[Music] hey guys RPM here hope you're doing well having a really great day this video want to give you guys an update of the 10 or I guess maybe seven now gpus that have been doing a longterm mining test and I just want to give you guys an update of how much we have mined with all these coins so far after 416 days okay for those that are maybe just watching this and never seen a video or updates about these rigs I have about eight of these 6600 XT rigs okay that are mining different coins we started out with 10 now we have seven okay as we go along I'll explain what happened to these rigs but the reason why I'm doing an update now which I did a update video back on November 4th okay it's now November 27th as of recording this video because we have seen some price appreciation on a lot of these coins also to compare buying the said coin okay which we theoretically did I have in here on my coin gecko portfolio so we will compare this to the mined coin that we have done so far all right so before I get started thank you for today's video sponsor coin mining central.com if you guys are looking for the top Asic miners they got them all in stock ready to go as well as if you're looking into buying Dogecoin miners use code RPM Doge for about $190 off okay link down below if you guys are interested okay now let's get into it so I have been mining now this whole test for about for the past 416 days and previously we did the test about 393 days previously but you can guys can see here which uh how much I've mined and yielded over the past like 3 weeks here I am continuing to yield and huddle all of these coins so the coins that we are mining right now is going to be dyx flux Urgo neoa Nexa clor and ravencoin okay actually this ravencoin rig is actually mining to unminable and it's going to be uh I guess profit switching into BTC okay which uh this rig was on nice hash before but since because they have the new K kyc requirement I am no longer on nice hash okay so just to give you you guys that uh disclaimer there so we've switched this off from nice hash to uh unminable kapow okay so anyways let's go through right away uh let's go through how much we have mined thus far and what the value is okay as of November 27th okay 46 days ago all right so we have 408 DX from Tower 01 thus far and that bag is worth $122.1 so 3 weeks ago all right that bag was maybe worth $13.93 so we've garnered a little bit more DX but also the DX price has a pre price appreciated just a little bit not not much but over the past 7 Days looks like it's gone up 88.7% okay so all right next coin is flux all right tower 02 this is mining flux here and we have mined a total of 583.20 127 .90 okay but before maybe a couple weeks back the whole bag was worth 262 so flux has had some price appreciation here uh over the past month definitely looks like uh 36% or 55% over the past 30 days okay so that's that's a good sign that's a good sign then going down here Ergo is the next rig all right so I actually initially was mining Ergo alium and zil on this rig uh but since alium has now been moving to as6 predominantly A6 now uh there's no point of GPU mining alium with this Tower rig so I stopped Mining alium and also zil I was not able to get Ergo and zil to work anymore on this rig so we're we're stopping the test of alium of course and then zil but I'm still going to be equating uh the uh the yield that I M with this and hling it up until further price appreciation which I'm going to talk about you know previous alltime High uh later on uh in this video okay so yeah Ergo 182 Ergo now and to compare that we were at 170 Ergo a couple weeks ago all right so that bag including the Alan zil before was $325 worth but now this whole bag is worth including the yield now is worth $630 65 so we've gone up almost 2x in price on this bag here uh for this tower Tower 03 rig here so that's that's pretty good ergo has definitely been price appreciating uh past 30 days almost 171% on Ergo alium also has a 30 32% bump here and zelica has been up 82% over the past 30 days so that is also why uh we have been seeing uh price appreciation on this Tower so that's been doing very well okay next rig is neoa this neoa rig Tower 04 has been mining neoa Non-Stop and this has garnered almost 32 23,000 uh neoa okay and that bag though is only worth $253 31 and then a couple weeks ago this bag was worth $184.99 okay so doing good it's going up all right now next rig Tower 05 Nexa we've been mining Nexa non-stop on this rig here and this one has mined $167.3 worth as of now so is uh yeah it's definitely price appreciating a bit okay so 9 $9 previously a couple of weeks ago and uh this bag is now worth $ 167 so Nexa has definitely been having some price appreciation here 46% over the past 30 days okay so that's uh that's pretty good okay so that's the Nexa rig now the next rig is Tower 06 okay which I had the motherboard uh the reptech die on it and I never got around to replacing it I you know what I'm going to do that I I said that