom miners or something like that so you need to you need to have good you need to have good a good CPU and a GPU uh tied tied with it um I have a few solad rigs I'm thinking about converting some of those so I'm going to try that out uh let's see here uh let's see here but yeah a lot of people who are bearish on GP mining like it's it's it's just funny because it it always it always comes back the same like if I if I pull up my GPU mining profitability videos back in like 2017 and like 2019 to 2020 during those bare Market times there were times when ethereum wasn't even at the top right it was always it was like other coins like a eternity or like grin or you know there was always a lot of different other coins during those times I know ethereum was at the top though ethereum was majority at the top all all the time but the reason why I'm saying this time it's because we've already SE we already see a lot of people who have gotten out and so here we are right where a lot of people who have gotten out of crypto mining because of cost of living people got laid off lost their jobs uh got divorced life happened and they need the money I mean that's more so happened to a lot of people and I've I've gotten plethora amount of emails about that over the past two years uh three years so I think I think it's you know this time this time it's it's going to be oh my God Bitcoin is 94 9,400 let's go DJ DJ let's go let's go uh Death Valley Mining red pen I'm sending you an email on this exact topic I'm putting a vid out later today look at the screenshots I just emailed you just emailed me good sir let's see let's see oh price increase in nice man nice yeah it's creeping up it's it yeah like it's it's creeping up man yeah no 100% yeah like we've seen on Ebay things are things are going up man yeah I know it's happening it's happening and when things start really really really exploding then that's when you'll see that's that's when you'll see gpus really um warthog is a good CPU so you can get decent hash with 20 series card nice I don't have any I don't think I have any 20 series cards anymore I traded most of them for uh CMP H CMP 100 uh hxs yeah yeah um DJ holy crap 100K Bitcoin we're giving away gpus 100K 100K Bitcoin we're giving away G 43060 TI smash the like Bros we have 309 people here 83 likes holy smoke let's go let's go let's go Let's Do It Let's Do It Let's Do It um plant therapy will take care of it I'll try and I have a gut feel okay I actually have one prediction I have one prediction here about GPU mining during the bull run out of nowhere out of nowhere there just a prediction not not not set in stone during 2025 there is going to be one or two new uh GPU minable coins that are going to come out and melt faces that that is my predictions it's kind of similar what happened with AO all of a sudden AO again AO is not mining though it's a ZK proofs not quite sure how all that works it's not actually te it's not technically mining but um I have a prediction that I think there's going to be one or two coins that are going to come out and just like just become like the next ethereum or something like there's going to be some random Chinese coin I don't know some coin that's just going to Garner like a crap ton of support and like it's it's just uh I I just have a I have a random feeling about it I just have this random feeling um that it's just going to it's just going to uh show up uh red panda coin let's effing go definitely not red panda coin definitely not definitely not crypto Rich rck GP mining never left y'all just don't know what to mine anymore cuz too much BS out there yeah I mean that's true that's very true um yeah oh like I mean look at my uh I'm ready I'm very ready to do an update on my 6600 XT rigs um that I've been mining over the past year and a couple months now um I'm expecting a few of these coins to really just jump out of nowhere so we're we're waiting for it we're we're waiting for it so it's coming it's coming the whole now the whole thing is is is it going to be sustained like is it going to be sustained profitability now that's that's the biggest question now I think that's I think it's going to be good for maybe a couple months but this really depends how like the fomo the fomo remember when like people were buying gpus back in 2021 and that was during the ethereum times I feel like that'll happen again but that the thing the same the same idea comes back where I don't think many people are going to be getting back into it and so for those that have the hardware now for those that have been buying this stuff before it gets expensive are going to win out you know so that's the thought process regarding uh GP mining I mean that's always been the thought process M during the bar markets mine and huddle huddle the yield wait for it to pump that like that's that's the number one strategy obviously but for those that are doing it for like profitability um for those that have been already mining now they're going to they're going to win out people people that have this Hardware already are are going to win out for sure so we'll see we'll see we'll