[Music] [Music] a a [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] n e [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] good morning everybody Welcome to the live stream how is everybody can you guys hear me okay testing testing 1 two 3 okay I'm going to minimally read chat because there's a lot here I want to go through regarding I guess the state of Caspa Mining and I want to preface this whole stream here or this it should have been a video I should have done a video here but I I wanted to express my opinion here regarding buying or pre-ordering the new as6 that are out these days um there was just an announcement of a ks0 ultra um also a uh ks5 M and so and also I guess the ks5 pro which has been announced then Dro down in price but that won't come until like another 3 or 4 months uh from now and I I I just feel that I I've never I don't think I've ever said this before okay again prefacing that I I believe Caspa is going to do great okay I think Caspa is it's it's it's been a a wild ride when it comes to Casa Mining and so I think when it comes to though investing in it um in terms of the project I think sure it it's it it probably might do well um but in terms of mining now okay in terms of you know buying an Asic I think this is going to be the first time I'm going to say this ever in crypto mining history okay I'm going to have to say buying the coin is going to be better at this point than buying a Caspa Asic I I'm I I'm this is the first time I've I'm actually saying that uh this is the first time I'm saying it and I'm going to go through a bunch of reasons why okay I'm going to we're going to see month the month the percentage increase of the Caspa Network hash rate uh which has considerably climbed over this past week or two okay this is going to coincide my reasoning of buying the coin instead of buying the Asic okay this time it's it's a lot more prevalent this time and the yield has been getting cut in half more and more at month by month not not cut in half but it's getting worse and worse like considerably and the yield of a lot of these big boy Asic miners ks5 ks5 L KS Max whatever ks5 Pro that's going to be coming it's going to be it's going to be terrible okay and it's going to go in line also with the Caspa emission schedule which everyone knows is insanely aggressive and if we do the calculation here it should be about 5 .6% drop so right now we are in May okay the next uh the next uh block reward reduction is in June 6th 2024 so that drop well month to month all right generally okay we just do a minus here 103 8261 okay so 6.17 we're going to divide that by 110 okay time 100 okay this is a 5.6% decrease of the block reward every month okay every single month there's the static 5.6% Caspa emissions drop every month okay that that's always there but to coincide with that there's also been a I'm going to say 10 15 20 sometimes I think recently we had like a 40% jump here but that also is going to go inside co go with the calculation of the increase not only with the Caspa emission schedule going 5.6% but the hash rate difficulty increase of about 20% month to month so the the idea here of Mining and buy versus buying I'm going to have to say we're going to do some fun calculations here okay I'm going to have to say spending 13 16 17 however much these thousands of dollars worth of Asic miners now uh for Casa mining I feel like is not going to be a good idea because ultimately I think over the next course of the year maybe two years you're you're not going to hit that same yield that you were versus buying uh the coin and this is the first time this is this is the first time I am saying this on the channel and it and it it's like blasphemy it it disgusts me I am a crypto Miner but for the sake of people spending five digits on Asic miners I have to say this is I'm I'm going to I'm going to put my foot down at this point I think it's better to buy the coin at this point in time versus buying an as6 minor okay so let let me let me let let me go through um a bunch of stuff here in depth okay in the in the next 45 minutes here okay again prefacing that I I believe Caspa will eventually will do good will do will go up okay I am trying to explain here the idea of mining versus buying the coin okay that that's the only difference here I personally still believe it but I believe that you are at this point in time I feel like you will probably make more buying the coin at this point in time versus trying to spend 13 15 16 $1,000 on an Asic Miner that you're you're not going to get until another 3 or 4 months and by that time the yield that you're going to be mining with a like a ks5 pro it's going to be next to nothing all right that's what I'm trying to get at here I'm not trying to like you know say Casp was going to go down or anything I'm just comparing here versus buying an Asic at this point in time versus buying the coin that is the only thing I am trying to get at here okay I just I just wanted to preface with all