what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the brandoncoin YouTube channel I hope everybody is having a great day and I just saw red panda came out with a video on his Avalon Mini 3 I've actually have have had an Avalon Mini 3 for about a week now um Canan sent it out to me full disclosure and I was like awesome this actually looks like a very relatable product I don't do a lot of like you know sponsored units but um a like baseboard style heater that mines Bitcoin obviously with them being brand new and fresh they're going to be expensive but I was just thinking like longterm down the line like these these will be awesome units especially once they hit the used Market but then I got my unit and uh let's flip it around because I'm experiencing lots of issues as well all right so I'm actually sitting on the edge of my bed I have it right here um up against me so the intake is on the bottom it's got a filter down there uh and it exhausts out this side and since I've had this unit it has been connected and mining for about 5 to 10 minutes I've had it for a week now um I have been in contact with multiple different sources over at Canan it looks like they are having I don't know if it's a software issue or a hardware issue I doubt it's Hardware now especially hearing back from uh red panda mining because I'm experiencing identical problems from his I have reset mine multiple times I've tried it on different mining pools uh plug it in it'll run for a very short period of time and then either I'll get a power fan error or or sorry a power failure error or I'll get a fan error um inside of the logging there's all these like random numbers and stuff that I don't understand there's a logs section let me actually open up the app right here sorry I just got done watching his video and it made me think you know I should go ahead and make this video I am in contact with Canan so they are active working on this and I don't believe these are production units or are if these are these are very early production units because I don't believe these have been shipped out for public sale yet I think there's a late February and then a March batch so maybe this is a pre-production issue and um yeah maybe we're saving them some them some headaches on the back end regardless I think it's a really really great idea and I love the form factor um obviously the price is a little high but we are in the middle of a bull run so the price is high on anything related to uh Mining and it being brand new but what I was thinking is after the fact you know say we go into full-blown bare market and these things drop down in price oh my God I kind of want one for every room um obviously once that we can fix the issues now let's go over to the Canan Avalon Family app and you'll notice so right now it says 97° but it's not putting off any heat um so yeah now let's click on this and go over to mining yeah failed it won't let me change any settings we're at zero terahash we're not doing any anything right now let's see can we change it to EO failed everything fails um let's go to settings alarm record so pool reconnect disconnect reconnect software valid timestamp current mode zero previous mode software valid I see like I don't know what all these are but um if you turn it off which you can turn it off right here there's like a touch sensitive button see by and then you can turn it back on if you turn it off and on it'll give you another error down at the bottom so um hopefully that'll show up for me sooner or later also the filter shows 12% this unit's literally run for you know minutes so I don't know how the filter is blocked by anything I have taken the filter off and that 12% doeses not go away so I have no idea what that's about um and I have tried different pools obviously I've reset it a few times I had my logo on there but since I've reset it so many times the logo's gotten reset and I just haven't got back around to it um let's go to mining now yeah see it just it just won't it won't do anything we are locked out unfortunately display o custom um let me actually see if I can set an image real quick right off off screen allow full access resents oh it's going to let me set an image oddly enough um we'll just uh this is probably not going to show up well at all but will it go through set up wow it will yeah that doesn't show up very well regardless though that's the only thing that is letting me change anything which is funny see all of it's failing and zero ter cash but let me flip this around so I didn't want to get on here and like bash a product for not working out of the box uh when it's something that I think could solve a really good issue um could be a really good product I think there's just some software issues in the meantime I will keep you guys updated um either way if it gets fixed or if it doesn't get get fixed um if it does get get fixed I think it's a home run um the fact that it's literally a heat heater designed to be a Bitcoin miner these things do I think on high like 37 a little over 37 terahash at like 900 800 to 900 watts give or take uh I was looking at profitability on them they're not super profitable but if you're offsetting heating costs then they're actually very profitable cuz at my house I use electric heat there's one of them on the wall over there that's like an actual electric heater uh so they operate at the same efficiency except that one earns zero me hash uh zero terahash zero Bitcoins whereas this one could actually earn some um with that being said just a little quick update video uh I do have one of the new Avalon Nanos and I'm actually going to be making a video revisiting some of the old Nanos cuz I had a lot of problems out of those um and hopefully this new version solves some of those problems anyway guys I'm going to jump off here um if you have ordered one of these uh or if you got one of the pre-production or I I don't know I don't want to say these are pre-production if you got one of the review samples let me know down below I'm curious to see if this is an isolated incident I've had a lot of people reach out to me and say that the new Avalon Family app has given them tons of problems with their existing Nanos and the Nano 3 s's uh so I don't know if this is maybe an app issue a hardware issue or not you know what I'm actually going to plug a fan in and blow a fan at it to get air moving across it to see if maybe it's a fan issue cuz it did say fan error that one time hold on let me do that all right so definitely not an optimal setup but maybe we can see if it'll at least turn on and start hashing in some some like former fashion let's see here says it's 90° it's not 90° in here so I don't know what that's about maybe I have it set at 90° I'm not sure still won't let me change to mining or Knight or Eco H doesn't look like that's doing anything are we spitting out any heat no no she's she's ice cold and let me tell you when this unit did fire up for like the first 5 minutes that I plugged it in it was a fire breathing demon like you would not want to hold your hand up against that side so yeah anyway I guess there's a Dust Bunny over there I need to get don't tell my wife this is my side of the bed um that's unfortunate dang all right anyway guys I'm going to jump off here youall have a good one if you have any ideas also comment that down below I'll see you on the next one adios
I got Sent a BTC Heater and its Broken