see we'll see how it goes we'll see how it goes uh Zer bro we've been waiting for like 2 Years bro you got to follow the market Cycles bro crypto mining altcoin season it it's all coming it's it's it's all coming here like it's it hasn't it hasn't it hasn't been realized yet okay the the whole goal of Mining and holding all these coins for people that have been doing it it it hasn't it hasn't played out yet okay our time Horizon on this stuff is not like 6 months okay a lot of I know a lot of people just want to get rich quick well GPU mining is not get is not a getrich quick scheme or it it's this is like you got to you got to play the long game here all right I know a lot of people who are just done with it and you know that's the reality that's the cycle with crypto mining I I I get it I've been through that time before I I I know what it feels like and 20 when I I realized that in 20 uh 2021 the previous Bull Run cuz I mined in 2017 and well actually I still M throughout 2017 to 2021 but I realized that you know the coins really pumped a lot of those coins pumped during those times and so this time around it's nothing's changed it it the same idea is still there Mining and holding the yields of whatever coin that you believe is going to pump in my opinion is generally most of them it's going to it's going to happen again it's it's it's going to happen again uh Smokey Dan says those that got burned burnt out boarded won't return but those with still some hope May risk getting back in as for me I just keep I just keep on hashing away and stack the coins right Smokey Dan I mean that that's the way to go man I mean that's I I know it's hard it's definitely really hard and depending on your financial situation I know that Mining and holding is not an easy thing and especially if you don't have another job to support your your your your crypto mining goal right it's it's hard no I get it I I I've been there I I had to work 2018 I worked three jobs man 2018 to 2020 I worked three jobs I had three three different I had a full-time job and two side hustles in order to pay for my electricity bill to hold to try and hold majority of my coins like that that that is something like in order to make that extra cash in order to keep to keep crypto mining to keep that belief that you know the coins that you're mining is going to go up like this that that is the strategy that you know it's obviously very hard it's very hard to do but look where I am now I've I've made it from I lived in a condo 2018 I lived in a two-bedroom condo I was mining out of a apartment out of the 34th floor all right I was mining in the sky all right with a grow tent all right that was man those you guys remember those videos those were the best days dude those those were the best days now uh 202020 2020 I moved into a townhouse uh then uh 2023 2022 2023 I moved into a Ive I'm now in my bigger house so you know things you know it's I've I I I I believe my story I I've lived through I've lived through the crypto mining phases and I still believe that GP mining is going to come back again it it it it has to the Cycles are always there it's never faltered it's never faltered so like ah good times Death Valley Mining 99700 on coinbase dude it's coming oh boy uh it's coming M some 10 what's up man is there a wallet that has a Time based lock time based lock I don't know mind some 10 what what are we talking about what are you referring to uh cmh3 Studio thank you for busting your ass to keep the dream Alive cmh3 studio dude I'm not dude trust me there's tons of other people out there who have been busting a lot harder than I am and those guys are even more successful than I am uh honestly my goal okay my goal this this go around for 2025 is to is to really really expand okay I'm I'm going to try to I want to find a place that's like kind of close to me and I have the okay I have the ability to get 4 cents USD per kilowatt hour 4 cents but I need to have it needs to be in a commercial space with three phase power I cannot do it on residential where I live it needs to be a warehouse of some sort industrial complex with three phase because I need to pull at least and it's not much actually I need to pull 600 to 800 amps about 700 amps of power in order to get that 4 sense I need to I need to pull like I think it's like 70 to 80 90,000 Watts uh concurrently every day right uh I think it's 70 80 kilowatt kilowatts a day or something I think it's more than that in order to achieve uh in order to get the four cents kill Kow hour at my house here I can't do it I wish I could I wish I could but ah mind some tent some people need a wallet that won't let them touch it until the Bull Run Like Me hey man hey yeah dude everyone's got a everyone's dude mining crypto mining dude it's a it's psychological dude it's a psychological thing too dude 2018 2020 bare Market you guys remember those you anyone here that was during that bar Market dude that was like that was probably the most toxic barar run I have ever experienced in my life I even made YouTube videos during that time and like during Discord days and Twitter days