that right now okay the bullish things that are coming up with Caspa I should explain this before I go into the negative part of buying the as6 minor is that Caspa is going through the migration right now of uh rust okay which is supposedly for the next um uh implementation of uh Layer Two smart contracts for Caspa that is the ultimate thing here uh coming up and so right now looks like kaspa uh May 15th looks like they passed the 50% threshold of the goang nodes um now uh being less than the rust nodes rust nodes now uh we're at May 2 uh May 24th right it's now 56% rust nodes okay so everyone is slowly transitioning over to the uh transitioning over to rust implementation now looking at okay everyone smash the like I see 163 people here 44 likes smash the like if you believe buying an as a c by ASC right now is a good idea or a bad idea uh you know what I'm going to put a poll at the same time at the same time do you do you think buying a ASA as is a a good idea no yes no all bad idea good idea uh I support the network by mining all right I'm going to put that option there all right all right I put a poll I'm going to have this on throughout the rest of the I'm going to have this on for the rest of the stream here uh for the next 50 minutes okay so um all right so I uh the Caspa transactions right now Hawk thank you for the 16 months bro I love you bro I I love thank you so much thank you so much bro okay so um real time transactions uh for Casa right now I was looking at this because there were a lot of reports saying right now that in terms of the transactions for Caspa people people were not utilizing the network and so that because it's a very fast Network um right now I mean transacting on Caspa the fact that it's because it's so fast the transactions go through instantaneously um so right now the adoption in terms of how much transactions are happening per hour on average is right about looks like 2 to 5,000 transactions uh per hour and the last roughly I'm just guessed average on average 2.83 3.84 transactions you know this is people sending out uh Trans transacting on the Caspa Network um this is not not including like I guess the blocks or anything like that this just this is just mainly transactions so is it a busy Network I don't know you can say it is depends on depends on a lot of things but but I think generally having a couple thousand transactions per hour is is pretty decent is is pretty decent okay um anyways okay now okay all right with all that aside okay whether or not Caspa is going to go on a tier one exchange uh you know all these Milestones you know if if we're on the brink of the bull run here if uh Bitcoin is going to go to new alltime highs altcoin season is coming I'm all for it all right just prefacing with that I'm all for it I'm all for for the idea of that for Caspa as well as the people who have invested into Caspa A6 over the past year I'm all for it I have a k3m $99,000 k3m again I'm giving it away once we hit $99,000 Break Even we're almost there I got this started mining January 8th we will be giving away this k3m when I hit that $9,000 bag worth I'm Mining and holding all the Caspa that that this has mined I'm going to turn down the music here I want you guys to focus here all right so I'm going to be mining and holding all this Caspa until we hit the $99,000 mark all right we're we're we're about onethird of the way there at the current price of Caspa right now which is 13 cents we are almost there Bros and when we hit that $9,000 worth of this bag I'm giving away the ks 3M all right so I've already made a video about this explaining my thought process of course if Caspa goes to a dollar this bag that I have here is essentially worth $45,000 I am still on the belief that one day that will happen is that going to happen this next runup here I don't know I hope so I I I hope so but you know if that happens I'm all for it if it doesn't then you know this test that I'm doing you know mining and holding for Caspa this is this is what it's all about this is what I'm I'm I'm doing doing this whole test for okay all right now so let's talk about the as6 now all right so the idea of all these new Caspa miners that have been coming out okay I already we already talked about now okay the ks0 ultra that has been announced and also the ks5 M now there are okay I love crypto Miner Bros they are a heavy sponsor of the channel I love them to death but the ks Zero Ultra 400 gigahash they're selling it now for 13.49 okay uh 15 uh June 15th to 30th batch okay so that's a good month away probably a month and a half away all right now they also have a ks5 m announcement all right June 15th to 30th batch okay pretty big Hefty amount here $117,000 price tag now looking at the dollar per Giga hash on the ks Z Ultra for that price that is that is three times more than the in terms of how much gigahash you're getting versus uh the price here okay so uh if if you go to we go here okay obviously gpus are not good anymore fbga that doesn't