How to Mine Warthog on Windows

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[Music] what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the brandoncoin YouTube channel today I'm going to be showing you how to mine warthog on a Windows computer so um I'm going to be doing it live action with you I guess not live but real time and trying not to do any Cuts or skips or anything like that so you can literally just follow along with me so the first thing you're going to need to go to is Google and then type in bz as in boy and uh Zoo minor then you could go to the GitHub or you can go to B bz uh from bz you're going to want to click on release 22.0.1 it says it's a virus or it's got this or it's got that um that's due to the fact that and if you've been in the industry you know um a lot of mining software was used in viruses to infect other people's computers so they would mine for the attacker so to speak so now a lot of a lot of antiviruses like Windows Defender or if you have aftermarket antivirus on your computer will flag those as viruses bz minor I have had zero issu issues with it it is a legitimate minor um I trust it so uh you know take that with a grain of salt um any minor is going to going to be setting off those uh those alarms so you will need to disable your antivirus uh so this is always suggested to do on a separate computer but I do mine on my main computer but I don't keep any crypto on my main computer so just be careful um you know don't eat where you poop kind of thing don't you know what I'm saying so anyways um let's jump back into it so once that's downloaded you're going to need to extract that file and then that file will look something like this folder right here so bz minor 22.0 you're going to open that folder up and then open this folder up and then scroll down till you see warthog so there is warthog right there then you're going to want to rightclick on it and you're going to want to click edit and this is where you go in and you can change wow these are let me make that a little bit smaller there we go so uh this is where you can change uh what pools you're actually mining on so I am mining to the jellyfish coin community pool which is um mine and my community's actual pool for mining on warthog uh and you can earn bonus payments of jellyfish for being connected to our pool so you get that on top not for running an additional algorithm or any extra power it's literally just free bonus tokens uh on top of uh mining so if you wanted to put a new pool in uh you can just for example I will uh get rid of the wart hog uh what is this wart G wart wart hog United um I will copy this line of code right here and I will put this down below in the description so all you have to do is copy this and then paste it in the top one so right here it would be just p past it in right here boom but you'd actually be pasting it in the top one right here which I believe this normally is the Cedric pool um so you just paste that in right there then to change it to your wallet address because right now it's set up to mine to my wallet address the dasw right here let me zoom in so you guys can see it a little bit better the DW and this is where your actual warthog address goes so you put your warthog address in and then you put a period in and then after the period this one says main PC 2070 blah blah blah you actually don't want to put that rig name in right there uh you want to put in your um wallet address that you have signed up with on the jellyfish web 3 portal so that's where you'll get issued the jellyfish rewards so you would put that address in right there for here I'm just going to put in um you know jelly address uh and then if you want a rig name you put in a question mark and then you put in you know 370 rig um so that way uh when you're connected to our pool uh the pool knows to pay out the warthog to this address and then to this address right here and then it knows to pay out the jellyfish to the Jelly address right there you don't type in jelly address you type in the address that you register on our website um to access our website you go to Jelly might as well go and show you that here real quick as well um let me make a new uh new window so jelly then you'll scroll down to the web 3 portal this is where all the magic happens go over to the web 3 portal and then you can register for an account right there once you register for an account you'll have this wallet right here and that's where your jellyfish payments will go you can click on that wallet and that is a offchain wallet uh and then you can do a withdraw from that once you hit a certain amount I think it's 100 coins right now we have it set to a minimum just so that people aren't doing a single coin out and killing us on fees um so that's how you get your jellyfish payments uh over on that side of things and um now let's get back to the mining part so over here yeah your stratum is going to be the mining jelly FC and then Port is 4073 this is our standard Port that should work well for most every rig um we do have some more specialized ports with some tighter difficulty ranges uh I'll do a separate video on that but pretty much any St any normal rig is going to work decent on this port um and then you're just going to go file save and close out of that and then just double click on warthog dobat it will run the command prompt and actually uh it might start lagging My Stream because it's going to start mining on my CPU and my GPU warthog does leverage both of those so if you don't have a good CPU but you got a good GPU you're not going to end up with a good hash rate and likewise if you got a really good CPU but a crap GPU that will bottleneck you one way or the other so then yeah it it's connected to mining. so boom there it is up and going now if you wanted to check your uh I'm going to pause that right there because my computer already feels like it's slowing down or I'm going to close that out if you wanted to check uh your stats all you have to do is take your wallet address your warthog wallet address copy that go back over here and click on community pool then we're we're going to go to dashboard put it in there and load wallet stats from there you can see I have two gigahash connected and I have been paid out 5.1 today so far you can see like I've been taking rigs on and off doing testing uh if you want to see your merge mining payments you just click on merge Mining and that will uh take you back over to the web 3 portal and it'll show you your merge payments in the time stamp s right now uh you earn one warthog for every or sorry you earn one jellyfish for every one warthog we are doing a bonus uh for the first week of this implementation starting on the 29th at 9:00 p.m.

Eastern Standard time it will be a,x modifier so you'll earn a th000 jellyfish for every one warthog you mine which is adds a good bit of profitability if you want to Stack up some coins now um if you uh are wondering what's to happen afterwards we are going to be doing random bonus days so normally it'll be a 1:1 ratio but then on our Thursday live stream over on the jellyfish uh YouTube channel we will do a drawing for a day and then we'll spin the wheel from like say maybe uh 100 to 1,000x so it'll be a random modifier on a random day and it'll benefit the people that stay connected on the pool um and yeah that's pretty much it ladies and gentlemen you're up and running you are uh mining warthog and also earning some free jellyfish on the side so um if you have any questions you can always reach out uh the jellyfish coin uh Discord page has a bunch of helpful people over in there you can go down to the mining section um yeah yeah lot lots happening Lots changing but we really appreciate y'all and thank you for coming out as always stay safe eat your weedies don't Drive in the opposite lane all that kind of stuff you you know where I'm going with this anyway guys yall have a good one oh we're at 9 minutes and 30 seconds I I unintentionally have to drag this out to 10 minutes not because it's a metric that matters anymore on YouTube but it was so ingrained into me years ago if you make it over 10 minutes on YouTube your video will do better does it actually do better I don't think so we're we're at 9 minutes and 50 seconds already so might as well yeah hang out with me all right time's up you ain't got to go home but you got to get off this video

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