in the previous video and I never did so I'm going to hold myself to it maybe today I'm going to replace that motherboard but anyways narai okay this initially mined uh which stopped on June 7th 2024 this has mined $168,000 narai which is worth $113 right now and before that was maybe worth $83 so narai is having some uh price appreciation here 34% over the past 7 Days okay so that's doing that's doing okay CLA rig now uh Tower 07 this has been mining CLA okay and Chlor Ai and this is mined as of today 5,570 Chlor okay maybe a couple weeks back it was at yeah 5300 color all right so but this bag uh which was worth $384 previously couple weeks back is now worth $525 so CLA is also having some price appreciation here so that is a good sign that's a good sign okay that's CL rig next rig Tower 08 all right this is the now unminable rig that's mining uh Raven coin to unminable into BTC okay so this has uh garnered uh Al together added it all up with the unminable and the nice hash that we were doing before is now 0.0107 uh Bitcoin which is now has a value of 03233 all right previously that was $719 62 so as of now all right this if you're looking at this the nice hash or into BTC rig uh kapal rig has been performing a lot better than any other any other mining rig that we have been mining and hodling so far as of now okay of course this is where we're going to talk about the previous alltime high of some of these coins of of the bags I have now which we'll get into but it's just interest interesting to see the value of it now okay if you were to say oh which rig is doing the best now well it's the Bitcoin rig the mining into Bitcoin which I was doing kapow into Bitcoin over the past 416 days this one has been doing good because Bitcoin has obviously been you know price appreciating and going up and it's been doing well so that's really interesting to think about as of now of course but we're waiting to see fur the price appreciation of these other coins so we have uh Tower 09 Tower uh Tower 10 which were not my rigs uh mining King is no longer doing the test uh of the Raven coin but we have mined in total 15,3 Raven coin and that is worth $363 and3 8 so we're going to keep you know documenting this here but mining King is no longer R running this rig but otherwise we have 15,000 Raven coin that's worth three uh $ 36338 before it was worth $241 so ravencoin also having some price appreciation here 48 uh 43% over the past 30 days so that's uh that's pretty good and then the last rig here is from overboard Tech we were doing meow coin but he has unfortunately passed away uh rest in peace overb attack back in April 2024 and uh he was the one who had this uh rig on mecoin we no longer have that so we're no longer going to be accounting this one as I I don't have access to that one anymore okay so overboard TCH we miss you buddy rest in peace my friend now the next rig is going to be oh no that's it okay so that's all 10 rigs here that we have been doing this long-term test here okay so now let's talk about total mind okay total mind is now $3600 worth pretty much okay if I were to equate uh all the bags that we've been mining thus far as of November 27th if I were to sell everything right now this would be worth $3,635 199 am I selling all of this right now no obviously not it's just a metric here that we're putting in but how much electricity have we paid thus far well after 416 days I'll be out of pocket 3,194 $488 okay after 8 cent kilowatt hour or $768 a day for all of these rigs now the initial investment of all of these rigs to buy these rigs would be about $14,000 or I think about what 14 uh $1,00 per rig okay we're equating about $200 or $180 per 6600 XTS which you know we're going to get to in a second the resale value here but in the whole right now as of now November uh oh there should be November 27th it would be I would be in the whole about $1 13,558 189 okay but I'm obviously not selling now all right so just to equate that there but what if I were to sell everything now including the rigs okay then in theory then I would be up $1 4,441 but it doesn't make sense to sell all the stuff now when my initial investment was 14,000 no no right then I think my profit loss would be I should have that as another thing here would be couple hundred bucks maybe $4 $111 which it just wouldn't make sense it wouldn't make sense to you know sell this now right sell all this now it just it just wouldn't make any sense after electric and the initial investment and all that stuff so okay now here's where I'm really want I'm hoping that this is why we're doing this long-term test is because some of these coins went to previous alltime high DX right DX is one here if DX went to its previous all-time high with the bag I have now that would be only worth $567 flux if you know previous alltime high this would be worth $1,942 uh Ergo and elf and zil all this together actually oh no actually have it separately uh so if Ergo went to its previous all-time high this bag of 182 Ergo