make sense um let's see KS Z Ultra okay here it's in terms of all the other as6 the ksz ult in terms of its price at $1,300 is not okay I repeat is not a good buy okay at that price I would not recommend that but we're we're we're not even I'm not even getting to the part where I'm you know I I'm totally trying to say here okay so I said it in the beginning already that I believe at this point in time buying Caspa is better is better than buying the minor at this point in time now I've never said it up before on this channel and I'm I'm I'm putting my foot down I'm putting my foot down in this in this regard okay so looking at the efficiency though of these units okay so right now okay a lot of these resellers ice River bit M um everyone you know selling these as6 right now it's the reason why they're doing it is because it's hot Okay Casa mining is extremely hot right now in terms of profitability or you're mining cedra or bugna or whatever profitable coin on these as6 but over month to month over the past couple months the hash rate has been going up I would say 10 15 20% month to month and along with the Caspa emission schedule which is a 5.6% decrease happening every single month it's the yield is getting worse and worse okay so going back to here for the resellers that are selling these in my opinion you know it's like you want to be the ones to sell the shovels in a gold rush so this is exactly like that analogy of you know selling selling selling your tools selling these shovels in a gold rush this is this is this is what's happening right now with Caspa mining all right they're selling these for absorbance amounts of money and they're profiting from it and the ones that are going to be left holding the bag pun intended like I am with a k3m is going to be us for for those that have just a home residential minor spending amount these amounts of money is can is is insane this is life-changing money for people like me you you guys home miners I'm going to have to say the shift in like for Casa mining now is now becoming a big boy game Casp mining is now heading in towards the the point where a lot of big players out there have already invested millions of dollars into Caspa Min look just go to Caspa pool.or you can see some of these people have look at this this guy has all ks5 uh ks5 Pros look at this this guy has 46 of them 46 I mean if he if this guy bought $30,000 on average ps5s this guy spent over a million doll on on 46 ps5s like look at this man this is Big Boy game mining now big boy industrial Asic mining now and I'm going to also compare that to okay so with like comparing it to Bitcoin mining these Asic models you can see over the course of the Year okay let's just I'm just talking about efficiency here the efficiency gain from like an S9 to like an s17 was a 2X gain okay like roughly like 83 watt per hash or Jewels per Terra hash to 45 this was a 2X this was a 2X game But as time went on as the years went on as we went as we kept going here all right like bitmain s9j pros were like you know 96 ter hases you know 30 terahash everyone was like oh yeah 30 terahash man this is great you know these are extremely efficient But as time went on you can see the incremental in the incremental uh efficiency gain on the models as time went on okay so we got s9j Pro 104 Terra has models micro BT M50 M60 s's they were getting 26 to 25 uh watt per terahash here um Hydro models s9j Pro Plus models um you can see here the the incremental increase from the s19 pro that first came out initially from 30 or 29 per terahash to 25 was not a was was not a really big jump it was it was a a very incremental jump but comparing it to how much the Bitcoin Network hash rate was um you know there's a diminishing return here okay so what I mean by that is you know there is the law of diminishing return so basically uh when something is is profiting or benting from something it will basically be proportionally smaller gain as time goes on as the price and the network hash rate climbs considerably you can see that these models incrementally were being phased out in terms of profitability because the the competition and the efficiency of all these models went lower and lower as time oops I screwed up my thing here uh as time went on uh has was going lower and lower okay so as more and more money and essentially I guess energy in this case for Bitcoin mining that is being invested it was getting proportionately smaller the gain was getting smaller and smaller for Bitcoin miners in terms of profitability and essentially yield as well because having and all that the Bitcoin having and all that kind of stuff was proportionately getting smaller and smaller as time goes on but you can see here with Bitcoin mining the incremental efficiency gain here was very is very small like we're going from 24 Jews per terh sorry 24 uh yeah watt per hash uh going down to 22 s9k Pros you know efficiency s19 JS um xp1 thank you bro um you can see here and now we're heading into the