dude the bare Market of 2018 2020 between that time was just like the depths of of hell it was the depths of the most like straight lowest of the low dgen crypto miners on Earth including myself all right I during those during that low time the previous previous bare Market not not not like 2021 to 202 3 4 whatever I'm talking like the previous one that that was the most like I don't know how to explain it it was it was it was the most rugged like rug poles we had so many companies rug pulling like stealing people's money on pre-order Hardware like this is why I'm so skep this is why I'm so skeptical of local Tech like the the the amount of times I we have seen companies just rug Pole from taking pre-orders or like you know uh announcing things announcing things before it actually comes out and it never came out I can name numerous times that has happened and people got rugged so that's why I'm so skeptical of local Tech a lot of people ask me like red panda don't you think the local Tech's real I'm like I mean no I don't just going just because going from experience I just they don't have a prototype like a fullon prototype of it like I just until I actually see it then I'll believe but I hate it when there's companies that that uh claim that they can do something and it's it's not it's been like 2 years now where the hell is it like it's been 2 years what where is it like if they're still taking pre-order money out of it I'm I'm I'm I'm still very skeptical and I I worry for those that pre-ordered the uh uh the the uh local Tech um Maro DDO mining haha DJ's from up North were were you Maro DDO mining that was dude if dude dude 2018 2020 that was that was the best man dude that that bare Market was like oh my God that was like I I'm pretty sure I lost 20 years of my life during that time like not even joking I'm not even kidding that bare Market was like the one of the worst definitely but then lo and behold 21 2021 came about and we all everyone made money everyone was happy um show me the Prototype facts yes Rico uh all track better safe than sorry it was the same way with ice fiver but rightfully least so uh ice River though they L they actually contacted me the next like couple days after the announcement and then they sent me one okay at least with ice River I was I was I was skeptical but then they actually sent me one so that is a different story but with locco tech I talked about them a year and a half ago being skeptical about it and I haven't seen a prototype so they said they were going to send me one when they actually have one but it's been it's been it's been this long already so Rico alter alter is local to me I'll just get me A6 from there from them from now on uh alter Tech is great man yeah dude I uh I affiliated with them I think I have a coupon code I have like a I think I have a 1% off code with alter attac it's on my website if if you ever need it you get 1% off it's not much but it's it's something um uh met with local Tech in Miami talk with the CEO seems like they're getting bit main runaround I knew then it was very sketch seems like they're getting the bit main runaround oh Theodore ganam yeah bro I'm I hope oh I just hope people don't lose their money uh that's that's all I care about I just I I just hope people don't get ruged I just hope people I just hope people don't get rug RI holy crap Ry good sir welcome Ry I can't wait start again and twe gpus man I really miss those days TW gpus I really miss those days embarrassed smiley face I do I do I I definitely miss those days too Ry I GPU mining fine-tuning is like is is like it it it's it's it's it's in a league of its own 100% rnie thank you for the 41 months man 41 41 months man you've been a member for 41 months that is more than 3 Years bro 3 years more than 3 years that is insane Ry much love man thank you thank you man we've we've been around for too long I think it's Randy are we going to make it Randy tell me Randy you you Ry you're more knowledgeable than I am 2025 are we are we going to make it Ry Tell Me ri are we going to make it h ah ah oh man oh man I think Ronnie deserves a broken fan GPU son of a rabid Panda I have 6 3070 TI that I I need to I need toix donated $2 through Clinton Q thank you for the two good sir interested in two k3m and a ks5 l you're you're interested in buying it or selling it Clinton Q techman with the 10 gifted Subs 10 techman bro you're crazy techman thank you for the 10 thank you for the 10 gifted Subs good sir crazy man Alex Petro Rico Jackson um Rundy we are damn sure going to make it h hell yeah man Carl coat congrats Mayo Mike mining the North Pearl rival BP P congrats be more stupid uh ET console mods congrats Bros congrats congrats ah um selling or trade yeah uh mine some 10 red pen of money what was the ETA local Tech gave to the guys they brought in person to see the nonworking prototype uh mind some 10 I I think it was Q4 of this year um it was slated to come out this year or like yeah uh like this this month this these months these uh where we are right now I think it was slated to come out uh Nara 3D is it better to go budget style