would be worth 3400 bucks okay and then the AL here if alltime high would be 650 zil 579 now NE neoa here this uh if neoa went up to alltime high which would be the biggest winner it'd be about 8,037 bucks that would be insanity if that happened Nexa all right this Nexa bag if went to alltime high would be worth 64 million then the narai rig uh narai if this went up to alltime high we' be worth 1,200 clor if Chlor went up to previous alltime high would be 2460 uh Bitcoin now here's a funny one if Bitcoin went to alltime high which was I think almost 100,000 Bitcoin that would be worth 1,070 bucks then ravencoin if ravencoin went to previous alltime High which I think was like 28 or 27 cents or something this 15,000 uh bag of ravencoin that we have would be worth 4279 so really funny to think about okay if if DX does make a new all-time high it would obviously be worth more but you know looking at all these coins here right obviously Bitcoin as of now is winning but what if you know some of these coins went to previous alltime high or more then it would obviously beat out Bitcoin but hopefully Bitcoin goes up more and we we're going to have you know that massive altcoin season but it's just really really interesting to look at so obviously are all these coins going to go up to new all-time highs I don't know we we don't know maybe not but it's just funny to look at right the the total mind would be worth about $ 26,000 $227,000 and uh as of now of course but when is that time going to happen we're still spending more on electric as we go along here okay and then uh in the whole though or it would I would be in the positive if those coins went the all-time high but then including the rig value of another you know $114,000 if I were to sell all the gpus right now then if I were to sell all the bags and previous alltime high this could be worth $37,000 but is it going to be better than if I bought the coin no as of right now okay as of right now buying the coin would have been much better obviously but you know timing is everything as well so all these coins we bought $1,400 worth okay in theory and we did a portfolio holding on coin gecko so look at the profit and loss here the profit loss you know alium is the biggest winner thus far Bitcoin is the next one as of now CLA would be the next one flux Ergo Raven coin you guys can see here but we got some losers okay if we bought 1, 1400 bucks of mecoin back in October you know 400 days ago it's in a loss now Nexa is also in a loss neoa is extremely in a loss 71% and DX is really really in a loss here so I hope that you know coming up in the altcoin season that we have some further price appreciation on some of these uh coins here and but including some of these other ones here it's just really interesting to see you know some of the winners here in these coins but another thing to think about is over a year ago okay we bought that bag this whole bag back on October 8th right and uh here I can just show you guys the transactions here um this is when October 8th all right this is when we bought 1, 1400 bucks of each of the coins all right not not kidding you guys here just just in theory okay I didn't actually buy $1,400 of each coin here which I should have actually because if we did and we actually sold it at the peak when uh March 11th 2024 the at the peak the bag of all these coins from 14 $1,400 each bag was worth the whole the whole balance was worth was worth almost $80,000 which is insanity 80 grand okay should have sold it all should have sold it all but hindsight 2020 of course but then also then now look at the balance uh started going down and down and down 32,000 here but now we're creeping back up here okay so it's just funny to see when some of these coins did go to newer to to higher highs like Chlor and leum and uh some of these other ones I think uh neoa neoa was definitely worth a lot more uh previously okay actually if we go to neoa here uh go to Max yeah neoa at one point was you know back in December a little bit higher back in March a little bit higher right so yeah it's just funny to see uh what has transpired but we're still documenting the journey here I'm still Mining and hodling everything so but uh you know buying the coin it you know timing is everything really you know and depending on what time you sell but uh I'm still doing the long-term test we're still going to be accumulating the coins here up until hopefully we have this you know massive altcoin season as Bitcoin uh goes up here and where where Bitcoin is right now 96 452 it's uh it's still extremely high but uh when's that altcoin season going to have come all the all the coins that we've been mining here well we will see okay guys that's it that's just an update on this this is a fun test that we're doing an actual test of Mining and hodling uh with the 6600 XT rig so let me know what you guys think and uh I will see you all in the next video have a good one peace out peace out
Is this GPU Mining Long Term TEST going to make it?