bitmain t21 S21 series you know 18 19 Jews per terh you guys can see the efficiency gain here over the course of the past couple years incremental gains here but you know the profit ability wise these are making like 8 $10 a day as of currently um looking at the profitability of Bitcoin mining you can see the proportional the proportional gains here look at this this is what I'm talking about a lot of these Asic models now are being phased out proportionally due to their efficiency against currently the law of like diminishing returns here against Bitcoin so this this is now I'm going to translate this into kadana sorry Caspa let's not get it let's not get into the Caden ar oh my God I'm going to choke I'm going to choke I just I choked on my past experience here of of losing out on kadana here all right um xp1 donated let's not talk about Kad but let's talk about kaspa okay kaspa here okay this is what I'm I'm trying to get so with a lot of these Casa miners the efficiency gain now okay so we're going from Bitcoin I talked about the efficiency gains really incremental efficiency gain here I'd say efficiency here the bit M or the Asic manufacturer efficiency manipulation okay manipulation all right that might cause some that might cause some some uh stir in the market Market a stir in the in the manufacturers here but now looking at Caspa okay look at the efficiencies from when the first KS Zer uh when when ice River first came out their gain here in efficiency was at8 watt per hash okay we're not even going to talk about you know the fpgas which were you know 24 to 56 um 56 Jews or watt per hash and then gpus obviously we all know gpus are obviously not efficient anymore for mining Caspa but you can see the the incredible jump right this is not like this is not like you know S9 to an s9j right this is like 2 3x here from a GPU like a 307 a 4090 or 3070 to a ice over ks1 is a 100 to 108 about 108x gain 108x efficiency gain okay so looking now for the efficiency of these miners going down here PTSD much Shaker you are banned you are banned yes PTSD from kadana uh okay I'm lost my train of thought now okay so the efficiency gains as we go along here over the past year okay 0.8 for ks0 or ks1 you know 0.65 ks0 as time went on here ks0 Pros right this came out maybe another 6 months later right this was a 0.5 uh so the increase here from a ks0 to a ks5 pro was not even as really a decent jump but in terms of as6 this is a pretty big jump I think between Asic miners um now here we are today okay we got the bitmain ks5 pro um from a ks0 pro or from an ice over ks3 three ice Riv or bitmain ks3 even you know these were 04 watt per hash or Jewels per Terra has so now here we are and by the way there was some announcement of a Dragon Ball Miner ks6 uh I saw this on crypto Miner Bros I don't I I've never heard of I like the name Dragon Ball because of Dragon Ball Z but I don't buy that okay 10,449 ks6 this looks like an IB link but anyways um the efficiency gain here okay as time goes on I think because the network hash rate is considering considerably climbing and now with bit Main and the ks5 pros going to be launching in August okay according to uh according to I mean just looking at August batch a lot of resellers a lot of companies now a lot of uh Asic resellers are going to be sell are selling these between 11 to 13,000 for August batch which is 3 months away 4 months away okay so now here's where I'm going to get into the the the draw drop draw jawdropping effect that Casto mining has been over the course of the course of the year so we're just going to do some fun panda maath here all right so let's just start you know let's just start in January January 1st the network hash rate for Caspa was 134 petahash so let's go to February so 100 so I'm going to do 134 pah has okay let's go now to February 1st 161 pah has so we're going to minus that W out 161 petahash so that's a 27 petahash increase so 27 divided by uh February 1st divided 161 time 00 that is a 16% 16.7% increase of hash rate between January and February 1st now let's keep going okay so keep that in the back of your mind 16.7% all right so let's go 10 let's go February 1st okay 161 minus uh let's go let's go March 1st 172 172 that's 11 pah hash so what's 11 / 172 172 that is a 6.3% increase in hash rate between February and March 1st including including the okay I can't forget the emission schedule drops 5.6% every month you cannot forget this okay so your yield essentially is going down uh 10.6 uh 11 three that month okay in terms of uh the increase here in hash rate okay I'm just putting that out there so now let's go to March 1st so 172 172 to to March April let's go to April 208 petahash oh minus 208 this is a 36% 36 petahash increase so 36 divided by uh 20 8 208 this is a 17.3% increase in hash rate okay including the emission schedule which is another 5.6 so plus 5.6 so that is a that is a massive decrease in your yield okay so that that's a good that's a good 20% there so let's keep going