from the beginning with GP hangers or get the server PC style while the cost is low Nara 3D definitely that server PC style definitely de definitely pcsp um pcsp server uh I have the I have a coupon for there too two where is pcsp on this list 5% off damn okay uh here 289 you get the 4 okay you don't need to get the 470s uh 407s the 12 but it's it's literally 40 uh $50 more with the 12478 GB cards but yeah I recommend I definitely recommend going this route because you legit get a whole motherboard Ram CPU uh two 1200 oh this one has two 1200 watt power supplies um and uh yeah so I I honestly believe this is one of the best com like best server case that you can get for mining right now clinton2 Brian Hollywood bro thank you for the 21 months all hail Lord P Brian Hollywood you're crazy good sir Brian Hollywood I miss you man how are you I haven't talked with you for a long time I haven't talked with Ry for a long time too um Steven says when members only Discord channel uh Steven I will start that right now if you want you want a members only Discord Channel I'll do it I I've never thought I never thought to do that um I can have a I can have a chat on my Discord that's just for for YouTube members you want me to do that I can do that yes I can do that uh Clinton Q thank you for the uh two sell or trade have original box oh uh Clinton Q I'm I'm not looking for any I'm not looking for any more castle miners I'm sorry uh am in RF I actually did make a lot of money mining Chlor Graham and pure in the last two years sell and high price so I'm not I'm not the one telling GPU mining is dead I a in RF I agree man I agree with you g GPU mining is is not is not dead it's always been it's always been there if you were able to follow the Trends but I think ultimately the big cycle the one the big one that we're waiting for where you know majority of the proof of work GP minable coins are going to go up that's that is what we're waiting for that's that's what majority of people are waiting for for people that are might maybe Mining and holding cortex or uh Carlson or ironfish or hell even alium I know alium is Asic minable now but like for people that jeu Min alium that it could explode right same iron Nexa you know a lot of these coins are are coming up with the market here so what's not to say that the Bull Run hopefully are going to be are going to be uh is going to be good or not uh Ry red pen of Min I heard you are buying 49 L9 is this true Brian Hollywood told me so Brian Hollywood I'd like to know I I Brian Hollywood I'd like to know who you talk to uh you you need to tell me who told you that I was you you need to I need to know who because they're in they're in big trouble all right they're in they're in big trouble all right just kidding just kidding no I'm not buying I'm not buying those it's it's too much I'm not doing it I'm I'm just sticking with what I have now and uh I'm just sticking with what I have now because I have too much already I don't I don't need I'm not buying any more as6 I'm I'm prices are going up on everything I'm I'm done I'm I'm I'm done at my at the point of where I am I I I don't need to buy anything I'm just I'm going to ride this out uh wait wait for everything to start going up and then uh I'm going to sell and then have enough capital for the next bare Market hopefully next bar Mar so okay uh F1 Mad Max P mind did you hit a bch block with the Avalon 903s nope I have not I have not I have not um Carl Cod it's 48 not 49 but you need five more next week on RPM why did I buy 49 L9 no I'm not buying 49 L9 I'm I'm not doing it I'm not I'm not doing it anymore I I should have done it uh two months I was going to do it two months ago when the l9s were like 6500 bucks I was so stupid and I didn't do it I should have done it God I'm such an idiot ah massive regret I should have gone with my gut my gut was like okay if this is the time to buy these script miners now is the time and I didn't do [Laughter] it h Ergo what is it doing man New England crypto what's up man welcome Carl coat uh Bowen what's Ergo doing yeah what is what is ergo doing let's see Ergo is doing a lot of things I mean it's not just Ergo I mean a lot of other coins are going up as well DX norai norai let's see nay for a second I have some of this I have some of this I've been mining on a r oh naray is climb oh dude naray is climbing up actually higher than it was before okay I need to check that I need to check that bag that might be worth something okay that's pretty good yeah Ergo Ergo is where's Ergo Ergo Ergo is okay so it's not like in 2021 where Ergo was like 20 bucks or 18 bucks but it's it's it's happening it's going it's it's climbing ghost red pen M you mining Raven yes I am yes I have Raven uh way too fast for red pen M I don't know about you but I will be hitting that life-changing monetary amount this bull run kind of scary but happy at the same time way too fast for you uh I I am in the same boat as you uh I am also scared I I'm actually very scared I I don't know what to expect I'm I'm I I I did some theoreticals the other day with my BS and I'm just like okay