what's up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the Brandon coin YouTube channel and it looks like Hive OS is under maintenance right now it's been like this for I don't know I I checked like 3 or 4 hours ago and all the API and everything's still down if you try to load up your your hive stuff it just show serve for maintenance we'll be back soon so hopefully they're back uh one of these days my stuff is still mining um still have 13 workers online so um a few of those are on hive so that means if you were running on hive and you don't mess with it it'll stay running on hive but like um I was trying to get some more stuff online like this guy right here just brought this bad boy home uh this is one of those motherboards that doesn't have a working time 16 slot so I was like I'll just use it for some CPU mining um I had a 5600 G laying around I was probably going to pull that out cuz those are not the greatest for CPU mining put something else in but uh I can't get it to show up on hive because I can't get into the API it's you know talking and that kind of thing I don't have any display I guess I could put a riser in here but still that would only get me so far cuz I can't get in and edit my flight sheet on the API so that that kind of stinks but um yeah so I guess we're going to try to get some more stuff up and running here soon um got to get that or average up let's see here we are at where are we at here stats let's get a fresh Refresh on this so we're at 3.29 million so 3 3, 291,000 and we're showing 162,000 in the last 24 hours so we're trending up 162k in the last 24 hours but we need to we need to pump those numbers up big time um I think once I can get that CPU online that should add about another 3 to 4,000 shib a day obviously everything does vary and I have some other CPUs coming in that I'm going to I think I'm going to end up filling out probably a you know maybe two CPU rigs right there two CPU rigs right there and then maybe something down in the bottom I'm not sure but um just doing some rough math and rough numbers and using the unminable calculator uh these zeeon rigs that I have coming in they should add anywhere from 8 to 10,000 shib per day obviously that's subject to change by any any moment but yeah so if I add 1 2 3 4 that could be upwards of an extra 40,000 shib a day um and get us closer to our goal so that still does put us a fair far bit off of our 100 million goal but we'll get there little bit at a time so anyway guys just making a short and sweet little update video for you for y'all um I am going to be uh quantifying and placing everything into a spreadsheet that way I can keep up with all the cards and what they're Mining and all that kind of stuff coming up here soon but um yeah yeah this just kind of threw a monkey wrench into my plan with the whole server maintenance not not Bueno not Bueno but don't fear if your stuff's mining it'll keep mining let it mine all right anyway guys see yall on the next one and um audios
Hive OS under Maintenance Adding Cpu Mining rig