okay uh April here we are April 1st 208 okay April 1st 208 minus April what's the next month April May May 1st 227 227 petahash that is 19 petahash increase okay so 19 uh 19 divided by uh I have short-term memory 227 uh that is an 8% 88.3% increase in hash rate between uh April and May so now here we are today we are in May now okay let's go May 1st 227 227 minus oh we are at 298 we just jumped up 71 freaking petahash 71 divided by 298 298 that my friends we are at a 23.8% % increase in hash rate over the past 25 days in this month of May 23% so let's go here all right I I just want I I wanted to I want to show you guys this before we do an actual calculation here of uh of a ks3 so a $35,000 bit main ks3 um as of March 2nd which was like 2 months ago 2 months ago okay we could have bought 205,000 Caspa at that time I believe yeah 205,000 Caspa um so at that time it was yielding 132 Caspa a day but now after two months later a ks3 is yielding 311 Caspa a day so this so if I put a 25% decrease here month to month over the next third the third month here this month to month a 25% decrease including the emission schedule month to month this is not is not what it's now this has been more every single month it's been it's been really bad actually so here now let's go let's put this in now a ks3 is making 311 yield a day right now 311 311 so as we know um there is okay we're going to coincide this with the ks5 m and the ksz ultra which was just announced this batch is coming out next month I do not not know how much of the network hash rate is going to climb okay we don't know we don't know how many of these they're going to manufacture but here if this is ice River or bitm with their ks5 Pros you know testing these if this is the you know the insane 70 80 petahash that just climbed over the course of the past week um if they're pre-mining with these then okay sure right but if they're waiting for another month to ship these out and if there's going to be more of these being manufactured and shipping out to customers um you know we got IB link now we got gold shell we got this Dragon Ball Miner company now we got ice River all these companies now and if we've been seeing on average about I'm going to say 15% to to to 20% increase in network hash rate month to month right I mean you guys it's no lie you guys can do the math look at the the network hash rate and see that it's been cling month to month then that means if we do an example here of a no you know let's not do a ks3 Let's do let's do someone who is going to buy an actual let's say a ks5 l okay I think this is in stock now so someone spent $1,339 Cas $30 $39 um let's put this in okay so uh 14 uh this is going to be a ks5 l okay as of May May 25th okay let's buy let's buy $1 14,33 of Casper right now all right how much is that worth that is worth take out these you would oh that's okay there we go all right we would get 107,000 TPA all right let's go here all right so this would be buying it at casos right now what 13 cents okay so how what is the yield of a ks5 l right now what what is the yield of a ks5 l right now yielding 397 kaspa a day all right so let's put that in 397 kaspa a day okay so this this calculation here all right so with the this is just this 5.6% is just the Caspa emission schedule drop month to month every month cpos missions uh the block reward drops every month 5.6% okay everyone knows that that's that's not new news this has been the Inception of C of Castle mining everyone knows this and we're in the third chromatic year phase all right cast the end of cast of mining essentially ends 2037 okay January February March April April 7th 2037 that is the last time for Castle mining but you can see what we talked about before diminishing returns here look at every block blocks per second every second okay this is not per block this is per second one Casa per second look at this by the time we're we're not even like we're in very very small amounts here of Caspa over the next next year next year we're going to be for people that have KS zeros we're going to be earning what you know Bitcoin miners are earning now very very small amounts of Bitcoin 0.00004 of a Bitcoin like Satoshi what's what's the Caspa by the time we hit the next year we're going to be earning for all this hash rate that's on Caspa right now we're going to be yielding 0.00000000 of a what's a Satoshi of of Caspa uh uh uh uh has has anyone made that that Meme or to the the the the verb for that what's the a s that's what they're calling it what the hell a siy really really zy okay interesting okay anyways the hash rate continues to climb month to month 20% so let's do the fun theoretical calculation here let's add on so not only we're going to add on 5.6% which is the emissions block uh every month right decrease we're going to add on a let's just say a a modest 177% so what's what's uh 5.6% plus let's just say on average over the past 5 months is uh 17% so this is going to be a 22.6% % uh decrease here so the yield