well if if this turns into a million dollars I'm I'm out of here I'm I'm out I'm out I don't know about you but I'm out this is definitely lifechanging this bull run is going to be a life-changing uh this bull run will definitely be life-changing uh not only for a lot of you guys but for a lot of you guys uh but it's this is it this is what we've been working towards and holy crap bitcoin's hitting the 99 554 we're going to hit a th000 this live stream if we hit a 100 a th 100,000 Bitcoin I'm going to give away 4 3060 TI in this live stream smash that like Bros Smash Smash that like game is Smokey Dan don't forget them Capital games R pend money oh I know trust me smokey Dan I know trust me don't worry I'm on top of my taxes I have to pay my taxes every 3 months so don't worry I I'm on top of that um coinbase is 99,8 49 oh my god oh well I guess we're going to be giving away 4 3060 TI in this live stream I wish I was downstairs cuz I don't have the 43 I don't have the four uh 3060 TI with me here you know what it I might do that tomorrow cuz I need to prep for that and I need to I I want to show the the 3060 ti so I don't think I'll do it in this live stream I'll do it in tomorrow's live stream we we'll we'll do it tomorrow we we we'll do it tomorrow I mean we could do it now but I want to show I want to show the G I want to show the gpus um Smokey Dan that's why we have boats for them happy accidents red Pand I'm morning uh red techman red P four more 600 I'll have a full rig of them nice techman uh Carl Cod how about one now can show legs Frogman you're you're one sick bastard uh uh was I forgot some let's see 1K Bitcoin if we hit one B 1K Bitcoin isn't giving anything away if we hit 1K Bitcoin death value I'm like taking out loans I'm taking out a mortgage I'm taking out everything to buy Bitcoin at 1K I'm taking everything out to buy Bitcoin uh uh I was missing a comment up here um Carl coat says red pen mining how do you determine when to sell Carl coat I determine when to sell pretty much when I see like you know Bitcoin goes 3x or 4X or I don't think it's going to go 4X but if Bitcoin goes at least 3x from here that's that's kind of like my indicator for Bitcoin but then everything else everything else I need to see like 20x you know 50 50x on some of these the the midcap like ravencoin ravencoin is probably minimum going to go I'm guessing 20 30X 25x I'm guessing like Ergo is going to do the same thing but then anything in the top like you know man for some I'm not I'm not this is not Financial advice but I I just have this gut feeling neoa out of nowhere is just going to is just going to melt faces neoa being a 3.4 million market cap I just I just 3.4 million bucks is nothing so if this goes up to like a 100 million or something that's that's a pretty big that's a that's a pretty big jump for neoa um there's plenty of other examples that that could happen with any coin that's above like 36 35 or 3,000 market cap like these coins Spectre meow coin Kyla coin like there is so many potential for for a lot of these to just to just go insane like there's just going to be some massive liquidity swap over to these coins Market making events and when those exchanges have an F ton of money it's just going to we're going to see some pretty big we're probably not Financial advice I'm just saying that we're probably going to see some Market making events and it's it's going to be it's it's it's probably going to be like f face it's going to be face melting for sure um okay I don't care what a free GPU looks like Mike the minor that's that's rude oh Bitcoin just dropped down to 999,000 what happened to bitcoin Death Valley Mining will you sell when your uncle asks how to buy [Laughter] Pepe uh yes very true very true what do you think about Doge will pump to $1 this would be a $15 million emissions uh Paul uh yeah uh if Dogecoin pumped to a dollar yeah dude that that's that would be incredible but you see with Dogecoin um where's Doge do I have Doge on this list Doge E I don't have Dogecoin on this list jeez how that how did that even happen noice wow I don't even have it I don't even have it here okay all right Dogecoin all right Dogecoin there it is um right now what's the market cap what oh that sorry not 3.5 that was uh that was the whole market cap of of crypto what's the market cap of uh Dogecoin 58 billion volume for Dogecoin is if is 14 14 billion holy crap $4 billion trading volume and what is the emissions of of Dogecoin right now P stats do screen right now right now the emissions of Dogecoin is $5.5 million a day wait only 5 .5 million in Dogecoin a day and the volume trading volume for Dogecoin is over 14 billion dude $5.5 million doesn't even scratch the surface that that's not even uh that's not even 5.5 m 5.5 million divided by and we oh we ran out of memory oh my God uh 5.5 million divided by uh no I'm doing this wrong uh okay I want to get the live chat back oh my God oh my God my whole my whole browser just died ah what the hell I need more RAM this sucks is my stream still on my stream is hopefully still on uh pop out God that happened the second