is going to be much less month to month here okay how many how many so this is where I'm going to this is why I'm saying buying this is at this at this point in time I'm saying buying Caspa instead of the minor is a better investment at this point in time timing currently if we're on the brink of the bull run here if uh bitcoin's going to you know moon or something in the next this next 7 months or 8 months I don't know 2025 this is where I'm going to get into right now if we are expecting 177% on average month-to-month Network cash rate rise here how much Casa how many months would it take to earn this 107,000 Caspa back versus buying it versus buying a minor let's just do some fun math here sum we're going to sum this here so month 14 month 14 this is a year and 2 months away we theoretically with a 22% 22.6% decrease month-to Monon we theoretically may have only mined 5,239 Caspa over the next 14 days granted I'm not saying the network hash rate is not going to go up 177% every single month but it has been happening on average over the past year okay if this continues the Asic manufacturers selling their selling their shovels in a gold rush here this this is this is what's happening okay so how many months until we get the 107,000 Casper back virtu of buying it versus versus buying an Asic minor yeah it's looking pretty dire here let's say month uh let's go to month 24 all right I think I had that in there uh month 2 two two years from now two freaking years from now are we going to yield that $114,000 back no 52,000 Caspa 5 50 in theory 52,000 kaspa over the course of the next 24 months in the next 2 years you look at the emissions schedule it's in the it's in the single digit yield per second per second okay like this is sorry yeah hold on thir we're in the third year right now so fourth and fifth year it's if we climb another what 100% in network hash rate over the course of this year which would which could be a possibility it it could be the yield that you're mining with these things is not going to be is is not going to make it all right so I what I'm just trying to prove here now and this is the first time I'm saying this and I'm trying to I'm trying to protect people here because spending this amount of money I think at this point in time in my humble opinion in my opinion I think buying the kaspa is a better investment than mining uh buying an Asic at this point in time because of these price points of these Asic miners are way too much I know okay what I talked about earlier in the Stream regarding big Caspa is now a big boy game okay I I have to say Caspa now is a big boy game you know people have spent millions of dollars buying these Asic miners it's now a big boy game okay people that have Industrial Electric uh you know the infrastructure the environment to mine with these A6 people have spent millions of dollars on this and so the typical home Miner though what I'm trying to save here for for those that are home miners now in my opinion I think we're at this point now of diminishing returns that Casa mining as it's been gaining so much in hash rate uh the miners itself um proportionately we are getting smaller and smaller gains as more and more of these miners are coming online and so the yield is is going to be the the biggest Factor here the yield has been the most is is the most ever changing uh Factor here for those that are wanting to are thinking of you know are you initially going to get your investment back and this is the first time I'm saying it because of the aggressive emission schedule of Caspa I think at this point in time at this point in time I think it is better to buy the coin than mining it cuz you are never going to get your initial yield of the mining the coin back versus buying the coin at this at this point in time I I'm just trying I just want to protect people home miners okay I know there is value of people who are running this as a business I'm not going to discredit that I wholeheartedly believe in uh depreciating the hardware on your business uh you're profiting off these miners but again the profiting part of it is also diminishing as time goes on here you know you're not going to be making you know a ks3 used to be making a couple hundred a day uh you know a couple months ago now it's $41 a day um it's getting lower and lower and lower the next 3 months this ks3 is probably going to be I'm going to say $10 a day this this ks3 bitman ks3 you bought a couple months ago in the next three or four months when those ks5 pros come on uh the August batch bitm I don't know how many of these ks5 Pro bitmain is going to create but it's it's going to be it's going to be possibly in the thousands okay 21 terahash all right 21 21 terahash is 0.21 0.