time now uh uh there we go all right we're back we're back so what is 5.5 million out of 14 billion trading volume um I don't even know what percentage that is five five 5.5 million so one two three that's uh 5.5 million is this 5.5 million divided by 1422 2 7 5 2 6 4 53 time is it 100 is that 3% that that is 3% that is 3% of wait is that right 5.5 million out of 14 no that that should be like 0.03% dang that that is nothing that is absolutely nothing it's 3% okay no no it's 3% yeah yeah no I'm I'm my head my math is I'm mathing wrong it's 3% yeah yeah so 3% 5.5 million emissions of Dogecoin is only 3% of the trading volume of Dogecoin that is absolutely insane okay you guys are saying Bitcoin is is pumping up to almost 100K or what crypto KJ crypto KJ you have a basement full of ram go get some damn it h I only have 32 gigs of RAM um uh 0.3 retro mic I thought you're kind of people work hey I'm I'm terrible at math okay I'm terrible um uh just remove all the zeros then divide I don't think the Ram it's routing yeah I don't think the ram is working either no it's 0.03% 0 it's 0.03 of a percent yes yes yeah yes exactly it's not even 1% it's 0.03 0 3% it's not even a a single perc yeah yes exactly it's 0.03 of the trading volume of of of Dogecoin absolutely amazing it it is nothing it doesn't even it doesn't even matter like it if every if every Dogecoin Miner sold Doge right now every day of the emissions of Dogecoin it it would it's not even a spec it's not even it's not even hurting it it's not even hurting Dogecoin at all nothing not even uh do you techman do you have a script Miner to solo Doge on no I don't 10,000 Doge if you hit a block red Pand really damn 10,000 Doge that would be absolutely amazing that would be absolutely amazing next next bow run I'm you know I had this thought like forget everything else all I'm going to do is just mine into Dogecoin just next Bull Run next bare Market I'm going all in Dogecoin just I'm going to go hardcore just brainless mining I don't even even need to look or research up anything I'm just going to accumulate Dogecoin that's it that that's that's my next bare Market play I don't care about anything else I'm not going to waste my time on anything else except Dogecoin I'm just going to go in all in all in Doge and forget everything else I'm not going to have all these core wallets all this other crap on VMS all these other wallets of other coins I don't give a crap anymore I'm I'm going all in on Dogecoin all in that's it I'm done I'm done I'm just keeping it very simple all in Doge all in everything on my tangent everything on on my RPM tangum and Dogecoin that's it that that's it that's it s RAB P never go full [ __ ] on anything ogre I'm Panda needs mental help ogre I probably do give me give me DJ come on 100K man come on DJ you need a stream clickbait me more so double down for panda Tesla and Doge that's probably all you need there you go there you go there you go H I really hope some I really hope most of these coins pump because we've been doing this test for over a year and a half now Death Valley Mining I didn't buy 49 L9 5 minutes later I'm going all in Uno God damn it that's not better than mining short Tesla right now oo sure you're going to short Tesla ooh o interesting interesting Tesla is $1.1 trillion 350 $354 per share for Tesla wow wow wow dude I'm pretty sure Tesla is going to be like A5 trillion doll market cap company one day it it's it's it's going to I'm I'm I I truly believe Tesla is going to melt faces like not Financial advice but I I truly believe that like when Tesla when when if and when Tesla white labels their FSD that's going to be freak huge with the likes of Ford like BMW Mercedes if they if they get if they get into Tesla's FSD full full self-driving dude that's that's going to be freaking massive like and like the whole bunch of other stuff that they've been doing yeah Tesla DJ imagine when every home has a robot yeah I mean yeah like they've been working on their robots and stuff too yeah it's going to be it's probably going to be insane probably going to be insane Michael cartright RPM with this therapist what is happiness um add to cart no after 100K red panda candle down or God candle punching tough 120k all set I think I I I I don't know I see a lot of people talking about a massive short wall at 100K 100K Bitcoin I have have just I don't know I don't know got feeling that it's just going to be like it's going to be just massive short squeeze I think it's going to happen Z pirate did you watch I am robot no thanks to self driving cars I am robot I I Robot yeah I remember I the movie with Will Smith oh dude so funny that's pretty funny it cuts all the FSD users law it's programmed for them to stop or move over uh well we'll see we'll see Bitcoin 9,443 come on 100K 100K Bitcoin I want to see it we need to see it we need to see it um uh what's ravencoin at right now what's ravencoin at where is ravencoin ravencoin is at 2 cents right now two cents okay what if it what if it went up to 20 back to 20 cents again if ravencoin was 20 cents what would be the market cap that that would be