Uh 021 of a petahash so we put that in here times let's say 1,000 units that would be another 21 petahash 21 pen so it's is it not too far-fetched that bit main could make a thousand of these units for all 21 petahash doesn't seem like a lot to be honest but but they could make thousands of them they could make more okay bit M's not not privy to not making couple thousand batches of these Asic miners as time goes on we got gold shell we got ice River we got IB link we got Dragon Ball Z minor here we got the Dragon Ball uh this I just saw this today I this is this is an awesome name but but yeah I think that's it guys that's all I wanted to talk about all right and now I have to go my wife has an appointment um let all right I'm going to end this poll okay all right 61% of you said bad idea 25% of you says good idea uh I support the network by mining 13% again again I believe Caspa will do well I'm not saying Caspa uh itself is going to go down I am theor I am just going on towards the factor of buying an Asic right now versus buying the coin I believe you will never ever yield the same amount versus if you were to buy the same amount of Caspa at this point in time especially especially if you're thinking of making potential money okay Caspa right now now uh if we are on the brink of the bull run here precipice of the bull run this year it would be the the investment idea here not Financial advice in my opinion is going to be buying the coin and I've never I have never ever said that on this channel I have never this is my opinion please don't do uh this is not Financial advice I am just going towards what I've we have been seeing here in the the incredible rise in the network hash rate for Caspa as well as the Caspa the aggressive Caspa Mission schedule that the yield okay this is what I'm trying to compare the yield is going to be way less than what you are seeing today okay so that's it let me know what you guys think here uh for five the next five minutes let me read your guys' comments let's see here what do you guys what do you guys say okay um damn look at the slope of the hash rate graph Max lately my coin yields have been dropping two coins a day uh there's a lot of reasons someone would mine directly instead of buying from a sex uh Darth Liberty sure you cannot you I I you cannot sure that's great but in terms of the yield you will never get it back versus mining at this point in time at this point in time don't mind me mining see you bro don't don't mind me mining what did you you say before I did see you say something and did I miss Super Chat I missed the Super Chat didn't I xp1 xp1 bro X One um uh add the cost of electricity yeah yeah yeah yeah I didn't add that yeah I didn't add that I did not add that yeah that's even worse it's even worse um don't mind me mining red ped mining your eye opener gave me give up on Castle Mining and sell all my Caspa A6 now you know what I legit I legit thought about selling my Caspa A6 yesterday I actually thought about doing it because I feel like I can just now use that money and just buy the coin if I believe Casp is gonna go up in this bow run I don't know if you're being sarcastic at that point but I was I was actually thinking about it like the big boy miners I was thinking of selling it okay all right guys I got to go thank you all for the stream I hope that was maybe a little bit I don't know eye opening for some people or not I I just wanted to go through all these new miners that have been releasing ks5 Pro all these bat KS Z Ultra ks5 M don't don't don't don't do it don't in my opinion in my opinion don't do it that's just my opinion if you support Caspa you love these miners I you you're not going to mine the same yield back that is just my opinion if you guys let me know in the comments if you watch this after the fact let me know what you guys think okay again uh M Mick fryan says I'm never going to buy any coins only mine don't need the C involv wow MC fry oh MC fryan oh man I I'm with you MC fryan I'm with you bro I with you on that regard but in terms of Caspa mining just in regards to Caspa mining only this is all I'm talking about for Caspa mining only how aggressive it is how much hasher has been climbing I just don't think buying Caspa miners now is a good idea okay that's it that's all I'm talking about within uh within um uh Within Caspa only okay that's the only I'm not talking about Bitcoin I'm not talking about athum I'm not talking about Litecoin ethereum classic mining CAD don't even get in CAD I'm just talking about Caspa mining okay that's I just wanted to put that out there in case anyone's thinking like oh red pan is getting out of mining no I'm specifically talking about investing into C mining all right peace out guys don't mind me mind I listed my C A6 for sale a few weeks ago oh okay don't mind nice okay so you're not being sarcastic all right sounds good I'm going to do who wants to buy my miners all right I'll see you all in the next video you guys have a great day peace out Bros peace out everyone I appreciate all of you guys please hit the like on the way out if you liked whatever I did if not hit the dislike if you like cbob all right peace out peace out Bros peace out peace out appreciate you all [Music] n [Music] [Music]