a that would be a 10x from here 2 cents to 20 cents would be a would be be a 10x so what is the emission of ravencoin right now $78,000 so or $80,000 80,000 * 1080 80,000 * 10 would be $800,000 Raven coin okay so that is a potential that could happen conlux is at 54 if conlux also did a 10x that would be like another half a million dollar so we'd already be at 1 something million plus could be clor flux all these coins I'm thinking we're going to hit up at least like 7 to9 million Market 7 to9 million in uh emissions for GPU miners at the peak it could be insane Ergo I forgot about Ergo too jeez warthog yes warthog yeah a lot of those yeah um son of a rabit panda red panda 100K BTC is like New Year it already happened somewhere well it already happened in Canadian we we hit up 135,000 Canadian Bitcoin the other day that was uh that that is uh I've I've already seen Bitcoin over 100k I've already I've already celebrated my 100k Bitcoin there bitcoin's at 140,000 almost 140,000 Canadian that is absolutely insane absolutely insane um Nick hello Nick Nick good sir hello uh all the AMD cards will be out of stock it's a pirate ah dude if Raven goes to 20 cents the power grid will go down so true so very true uh DJ so do Canadians make more money from mining in a sense yes because we got generally lower electrical over here and our dollar versus Canadian it's like4 now so or Point uh 6 or 7 uh six something so yeah the the Canadian dollar is getting worse but we're getting a lot more of the Canadian dollars because of the uh because uh it's been going down in value versus the US dollar so it's it's quite amazing actually I when I you know when I see like if I like if I sell like 600 bucks us of crypto it's like a th000 Canadian for me which is it's it's insane $1,000 you know it goes a long way granted things you know cost of living is going up so it's it's only going to get worse it's only going to get worse from here on out in in Canada ah okay guys I I don't think we're going to are we going to get I don't think we're going to get 100K in this live stream is there anything you guys anything else you guys want to talk about Andrew mad Hive is having issues oh Andrew mad you emailed me the other day now did someone change your worker wallets is that actually a thing is that actually an issue iOS is buggy at the moment oh oh boy oh boy oh boy I so far mine are on so far so far um okay guys another like couple more minutes uh we'll finalize the live stream here uh maybe we'll see a 100K Bitcoin tomorrow we'll give away 4 3060 TI tomorrow okay tomorrow um anything you guys anything else any final thoughts R do you see the nexo crypto loans 3% Paul I don't know what those are um uh D white is Hawk right when he said turo is Castro's son d right uh I believe I believe it I believe it uh uh am in RF is Chlor Fleet doing good for you uh yes I'm in RF Chlor Fleet is still doing very good for me yes I'm stacking claw stacking claw I believe not Financial advice I think chor will do very well clor AI um uh rejected shares connection issues if the minor restarts okay uh has Gary gendler resigned yet Aussie J uh no January 20th oh I'm going to dox my my Internet to the ss.gov webbsite okay uh let's see uh view all okay um uh News Room uh let's see where did that uh SEC where did get where did where is the uh har gendler resigns ah here we go 2021 SEC chair gendler to the part Agency on January 20th here it is yes this happened this was announced yesterday I'm sure most of you guys heard you most of you heard this already uh e Steve ASL minor legit shop uh eeve yes I'm receiving one of the um I have the as if you I have a coupon to ASL Miner if you're interested but uh on their website um uh I'm receiving one of these flu miners at the end of the month uh I'm getting a sample minor uh from ASL Miner okay so it is it is coming and this is one of the best most efficient home miners currently um against the against everything else um uh just real quick anyone that cares about script mining uh flu Miner it's it's on par efficiency pretty much with uh bitman L9 and uh efficiency wise yep it looks to be pretty good looks to be pretty good blue Miner and uh yeah Hydro as well Wi-Fi home minor yeah this one looks granted I haven't seen it yet um I'm apparently I'm getting one end of this month so when I do get it I will I will show I will uh I will show it off we'll see how we'll see how it works uh Jazz Miner um worked with flu Miner with this model so apparently there's some jazz Miner technology um in in the flu Miner which is interesting Jazz Miner Tech everyone knows Jaz Miner from uh the you know Jazz Miner x16 Q's P's whatever all these types of miners um which I think is a sleeping giant uh I think a lot of people are sleeping on these miners because one's octop space and ethereum classic also potentially Moon A lot of these miners are going to make a lot of money too um good it's going to be crazy times it's going to be crazy times I'm telling you guys it's I feel it I feel it I'm just waiting for ethereum classic to just go up to the Moon because that's what that's one I've been and OCTA space that's one that I've been uh accumulating for almost a couple years now uh let's see where is the watch list portfolio watch this ah I want to see the mining yield oh the bot coin let me just see here which one is winning alium is still winning 927 the $1,400 buin of alium is now 17 uh $19,000 Canadian okay well let me change this to USD US dollar okay 14,000 USD yes very nice Aussie J mining in crypto red penine hit up vog Miner for a D1 uh I am getting a d I'm getting a vog one a vog D1 Miner from apexto uh apexto is going to send me their loner one from from vul as uh it's a tester so I'm getting that one as well to test not just temporarily I don't get I don't get to keep it I don't I don't get I don't get to keep it so I don't think anyone in our community has one yet but I might I I may yeah I may be getting it pretty soon here so vog Miner yeah I don't know I don't know anything about this vog vog uh minor it's the same pretty much the same efficiency but quite a bit more power kind of like the alpha pex's but yeah yeah vog Miner looks to be interesting vog Miner seems to have the better pricing uh as of now um but I think these flu miners are also pretty are pretty good um I guess more attainable in a sense because of the price the l9s are just kind of still kind of are just expensive man I don't know I don't know yeah the D1 the D1 the vog one will have the best like dollar per Mega hash I think Frogman donated Frogman when Ka box Frogman I I don't know man you want the KA box I I'll give it to you I'll give it to you oh wait no sorry I was going to trade it for somebody I totally forgot I'll get back to you Frogman I'll get back to you T did you get the Octo minor server running yet snake pliskin no I have not I I'm I need 49s or 309s I I need to I need to figure that out red panda do you personally think GPU mining will come back yes it's going to come back and it it's never changed nothing has changed it's going to come back it's definitely going to come back we'll see we'll see if it does but there's going to be a time when we see a $3 to5 a day 3070 that's that's my prediction and I also predict that there's going to be some type of new GPU minable coin that's going to come out and it's going to it's going to melt faces so that's that's my prediction I I definitely believe I definitely believe that it will it will happen again who knows time will tell tell because uh no one has a crystal ball but that is my opinion and nobody can tell you otherwise if you're going to take the risk of GPU mining or whatever else mining that's the risk you're going to take so we shall see we shall see Rico says GPU gpus are agile and versatile yeah yeah I agree I agree um Frogman do you think red pan M eth might go back to p no Frogman no definitely not um jock MC Miner red pay have you bought or minted any KRC uh KRC 20 tokens yes I have I I I leg I legit have a little computer here that I I have beside me and I've been minting some KRC 20 yes yes I have have I made any money out of it no because I haven't sold anything I still have the car I still have all the tokens uh dcarch when mining Rick showcase streams uh soon ghost in the country my electricity is cheap so if win the giveaway I will be happy ghost 7 777 nice man yeah dude electricity cost is such a huge is such a is such a big factor when it comes to crypto Mining and whether or not GPU mining is going to be back or not I think that's one thing that a lot of people don't consider as like yeah sure okay people that have 20 cents electrical they're not going to get in and they're not going to GPU mine so so be it people with 10 cents and under they're probably still able to GPU mine so that's that's the sad reality with with you know GPU mining or actually crypto mining in general electricity cost is is like the biggest one of the biggest hindrance uh for crypto miners okay bros we're not going to hit 100K 100,000k 100K yeah 100K Bitcoin in this live stream but maybe tomorrow maybe tomorrow okay Bros you guys have a great day I appreciate you all thank you so much if anyone's looking for miners Hardware pdus gpus power supplies Asic miners go visit red pandam mining.com I have all my trusted links and coupons over there guys go check it out if you are interested helps the channel out helps me do all these giveaways and continue to provide whatever value is available that I can provide on this channel peace Bros peace out peace out peace peace peace peace peace peace where is the giveaway website red away go 77 it's not it's not going to be a website it's just going to be a live stream giveaway I get you guys to comment on a video and I choose the winner so I don't I don't make you I don't make you sign up for anything I it's it's just a live live giveaway I I don't I don't make you sign up it's it's I don't make you work for it other than comment on a [Laughter] video ah all right peace Bros peace peace peace peace peace peace peace peace peace peace smash the like on the way out have a good one [Music] no [Music] m [Music] [Applause] [Music]
GPU Mining WILL make a comeback and it’s going to…


